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Show ffI IMIIMIIMII' ,i rfVnmt T"f fM Box Elder Aerie . and Ladies Auxiliary No. 2919 FOE are again joining hands with Eagle and Auxiliary members throughout the United States, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and Philippine Islands in their annual campaign to raise funds in support of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fund, local officers said .joday The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fund was originally started by a well known New York newspaper columnist, Wal ter Winehell, as a memorial to friend and fellow his long-timDamon newspaper columnist, Runyon. Runyon suffered from cancer of the throat. In the closing months of his life, he was Unable to talk, so he wrote his thoughts for friends. One message to Winehell said: You can keep the things of bronze and stone; give me one man to remember me just once a year A Unique Personality Runyons personality and talents were unique. His philoso-plwas summed up when he said: I tried to learn about people because in that way I could His find out about myself. short stories were innumerable. Sections of them have been woven into the Broadway hit musical, "Guys and Dolls. Runyon died of cancer December 10, 1946. Winehell, who was in Florida at the time, went before 'his ABC microphone five days later, keeping in mind wha? Runyon whom he idol had said about one man .tor John H Teeter, there have remembering him lie asked hK b en six major advances in the listeners to send "a buck or two field of cancer research and a and take a share in building a Runyon Fund grant has helped Damon Runyon memoiial to to develop each one of them. fight cancer His eaily plan was At least two of the grants have modest and called for a small been made to individuals studysubsity in perhaps just one hos ing cancer research protects in but it mushroomed. pital, educational institutions in Utah. From the very beginning, WinBox Elder Aerie and Ladies ched laid down one edict which members will sponsor has been unchanged during the Auxiliary a Damon Runyon Benefit dance eight years of the fund's exis- in an effort to raise funds for tence No! one penny is spent be for administrative costs; every this project. The dance will Utah Guard held the National in is for research used penny in Administration is necessary, Armory, East Forest street NoSaturday but the cost is frequently high Brigham City, 1954 Tickets for the Not long after the Runyon Fund vember 26, was started, Winched created dance may beof obtained or from Lathe FOE the Walter Winched Founda any member nice Several dies Auxiliary adtion out of whose funds ad ministration and salary costs awards have ofbeen donated to this campaign are met. He is chief contribu- the interest and will be given away as door tor The Runyon Fund has distrib prizes The public Is invited to atuted over $6,921,865 00 for can cer research in 46 states, the Dis tend this dance and participate trict of Columbia, and 14 for in efforts to help others and at eign countries. There has been the same time enjoy a wondera total of more than 600 indivi- ful social evening of dancing to the music of the Harmonizers, dual grants. According to Executive Dlrec said FOE officials. ized .Q e o Starts TODAY , Through Saturday it ks; st A Elder Nelson will serve in the East Central States mission. The chapel was filled with friends and relatives wishing Elder Nelson well on his mission. Wm. Volunteer Firemen Had Big Job Iloneyville fire that kept them busy for over eight hours. They worked in a steady drizzle. ... in the $50,000 RTq TODAY THROUGH SATURDAY Released thru UNITED ARTISTS Co-H- it v When The Most Dangerous Guns in The West WERE AIMED AT ONE BADGE Plus Selected Shorts - Cartoon - News W COLOR Of MCflKA Released thru United Artists ' v. W. Smith, counselor, conducted the meeting with Bishop Lewis S. Wight presiding Singing was under the direction of Morgan Hawks with Mrs. Vernal Lund at the organ. Glade Hirschi and "Newell Poulsen were in charge of sacramental services. Ada Lynne Nelson offefed the invocation. Scripture wasi given by Bruce Wright. Speakers were Lee Andersen, Bishop Wight and President Vernal Willie. Musical numbers were furnished by Dave Lee Wright, accompanied by Cheryl Lund and Ted Olsen. Remarks were made by Mrs. Belva Nelson, mother of Garth. A church works book was presented by the 310th quorum of Seventies-wit- h Harry Jackson Melmaking the presentation. vin Bott also made the presentation from ward members. Elder Nelson responded Closing prayer was offered by Kay Jean Nelson. During the evening, Mis Ruth R. Reeder, North Box Elder stake YWMIA was in president, charge of releasing Mrs. Blanche Burt as YWMIA president; Beth Burrup as manual counselor, and Mrs, Blanche Frodsham, Carolyn Sackett and Nina Freeze as teachers. The audience sustained the release. New officers include Mrs. Carda J Conner, Mrs. LaVenna Packer and teachers, Mary Rigby, Beth Whitaker and Elsie Hawks. Richard Korth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Korth. was presented to be ordained to the office of teacher. Beta Sigma 1955 Plymouths On Display Here . Impressive farewell services wcie conducted Sunday evening, November 14, in the Seventh ward chapel in honor of Elder Garth Ray Nelson. hottest story blasts the screen! " V-- Hy-Fir- So. Stake Opens Impressive Rites Tomorrow Night Held for Elder Garth R. Nelson Basketball 1 1.4 ... more than 2,400 members of New Yorks glamour world of the theater, arts and press turned out for a preview of new models in the Chrysler lines. Here, Phyllis Kirk, TV and screen star, and President L. D. Colbert of