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Show Eagles 'Auxiliary Will Celebrate Golden Wedding at, Open House Lists Coming Events Calendar for'-th- ts week Is slated for Eagles Auxiliary members,-- be held will Regular meeting this evening, November 17, beginning at 8 p. m. An urgent request has been issued by lit eharge for all members t6 attend. Members are invited to bring articles planned for ttie cedar chest. Mrs. Helen Lee expressed hope that the chest may be displayed very soon in downtown Brighanf City, jjork Is going nicely on contributions, 8:30 p. Thursday evening m. in the Eagles hall, Eaglo will be played. A social drawing for an electric plock t will take place. Turkeys- - wit) 4 also be given away. Dancing will be tenjoyed. by Eagles and AuH$ry members on Saturday, Nov;-,-20-. Turkeys will also be gfyfen '$ the Saturday night dance N Couple Plan To Observe Golden Wedding Had Five Children They are the parents of five children: Mary Smith Pehr- son (deceased); Mrs. Harold (Pearl'' Smith) Arbon, Brigham City; Jay Smith (deceased); Mrs Olof E. (Ida Smith) Zundel, and Dee Glen Smith, both of The couple now belong to Brigham City. the Knife and Folk club and They have nine grandchildren just recently returned from an and two SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON No Gilts Sego xTty' tlaugliters of Utah Pioneer! )tyjll hold November 6 at meeting school. Thursday, Ninter-mountai- ovember, at 7:36 p. m. , Mrs. TSlda Nelson, will be hos- tess. All who ne4 ''transportation are asked," to bntac). Captain Vera Sederholm by.thls evening, Wednesday,, November 77, and arrangements will be made The couple requests no gifts but invites all friends and relatives to call during the day. They were married November 23, 1904 by Bishop J. B. McMas-te- r of the First LDS ward at the home of the bride's parents. They later received their endowments in the Logan LDS temple. Lorenzo J. Smith was born in Swan Lake, the son of Jacob and Sophia Smith. His father died Ren was but three when months old. He later came to Brigham City and lived with his grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Smith. He received his education in Brigham City and while a small boy went to work for Joseph H Hansen Furniture store. He later was introduced to the grocery business by P. J Larsen He worked and Dan Reeder Seretha I. Smith Lorenzo J. Smith for them for many years . . . extend cordial invitation to all frierids and relatives to join with them on their fifIn 1928 the Smiths purchased tieth wedding anniversary. Open house will be held Sunday, November 21, between the a small home and with a little hours of 3 and 6 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olof E. Zundel, 244 South Fifth East. $500 Went into business on Fifth South and Main on the The couple requests no gifts. Wixom corner. All the years Mrs Mormon Village Heard Smith during Dr. Fenwick Talmage Fowler To Speak On assisted her husband with the grocery business. " America , the Impractical" Civic Club By Sunflower Camp In 1930 they purchased the was corner of Fifth South and Main The Mormon Village Dr Fenwick Talmage Fowler be one of the most Interesting P. Christensen and is to be guest speaker at Civic of the season, ' Mrs. Klitgaard the lesson presented at regular from John a of their own. It was store built afof added. Sun the monthly meeting Improvement club Thursday The meeting will be conduct- flower camp Daughters of Utah at this time meat was includternoon, November 18, at 4 p. m ed by Mrs. Norwood Hyer, pres- Pioneers Thursday evening, No ed with the groceries sold. in, the War Memorial home. ident, with Mrs. Milton D. Pe- vember 11, at the home of Mrs. Family Helpednow He has chosen as subect for ters as deceased, enYoung Jay, Katie Sessions. serving chairman. tered the store business with the afternoon, America, the Hostesses were: Mrs. Martha his father. Dee Glenn began Impractical Mrs. Olivia Andersen his grocery store Jensen, training prior VFW Dinner Party Is Mrs El Mrs. LaWana Jensen and Mrs, to his U. S. Program chairman, Army service. Upon " Martha Walker. mer Klitgaard explained today Declared Big Success his return from the service he The meeting was presided was taken into the business that Dr Fowler is a regularly Fork and scheduled Knife The VFW and Auxiliary dinner over by Mrs. Pearl Compton, with his parents. The store has speaker and an outstanding party held Saturday, November captain, with Mrs. Martha Jen- been a family affair. All family con members have worked. 13, at the War Memorial home sen, second speaker Members are invited to bring was a big success, chairmen In ducting. The store has now been reInvocation by Mrs. LaWana modeled into the large market guests charge report. in 1953 Dr Fowler returned Jensen following opening song, it is today. Turkey dinner was served to "Sunshine in Your Soul. fiom a tour of Europe with the Although Mr. Smith has alHe 110 guests under the direction of Seminar. Sherwood Eddy Program continued with a ways been interested in LDS Mrs. Mrs. Eva Mary Yearsley, by Church activities and civic work, piano selection, Romance, plans to conduct his own tour to and Mrs. Reese Lewis Donna Jean Prisbrey. Miss Pris the store has taken most of his Europe and the Holy Land next Scothern, Preece. Mrs. Carol summer brey also played Troumerei. time. He is, and has been lor Charles W. Claybaugh was of He received his bachelor Members were invited to at many years, a member of the anand of master ceremonies of arts degree at the