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Show i f r ? f a- Universal Microfilming Corp. 227 Sixth Ave P.0. Box 17 Salt Lake City, Utah Will Direct Box Elder High School PTA VOLUMN 57, NUMBER 46 BRIGHAM Santa Claus Will Arrive Here Saturday Nov. 27 1 CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jan. 55 INlWi Assuming The Helm Monday Evening were (left to right back row) E. W. Payne and A. Elwyn Seely, second Mrs. Mrs. Glenn Andersen, president; Mrs. Sjteve Anderson, first to row left Mrs. treasurer. and Davis, right) (Front Lloyd secretary Shirley Jensen, Mrs. Ray Cannon, regional director of Logan, conducted the installation. Mrs. S. L. chairMoskowitz, South Box Elder Council president, has been serving as temporary man during the organization of the PTA at the high school. ts, Santa Claus will make his iniin Brigham City, Saturday, November 27, at 2 p at the Hbighth of a childrens parade on Main street. According to Ross Bowen, ChaVnber of Commerce secretary, the yuletide season officially opens here that afternoon with the parade and switching on of street decoration lights. Stores will have their shelves stocked with Christmas merchandise and loaded toy departments will swing open their Father, Friend - To Speak to DUP Camps Brigham City Soaks Up 7.75 Inch Rain Carter, president of the National Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, and two of her officers from Salt Lake City, are to be special guests at the Box Elder County annual convention for Daughters of Utah Pioneers. B. of Brigham City area was soaking up a lion's share of ram last night with 1.15 inches recorded Monday night and all day Tuesday. 1.96 Over the week-enThe convention will be held inches of moisture fell, bringing the week's total to 3.11. Saturday, November 20, beginAround the state, Logan had ning at 1:30 p. m. at the First ward chapel, it was announced .73 inch rain. Salt Lake City today by Mrs. Jennie L. Jones, .26, and Provo .04. Box Elder County company , And more is on the way with recurrent periods of precipitapresident. A musical program will be tion predicted during the next five days. presented under the direction of Mrs. county music directors, Mary Andersen, Bear River, and Mrs. Charlotta Johnson, Brig- ham Judge RulonW. d Clark Speaks To Lincoln PTA Willard Group City. The entire affair is under the direction of County camp officers. Each camp captain, 15 in all, will report briefly on camp activities during the afternoon session. All Daughters of Utah Pioneers and anyone else interestThe Willard ward Relief soed in pioneer work are cordially ciety will sponsor a bazaar Friinvited to come and hear Mrs day evening, Nov. 19, in the Carter's message. ward chapel, officers said today. Hundreds of items will be sold, including attic treasures, frills and household items, baked goods, candy, aprons and more. A complete turkey dinner will in be served from 5:30 to 8 p. m. for 75 cents. Also for sale will The 1954 Census of Agriculture be chili, barbecued beef and is about 50 percent complete in other delicious foods. This will be followed by a Box Elder County, according to Quayle Cannon Jr., field super- program. A large doll with a visor. complete wardrobe will be given Cannon said he was pleased away as a door prize to some census one making a purchase during with cooperation the enumerators are receiving from the evening. Committee members in charge farmers in this area and has hopes of completing the canvass said many items suitable for Christmas gifts will be availby December 17. able. He pointed out that enumeration of farms is one of the larger costs of the census in that FHA and FFA Schedule cooperation of farmers in completing questionnaires promptly Annual Harvest Ball will be a vital factor in keeping Harvest Ball for Box Elder down the final cost of the under- High school students will be held November 24 in the Box taking Quick completion of the cen- Elder high school gymnasium, sus will not only keep costs down FHA and FFA committee membut will aid in prompt publica- bers announced today. tion of the results, Cannon said. Theme of the formal autumn He urged local farmers who have dancing party will be By The not already done so to complete Light of the Silvery Moon. the census questionnaire and During the evening the Harvest have it ready when the enum- King and Queen will be anerator calls. nounced. Officers of the Future of America and Future Homemakers of America, along B.E. with committee members, are busy planning the annual affair. Sets Bazaar Friday Evening Ag Census Half Done County Far-moi- Many In U TragedyTues. s Parent-Adolesce- Guest speaker for the vening was introduced by Mrs. Paul Merrell, chairman of the program committee. One of the highlights of the program was the presentation of Darla and the Kitten, a lovely oil painting by Dolly Rockwood, to the Lincoln school A home belonging to Eugene C. Wixom, 225 South First East, suffered