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Show 8 Prizes Galore Lincoln Carnival ill ibe door prizes and f There raffle prizes galore along with games, good food, fortune tellers, silhouettes, sugar plum tree and tasty sweets at the Lincoln school Halloween Carnival slated for Friday evening, October 30. Supper will begin being served at 6 p. m Mrs. Russell Fish bum and Mfs Paul Morrell, general chairmen of the event, announced today that hot beef barbecues, hot beef chill, hot dogs, pie, cake, soda pop, ice W, - ItMlM iMlWwi irwadi m cream, candy and pap corn balls will be Included on the menu, As stressed before, the party is primarily a fun night for the children, making money Is sec-ondary object of the affair. All food, games, and sale Items will be reasonably priced In accor-dance with the fun plan for the youngsters. Games and concessions will begin at 7 p. m. Two free door prizes will be awarded. Raffle prizes Include: 2 bride dolls, 1 horseman doll and a pearl necklace and bracelet set for girls; ttwo watches, a football and a gun and holster set for boys and a blanket for adults. P.M. for (Date) (Time) PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN PROMPTLY a 1 Address (Home) Address (Business) j (Home) affiliation Group 19 Date (Business) Telephone Signature Bloodmobile Will Be In Brigham City November 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 MAIL mun uum TO Jack Horton, Blood Drive Chairman 125 West First North. Brigham City - Costumes are encouraged but not a "must," Mrs. Fishburn said today. Final plans have been completed and all is ready for the annual Lincoln Halloween .... was missing for fiscal 1952. That statement was Incorrect. It should have read: $7,611.52 was missing for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951. Error on Trial Is Corrected An error in the story on the trial of C. Jean Shonka In last Fridays Issue of the Box Elder Journal could possibly tend to reflect on an innocent teacher ed a combination security badge and pay roll number exactly and Is hereby corrected. It was stated that an investiduplicating his U. S. navy serial number. gation revealed that 7,611.52 - M 1953 Got His Number OAK RIDGE, Tenn. OJP) When Charles Clift was hired at an atomic plant here he receiv- -Sherry DONOR PLEDGE AND RESERVATION I desire to donate my blood and help save a life and wish to make a reservation at the Brigham City Blood Center 1 w CALIFORNIA- Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 28, Planned for Jrrt r ' Muscatel Box It might have been a reflection because a high school teacher, who has an Impeccable reputation, had assumed duties as treasurer of the high school in January 1952, but was not connected in any way with school funds In 1950 or 1951. SUGM BEET BAYS BARGAINS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY 30-3- 1 Every Sale Sweetened With Sugar! Sugar coupons will be given with every sale on regular merchandise as well as these Sugar Beet Days Specials. WHITE IBRESS SMUTS for ea. or ONE GROUP LAY SPORT AWAY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! SEMIS ST. ONE GROUP SPORT SHIRTS g You Get Sugar With Every Purchase You Make In Our Store! Select your Christmas Gifts now A small deposit will hold your selection. SUGAR ALLOTMENTS WITH PURCHASES J. The numerous sheep, grazing this area, were using It as a bed ground and had eaten the surrounding vegetation until it has become a veritable dust bawl. The drainage area that flows into this basin, 1 would estimate, comprises about 4 or 5 sections of land. From this stop we drove southward about three miles to observe the fenced area of the Willard Basin. The contrast of the copious vegetation on this enclosure was indeed gratifying and impressive. Remember Big Floods Most of us remember the devastating Hoods of 1923 and 36 that plagued this area. They will not happen again to the good people of Willard because of the absorbing carpet of vegetation and terraces that will hold the quickly flowing thunder showers and cloudbursts that used to threaten the people of Willard. The citizens of Perry, too, deserve this same protection. We all remember the inconvenience of road travel and the great expense that th State of Utah was forced to pay to remove the debris from the public roads In the vicinity of Willard. Many might have forgotten the death of two people from that dreadful flood. The land in this settled area will never be as productive and tillable again as it was previous to this sad occasion that we should remember as an object lesson for future reference. The appalling loss of homes and barns can, only be remembered most forceably by those who sustained this collossal loss and Inconvenience. Prompt Action Necessary This could be averted by prompt action in the case of the Perry 'Basin if we would apply this knowledge and experience before It Is too late. Every time we hear of a new public enterprise or endeavor we cringe with expectation of additional burdensome taxes. I admit that they are too great and too many often are not necessary and even foolish. Yet, meeting to BUY NOW and LAY AWAY FOR XMAS! PLUS lc FOR SUGAR - Specials! 