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Show I PONTIAC a COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY GOODWILL USED Wanted Unfurnished base- WANTED. PULP RIGHTS ment apartment 3 rooms and Highest prices paid for pulp bath. All utilities furnished. rights. Draw money any time. $40 s month. 477 north Fourth Dee Selman, Tremeston. Ph. FOB RENT EEEJUJCEID) i&Gi&HBJ! SEE THESE 9 For Rent or Lease CARS east NEW LOW PRICES! RENT FOR Heated. 1995 1245 Good apartment unfurnished. Call 90S. 3 room furnished FOR RENT in apartment INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 3 room basement $25 a month. Share lights, water. west SAVE UP TO Legal Notices lp NoProbats and tices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, ec respective signers for information. Ouar--cmh- room. living FOR RENT thru 0-2- 1 Disappearing bed Automatic NOTICE TO heat TV antenna if desired. 11 east Fourth south. E.tat.1m ol HAROLD apartment All Used Cars Now Winterized & Guaranteed ' 3024. Phone 631 309-J- south First . 028-30-p- d CREDITORS RICH VAN DYKE. known At Herald R. Van Dyke, Deceased. Creditor will preeent cleime with 106 vouchers to the underpinned et North 4th East St., Brighem City, Utah, on or before the 7th day of Feb ruary, A. D, 1944. ELIZABETH K. VAN DYKE. Administratrix of Eetete of Harold Rich Van Dyke, De ceeed. Date ot firet publication Oct. 7tH A. 2 bedroom apartment. 144 south First west. D. 1955. Omer J. Call, Call 572-- J after 4:30. 26 FOR RENT Bank Bldg. for Administratrix. Firwt Security Box Elder NEWS 15 Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, October 28, Service Offered CACHE 1953 For Sale FOR SALE Attorney Dry, fine barnyard VALLEY BREEDING As- sociation provides the beet Holstein. Jersey, and Gurnsey sires for artificial insemination service. Phone Carroll Hall, 92 north Fourth west. Ph. 1163. fertilizer. Ideal for lawns and ' flowers. Also rich mountain LADIES' HOSE mending done in & hid soil. Phone 1189. 028-cmy home. 304 west Third . north. Phone FOR SALE Holland Stoker. Ex2920 cellent condition, $100. FIRST CLASS job guaranteed Childs Ave Ogden, phone painting or papering. Call 7304 or call Brigham City . h 580-M- 327-W- 177-- FOR SALE Mahogany upright piano. Excellent condition. 351 south First west. tractor FOR SALE Small good condition. Bushnell vice, 696 'South Main. in Ser- 1949 Studebaker pickup truck. Mileage 25.800. Mrs. Clarence Smith. 11 East Fourth south. FOR SALE FOR SALE Boy's Hawthorne biMcKay, cycle. $25. William Phone 695 south Fifth east. 598-M- . Ford club coupe. 1948. Overdrive. R & H. All new tires. Good condition. Call 31 J or 660. FOR SALE 5-- O28-30-p- d M ILK Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT DAIRY Phone 504 Help Wanted MALE HELP WANTED Reliable man or woman to call on farmers in Box Elder County. Part or full time. No layoffs. $10 to $25 in a day. No ex- Incidental dome tic and stock watering purposes, G. Kimber, 24976 Merrill Crouse for irrigation use Creek. Ut.; 6 eec.-ft- . from two well bet. 50 and 150 ft. deep at point and in amounts ee folk) we: (I) S. 16 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from ME Cor. See 33 3 eec.-f- t : (2) 2640 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from NE 'Tor Sec. 333 eec.ft both In TION. The water wilt be oonveyird by earthen ditohee a distance of 5,280 ft. where It will be commingled In use and used from April I to Nov. to irrigate 160 acres of tend embraced d in WVjEl'i ald Sec. 33, and for Incidental domestic and atock purposes. watering 2 5 04 Hughte L. Thompson, Crouse Creek. Ut.; 4 sec.-f- t. for irrigation use from two wells bet. 30 and 100 ft deep: atI points and in amounts follow ( ) S. 23 ft. and W 2100 ft. : (2) from NE Cor. Sec eec.-f- t S. 23 ft. and W 1900 ft. from NE Cor. sec.-ftSec. both in TION, ROW The water will be diverted from the well Into open ditohee where It will be commingled at a point 3. 