heavy interior smoke damage last Thursday night in a long, smoldering fire. Damage was believed to amount to several thousand dollars. After leaving the home about 6 p. m., Wixom returned at 11:30 o'clock to find the house smoke-fillean uphol stered chair completely burn ed and a hole burned through the floor where the chair had been. Fire Chief Jack Taylor said that probably a cigarette dropped in the chair caused the smoky blaze. s People Home Study zine. Causes Smoke Damage to Home by Mrs. Rockwood. Two County Men Enlist In Corps of Engineers Two Box Elder county men, Wendell N. Veibell and LeRoy A. Kidman of Collinston, recently enlisted in the U. S. army Corps of Engineers, according to Sgt. Jeffrey Gardner, recruiting Corinne man-waaccidentally killed at the Bear River Bird Refuge Tuesday at 12:15 p. m. while hunting with his father and a friend., Dead is Willard Martin Jensen, 22, who was hit in the head by a shotgun blast when he and his hunting companions raised in a boat to fire at ducks passing over. He was killed Instantly. Eleven students from Box Elder county are currently enrolled in the extensive University Farmers who meet all qualiof Utah Home Study division. fications in the drought desigSix others recently completed nated area of Box Elder county courses. may now file for aid. include students Enrolled That was the report of A. E. Billie Ruth Holder. Ladine Bird, Buchanan of the Box Elder United States DepartKathlyn Coleman, Warren M. County Petersen, Margaret Lillian Reev- - ment of Agriculture Drought es and William Kay Daines, all .committee this week. He added of Brigham City. that the 1954 Emergency Feed Sunder Sing. Corinne; . Mrs. Grain program of the USDA is Inez H. Deem. Garland, and in operation - and applications Roselind Fuhriman, Carol Dee may be filed at the county ofGreen and Carolyn Ann Hansen, fices of the Farmers Home' AdTremonton. the Agricultural ministration, The University reports the fol-- Stabilization and Conservation lowing recently completed cour- - committee and the county agri-ses- : Baird. Kathlyn cultural agent. J. Edgar for assistance Applications Coffman., Mrs. Dixie Crowell, are to be Ronndy Dean Harris. Faye J. R. under the program Moody and Lena L. Schott, who passed on by the county com-ha- s completed five courses dur- - imittee of the Farmers Home the past two years through ministration to determine eligi home study. bility and quantity of surplus ' 1 Ad-in- sJatAi g feed grain a farmer may purchase. Farmers and ranchers who normally run livestock either dairy or beef cattle or sheep in the designated disaster area and need assistance to maintain their basic foundation herd are eligible to participate, Freeman J. Byington, FHA county supervisor, said. The designated disaster area in the county includes the area west of Great Sait Lake and of a line running from the north end of Great Salt Lake to Hard-uand then west bordering the Minidoka National Forest and through to the Nevada line. A. E. Buchanan, member of the ASC county committee, advised that purchase orders will be issued by the ASC county committee, advised that pur p , at the time of the accident were his father, Wil,' lard Jensen, Sr., and Henry " both of Corinne. The men were hunting in Unit Three when the accident Fred-ricksen- occured. , " Investigating ... officials said he apparently raised In front of a gun when it discharged. He '; fell face down In the boat Willard Martin Jensen, Jr., was born August 16, 1932, at Corinne, a son of Willard Martin and of Remains Little Honeyville Building Jennie Dewey Jensen. , He was reared in Corinne and . . , destroyed Monday night in a gigantic blaze that totally destroyed a $50,000 building and equipment. Brigham City volunteer firemen battled the fire from 11:55 p. m. to attended Box Elder High school. He was a member of the LDS 8 a. m. Tuesday morning. chtlrch. He married Joyce Klmber, Oct. 28, 1952, at Las Vegas, Nev., and Company Head entered the U. S. army November 3, 1952. He was honorably discharged November 3, 1954. During his service in the army All-Nig- ht he served one year in Korea.. Survivors include his wife, his parents and 'grandparents, Mrs. Maggie:Ipsen, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Spectacular Blaze Dinner , Bazaar John A. Dewey, Ogden.' Totally Destroys Also two sisters: Mrs! ' Lois Planned By Lewis Company Mill Baird, Ogden; and Jeanette JenThird Ward Sat. sen of Corinne. Loss in a fire that destroyed Funeral services Will be an. The Third ward building fund three-storgrain processing nounced by the Harold B. Felt committee will hold their last plant in Honeyville Monday Funeral home. i dinner of the year Saturday night was estimated today at evening, November 20 In the $50,000 and L. H. Sheratt, .mill Eighth ward hall. manager, said the building was Accident Victim i , Prepared by Relief society la- not covered by fire insurance. dies, program sponsors, it will The