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Show "The Things That Lead to Peace " Topic Of Talk Giyen by Dr. Royal Garff at Civic Meet Honored On SOth Birthday he Things That Lead to Peace was the, subject treated Reading Club to Meet by Dr. Royal Garif at regular monthly meeting of the Civic Wednesday Evening Improvement club- on Thursday The Ladies Reading club will afternoon, October 22, at the meet at the home of Margaret v War Memorial home. Johnsen, 39 north Second east, Dr. Garff brought out the Wednesday at 8 p. m. value of salesmanship in our (Mrs Leona iBunderson will lives, the language we use and the way we use it. He urged give the book review. that we refrain from making an Issue of problems that arise. Ac- Mrs. Homer Tingey Here cording to him the .most valua- From Glendale, Calif. ble words in our language are I am glad you mentioned that. Mrs. Homer (Alice) Reeder, Emiphasis was placed on voice Glendale, California, visited for tone control. If you can con- the past few days at the home trol your voice you have comMrs. Lulu B. Reeder enroute mand of any situation. He con- of cluded by stating that in the from Idaho to California, field of human relations and Mrs. Reeder is orglnally from peace, Do unto others as you Brigham City. Her parents now will be done by. reside in Idaho. She plans to The talk was greatly enjoyed leave this morning for home. by more than 80 ladies present. The meeting was . conducted chairman, introduced the guest by President-- Evelyn Daines. speaker. Mrs. During the afternoon, Mrs. Dan Peterson led in the salute to the flag. Mrs. Harold Dale Madsen sang two lovely vocal numbers, accompanied by Felt offered the prayer. Mrs. Reese Davis. , Refreshments were served fol- Following the business ses- sion, Mrs. Earl Madsen, program lowing the meeting. - Halloween Fun Party Held at Reeder Home Scgo Lily Camp Holds Halloween fun was in store for thirteen girl friends of Jane and Reeder, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Joseph R. Reeder, last Friday evening. Attired in Halloween garb, the guests entered the Reeder home through a spook alley. The rooms were gaily decorated with the Halloween motif and colorful bouquets of Sego Lily camp Daughters Utah Pioneers met October at the home of Mrs. Annie 3 Elder NEWS Box Brigham City, Utah ''l Wednesday, October 28, 1953. Meeting at Lamonts of 22 La- ment. "Silver Threads Among the Gold was the closing song with benediction by Mrs. May Jen- Mrs. Vera Sederholm presided sen. with Mrs. Bernice Earl, second Refreshments were served by vice captain, conducting. Captain Sederholm and Mrs. The 16 members and one guest Rilla Jensen. , present sang When You and I Were Young Maggie, followed by invocation by Mrs. Eliza White. By CLAIR Musical numbers, Twelfth Following games, ghost stor- Street Rag and Two Gultors ies were told. were played by Jeanette Jensen A two course luncheon on the accordion. - t tray was served to: Ruth Andersen, Linda Billings, Merle Reeder, Sue Rasmussen, Madge Sato, Carolyn Poulsen, LuJuanna Wil son, Sandra Sorensen, Darla Roekwood, Leslie Jones, Bever ly May, Joy Jensen and Joan Lee. rif. 11 L Following the readings of bulletins by Captain Sederholm, the lessons were given by Mrs, Melissa Petersen. Five good cheer reported. visits were Oak Camp of Daughters Of Utah Pioneers Meet Epsilon Chapter Meets The Oak camp of the DaughAt Andersens in Corinne ters of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Nola Kimber, Oct Epsilon chapter for Beta Sig 22. ma Phi met Monday evening Singing by the group opened at the home of Mrs. Juanita An the meeting and praydersen In Ctrinne for regular er was by Neoma opening Dixon. Mrs. Ander M. Iteese Daniel Of At Two meeting. Assisting , Family Gathering piano selections were . . . surrounding Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Reese are children, grandchildren and great- - sen as hostess was Mrs. Marion played by Naone Woodbury and Fredrickson. was followed by song practice, grandchildren who gathered at the home of Tom Coleman of Brigham City. The meeting was presided Then there were two songs by over by President Edna Jeppson. the three Kimber