73 ft. end W. 2100 ft. from NE Cor. said Sec. 9, and used from Apri. I to Oct. I te irrigate 200 acres of land embraced in EH eeid Sec. 9, and for y f incidental domestic and purposes. Mrs. 23105 1454 Enman. Veryl West 6th South. Salt Lake City, Ut.; sec.-f- t for irrigation use from well bet 3 5 and 100 ft. deep at point S. 1490 ft. and E. 200 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. II. TUN. RI6W. The water will be used from Apr. 15 to Oct. 1 to irrigate 200 acres of land em Sec. braced In W.Wy,, NE'4NW4 22, TUN, RI6W, and for year-rounIncidental domestic and purposes. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications, with easone therefor, must be In affidavit form, with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer. 403 State Capitol, Sah Lake City, Utah on or before December II, 1053. Joseph M. Tracy, STATE ENGINEER. Published in the Box Elder News, Brigham City, Ut. from Oct. 14 to Nov. 955-W- Used 953. Oct Nov. 4 II LOOKING FOR A NEW ROOSTt cow or two, a pork and a horse in addition to having a small shop if you buy this four room homo with bath. There are two acres of lend with water right. SPECULATIVE value for building lots is very good. Yes, you WE NEED A HOME SURE Wo have other listings on GOOD homes and farms, AND are In a position to make long term, low interest, loans on modern homes and (arms. BETTA ST. JOHN, In the native C. IB. WILLIAMS in garb ahe wear Technicolor forthcoming pie Sure, All Tho Brothera Were aita a wind It out by Valiant, machine while waiting for Robert Taylor and Stewart Granger to appear for the next scene. BEAL ESTATE 140 Wrong Target BUFFALO, Wyo. (UP) Bill Conn. (U1P) After other town officials were voted big he used a tow truck to haul salary increases, Tax Collector his game in. Butlers rifle accidentally dischargEdward Weiss made a eugges tion for balancing the budget ed, smashed the transmission which prompitly was adopted, box and shot out the starter ring His own pay was cut. of his car. iHiAiDTXAM, ARE T ; sedan. Radio. Heater. Hydramatic. Fine condition. 3 1946 Ford CLEAN Fluid Drive. LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY! K' PHONE ONE 60 North Main BOX Street , Heater. Radio. 57500 ' You Get More For Your Money At BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE at Sedan 1947 Dodge HOT and partly Estate 84:Door Sedan 475 Lost and Found 9 For BETTER BUYS! Pontiac Chieftain 1951 236-W- 4 room house Phone 8 m mm cagss 2 door furnished apartment. Newly decorated. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Centrally located. 41 south or First west Phone 748-- J The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change . pd or appropriate water in Box Elder State of Utah, throughout the FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfur- County, entire year, and all location being SLBAdM' unless otherwise desig nished apartment. Heated 1 or from nated: 2 small children perm is sable. Te Changei L. Thotnpeon, Phone 558 or call at 445 south Grouse Creek, Hughle Ut. proposes to change First west. the point of diversion and place of FOR RENT INSURANCE South Main Street high-powere- Modem FOR RENT can keep some chickens, a Must have two bedrooms and bath our Buyer has about $2000 for down payment and can pay about $40.00 per month. The price should not exceed $5000. IF YOU HAVE A PLACE TO SELL you think will qualify oall us now. Butlers recent antelope hunting trip resulted in a "big kill," so Tax Collector Cut use of 2 eec.-f- t. of water, as evidenced by Application No. 24230. The water Has been diverted from a well at a perience or capital required. furnished. Good location. Ph point S. 300 ft. and W. 50 ft. from Give references. Write FUHST NE Cor. Sac. 26. TUN. R18W, and 286. McNESS COMPANY. Dept. B, used from Apr. 15 to Oct. i to irric embraced in gate 100 acres of land P. O. Box 14, Bayshore Sta., EiNE $. S W NE , WfcSE4. Bee. Oakland 23, California. FOR SALE '46 Ford club coupe. 