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Show Y PIANSCOMPLETED FOR CENTRAL B.E. Students. CARNIVAL, COMMITTEES TOED Will Plans are now complete for; the annual Halloween Carnival Mrs. Owen Knudsen and Mr. to be held at the Central school and Mrs. Reese Davis. on Friday, October 30, beginning Pop Corn Balls: Mr. and Mrs. at 6 p. m., it was announced Merl Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mns. today by Mr. and Wayne Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Loveland and Mr. and Mrs M. Hansen. A, Burtcher. Cake Walk: Mr. and Mrs. (Master of ceremonies for the Glenn Andersen and Mr. and Westen-skow. evening will be Owen Mrs. Les Bundy. Committee heads are: Costume Mr. and Mrs. Games: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ezra OwensParade: and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack George Wight and Craghead. Carter Judges for the Costume Parade Doll clothes: Mr. and Mrs. Ray will be Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Felt and Miss Mabel Christensen. Candland. Parade will begin at 8:15 p. m. Soda water: Mr and Mrs. C.. F. with prizes for the funniest, Mr. Mrs. and and Gene Epley prettiest, ugliest and most oriGarfield. ginal. Publicity: Mr. and Mrs. RayThe drawing on the dolls and mond Lewis. wardrobes, gun and holster set, Decorations and signs: Mr. and foot ball will be held at and Mrs. Max Morgan. Mr. and 8:30 p. m. in the auditorium. Mrs. Cam Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Door prize drawing will also Albert Stoner and Mr. and Mrs. take place at this time in the Adrian Shields. auditorium. Door prizes and drawings: Mr. A turkey will be given away and Mrs. Kent Jensen, Mr. and to the person holding the lucky Mrs. Leland Seely, Mr. and ticket. Mrs. S. W. Beecher, Mr. and Mrs. Fortune tellers for the eve Reid Tingey and Mr and Mrs. ning will be Mrs. Amanda Reev James Dixon es, Mrs. Ange Farnsworth, Mrs. Three dolls and wardrobes, Grace Price, Mrs. Vera Earl, . complete wardrobes for dolls Mrs. Christine Badenhoop and made by the following women Mrs. Mabel Burr. Mrs. Earl Hansen, Mrs. Kennard Doll clothes for sale will be Andersen, Mrs. Dennis Pimper, furnished by the students in Mrs. ILloyd Whitworth, Mrs. first, second and third grades. Howard Jorgensen and Mrs. Articles to be won at bingo or in the Fish Pond are being doWayne Johnson., Homemade candy: Mr. and nated by the fourth, fifth and Mrs. Armour Jensen, Mr. and sixth grade youngsters. ' V Participate At Knife and Fork Meet Nov. 5 In AC Festivities Several students from Box Elder county will participate in activihalftime and 'Major Malcolm pre-gam- e 31. The Homecoming game will show and feature a salute to the "Star Spangled Banner by high school bands from more than 30 schools in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. The Aggie marching band, di rected by Prol. John P. Dalby, will join with the three ..score ceremonies bands in and will present a halftime pre cision drill on the field. The band will also play during the game. Box Elder county students who are members of the marching band include: Robert Jensen, Ramona Madsen, Keith Orchard, Gary Nuttall, Dick Sackett, Gerald Speth, Harry Uyematsu and Bevlyn Yates, all of Brigham City; Monette Anderson, Bothwell; Bert Chris' tensen and Lynn Shuman, Wallace Nielson, Wilma Pulsipher, Garland; Hal Ramussen and Wayne Sims, Mantua, and David Cap pre-gam- e pre-gam- e Dew-eyvlll- Riverside.