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Show f IM 9f f IM IP P Study Group Delves Into Mormon Philosophy The Book of Mormon study group, under the direction of Boyd K. Packer, met for fireside meeting Sunday evening following regular church services in the Seventh ward chapel. The capacity crowd heard the beginning lessons of the Book of Mormon at which time Mr. Packer delved Into the pholosophy of the Book of Mormon; The meeting was conducted by Lowell Packer with opening prayer by Ellis Lee. Following lesson time the benediction was offered by Mrs. Laird Stringharn. Locust DUP Camp Meets Thursday Locust camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet on Thursday evening at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Jeppsen. A. J. 0 Grand Champion in Ogden Show Duberry Declared First in Class By Official Judge Duherry, quarter horse mare owned by A. J. Hall, trotted off with top honors, at the Ogden Qiiarterhorse Show Sunday, November 14, at the Ogden coliseum. The Grand Championship berry, won first in her 2 year old class and a young suckling mare colt, owned by Hall's, won third in her class. Duherry and (herriberry together won In the produce of dam competition. A trophy was also presented in this class. Charley, a quarlerhorse gelding, owned by Warren Hyde, won lirst in gelding competition. e III) rih-bo- and trophy, along with Jens P. Larsen Has trophy won for first in tier 4 year 87th Birthday Party old class, will he added to the growing number of trophies in Jens P. Larsen was guest of the Hall's collection. of his on the occasion honor won Duherry also top honors anniversary at last year. Official judge for this 87th birthday 463 South Fifth West. years competition was Bob his home Mniirii tf Thursday evening, November 11. Wtmmirtjr Dinner was served to 19 famHorses from the entire Western members from one long taily in area were eligible States the ble centered with a beautifully show. to Du- - decorated birthday cake. The (herriberry. cake was inscribed, Happy Birthday, Dad. Attending were five of his six children and their families. Mrs. Thomas Baron of Oregon was unable to attend. She had visited with her father this sum- T- clothes! ( Izook What Duberry Won exclaimed as they posed with their father, A. J. Hall, and the Grand Champion of the Ogden Quarterhorse show. Duberry, 4 year old raised and trained by Hall, walked off with first in class honors and grand champion of the entire show. This is the second Grand Champion for Duberry. quar-terhor- se Tha DRYER you for fho officiont, guast-pro- of Members of Oak Camp drying you want! Invited to Meeting Members of Daughters of Utah Pioneers of the Oak camp will meet Friday, November 19, at 7:30 p. m. tin malt dowa paymtnt FADC-FR- EI boats tho sun DRYING I Colon I ThermaFlow n JUST-RIGH- T Clothes actually dry fluffier in super-smoot- The meeting will be held at the homo of Mrs. Virgil Pierce, 62S South First West. All members, are urged to load in 2 boots tha sun In DRYING I Whirlpools In DRYING Action dries a minutes. boats tha sun In FLUFFY-SOF- T G Breeze-blow- h drum. FIRST SECURITY ing the family picture were: W. Randall and John Fredric Nelson and Ned Lyle Young. Following the dinner a birthday gift was presented to the honored guest. DRYINGI Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 17, New Delicate Fabric Control plus complete range of temperature tf RJUfc &t6Mfcto-aa.in- Brownies to be invested will Susie Alston, Theola Ker, Kassie Felt, Diana Bock, Carla Call, Joyce Hansen, Patricia Lynette Lowry, Renee Nelson, Frost, Barbara Andersen, Kathy McCallister, Sharyl Pedley, Dorothy Welch, Karen Petersen and Lorraine Dickman. t Other Brownies to participate in the Brownie story will be: Barbara Buland, Rose Rita Claudia Washburn, Julie Sereika and Lois Dickman. Brownie leader is Mrs. Edwin Mrs. Robert Washburn with Ahrensback as assistant leader. not 30 not 40 not 50 ITS KM)Z BOURSCH! The phone number of the News and Journal Society editor la 771. ... the 5 Distilled from Kentucky Lima tone water and choice grains . . . matured in charred, seasoned oak barrels. Thats why it tastes better. be: ... the Hall boys, C. A. and Scott, complet- stay bright . , . while Lamp beams freshness in! - - Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Einar J. Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Larsen, Miss Rosa Larsen and Mrs. Amy L. Hansen. Grandchildren included: Mr. P. Nelson, and Mrs. Winston Gordon Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Young, Dick Hansen and Cleo Ann Larsen. at drying In The Brownie Story will be presented with parents of the girls Invited to attend. Invitations will be sent Friday, No. vember 19. (j ;j mer. boat tha run Nelsory. half-siste- teals l!is sun P1 A Lot Of Consulting Card Of Thanks the cannot Words American express NEW YORK (UP) GIRL gratitude and appreciation we business management in 1953 feci toward those who, by their spent nearly $426,000,OWE tot the SCOUTS! kindness and generous assisservices of 1,753 business con burtance. helped lighten our UNDER den of sorrow at the time of the sultant firms located In cities death of our beloved wife and of 100,000 or more,' according to THE mother, Jennie D. Graser. May a nation-widsurvey by the AsTREFOIL Gods blessing rest with those sociation of Consulting Manwho came to our assistance in agement national Engineers, any way. professional management . con The Brigham City Brownies sultant organization. Earl Graser and Family. are making ready to note their investiture ceremony with a tea and play, December 10 at 4 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don your toast means most wit- h146 South Fourth East. Brigham Mare Gains Top Honors Halls Qiiarterhorse Mare Wins f11M BITUCn STUIHI I0UII0I RRJSUI MAH LIUA HUtUSC IS, Bank for Everybody! Some Dollars Keep Working for You 1954 weekly newspaper, established in and 1896, published every Wednesday entered as Second Qaas Matter at the post office in Brigham City, Utah, under tha act of March 8, 1379. A selections. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation, Utah State Press Association, National Editorial Association and United Prase. Advertising Representative: Utah State Press Association, SeH Lake City, Utah. Chaa. W. CUyhaugh, Publisher Gladys Eckersley. Advertising Manager Subscription rats J.OO per year, payable in advance: in combination with the Box Elder Journal, (published Fridays) $5.00 per year; $2.50 for 6 months: single copy 10 cents. CLYDE B. STRATFORD, Manager Spent dollars work for someone else. Keep some working for you . Saved dollars can build or buy a new and better home Ifi THIS THE LOW COST WAY TO TRAVEL ?" G f i fwr -- or i carry your children or deliver a new car Hg or take you on a wonderful vacation through college or support you in comfort when youre old. So put some of your dollars in a First Security Bank MeWuj MitfiA AayA: : FAMILY PLAN cut with husband) Children imdsr 3) years old Childma wsder 12 ynars aid Childma andnr S ynars aid Pay, only Hi regular Pays tha Pays tha Pays ana-wa- ROUND tRIR far y enn-fca- lf ana-wa- ana-hal- ana-wa- far y y will bring more dollars travel costi ONI WAY HwtbaaJ or wtf ( traveling os head af family) Wtfa (whan traveling payday. They really low cost! GREYHOUND is Here' how tho Savings Account every f Ian sst-lssr- run Pay, only Hi regular reuvtd trip Ion Pays only tha ana-wa- y far tha raund trip Faya anty tha ana-wa- y far tha raund trip Pays far far to you through compound interest. Start today. f tha sea-fofar tha round trip ra oan-baj- RU fw Overond Greyheund Unas. Fa Chicago, lot Angelas and fa rtfand. Ash yaar agent far information to other points. On aN points an Howard Hotel HUM! SKMQOOW (BOCK Phone 175 GREYHOUND 4 ffenk of Idaho, Notional Association First First Security Bank of Utah, National Association First Security Bonk of Rock Springs, Wyoming Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation rify t . : ; |