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Show Uhivorsftl NEW TYPE PROMOTION PLANNED FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY Customers May Buy Up To 100 Pounds Sugar For 1 Cent With Purchases in Brigham City How would you like to buy one, 10, 50 or 100 pounds of sugar for one penny ? It can be done in Brigham City next Friday, Saturday and Monday when the Chamber of Commerce styled Sugar Beet Days are held throughout the city. Theres no catch. AH you have to do is trade at home in Brigham City. mer-$- the three-dachants promotion, in which nearly every store in Brigham City is participating, every purchase of $1.50 or more will warrant a sugar certificate which will entitle the customer to buy from one to a hundred pounds of sugar at any one of 11 grocery stores. It works this way: If you make a purchase in a store of any item valued at $1.50 to $2.99, you can purchase a sugar certificate for one cent which will entitle you to one pound of sugar at any grocery store. The larger the purchase the greater amount of sugar you will be given, almost free. For a $3 to $5 99 purchase, you will receive two pourids of sugar for one cent: for $6 to $9 99, five pounds: $10 to $24 99, 10 pounds; $25 to $49 99, 25 pounds and $50 to $99 99, 50 pounds. Any purchase of $100 or more will bring 100 pounds of sugar, for one cent. Limit for one purchase is 100 pounds of sugar. Customers, the C. of C. advised, should.be sure that the Brigham City merchant issuing the coupons for sugar stamp the coupon. .They will not be good until stamped. It was pointed out that the coupons are cumulative and must be redeemed before During Judge Call Binds C. Jean Shonka To District Court K 277 Sixth W Salt LV- - C10, the a special Box Elder Investigation high school Utrt- - ts . jv Prepared To Flip And Flap 'Em of Kliwi 16 PAGES PROPOSED BRID6E CHANGES WIN U fi- nances, the Lincoln G. Kelly and company, auditing firm, found that from May 26, 1948 through August 21, 1952, an estimated $11,667.48 was received at the school which cannot now be accounted for. 54 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1953 VOLUME 58, NUMBER 43 Released Monday In rrrr- - r m Complete Lincoln G. Kelly Report " ASSOCIATED SUPPORT CLUBS Would Overhaul Bear River and Malad Bridges To Increase Safety on B.E. State Highways ; bridges crossProposed elimination of two traffic-hazar- d ing the Bear River and Malad rivers, between Brigham City and Bear River City, has received a priority rating by the Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah. The group, which met last Friday at Maddox Ranch house, is composed of representatives of organizations in all counties north of Salt Lake City. Attending were members of the Roads and Executive committees. The Kelly report was released Monday by the Box Elder board of education. Judge B C. Call bound C. Jean Shonka over to district court to be tried on counts of grand larceny and embezzlement last Friday morning after hearing almost a day and a half of testimony. In a complaint signed by Leonard L. Bishop, president of the Box Elder school board, she was charged with taking and misappropriating $300 55 of Box Elder high school mon- The Kelly companys special investigation, followed an audit toy the Theron B. Lee Accounting Service which originally revealed funds were missing, in Preparing a suggested roadan audit that has been describwork agenda to be presented to ed as complete and efficiently the Utah Highlway commission, done. biggest suggested project which The firm broke down into five received support for a priority of money separate divisions was repair of the Weber Will rating they determined was missing. road between Echo and canyon They include the following: Uintah. for the (1) $7,611.52 missing Another northern Utah highRecords ey. fiscal year of 1950-51- . way project that received ma-The state, before resting its of receipts were missing so President Aldous Dixon, Utah ascertained support was the construction case, called seven witnesses through State Agricultural college, Lo- of a four-lan. highway from while the defense did not call checking with companies and .. individuals-whgan, will be guest speaker at a Smithfield to Logan. paid the school any. t , meeting membership general While the date has not been an actual amount the school