20. TUN, RlttW. it le proposed to divert New seat covers, battery and ( LOST Small brown coih purse 2 Hereafter, sec.-ft- . well of water (from a bet. 30 and 100 ft. deep at a point S, good paint job. Mechanically WANTED 100 $2.02, Saturday. containing men Yl'fi 2300 W. NE 25 young Cor. ft. ft. from and A-- l. . 871-R333 North Phone Please return to Jerry Wi Sec. 9, TION, RI8W, and use from to 35 for railroad telegraphers. Main, i April 15 to Oct. I to irrigate 100 acres tern. Apt. 7, Bushnell Motel, of More than 100 placements the land embraced in said Sec. 9. To Appropriate! Money was birthday gift FOR SALE Banana and Winpast few months. Short train24635 Delbert E. Cook, RD No. 2, Small tuition ter Pearmain apples. 705 North ing period. Brigham City, Ut.; 0.5 eec.fl for irriuse from an open drain at a . 355-Mgation Main. Phone charge. Starting salary $287.50 LOST Man's wrist watch upon point S. 2900 ft. and E. 061 ft. from month. Write Box M. c-- a NW Cor. per Sec. 2, T7N, R2W, From the the sill of door north drain the water FOR SALE' Thor Ironer. which will be diverted this newspaper, give address structure of hot springs at Lit through pipe and ditch a distance fits Maytag washer. $10. Ph. and phone. 75 ft. where it will be used from tie Mountain. Saturday eve of 805-Mar. 15 to Nov. I to irrigate 37 acres E. J. Garland. in of embraced land HELP WANTED Avon products ning. Holmgren. SWpW'4, NWi4 SW'4 Sec 2 and SE,'4NEtf and NEtf 1953 FOR SALE Columbia Phone 132. in high demand. Woman inSt 4 Sec. 3. T7N, R2w. t. Bath. Ph. , housetrailer, Utaon Water Company, Field24707 terested in earning money in -364-R- . ing, Ut.t 0.5 esc, ft. for municipal use 634 north Second west. Sale-- Real this area. Write Eleanor Truto be developed by open drains and " in three develplaced perforated pipe man, Box 1304, Ogden. FOR SALE Brick home, four oped spring areas in Cottonwood Creek at points and in amounts as FOR SALE 18 cubic foot up-- , rooms and bath; new oil fur' drainage follows: SPRING AREA No. I nace. 112 north Second east right Deseret custom built at point of collection located at the exyoull be surprised N. 78 deg. 05 min. W. 1652 ft. from - food freezer. Phone 924-- J News-Journafter cellent phone 939. SE Cor. Sec. 22. TUN, R2W, thence O28-30-c- h 3 p. m. S. 300 ft.. W. 200 ft., N. 300 ft. and ads secure. WE HAVE REAL ESTATE list E. 200 ft. SPRING to teg. .2 eec.-ft- .; NO. 2 Beginning at point of ings, farms, ranches, business AREA S. 02 min. 36 located collection deg. property, homes, from nearly W. 3160 ft, from NE Cor. Sec. 27. 150 ft.. 250 W. S. thence R2W, every state in the Union. If TUN, ft., N, 250 ft. and E. 150 ft. to beg.Be- SPRING AREA NO. 3 you are Interested in property, .2 sec.-ftlocated at point of collection any place, see Miller Real Es finning deg. 30 min. W. 2995 ft. from thence NE Cor. See. 34, TUN. R2W. tate, 63 North Main. O28-30c- h E. 300 ft., S. ISO fo, W 3 Wft. and .1 eec.-f- t. N. 150 ft. to point of beg. The water will be commingled at a point N. 72 deg. 30 mm. W. 2021 ft. WILL SACRIFICE from SE Cor. Sec. 22, T12N, R2W, and conveyed to Fielding and East Garland where it will be used for municipal purFor quick sale by owner. poses. 24743- - Matt 6. Browning, First SeModern 4 bedroom family curity Bank Bldg., Ogden, Ut.; 3 sec.-f- t. for irrigation use from an Unnamed home. New furnace and Stream, tnb. to Blue Springs Creek to Great Salt Lake at a point S. 2950 ft. electric hot water heater inand E. 600 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 25, RbW. The water will be divertcluded, also extra building TION, ed by a dam constructed to a height DAYTIME 935-93of 4.65 ft., which will create an equallot. Excellent location. 58 izing reservoir upon the natural chan6 CALL nel having a capacity of 6,6 ae.