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Show I Box Elder NEWS 13 Brigham, City, Utah Wednesday, October 28, Stale Lists Merit 1953 System Exams Achievement 4-- H Will Fight Ml Comers? I The Utah Merit System Coun-cil has announced examinations for three different classes of positions in the Slate Health department, LeRay S. Howell, Merclub achievement it System Supervisor, announced . Annual iprograms are to be held Wed- today. nesday and Thursday. Oct. 28 Positions and their saland 29, according to Bessie Han- ary ranges open are: Fiscal officer, sen, Box Elder county home ; correcsenior speech demonstration agent. tion 1st. ; and senior The program fry the south chemist, . part of the county will be held Application blanks and anin Brigham City at the Central nouncements giving detailed inschool at 8 p. m.t Wednesday, formation be obtained at may October 28. For the north part local Employment Security ofof the county it will be held in fices. welfare offices, dis-f- t County Tremonton at the l.DS Second let health offices, or at the ward chapel on Thursday. Octo- Merit System office at 174 Motor ber 29 at 8 p. m. avenue, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. Glenn Baird, assistant state 1 Programs Planned q 4-- Get Your Sugar With ", Every Cash Purchase! . 5330-420- $330-420- $285-360- . RUPTURE-LASE- R ''Right or to 7T1 rlub supervisor from Utah State Agricultural college will be the principal speaker at both programs. There will also be demonstrations by , club musical members, numbers, talks and songs. We would especially like all club members, their parents and loaders to attend one of these programs and anyone else interested in club work will le welcome, said Miss Hansen. DowbU.,.4.99 loft sid.$995 A Phone vour society new .,,uln loquIrtO washable support. Rack la atrofig, tag adjustable Snaps up in front Adjustable trap. Soft, flat groin pad No stetl or leather band Unexcelled for comfort Abo used as after women wnd operation support Pet MeN orders return wound the lowest put pvt mnd f tfcw uhdtmow stwto rtgM ur lot wde ue I g lg m, ' 4-- HAMILTON DRUGS . SUGAR BEET OEY DAYS Ella Waldek and Carol Caroto . . . who will wrestle in a three falls, one hour time limit match on a mixed card at the armory next Saturday evening Christas Bring Mom t ties. and Industrialists, scientists educators will cooperate in the program to train "young women in science for service in ... or Dad . . . with you to see the new 1954 model Motorola Television sets . . . and we'll give you ... Sale -Way -A- wrestle-figh- m. Women FOR MOM Special Lay 8 p. has established a new agency called Industrial Associates for Women in Science to stimulate the training of r. woSOUTH HADLEY. Ma&s. (UP) men scientists who have g baMount Holyoke College for sic education in the humani Holyoke Promotes Science Among Women It's Going To Be A at a swell ABSOLUTELY FREE HALLOWE'EN COSTUME HALLOWE'EN MASK and a FUNNY BOOK . . . just for coming in with your parents to GREATEST KITCHEN see these wonderful new 1954 Motorolas. so Rugged, Sturdy, heavy, tubular steel in baked white refrigerator enameL Easy to assemble no bolts or nuts legs hinged to fold up flat for ITS WORTH SAYING REG. 3.95 VALUE LIMITED QUANTITY Unconditionally Guaranteed sk? ,,w,u DISHWASHER SINK With easy storage. 100 LBS. SUGAR Dishwasher washes, Trip-Sinsdries dishes, glasses, silautomad ver, pots and pans aallirt that . Only 1c Extra! Was LAY-A-WA- Y SPECIAL 469.95 36995 No down payment and 3 years to pay! $5.00 TERMS will lay away your choice. Act now! Sales prices good only during this event! let Us Help You Come with Green, Yellow, or . !xmi oat, lav fiMtfk&m? SURE YOU GET SUGAR ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY PURCHASES for the first are for ...and SUGAR BEET DAYS we showinq time our big new 1954 CHRISTMAS GIFT DISPLAY. Come in and get Sugar for only lc extra! . . . make your selections ... Surprise Atom with the DISHWASHER or any of these WONDERFUL GENERAL ELECTRIC GIFTS! Exckniv Dhtanca Snloofor Switch! F Exckniv Nw F Mm! 12 Tuning OpttenoM WASHERS TELEVISION SETS STEAM IRONS FREEZERS MIXERS ROASTERS TOASTERS IRONS WAFFLE BLENDERS And Red Tops. CLOSEOUT SALE OF LAWN MOWERS $29.95 Lawnmokers, now offered to close out . . . $28.50 Lawnmowers, reduced to close out . . $20.85 Lawnmowers, Sugar Beet Days Special . . . these bargains and SUGAR too . . for 1c extra ! 523s3 MODEL 11X13 $22 Mokogony (uitk cotucit. Hex Gfoeu Down Sound Up tlylmg. 2 1 in. bfotimn Focus tube. Snap-i- n tuning. Blond, thokMy mono. Fcdaral Ex cue Tax Inch dad. Many More! .... BUY DURING THIS EVENT $1668 AND GET SUGAR FOR ONLY lc EXTRA! GENERAL ELECTRIC Phone !48 146 So. Main Breitenbeker Electric Phone 1190 FIRST K3 RUDDER) in yxetfxoiiggsi FIRST ! RUDDER |