reC. atand Deone Lichtenstein of the irtfemlbers R. Korth Several ot of Chamber Commerce, the set yet, it should be in the ceived. John held Pancake to Howard, be ward set are all for tending, Including the Thursday, supper at Oct. Eighth 29, Brigham City Thursday evening, (2) $2,094 30,' missing when latter part of November or earwere October 29 in the ward recreation hall. Serving will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. at $1 a 8 p. m , according to Ross C. Brigham City, urged the 'enlarg20 identifiable checks ly December. ing of the two county bridges to Bowen, secretary-manageplate or $3 per family. Miss Shonka is under $500 found to have been received and a dangerous traffic eliminate school bank the deposited in bond pending the trial. will be held in hazard. The meeting account without having been the C. of C. rooms on the second recorded in the cash records of Memlbers of the group indicaVies For Crown floor of the Box Elder Bank Are New the school. ted they felt the national ChamBank building. (3) $814 50 not accounted for Hood Is Bowen said that Dixons talk ber Of Commerces policy on because tickets from other s be the first of a series of public land is not for the good will schools sold at BEHS for away B.E. f talks by outstanding of the majority." monthly ball games had from horrfe On to the Chamber of ComThey passed a resolution that men been paid tor by check (to the they are against the principle of merce membership. New assignments, promotions, in the 171sl Field Artillery Bathome game school) but no revested rights In public domain for: (November 7. talions school will headquarters battery. Tresent graduations Day Economy," We are on our way" was the for the sale of the tickets military and urging that public land be of Box members Elder Grocery stores where the sug news received yesterday by the ceipts be President Dixons subject. county at BEHS had been deposited or CORPORAL RICHARD K. GROput to multiple use, as waterbe obtained include the armed forces were reported VER, . ar may the Dixon assumed President City Branch Associa- accounted for. Brigham Co. A. A IjB , Camp Chafshed, recreational, . timber and this week by the army. Lynns market, Larsen Grocery, tion of University Women conpresidency of the USAC this fall others, rather than to one use by (4) $846.61, for two checks Isfee, Ark , son of Mr. and Mrs. Smiths Suiper Market, W. B. cerning "Rabin Hood. The corin the same after serving capa- stockmen . o acknowledged JUNIOR K. YAGI, son of Mr. Lowell Grover of Brigham City, Jensen Market, Sheffield Cash respondence informed the AA sued for amounts to have been received by the and Mm. Jugoto Yagi, was re- recently graduated from the city at Weber college, Ogden, A letter from the Cache CounStore, Ken Jensen Market. O. P. UW that the trucks will arrive for many years. school, tout the cash is not re Farm Bureau, which objected Physical corporal Army Field Forces Skaggs, Valberg Meat and Gro- at Box Elder high school audi- corded nor otherwise accounted cently promoted to All members and their wives ty Inat Fort school 45th to any efforts of the associated with while the Bragg. training serving Fife cery, Sycamores Market, Bow said to are torium at 1 p. m.,on Saturday. for. invited attend, chibs ih Obtaining higher gasoenlisted The school trains fantry division in Korea, the and Wife Market and Earls The letter was signed by Max en, buffet luncheon Will be line taxes, for highway (5) $30055, for a check sent to army reports. ' ' Food Fare. use, was men and officers in the proper served. Brandt, company manager. BBHS, which was cashed, but no . read. . - .. , , Corporal Yagi, who arrived lift methods of . instruction to keep 'The play will be presented record is evident tf" It being enDiscussion indicated that the clefck the men of the army physically a is Korea last August, m. ' 3 Saturday, October 31, at p. tered in the BEHSJbooks or degroup were not Interested In fit. Tickets have been on sale at posited. PVT. GARTH O. JENSEN, raising taxes or Issuing bonds, 20, the schools. Last Thursday and The complete Lincoln K. KelWas BEHS Teacher but rather are Interested' in son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jen Friday, Mrs. Ruel M. Eskelsen ly company report is published exerting effort to secure the fair sen, Brigham City, recently arVisits and Mrs. Arthur Gillespie were in todays issue of the Box Elder share of state road moneys for rived in Korea for duty with the at Lincoln and Mrs. Richard Al- News. 