girls. GivLesson for Daniel M. Rees, Brigham City Native Is the The evening, lesson, In Eagles Auxiliary They came ing and Receiving Friendship" 53 was given by Sarah Slated Here Honored Dinner at Initiation Family was given by Mrs. Darlene Han Specially sen and Mrs. Diane Harper. A sketch was read by Rosetta M. a of are native members Daniel Rees, Eagles Auxiliary Mrs. Erma Crompton and Mrs. Hansen. Group singing followhon(Brigham City, was guest of reminded of regular initiation Jean Davis announced Early Halloween Party plans for ed. or at a family gathering Sunday, Is to be held Wednesday, the ritual banquet to be held meeting Held at Francis Closing prayer was by Lottie Oct. 18, in honor of his eightieth Oct., 28, at the Eagles Home. Monday, November 2. Johnson. Refreshments were Robbins Home Fri. Last birthday. The meeting will begin at Dainty refreshments wereserv served by Ellen Siggard, Lottie 8 p. m. ed by the hostesses, Johnson and Cleopha Jensen. Mr. Rees, a son of David M. The home of Mr. and Mrs. and Laura Burbank Rees, was Francis Robbins was the scene born and raised in Brigham of an early Halloween party FriCity and resided in Harper ward day evening, beginning at 7:30 until 1935 when he moved to p. m. , Logan. A scavenger hunt and dancing Residing at Logan since, he vtre the highlights of the evehas been affiliated with the Lo- ning. gan LJDJS. temple. Along with other games a deMr. Rees is the father of three lunch was enjoyed by lightful sons and three daughters, 12 all. 25 'greatgrandchildren, and The hostesses for the evening grandchildren. were Willis The family met at the home RobbinsSherille Jensen, and Jeneil Kimber. of his daughter and husband, Superior White Friends enjoying the fun were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coleman. Coupons for sugar will be given on all purLuncheon was served to 45 Margo Hunsaker, Richard Pett, OUTING Lou Jensen, Kay Pierce, Mary chases as per established lists. 13 descenmembers with family Janice Oman, Wayne Parker, Eldants and five sisters absent. THREE BIG DAYS Out of town guests were Mr. sie Nelson, IBruce - Christensen, Oct. 30-3- 1 and Nov. 2 and Mrs. Rees and Mrs. Laura Geraldine Marble, Evan Wink- ' Caroline Jensen. ler, Merrill of Logan; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Garner, Connie Walters, Mack McBeth and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hatch, Sherrille Jensen, children six Ray Coleman, and of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon John Linford, Willis Robbins, Rees of Tacoma, Washington Don Beckert, Jeneil Kimber and Darwin Reeves. and Mr. and Mrs. Rees May and FLOUR SACKS '5 children of Corlnne. w Hills Doing Fine At , PIECES Sig-gar- cant tall you whara you lost your wallat, but I can tall you whara you 9at tha bait car tarvica in town. 1 You wouldnt have needed a crystal ball, as anyone could have told you, we have, the best service in town. Clairs Chevron Service Tires Chevron Batteries Washing - Lubrication Complete Automotive Repairs Phone 477 97 N.' Main Wanna "HERE'S YOUR DREAM Would you like to have , a dream kitchen ? See Mer-rel- ls today. Well make to YOUR order roomy cabinets a work center a cozy breakfast nook . . show you how to save time, steps and energy. ... . KITCHEN FINNEL ... ... or buzz 8 for a free estimate! Come in at t 3 yds $1.00 Low Monthly Terms , - On Coupon Merchandise " Eastern Star Sets Turkey Dinner On October 31 NOTHING DOWN "WALK New Home in Gallup 4 for 50c Just heard that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Hill and son, Stephen, are getting along fine at The annual turkey dinner and their new home in Gallup, New dance will again be sponsored Mexico. Mr. Hill is a former teacher by Chapter Eleven, Order of the Eastern Star in the Corinne the Intermountain, school. - Mis Lodge Hall, Saturday, Oct. 31, Hill, a registered nurse, formeraccording to Mrs. Lucille Hoiwes. ly wrote Yazzie Yarns for the Serving will begin at 6 p. m. Neiws and Journal. For those Interested, their Tickets are available from or Gallup address is: 606 South Maxwell A. Pohl, Ph. 791-Lucille Howes, Ph. 923-J- . 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