Chrysler Corporation, inspect the front of one of the striking new designs. Wet, Tiring Work -- Lower, Wider and Longer is Plymouths completely new 1955 cars, which are more than 10 inches longer than 8 e engine, they are the previous models. With either a PowerFlow Six or most powerful cars Plymouth has ever built. They are available with a full range of automatic and power-assidevices, including electric window lifts and power front seat adjustment. Pictured here is the Belvedere sport coupe. - .. ( P New Bigger Plymouth The Forward Look FOE Remembers Runyon Canter Fund Dance Nov. 26 6 .Box Elder NEWS Phis Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 17, 1954 Prizes Are Shown Tickets are now on sale and Beta Sigma Phiis annual dental Plymouths completely made-ove- r project is undermodel for 1955 will go on way, it was learned today. display in dealers showrooms Highlight of the project is the Wednesday. The 1955 Plymouths are entirely new, both in styling giving of two valuable prizes to two oungsters bnd engineering detail. This year an 18 inch bride doll and electric They are lower, longer and elector set are the prizes. The wider than previous Plymouth winners will be chosen Nuvem cars. Company officials say they ber 27, Saturday, at Blocks forfund-raisin- Symptoms of Distress Arising from DUE TO EXCESS ACID STOMACH ULCERS QUICK RELIEF OR HO COST AtfAbout Over five million package! ol tbs WniAMJ Trratmsmt have been eold tor reuel of tymptome of dwtreaa arising from SRonsaM dand Duodenal Ulcer due to Excess AciPoor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stonsaels, Gaeslness, Heartburn, Slooploesnoeo, atc due to beets Aeld. Aak for Wlllord'S Massage" which fully explains thia remark are the most powerful car ever mer able borne treatment free at street. on Main building built by Plymouth. The two prizes are on display GLENS MODERN DRUG Church basketball in the this week at the Best Market in The 1955 engines are a HAMILTON DRUG Box toElder stake opens South Power Flow six, a Corinne and will be returned to MACKS PHARMACY morrow evening, Thursday, with V-and Brigham City next week. a full slate of both senior and a 167 . horsepower junior games. The latter engine also is availAccording to Don Sheffield, able with a four-barrcarbustake athletic director, games retor and a special manifold will be played at 7, 8, and 9 p. which increases its horsepower m. with Perry vs. Willard, Sixth to 177. ANNUAL vs. Fifth, and First vs. Second, A full range of automatic and in that order in the senior divipower assist devices are offered sion. on this years model as optional In the' junior division it will They include fully be First vs. Second in the first equipment. automatic transmisgame; Perry vs. Willard, and sion, a new design coaxial fullSixth vs. Fifth, in the next two. time power power steering, i A full schedule of first round front brakes, power operated for the South stake will seat games adjustments, power operaappear in Fridays j?ox Elder ted window regulators and ad! the Journal. justable speed electric windshield wipers. i There are 12 models in the 1955 line, including for the first versions of the time four-doo- r the Plymouth Suburban, body station wagon type Monthly dinner meeting of car. the Junior Chamber of ComIn styling, they are entirely merce will be held at Maddox new. They have i new wrapRanch House, Thursday, Oct. 18, around windshield, with swept at 8 p. m. back corner posts. New models According to Jaycee President have push button door handles. Jay Swenson, guest speaker will be Irv Bingham, state Alaskan Study of Jaycees, Ogden. FAIRBANKS, Alaska (UP) 11 November party of the Jun- The University of Alaskas sciencenior Chamber will be held the tific research information ' EVERYONE WELCOME! following day, Friday, Novem- ter has published a at War ber 19, the Memorial book describing studies being You Need Not Be Present To Win ! Home. Dick Fryer and Howard made in the territory on subof the jects ranging from Bering Sea Larsen are affair. salmon stocks to air pollution. Hy-Fir- e 8 V-8- Hy-Fir- CORINNE YBA BAZAAR & CARNIVAL h Saturday, November 20 at Corinne Buddhist Church Dinner and Party Planned by J.C.s : o BIG PRIZES! 0 FOOD! 0 GAMES! all-ste- Big Drawing at H P.M. 100-pag- e INI THE BIGGEST CAR OF THE LOW-PRIC- 3 E to 8 Futility NEW HAVEN, Conn. (UP) Police found that a door smashed by hard working thieves had been unlocked all the time. a little luxury is good for every man ALL-NE- W pji Ini ...so enjoy .115)1 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 6 years old COME IN TODAY! SEE IT! DRIVE Powerful new CHOICE OF TOP POWEFPLANTS , IW KlMOKi DtSTIlllNE COMPANY , . . I engine with Power Pak Hy-Fir- e V-- 8 167 hp... engine 157 hp .. . engine 117 hp . . . PowerFlow 6 engine AND PRICED TO PLEASE IS 177 hp L Hy-Fir- e V-- 8 Hy-Fir- e V-- 8 carburetor at low extra eoet. AH powerptanta available with PowerFlita, transmtstion. Overdrive or Synchro-Sile- New Flite-Contr- New Full-Vie- e and PowerFlow 6 engines Styling Metal-in-Motio- n transmission, with Drive Selector on instrument panel really lets you see Windshield, swept-back- , Wide-pedaPower Brakes l Power Steering PowerFlite Full-tim- V-- 8 Hy-Fir- e IT!.... big swing is to Plymouth . . . finest h -- Tubeless tires standard Plymouth1 OptiMil equipment at low antra cost Dont min ths Thanksgiving Day football classic: n Detroit Bay Packers. See your Radio-TLions-Gree- UMKKBIIK.N. tyjF headquarters tor value listings. PACKER MOTOR CO. 75 South Main Street Dont miss the Thanksgiving Day football classic; Detroit t:jI ' - - Lions-Gree- i Brigham City n Bay Packers. See your Radio-T- , V listings. - |