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Show -- Tv. B.C. Auto Dealers $2,875 Emergency Aid Received Here State Candidates For Treatment of Polio Sufferers 8, Box Elder NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday. November 17. Bobby Forsgren Seen On Linkletter Show (is will be (andidalos foi of lues iri the lull Auto Dim hi s Association saluiday whin 230 slate new car detleis attend the A i liec k for S2 S75 f)0 from M tre h of Dimes headquai ters m New Yoik w is received he le tod i by the Box F Idor County Cl to'i r of the National Fuun 27th dilion Two Bilghom C auto deal d I r old Bobby Forsgren son of Mr. and Mrs John C Forsgren of Los Angeles, and grandson of Mr and Mrs R P Forsgren of this city, was one, of the little guests on Art Link letter's house party Monday, November 15, at 12 30 p m During the Interview the dim six-yea- emu ntion annua! L D Sail Lake City Ft ink oppin ot ( opfun Moloi company, ehatunan ol de elei-- , saiel (lien ill Rilgham ( it y knuelsen ol ( entral (herolet ui'l bo eompelmg foi stale M'e m taiv and Leon Packet of Pec c m pie cheeked youngster answered questions asked by Linkletter He stated that his Daddy was a milkman for Art Linkletter and Marilyn Monroe Motor will i le foi si in N0TES. i re aiea i f- c c i I lower horse- - Seventh Ward To Speak to UADA Society Plans Bazaar Relief society of the Sev enth I.IVs ward is completing d it s ten the annual baaar to lie held Finley evening November l) m I he .v arc! hall Mrs Afton Olsen president, minimi ed that supper will be scived at fi p m with bazaai Mi ms to go on sale at 7 30 p m for supper Menu includes ihukcn noodle soup, foot long hot dogs barbecues chili, cake p if ice ere cm and punch Prices, will be leasonable with special invitations to entire families to ittend Directing the activities with Mis Korina Olsen areK Mrs KnMh Mrs Lila Wright and Mrs Ftha John nn Jensen work direc Mrs tor has done a fine job on pre I iring baaar items, Mrs Olsen added Mrs Sanoma Wilson is food chanman with Mrs Jean Jones, Mrs Norma Leggett Mrs Clara Jensen and Mis LaVenna Packer assisting Mis Vella Sackett wtll be in ehaige of the homemade candy c Its the Italia !eho1 1.99 shirt three-wa- y c i i oxpl lined gad-aboi- i I nation siicl U he idcpicilers ic some is have been icplemshed sullic ii'iilh to piovide shoit lo hud passed jloim Msistaiice iiminumtic s Much of Dirm s aid ic pcessure on oor chip Mi jter for the lime being Bowen said lie wenl on to ox eh ipter is cm pi mi that th jiently providing M ire h of Dm os funds, in whole oi m mil foi the care of 13 pitients slrick en this ye ir iddilion to in Ins ' . Hie Mr. and Mrs. Musulas Entertain Guests Sun. Mr anc' Mrs John Musulas of Brigham City entertained g' 'ss Sun from Ogden and Magna v u a turkev dinnei Mi and Mis They vveie C.eoigc Mihalojioulas and Mie Mthalopoulas of Magna and Mr t net Mrs Gus Betogiannis of ' Mi- Horace E. Henderson outstanding- Jaycee . c igeien tf 1th ,4,-- a t. , v f 'r. 'J- j p Examining Emeigenty Polio Check received thm week from the National Foundation for Infantile Paudysis are P.oyd hhel field, county treasurer and Ross Bowen, county polio chairman. The check will cover expenses of treating 13 patient stricken this year and eight who got the disease in previous years. . . . A fish pond will prove inter esting for the children attend ing three-quarte- p f lesill of isl suituih r chive some commun ities aie now ible to fin me ' their own p client tid piogi mis As oild peney booth shirt that tops everything Mode O Days with fashion finesse... expensively derailed with versatile r sleeves in length The collar, push-ufabric is fine combed cotton broadcloth, sanforized for happy washdays The collar will stand up in back, convert to a shirt look when closed, or open to a flattering plunge Wonderful colors; t lo how sag rr i .? I c lieves r To Pay Important Bills -- i 1 Me the dec ise I c 'I got I on special siu tkei !m hi Hen ntion Will lie Horace li rson v.oihi s outsi mdmg J e for lt51 He neloi-- . m si til w is lioiiorecl Member of N! h the .Ninth Wot hi ungiess ot v ei's in Mexico (tty this fill la orgemmg young men m 17 ountiics as positive feme fo eedum and dcmoc rac ( onvention icccuit will be on ppoitunitv for youth, and the u lining of pmiot executive's lor tccoiel lomorrow