-ft- ., North Second West. Phone and will inundate 3 5 acres of land emSUNDAYS 906-874See. 25. and braced In NWSW' W 261. The NE!4SE4 Sec. 26, TION, R6W. NIGHTS water will be used from Apr. I to Sept. 30 to irrigate 400 acres of land embraced in said Sec. 25. 24744 Matt S. Browning, First Se Your . This 2 eec.-f- t. curity 'Bank Bldg., Ogden, Ut.;Unnamed for irrigation use from an Stream, trib. to Blue Springs Creek to Great Salt Lake at a point S. 1000 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 25, TION, R6W. The water will be diverted by means of an earth dam and conveyed by ditch a A handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions distance of 2500 . ft. where it will be used from Apr. I to Sept. 30 to irn gate 200 acres of land embraced u & Boys SW'4 Sec 25, and N2NW4 Sec. 36, TION, R6W. 24766 Mrs. Louft P.. Matthel. 4800 PHILCO Television sets. Radios, BLOCKS, 'The Friendly Store foi Old Post Road, Ogden, Ut; 10 sec.-f- t. well use from a 20-ifor Ranges, Freezers, Refrigera- We vacuum clean all makes and Men irrigation merchandise Quality bet. 100 and 700 ft. deep at a point S. sizes heating equipment. Imtors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. and service tali E. 660 ft. from NW Cor. 660 prices ft. end good mediate service. Phone 420. Phone 53. North Main Furniture Co. Ph. The water will Sec, 4, TUN. RMW. be diverted through 12-ipipe and 250. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal ft. of 20.000 distance a ditches open Works. where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrrgate 2240 acres of land embraced in Sec. 4, JO. . 14, .TUN, SHEFFIELDS IGA U. S. Choice RMW, and Sec. 3. Tl4N, ftllW, and BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. incidental domestic end beef sold, custom cut and for year-roun- d 36 years , service. SIMONSENS purposes. friendly Expert watch, 2 freezer 40 for home George Lester Carson, Grouse your wrapped 2 5 eec.-f- t. for irrigation Goodyear Tixea. Garage. Auto clock and Jewelry repair. Work Ut. Creek, 69 or locker. 120 So. Main Ph well bet. 45 and 150 use from a Repairs. guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph. 868. t deep at a point N. f39 Tt' and E THRIFT-T-MARMe Mr. Meet NE Cor. Sec. 10, TUN, 508 from ft. BUSHNELL Service. 696 South The water will be weed from Thrift. Good food at Its verj RI8W. & Main (Welding and Repairing. Apr. 15 to Oct. I to irrigate 90 acres Sec. 2; best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 of land embraced in S'JbW'i and-NRadiator soldering. N23p S'.S!4 Sec. 3; NW Sec.. 10. year-roun- d Sec. Id, TUN. RI0W, and for g incidental domestic and And Body purposes. Crouse G Kimber, 24976 Bryce AUTO PAINTING, body and fenTYPEWRITERS, Adding Mach Creek, Ut.; 3 sec.-f- t. for irrigation use well bet. 50 and 150 ft. Cash Lumber lnee and Register from a a16-ider work. Burts Body Shop, 2112 ft. and W. 66 S. at deep point . 604 North Main, phone rented, bought, sold and RE ft. from NE Cbr. Sec. 33. TION, RI8W. Hardware PAIRED. The Reminder Office The water will be conveyed by earthen John Deere ditchee a distance of 5,280 ft. where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to Farm Implements in Irrigate 60 acresSec.of landandembraced for year-roun- d 33, SE4 said Knight's Spring Canyon REEVES RELIABLE CLEANERS g pur- incidental Coal GLASS AND PAINTS Speclalze In Quality Cleaning Crouse Bryce C. Kimber, 132 South Main. Phone 31. Benjamin Moore Paints Residential, commercial and an P24977 use Ut.t 3 sec.