'r northern Utah. division. 3rd Infantry Mrs ston and Floyd Knudson at It is not difficult to underAlso discussed was their proJoseph W. Fuld, Haily, Idaho, entered Private Jensen the are progressing stand and anyone interested in Rotary district governor, made Central. Sales posal to the Idaho Fish and in April and completed army Mrs. to Fred nicely according from benefit the affair could an official visitation at the Game commission for a joint basic training at Fort Ord, CaliC. Jr., publicity chairman studying it. Brigham City Rotary club, last for Clark,annual meeting of Idaho and ' Utah fornia. In civilian life he was Colleen of event. Farmer Colleen the Farmer, daughter week and spoke to the club at to discuss a program employed by the Utah General Mrs. Purdett S. Farmer of Brig sportsmen Tickets are still available. A homecoming contestant the Tuesday noon meeting. to improve game fishing in Bear depot, Ogden. 75 for adults cents ham City, is one of the twelve Lake. Two Fuld told the group of at- charge of PVT. ROBERT R. TINGEY, son 40 cents for youngsters is coeds vieing for the title of D. M. Mason, Cache tending the International as- and made. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tin-gecounty being homecoming queen to reign over Chamber of Commerce secresembly at Lake Placid, N. Y. City, Brigham recently B.E. of travelIn USAC the Oct. event the at years During thirty Guests at the meeting were tary, reported that a survey on joined the 25th infantry division six Are in Logan. Dr. Erich Schmiltz and Konrad ing across America with the lake Is currently under way. in Korea theaof is Farmer Miss professional being spon Neusse of Germany and U. S. companies It was agreed that plans Tingey entered the army in tre for children, Clare Tree Masored by Sigma Pi. Brigham City Police officers Marshall Howard Call. should go ahead for such & March and basic two completed Voting will be today in the jor has started many actors on are currently investigating at a convenient time. I training at Camp Roberts, Calif. Union Building, and the winner meeting the road to fame. burglaries, one at Hunsaker A graduate of Box Elder high The income from forest r secina and Gravel Co., cast Robin Hood and Sand ! New The be the introduced will at pep Will cludes 2il actors and actresses. ond at Box Elder school, he attended Utah State ceipts to counties within the rally Friday at 6:30 p. m. in high school. i for two Cache National Forest totaled downtown Logan. Agricultural college Gas was stolen from the gravWho knows, within ten years $18 921.21 for the fiscal year years. one of these names may be a el company after thieves broke The reigning trio will ride a ending June 30, 1953, according float in the homecoming parade familiar and drawing item on a window to get inside and turn to Joel L. Frykman, forest suyour television screen, at your the pumps on. Saturday at 10 a. m. and will at Logan. a was taken from on a pervisor About or home will , the be be crowned at the football lash $36 theater, neighborhood Brigham City Auto 36 Accidents Are This sum represents the coun between USAC and Montana of a new business Thursday Broadway marquee. It has hap- teachers desk at the high Flora Hansen when the Youth Shop opens for pened before, many times. It school after the room had been tys share of the 25 percent of University at 1:30 p. m. Reported Here for July funeral today the income from grazing, timlocked. Main will happen again. The event will ciose Saturday business at 44 South There were a total of 36 acci- ber, and land use, to the forest. at 9 p m. with a dance in the street. The doors open at 9.30 dents involving automobiles in Box Elder countys share NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (UiP) is Union building. a. m. Probably the deepest diving Box Elder county during July, $409 43. This county also reThe business, described as a duck is the Old Squaw. It has Mrs. Zelia M. Talbot, a native of Five Box Elder county boys rePo according to the department of ceives additional income from is been accidentally caught in fish St. Jarvis, Canada, became a HARTFORD, Conn. (UP) childrens