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Show PAGE SIX BOX ELDER NEWS Brighton City, Utah Wdnedy, January 10, 1951 Dowaro Coughs From Common Colds That IIAI1G Oil Balls Family Hold Holiday Party In Ogden Members of the Heber Balls family met Monday, January 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Balls of Ogden for a holiday party. The afternoon was spent in playing pinochle. Dinner was served to Mrs. Minnie Balls, Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. Laren W. Balls and daughter Carol Ann, Mr. and and Mr. Mrs. Myrland Balls, Mrs. Arden C. Balls and daughter Barbara Jane of Brigham locals Meet Services Held For Trotters Here Mrs. Christensen January 18th Larsen Visits In Brigham Funeral services for Mrs. Clara Christensen, who 76, died last Friday at 3:30 oclock in the afternoon following three The Harlem Globetrotters, who are knowii as the worlds most capable and entertaining basketball team, will meet the In the Fourth ward Box Elder high school gym Thursday night, Jan. 18, at 7:30 Betty Rae Olsen Stationed In Virginia weeks illness, were held yesterday at 1 p. m. in the Brigham City Fifth ward with Bishop J. Creomulsion relieves promptly because Oleen Palmer officiating. it goes right to the seat of the trouble She was bom Sept. 17, 1875 in laden to help loosen and expel germ Brigham City, a daughter of soothe and to nature aid and ghlegiit Lars and Anna Margratha Jeninflamed bronchial tender, oclock. sen Larsen. She was reared membranes. Guaranteed to please you There has been some confuor money refunded. Creomulsion has City. here and received her education over sion fact arise the that the stood the test of millions of users. Gifts were exchanged during Globetrotters are also scheduled in Box Elder county schools. the afternoon. she attended the old L.D.S. Also, to play in Ogden on the night college in Salt Lake of the 18th. The Globetrotters klisvM Cmu, Clwrt Colds, Acute Irenchltli Phone your news to 1,000. She afterward taught will play the first game In the school and Standrod, Box Elder Box Elder high school gyim county. starting at 7:30 and then they Pvt. Betty Rae Olsen She was married to C. O. In will go to Ogden to play the 20 day . . . visited here on December Christensen 1889, 20, second game there which is L.D.S. in the Salt Lake temple. leave. scheduled to start at 9:45. to many requests, They made their home in Oak12-1The Fourth ward boys have 3 The World Famous is Fine Arts open- ley, Idaho, later moving to Og- Sewing Club Meet At the Studio of had very good luck against the classwork in speech arts and den, and returned to Brigham ing Had fields Thursday traveling teams that have The annual state horticulture drama in Brigham City, begin City to make their home 45 years roamed through Brigham City convention will be held In Salt The Studio next Mrs. Herman Hadfield enterweek. nlng in the last four years. They Lake City at the Newhouse ho- was organized to provide both ago-An active member of the L.D. tained her sewing club Thurs COLORED TEAM pasted the Harlem Ghosts with tel, January ,12 and 13, this training in artistic expression,, S. her home. church, she served as literary day, January 4, atluncheon a defeat last year playing as year, according to George A. was in A delicious and programs performance instructor in the Relief society the Junior Chamber of Com- Nielson, Brigham City, president. and in Each tables. small at -- VSIntegrated productions. as a teacher in the Primary served merce team and scared the thunAll of the outstanding prob- The two theater arts of drama and association of the Brigham City guest received a clever favor. der out of this Globetrotter out- lems of the fruit growers of and dance are combined to Frank Mrs. Max Bott, Mrs. pro Fifth ward. She was a member fit a few years ago when they Utah will be discussed by ex- duce dance-playSince its or of the Oak camp, Daughters of Forsgren, Mrs. Reeve Brown, were traveling through. Mrs. Lowell perts during the two day meet the Studio has pro Utah Pioneers. Mrs. Ray Korth, Junior Nielsen will coach the which starts with registration ganization, The and Mrs. Lee Andersen duced "Hansel and Gretel, Packer husband include her Survivors Fourth warders which will be at 9 oclock In the morning, Jan- Dancing Toys, and '.The Wo spent the remainder of the evemade up of Preston Merrell, uary 12, in the Gold room of the man in the Shoe," Integrated and three sons: Rex Christensen, Brigham City; Elwood L. Chris- ning doing handwork. Jack Hadfield, Reed Hadfield, Hotel Newhouse. in which Brigham tensen, Honolulu, T. H.; Dr. D. performances Frank May, Vard Johnson, Ralph Included on the schedule are City students participated. O. Christensen, Oakland, Calif.; Darrell discussions Nielsen, Ray William, on Utah Fruit At work on a one-ac- t play o eight and one grandchildren Leland and Johnson, Peeples Growers and Must Successfully be produced in early spring is Alice a sister, Darwin Young. Meet Competition From Other a group of students from Brig L- - Knudson, Brigham City. The Globetrotters will be head- Areas, by Dr. S. W. Edgecomb ham Interment was in the Brigham City who have been going ed by Goose Tatum, the long of the state college in Logan; to Tremonton for lessons. The