spectacular blaze, about feature a Thanksgiving dinner seven miles north of Brigham with turkey and all the trimCity, engulfed the frame buildmings. ing before volunteer firemen arIn conjunction, a bazaar will rived. Perc Petersen - $50,000 Fire Consumes Buildingj Fire In Honeyville r.; . y . handles Dodge, Plymouth . Signs As Dodge Agency for Area Petersen Equipment and Auto Exchange. Perry, has recently become official distributor for in this Dodge and Plymouth area, according to Robert H. Hinckley, Inc.. Ogden, Dodge and Plymouth distributors. Established about a year ago, the company is operated by Perc resident of Petersen, long-timBrigham City. The company is located on the east side of Highway 91 about three miles south of Brigham City. A complete repair service is being set up by the company. Petersen has been active in civic affairs in Brigham City. He is a former president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and was recently chosen outstanding young man in .the city. Stake Slates Fun Night Dancing Party So. ward amusement hall. orchestra has been engaged for the evening it was learned from Mrs. Lily by Wells, president and Jay Hailing, on superintendent of the Mantua chase orders will be issued the ASC county committee the basis of applications approved by the Farmers Home Administration and may be used by farmers in purchasing designated surplus feed grains. are barley, Designated grains corn, oats and grain sorghums. Distribution will be through established feed and grain dealers at a reduced price of $1 per The farmers hundredweight. purchase order issued by the ASC is to cover the $1 per hundredweight. Additional information may be obtained at the state or county offices of the Farmers Home Administration or the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation committee and the county office of the Agricultural Agent of the extension service. s With him officer. South Box Elder Stake MIA Both men left for basic trainfun night dancing party will be California at Fort Ord, that ing held Saturday. November 20. besame day. ginning at 8:30 p. m in the Man- Drought Stricken County Farmers Offered Assistance t A Mrs. Glenn Andersen Named Prexy Of Box Elder High School New PTA Kate B. Carter Mrs. Kale Witness Hunting doors. A pet and toy parade for chil dren to and including 12 years old, sponsored by a special committee of the Kindergarten club, will highlight activities for Christmas - minded youngsters. Cash prizes will be awarded top winners and each child in the parade will receive Christmas candy. The Christmas light circuit will be closed in ceremonies at season p. m. and Christmas will be formally opened. Parents Hear Ellis Bowen said that in case of adS. McAllister at verse weather the parade will until the followFirst Meeting Monday be postponed ing week though it will not af Organization meeting for Box feet the rest of the Christmas Elder High school PTA was held opening. Monday, November 15, in the high school auditorium with officers being elected and installed. Mrs. S. L. Moskowitz, South Box Elder PTA Council presias dent, served temporary chairman and announced the program Reverence was led by Glen Knudsen, followed by the sa lute of the flag with the Explorer Post 610, Perry ward in Judge Rulon W. Clark of the charge. Second Juvenile District of Utah, Mrs. Phyllis Morgan read the spoke to more than 200 memObjects of PTA and the address bers of the Lincoln school PTA of welcome was given by Prin Monday evening, November 15, cipal E. W. Payne. at the Central school auditorFollowing community singing ium. directed by Harper, Billings and Judge Clark spoke on "JuveMrs. Jociel nile accompanied by Delinquencies in the State Poulsen, Mrs. LaPreal Collings of Utah as It Affects Parents of the nominating committee and Teachers. reported. The meeting was conducted Election of officers took place by Frank W. Forsgren, presiwith Mrs. Glenn Andersen to dent. serve as president r Mrs. Steve Earl Madsen led in reverence Anderson, first vice president with Stewart Burt directing the E. W. Payne and A. Elwyn See. pledge to the flag. ly, second vice presidents: Mrs. Students of the fifth and sixth Lloyd Davis, secretary and Mrs, grades entertained with songs Shirley Jensen, treasurer. of the Harvest time theme, unInstallation of officers was der the direction of Mrs. Kay conducted by Mrs. Ray Cannon, Freeman. The donned bongirls PTA director, of Logan nets and the boys Pilgrim colregional Mrs. Rosella Reeder reported lars. on the committee. J. Victor Bott gave Guest speaker for the evening a Principal on building progbrief was Ellis S. McAllister, princi ress andreport also summarized the Ben Lomond High school contributions of the PTA to the pal who spoke on Specific Causes Lincoln school during the past of Tensions. 