store turned recently from the nation' complete National Forest lands in Cari- lice reported netting a " owned and managed by Mr. and nets 180 feet below the surface. U. S. citizen after living here for safety. None were killed, though 10 bou, Minidoka and Wasatch for- gambler who had cards marked al Future Farmers of America 53 years. Shes 91. Mrs. Roy Campion. At Lon? Last Miss sustained personal injuries and ests These funds can be ex- on the backs so they could be convention in Kansas, one of them with the top FFA award 26 automobiles suffered serious pended for schools and roads read with the aid of infra-reof the nation. "Robin Hood" Ticket Sales Progress Nicely Funeral services for Miss Flora damage. only. At the convention were Glenn Hansen, 58,. Bear River City, who Smith, who was awarded the died Saturday in the Dee American Farmer degree, RonAlways On The Spot To Help Ogden, after an illness of ald Smith, Max Robinette and two months, will be held Wed Amas Hatch and Loren Hunsa-ke- r. nesday (today) at 1 p m. in They were accompanied toy the LDS Beaf River City ward Owen Westenskow. chapel. Loren' Hunsaker was a Utah Bishop Vernon Johnson will chapter delegate and the others officiate. Friends may call at represented the Box Elder high the family home Wednesday unschool FFA chapter. til services Interment will be In Highlights of the convention the Bear River City cemetery. were talks by Eisenhower and Miss Hansen had been a teachBenson on farm policy. er in the business department at Box Elder high school for the During the trip the group visited the Wyoming Hereford past 27 years. She was, past ranch, Boys Town dairy and beef president of the American Assn, farm, General Motors plant in of University Women and a Kansas City, the stock yards member of the Brigham Ladies and killing plants there, the Civic club and of the Womens Armco metal tanks manufacturLegislative Council. ers and more. She was a member of the LDS In winning the American Farchurch and was secretary of the mer degree, Glenn Smith was North Box Elder stake Sunday one of three from Utah and one School board. , of 360 In the nation to win the She was born April 30. 1895, in Bear River City, a daughter high honor. of Jacob and Karen Andersen Hansen She was reared in Bear River City and graduated from LOST A BICYCLE? Box Elder high school and the The police deportment has in University of Utah. She also posession, eight bicycles, some Guardsmen Sign Up For Blood Drive of them for over six months. Uncompleted post graduate work at the University of California, in . . . members of the Brigham City National Guard pledge to do their part in the Junior less claimed by the owners, they Berkeley. Chamber of Commerce Blood drive to be sponsored the first week in November in Brig- will be advertised and sold at First Youngsters To Purchase auction. Anyone having lost a Surviving are two brothers ham City. Pledges are pouring in and Jack Horton, chairman, has . . . tickets for the play to be presented on Saturday, October 31, at 3 p. m. at the Box high hopes of hitand tiwo sisters: Lorin E. and Bicycle in the past year Is ren. Elder high school auditorium was Imogene Delgarito, who is shown writing her name on Bernard Hansen, and Miss Ag- ting the 1,000 pint goal for the city, which would represent 100 percent community to check with the police quested -. KnudLeft to right: Master Sergeant Lyle Young, Sergeant First Class Bob Valenticket number 1. Pictured left to right are Mrs. Richard Alston and Mrs. Floyd nes Hansen, Bear River City, and department immediately. Mrs. Rose H. Nelson, Salt Lake tine; Master Sergeant Dale Jeppsen ; Sergeant First Class Eric Hansen and 2nd Lt. Grant HARRY SMITH, son, who managed ticket sales for AAUW at the Central school, Paul Kotter watches - 028-3Chief of Polices, , Olsen, also a Jaycee and pushing the blood drive. City. the proceedings as he plans to purchase his ticket. President Dixon Speak To C. of C. Thursday or e o ... Assignments, Promotions Robin Of The Way Here Told Soldiers Around the World -- District Governor Colleen Farmer - Rotarians Homecoming Queen Candidate Burglaries Shares Investigated 30-3- 1 Forest Revenue Business 4 Five Members Open Here Thurs. Attend FFA - Convention Funeral Today For Flora Hansen d sun-glasse- hos-pital- p?rti-cipatio- 0 ) |