University tend County camp convention Chamber of Commerce. California; his bachelor of di nounced a most outstanding Saturday, November 20. He also recalls with interest The lesson for the evening was his 1933 service as a member of vinity degree at Colgate Roches program. A lovely planter, a door prize, ter Divinity school, and his docpresented by Captain Compton the federal jury in Og was won by Mrs. Leland Nelson with a sketch of the life of Eliza den. ie andgrand torate from the Berkeley S. Norman Lee - with Mrs. Jesse Scothern winning Matilda Reeder Nelson by Mrs, went each morning to Ogden Iva Barker following, The program should prove to the quilt. for jury duty. Good cheer visits totaled to 39, Born In Brigham City ' Kind Words Are Sweet Tones Mrs Smith was born Seretha was closing song with benedic Iverson, daughter of James and tion by Mrs. Rae N. Christensen, Mary Jensen Iversen of this Refreshments were served. city. She received her education in Brigham City and relates Deseret Camp of DUP that she was the first clerk to be hired by N. L, Hansen in his Meeting Planned Fri. variety stole. Their happy married life all Meeting of the Deseret camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers. will began following an invitation be held at the home of Mrs. Er by Mr. Smith to escort Miss Iver ma Peters, 121 North First East, sen to a dancing party. Mrs Smith is a member of Friday, November 19, at 7:30 m. the Civic Improvement club, Co Thanksgiving Dinnerware Let YOUR table express the Beauty of the Holiday with a lovely set of Dinnerware Specially Reduced for Thanksgiving selling. Be Proud of Your Table on this Special Day! New! Exciting! Special Purchase Pattern 53 PIECE SET ' Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 17, terie, club, serves as a board member on the Box Elder County company Daughters of Utah Pioneers; is a charter member of the Beehive DUP camp and held many Jobs prior to serving for four years as camp president. She has served as teacher 1954 GET THE SIS97 at 20 piece $4.97 starter set only .. . See this lovely dinner TWO BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS " In Lit Insurance on ONE Low Cost Policy 6 , tok BENEFITS It yroted LESS? Why 1 lot you. Why pey More? Sacked m sbot ytt boa la cat year Ua buwanu ctsh. t James Dean Forsgren I FLORAL DINNER SETS Finest Quality. Service for 8. SPECIALLY REDUCED FOR THANKSGIVING vice-captai- by tbt largest rhiImI benefit lift iasaranct esseoetwn m the nohaa i extended trip through tho Eastern United States. son-in-la- Seg&LiyCamp Slates MeetiOt Intermountain ,3 Learning to live together, work together and play togeth-ha- s been accomplished by Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo J. Smith, who plan to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 21, with open house, between the hours of 3 and 6 p. m. at the home of their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Olof E. Zundel, 244 South Fifth East. in the Sixth ward Relief society and taught I'limary for 10 years. In the First ward she held many positions in the Primary. When the ward was divided she was in the presidency of the Sixth ward for 10 years. Due to ill health she was unable to serve on the Primary stake board when asked Phone 686-- J Brigham City, Utah 15W TWO NEW AND VERY LOVELY PATTERNS DINNERWARE Service for 8. Finest Quality. $2G58 Youll love its beauty, too. Complete Selection of Hallmark Thanksgiving Cards SPECIAL REDUCTION I on CRYSTAL for REMINDER Holiday Table Beauty "GIFTS OF LASTING CHARM" PUT UP FUEL SAVERS Keep your home warm and cozy with Storm Sash arid Storm Doors from Merrell's Incorporated. We can custom make any size you want ! Youll find sash and doors will save you up to 10 on your fuel bills . , . take those closed for the winter signs off chilly rooms. our well-ma- de average Re-ro- 5-- 6 . room home for as low as $3.50 a week ypj:. Rate a kiss remodel the kitchen with our custom , mmm Planning a Thanksgiving trip to visit fjmily or friends.- To enjoy your trip to the fullest, travel the restful, carefree way go on a modern Union Pacific Streamliner or other fine tram. Your fun btgins the moment you step aboard! You rest as you ride, in spacious Pullman accommodations, or in reclining, made cabinets and Hbtpoint Appliances. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS deep-cushion- HARDWARE PAINT I M PLEM ENTS COAL- - PLAN IMG Mill of LUMBER Walk A Block And Save! Coach scats You enjoy the beauty this wonderful country of ours at eye through large "picture windows. When you feci like it, roam around Stretch your legs meet new people enjoy current magazines, w rijting desks, music, or refreshments in the Lounge cars. level an Mia monoy-tavin- g family Iravot plan ... for rotorvationt ... or far holp i planning your trip, your nrarrtl Union Pacific Railroad tickat agont Ask him la arrange for a Ham car of your dosfcnahoa. For dotoiH . At mealtime, visit the diner, where a wide selection of delicious meals awaits you frtshly prepared right in the dining-ca- r kitchen, and graciously served. For your special pleasure, the November dining car feature on Union Pacific trains is savory Roast Turkey, with all the trimmings. Delicious! Yes, and now with no extra fares, and Union Pacific's better than-ever family travel plan, you can take the whole family along at real sav ings! Take plenty of baggage too because you may check 300 pounds of baggage free, in addition to all the lug- -- gage you need eoroute. UNION PACIFIC RA0E.&OA les a eer ed in fhe I |