leadership mg to F.llas J htiong executive nee piesident of UAD t & who j I I M dm is ol Bunch ehuiinun foi I M)A s pa v unis ye us doing fine" Clinton Bint is following an emergency appens de'itomy pc i teamed Monday noon, in November 15 at Cooley Memoiial hospital c c I eh -- ( tor In) entile Paialysis 'li Ross C Bowen churmm ol lie h ifitei s ml the lie k vi ill help l.t V he osls ol ill. olv piov idod foi polio p i tients it Hie home or in our In cal liospit iN ()ur community he olded is iloeplv gr itc'ful to (VMVone who'-- c conli ihution to Hie mei gem v Mire'll of Dime csi August now makes n pus sible f a us to p ly our tnosi sxmg bills I a sev e i month' e lv to i n or p utial adv inc os vvoie ii h ioPm s i ic cpiesi in Mirth of Dimes enidgency ud e i ih a i He i s h s w is Ins uise f m p iv in; xh m U ds wen Hie heivv costs ol p Hienl ire vh'l' imdeit iking Hie new os's ol mill it mg polio pri Mi Jlowc u lontinii piogi tm i lor l.es Bunch a w t ro m HOSPITAL 1954 Baaar sale will include baby quilts pillow cases, aprons, stuf fed animals and dish towels along with many other useful ilcms Mis Rebecca Korth and Mrs are in Christensen Caroline charge of the quilting activities for the Relief society All ward members and any 'one else interested are invited to enoy supper on Friday, foi lowed hv the bazaar 32-3- 8 Brigham City, Utah r - mi t lie r n' Cook Your THANKSGIVING DINNER ON NEW THE PH I ICO WIDEST OVEN Electric Range, with the biggest WHEN in a full-siElectric Range! BRIGHT NEW ze Al E Rl SHNPSS greets Hunks done it attain. You see it in the bold distinction n that gleaming Grille. You see it in the rakish of WITH TIIKSE EXlLTSIV I your eyes and tells you: lEAT I fore-and-a- ft fleet-line- HOLDS of 1955. M0R! 2 st juici- New horsepower BETTER BAKING! est steaks, without smoke . . . coils are shielded. GREATER New 1954 "Dream Oven" Electric Range Has the widest oven ever bcult into ECONOMY! PH I ICO 444 a Jiffy full-siz- Small Down Super-Spee- electric range. Griddle, Automatic Oven Timer-ClocSurfac e Units with Keninvahle Pans. one of modern living s greatest bargains Call by Number Whenever Tav Coe Jr's foster! And its new, more responsive, far abler power you can literally feel as you go. But even bigger Buick news for e d Payment Cheaper after 6pm and all day Sundayt, long distance is You learn more when you get the power story. Up to new peaks go the horsepowers of every Buick 8 engine a walloping 188 hp in SPECIAL a mighty the low-pric- e '236 hp in the CENTURY, SupgR and Roadmastfr. PAY ONLY $5 A WEEK truly Jiffy Griddle adds cooking area ot two large surface units. BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM fitlth propeller now has done Dynaflow Drive efficiency. for another pitch for fuel gas-savi- And what you get in the way of instantaneous safety-surgwith e goes performance and ges mileage too Up When you find it necessary to push the pedal to the floor board, you do more than call on the greatest high compression V8 power in Buick history. You do what a 'pilot does when he heads his plane down a runway. You do in oil what he does in air time by using you cut down take-of- f "variable pitch propellers. In this case, the propeller blades are inside the Dynaflow unit. But theyre engineered to swivel or change their pitch just like plane propellers and with the same absolute smoothness, you can only believe when you feel it. This you have to try Of course, we want you to come and see the new Buicks look into the betterments in gasoline mileage that add new thrift to these spectacular cars. But this year, seeing is only the beginning. So while you join the crowds viewing the new Buicks this week end, make a date to get behind the wheel as soon as you possibly can. We promise you the thrill of the year. trend-settin- g tandaid on Headmaster, optional at extra cod on other Series, NOW ON DISPLAY vour choice of 4 smart decorator colors in the control panel. Color-Styli- TI ARE result: one pitch for getaway, -- up to 236 AUTOMOBILES 1955 is something more than style and power. Its it hat the "variable Wide-Scree- contours. sweep of the rear-en- d You see it in the whole d newness of grace that marks Buick the beauty thrill RES . . . BETTER Phone CLYDE B. STRATFORD wwrqi mm . ji'i g in Manager 272 BUNDY MOTOR CO. 550 South Main Street , , |