7 and 17 Jewel Watches shock, f water, dust & grime $16.95 to $19.95 SPECIAL CLEARANCE! , GENTS and LADIES Regular Standard Make WATCHES Such As Automatic Wadsworth Products of Elgin stainless AN" AMAZING VALUE FOR ONLY Regular $49.75 Others at $16.95 (Fed. Tax Excluded) NOW $3750 STUNNING COSTUME JEWELRY Priced From ft THIS COUPON IS W ORTH $1.00 on any WATCH BAND or IDENTIFICATION BRACELET in our store. THIS COUPON , i Expires Nov. 30, ' AND. $2.00 will entitle you to one regular $5.95 , STEEL STAINLESS t WATCH 1953 BAND THIS COUPON IS WORTH $1.00 when purchasing any a - J - NECKLACE (3 Miles South On West Side Electric Ranges - Household Goods - Furniture Caves - Steers - Pigs -- And Hundreds of Other Items. at $5.95 up of Highway) SATURDAY J Farm Implements m Girls Beautiful SOUTH SOX ELIBER STAKE WELFARE FARM New Chevrolet - Fords - TeevisionSets limited against Watch Young Republican's club of Box Elder county will be held Thursday evening. October 29, at 8 p. in.. according to K. B. Olsen. State Young - Republicans club chairman, Lloyd E. Cooney, Salt Lake City, will be here, with other state officers, to assist in the reorganization. Everyone is invited to attend. according to Kay Olsen. - - If you are convinced of the ur gent need for some endeavor to be spent in this respect, I urge you- - to tell the county commissioners or the county agent just what you think about this serious need. They need your guidance and opinions as they are fully aware that the taxable citizens of this county will have to bear a good share of the expenses of such an enterprise. They have endeavored through the years to keep this burden low and we should be very appreciative of their splendid endeavors, but I am sure we would be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish if we didn't do something about the flood conditions before it becomes Too Little and too Late. " Notet The following article there is a definite menace hang- could be made for It by turning was submitted by Ed Holming over the people of Perry that it back to a sanctuary for public gren. prominent Box Elder deserves the attention of all cit- use (water shed protection). county fanner, who ie keenly izens of this state. I believe the I told Commissioner George interested in conserving the people of Perry, the State Road be watershed area above Perry Commission and the County Davis something ought to at once, and he and in the Willard Basin area. Commissioners should engage done about this In a cooperative endeavor to pur- said, That is why you pre on Am By Ed Holmgren chase the land in this vicinity of this trip, Ed. I exclaimed, You I my brothers On September 28, 1953 the keeper? achievethe and duplicate peril darn right you are, and this is county commissioners in coop- ments of the Willard people. eration with the county agent your chance to do something I am not sure that this land a, bout it. and forest division of the Wasatch Range, promoted a cara- can be purchased readily or ac1 hope this little contribution van trip to the Willard basin. quired by peaceful means but on my part will urge others to It was a delightful occasion there are certain premitive do the same and bring into apIn this season of the year with Hghts, that are regulated by plication the great force of pubnathe autumn beauty of the governments, to the land sold to lic sentiment that is so necesbetive trees apd shrubs extending private individuals. Where it sary to back up the urgent need their colorful schemes over the comes necessary for the "com- that our commissioners are now distant hills. The steep grade mon good of all the citizens, a aware should be applied. Phone your society news to 771. and winding road from Man- right of emenent domain can be tua southward to Willard Peak, applied to return property that at an elevation of 9,500 feet Is is cqndemned in due course of EVANS WOODBURY ASKS! a thrilling experience for any- law. Do you know what a Family Income" one with the courage to attempt Could Determine Right Price is? Its a wonderful policy for the it. Twenty years ago the QOC policy The price of this land can be father of children to carry on his own boys built this tortuous road. selected people, 'Much of the land in the area ajudicated by life. It is possible that a $5,000 Family to repay are minded who fair now, we were told, Is owned by Income policy could pay a Beneficiary for needs returning two sheeip men. Box Elder coun- land that use. As I see it, this as much as $22,000. If you have children the public ty owns small patches of prop- land now over grazed will be of you owe it to them to own some of this erty, 15 percent of this entire little use for the purpose of watershed. type of insurance. Let me explain this which it is now applied, betype of policy to you and then you be the cause of the abuse sustained by Personal Trip Obvious judge. Call 961-I and drouth and When we arrived. at the head overgrazing more a of Perry canyon,- It became very think practical purpose evident to us why we were invited to make this trip of observation, A small basin of water, that was once used as a reservoir for irrigation purposes, has been drained by this manmade dam having broken, and the containing water spilled FOR ONLY 1c EXTRA! SUGAR COUPONS down through the canyon upon the irrigable lands in the city A - 4 Calls For United Action To Prevent Perry Floods Young GOP Club Will Organize Here Thursday Get Sugar Plus Savings At -j- ' of Perry. AND NOVEMBER 2 BIG ASSORTMENT ; Bargains For Sugar Beet Dags BLOCKS EXTRA SPECIAU OCTOBER ' Prompt Action Necessary OCT. 31-- 11 A.M. Dishwashers - Sporting Goods BUY AT PRICES YOU WANT TO PAY! DON'T MISS THIS SALE! |