- - her sweet music from an old 'it fashioned phonograph, popular in the 1900's, which is. ' V one of the "props" in her latest picture, "Tho with Spencer Tracy, Actress," in which she JEAN SIMMONS geta M-G-- M Tracy. Senator Vern Muir Will Speak To ' Women's Council : Everyone Is Invited to phone their society items for the News end Journal to 771 M-G-- M co-sta- rs - i , 4- - Box Elder NEWS 7 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, October 28, 19S3 t Dee Ann Da.vis of Brigham drum majorette. is State Senator Vern Muir, Logan, will address the mem-- , bers of the Box Elder County Bird Dog Defined OLYMPIA, Wash. , The (UP) State Supreme court, in a recent opinion, acknowledged and thus . , defined ing. ' 7c EXTRA use of Ibird dogs In made. Senator business and church affairs' In Cache county. The public is invited. Besides politics, Muir is ' active In the the automobile selling business: A bird dog is a man who gives names of prospects to a salesman and then receives a split of the commission if a sale is J. Representing Governor Brack Lee, Senator Muir will discuss education at the meet- COUPONS Wis- His close relationship with the people in the Far East and his understanding of their language and their philosophies has given him an insight to the problems vital to the United States and its actions in the East. JEAN SIMMONS' poodle pooch appoints himself as a special lookout when Jean makes a late dash to the Studio to film. "The Actress" with Spencer Womens Legislative council Wednesday (tonight) at 8 p. m. in the county court house. SUGAR Rosholt, consin native who has served in the Far East during World War Two, will be guest speaker of the Box Elder Knife and Fork club, at its next meeting, Thurs day, November 5 at 7:30 p. m. The dinner will be held In the high school cafeteria, with the doors aliening at 7 p. m., and the lecture will be In the BBHS aud itorium immediately after. A newspaperman for more than a decade in the Far East prior to entering the armed forces, Rosholt speaks two or three oriental languages and says he can get by with a few more. ties with the Utah State Agricultural college band when the Aggies meet Montana university in a football tilt Saturday, Oct. ener, r. Before Radio And Television Rosholt Will Be "Jigger! Motorcycle Cop Cornin' More "Virginia tobacco and peanuts are grown in North Carolina than anywhere else in the i , PHILCO Refrigerators r BEET DAYS ONLY! '...You cun put em on your present tires iLffi V2 New Winter Tire Cost! Brand Mew world. V t 9.4 Cubic Foot Capacity PHILCO Muminum ,r-T-W REFRIGERATOR VYoterless cookvare . with the famous Dairy Bar jgar Regular $309.95 . SPECIAL FOR SUGAR BEET DAYS with purchase of a New Philco Range 100 lbs. Sugar for Jc Extra 1 HUGE EXTRA dcant-(iiPElMB&55gg-71 MMC' SATE 6 6 6a Here's your chance of a lifetime to get terrific extra value with Americas most ad vanced electric range. Free cookware with models Pulls Better In Snow slotted shoulder bars New, widely-spacebite deep. from $249.95 up. Pulls Better in Mud New, rugged shoulder design cleans k automat-icall- SIZE r Grips Better on Ice 6.00-1- 6 New, wide tread with sharp angles prevents skidding. t In Rain Stops Quicker tread New, angular slotted grips firmly, Smoother, Quieter Continuous rib design eliminates whine, rumble and vibration. $399.95 RANGE PRICE 50.00 21 Pc. COOKWARE EXCHANGI If Yaw Old lira k Racappabla $449.95 For Late Model Fords, Chevrolets bdianga V your aid Hra and Plymouth k mappabk. FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING, PUT THEM ON YOUR REAR WHEELS FOR AS LITTLE AS $1.25 A WEEK! EASY TERMS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS ( SPECfAU Philco Automatic Defrost 8 Cubic Foot REFRIGERATOR PHILCO FREEZER Regular $349.95. FOR SUGAR BEET DAYS WITH YOUR Regularly sells for $299.95 SUGAR DAYS SPECIAL AND 100 LBS. SUGAR FOR 1c Is All You $32995 SAVE $100 ON THIS OLD REFRIGERATOR ONLY VALUE $120.00 DISCOUNT SIZE 6.70-1- 5 Pay AND YOU GET 100 LBS. SUGAR For 1c EXTRA (Your old refrigerator regardless of condition is worth $100 on the above refrigera, tor). . . . ' TWO LOCATIONS FIRESTONE 68 South Main STORE Phone 163 TO SERVE YOU BETTER . TEXACO SERVICE STATION 43 North Main Phone 157 6M66S with 100 lbs. of Sugar for only 1c more! BUY NOW USE OUR KISSII! !Fo(?estfKiG ALLOWANCE Huge Savings On Freezers and Refrigerators! PIIILCO 439 Nothing Like It - At Any Price While Sale Lasts TRADE-I- N AND LAY AWAY. EASY PAYMENT . . V A Small Deposit Will PUN . CLYDE B. STRATFORD, Manager IM6S6SI Hold for Delivery! |