15 years. He expressed his sinhis fine he talk During brought cere appreciation for the work out many interesting points by the school PTA. assist parents in understanding accomplished Mrs. Glen Knudsen invited their adolescent youngsters. members attending to subscribe to the PTA magazine following her introduction to the maga Smoldering Fire ' Corinne Hunter Accidentally Killed While Shooting Duetts at Bear River Refuge tial appearance . . . ; EIGHT PAGES NOVEMBER 17, 1954 tua A LDS five-piec- e MIA. Refreshments will be sold dur- be held, featuring hand-mad- e aprons, pillowslips, quilts and more. To be sold at reasonable prices, they were made for Christmas gift buying. The bazaar will start at 6 p. m. Saturday evening and dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. Price at Box Elder High Initiate New Members Future Homemakers of America at Box Elder High school held annual initiation party for new members Monday. November 15. following school in the high school auditorium. The affair was conducted by Mary Jo Harris with Miss Harris, president, and Loretta Ward, parliamentarian, pinning rosebuds on the new members. Teachers attending were: Mrs. Leonard Peirce and Mrs. Vernal Harris. dog food. sale Cause of the fire, first reporttickets, on throughout th ward, is $2 50 per ed at 11:55 p. m Monday night Members of all wards by Lewis Boothe, was not deterperson. were invited. mined in an investigation by Sheriff Warren W. Hyde. It was also spotted by Willard Petersen, company employee, In. and Manager L. H. Sheratt, who both live nearby. They were unable to call the fire department because a telephone was Two-C- ar Collision off its receiver some place on the line. A Brigham City lady suffered Firemen battled the blaze unsevere shock that necessitated til 8 a. m. Tuesday morning, care last when hospital Friday most of the time under a steady the car in which she was a pas- soaking drizzle. senger was involved in a colliOf six elevators used for storsion at the intersection of Fourth ing wheat near the destroyed South and First West. building, only two had grain in Mrs. Lucile L. Howes was ta them and it was not determined ken to the Cooley Memorial hos- if it was damaged. pital at about 6 p. m. after the car in which she was riding, driven by William B. Howes, 51, John Linford Is Staff 312 West Second South, Brigham Member of USAC Paper City, collided with a car driven by Alice Elaine Davis, 18. Co John Linford of Brigham City rinne. She was soon released is the advertising manager on and is in good condition. the staff of Student Life, weekly According to police reports at Utah State Agri Davis the car failed to stop at newspaper cultural college the intersection and crashed inThe student publication has on to the right rear fender of the several occasions received all Howes automobile, spinning it American ratings from national around twice. rating agencies. Alice Elaine Davis was cited Mr. Linford is a freshman in for failure to yield right of way. Journalism at the USAC and is Patrolman Dee Fife the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. of Suffers Shock Linford. ing the evening. FHA More than 1,000 bags of flour and cracked wheat, stored in an also were del adjoining lean-to- , stroyed. The building was owned by the Lewis Food company of Los Angeles which uses the flour of produced in manufacture Capacity Crowd Expected for Second Industrial Tour at Bingham Canyon A capacity bus load of Chamber of Commerce members is assured for the second industrial goodwill tour November 18. Ross Bowe, C. of C. secretary, said today. be can A few reservations morning and arrive at the Lark Mine. Bingham Canyon at 7:30 Willard Martin Jensen Jr. , , died instantly . , Savings Bonds Sales Higher But Still Low October purchases of U. S. savings bonds series E and H, by Utah residents as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank, were 49 higher than in September, it was announced by Mr. T. IFrank Cop-pibond chairman for Box Elder county. While sales are continuing their upward trend over last year, making 1954 the highest sales year since wartime 1945, we are still behind our schedule in our quota of 4 million more in 54, he continued. Combined sales during October, including Utahs allocation of purchases by armed forces and civilian federal personnel, were $1,847,853. Sales in Box Elder county were $25,442, accord, ing to the chairman. Breeders Association Plans Thurs. Meeting Annual meeting of the Box Elder Unit of the Cache Valley Members will spend three Breeders association will be under- held Thursday, November 18, at hours inspecting the ground operation of the U. S. Re- 8 p. m., it was learned today. ' It will be in the visual ' aids fining and Mining Company made at the Chamber offices, mine. The group returns to Mid- room at Bear River High school vale for dinner and a tour of the gymnasium. Bowen added Tour meitibers depart from the Midvale Smelter. Following a program, refreshments will be served. Cost will be $5 per person. Howard Hotel at 6 a.m. tomorrow a. m. -- v t |