-f- t. for irrigation tomoblle glass. Complete line Creek, and Varnishes well bet 50 and 150 ft from a W. 66 ft. 16 and S. ft. MODERN GLEANERS. Sanitone of General paints lor inside deep atNEa point Norge Electrical Cor. Sec. 33. TION, RI8W. from and Glass Andersen Free and out eertben fur will be storage. conveyed dry cleaning, Th, water Appliances ', lw 86. Fb. VOt dndwV o 63 go, and furnace and stoker, complete with controls, $100. Thompson Hardware, 41 South Main. 028-tf-- FOR SALE ... ONLY $2000 Down and approximately tho rental value per month will givo you Immediate possession ol this 17 year old brick homo, Yoo It has ilreplace. dining room and 22 foot living room.) Full basement with bath and one nice bedroom. New oil furnace and elec, water heater. Good, close In location and NOW PRICED to selL 02 92 II, Rob-er- t Ky. (UIP) Foster, 40, lost a game of rant. hide and seek with the vice The detectives hid around the squad detectives here after he corner until Foster came out the constitutional back door with a bushel basket stood on his full of whiskey bottles. The derights. Th detectives went to Fosters tectives grabbed a bottle and home to cheek a report that arrested Foster. ILOUIISIVIUJLE, 668-W- h SUPERIOR 0.7.1421.26 Strictly modern fur nished apartment. Automatic NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS heat and hot water. TV an The Board Of Education of the tenna. Adults only. 112 East Box Elder County School Dis Forest. trict is hereby asking for bids FOR RENT Three room ..apart' for the furnishing of all mament Furnished or unfurnish- terials and work to complete ed. Inquire Henry Bird. 28 roadway and parking at the Bear River High School Grounds north Third east Phone 550-R- . according to specifications pre pared by Laval S. Morris, landFOR RENT Three room apart scape architect. ment. upstrairs. Heated and Copies of specifications and furnished. 95 north First west. drawings may be had from the Clerk of the Board of Education, Dis FOR RENT 3 room furnished Box Elder County School Brigham City Utah. apartment at 228 west First trict, Bids shall be filed with the . 028-t- f north. Phone said Clerk on or before 4:00 FOR RENT Four room base oclock P. M-- , Monday, Novem ment apartment, bath, partly ber 2, 1953. The Board reserves the right furnished. 505 south Sixth . 028-30- to reject any or all bids. west, phone BOARD OF EDUCATION OF FOR RENT Furnished base' THE BOX ELDER COUNTY ment apartment 3 rooms and SCHOOL DISTRICT, . 568-J75 bath. Adults. Phone EBERHART ZUNDEL, Clerk, 028-tf-cnorth Third east. FOR RENT be lifted from Apr. to irrigate 60 ecree of li in LVsNEl paid Sc. 3). and for It will whiskey was Being bootlegged1, Foster who' met thenr at -- thtf door, reminded the Officers that he -- knew his rights and that they had to have a search war;1 Constitutional Rights Don't Always Help Tropical Peach CADILLAC CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO. Brigham City. ELDER GREATEST HARVEST i . . results WRECKER SERVICE Is Brigham City BUSINESS BIBECTCDKY Furnace Cleaning Appliances Wear Markets Auto Repairs Jewelers Lumber Auto Paint Hardware Merrells, Inc Cleaners pick up Mens Office Supplies Paint and Glass delivery. Ph, i666l n8iee6i Faints, ti HERE IS THE DEAL! To each and every purchaser of one of oiir late model used cars during this four-da- y sale 1 ...wewillpresent (without any strings attached) 4 DAYS ONLY 1951 Willys Station Wagon. R&H, Overdrive Spotlight $1088.00 '51 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. R&II, Dynaflow $1877.00 1952 Chev. 1946 Chev. IN HARD CASH $499.00 or Sedan. R&H, Powerglide. $1588.00 1947 Buick Super Sedanette. R&H. $644.00 You may take this $49 in good American currency and put it in your pocket apply it as part payment or take it home to your wife or kiddies. n Deal 1949 Ford Club $744.00 Terms To Suit Your Budget! , 1947 Nash or - Best Deal In Town Sedan. R&H, Overdrive 1950 Chev. R&II Powerglide. New Paint Sensational Savings! 1952 Pontiac 6 Sedan. R&H. $1799.00 1951 Chev. Bel Air R&H, Powerglide. Tutone. $1499.00 $577.00 '49 Buick Roadmaster 1947 Buick Convert. R&H, Dynaflow Whitewall Tires R&II.. Super. ... $599.00 $1099.00 1947 Buick Convert. 1953 Willys Heater, Whitewail Tires. R&H. Roadmaster $599.00 550 South Main Street Phone 272 or 1011 r i New Car $1799.00 Mais, jf it66eiee6eeeeii or $1088.00 See Us for the Best Trade-I- Radio and Heater or Sedan. Radio and Heater, .A i ,4 |