City cemetery. GAME STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. lanky negro with a long lanky What the New Social Security play, Alices Blue Gown, has reach and little Marquis Hayn- Law Requires of the Farmer, by the ALSO SEE THE following young actresses: es, considered to be the worlds Dr. Ramon Wilson, of the U.S. Nannette Frances Humpherys, CLOWNS KIWANIS GHOSTS vs. 20-3- 0 most accomplished dribbler. A.C.; Apple and Pear Growing," Hyer, Linda Annette Shirts, The Globetrotters have played and a host of others. Knudsen, June Olsen, Joan Ol TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT all kinds of basketball against "We feel sure that anyone at- sen, and Marilyn Tingel. B & B Smith Grocery Zundels Hamilton Drug the competition throughout this convention will be The Speech Arts and Drama Woodard Billiards, Tremonton; Woodland Service, world and the negro pros are tending well paid as they generally department is under the direc very A meeting ' of the Wellsville Willard. experts in the game. When, the have some very fine papers and tion of Mrs. Phyllis Pope, while Mountain Area Project corporais rough they knuckle going com President Nielson Mrs. Jerrilyn Black directs the Reserved Seats $1.50 General Adm. $1 Children 50c down to some serious basketball talks, tion will be held Tuesday, Janmented. We hope that most dance departments. and when the contest becomes fruit growers will uary 16, at 1:30 p. m. in the to atbe able onesided they can furnish the tend. Box Elder county court rooms, crowd with antics that will leave according to Robert H. Stewart, Anyone Interested in becomthem holding their sides, so anyof the corporation. president of the State Horway the fan looks at it, the ing a member The project, organized in 1935 Globetrotters will give specta- ticulture association should conto promote conservation of the tact George A. Nielson, Brigham tors their moneys worth. culinary water systems of the Pettingill, vice presi16 surrounding communities and Tickets are on sale at Smiths City; Ray or Willard, County Agent to prevent erosion, has done A Corinne youth who recentMarket, Zundels Clothing store, dent, B. Anson Call, Jr., secretary. the B. and B. Billiards; Woodly arrived at Camp Cooke was I much to revegetate the overon the hazardous week this basic wards Billiards at Tremonton; slopes grazed training taking Woodland Service, Willard. This Sisters And Brother-In-La- w with the 4th infantry division, I Wellsville mountains. Is the first time that such adThe directors and officers of former Southern California NaOf Mrs. Ross the corporation have worked In vance billing has been put out tional Guard unit for the Globetrotters Ret. Reed L. Campbell 'has been cooperation with the Cache Nain this Bowen Visit Here ' o area, so it is advisable for fans assigned to headquarters 224th tional Forest service to achieve maximum conservation. wishing to attend the game to Weekend guest of Mr. and infantry regiment. Invited, to attend the meeting The 40th division was inductMrs. Ross C. Bowen were Mr. and get their seats early. ; Mrs. D. W. Parratt, Miss Leone ed into active federal service on are members of the communiof the state R. Taylors Return From Taylor and Mrs. Ernest Taylor Sept. 1, and since that time it ties, representatives schools and and Mrs. David A. Fowler, all of has reached full combat strength road commission, of approximately 19,000 mem Its all Interested in plans for the Texas, New Mexico Trip Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Taylor re-- I They are the sisters and ranks were filled with draftees, conservation of culinary water, of Mrs. Bowen. volunteers and reservists . from turned to Brigham City this brother-in-laall parts of the nation. week after a two months trip to Blood cells are so small that Texas and New Mexico where Electrolytic tinplate' has they visited with Mr. Taylors 60,000 could 'be placed on the In replaced hot-dichildren and old friends. They head of a pin, according to the in the food canning field. world Book Encyclopedia. had a very pleasant trip. A BUY FOR NOW The holidays were round, out just right for Mr. and Olsen of Brigham Cl when their daughter. Pvt Rae Olsen, U. S. Womens Am Corp, arrived home for a i leave. While here she visited with All-Sta- CREOMULSION Horticulture Men Studio Opens WorkcS Plan Meeting COMING JANUARY 18th Speech, Drama In SLC Jan. HARLEM GLOBE TROTTERS - , family and friends in Brigh-City- Hyrum, Logan, Ogden a Salt Lake City. Betty Rae enlisted In the sei vice at Fort Douglas, Salt La City, October 12, 1949. From Ss Lake she traveled to Fort L Virginia for her basic txainin of her On the completion weeks basic training she transferred' to Ft. Myer, Virgin located about two miles Washington, D. C. Upon her ai val at Ft. Myer, January 14, assummed the duties of switl board operator at the telephoi After six months as. an opei tor she was transferred to positon as clerk-typisShe was scheduled to return Ft. Myer on January 9. 4TH WARD ALL STAR E (i ig iar lie t. Sunflower Camp Of To Meet Next Di igi iiva in Mi Thursdi of The Sunflower camp of d nei Daughters of Utah Pioneers j fee meet Thursday evening, ja uary 11, at the .home of Ora Andersen, 157 south Fourth ea at 7:30 p. m. THE ELITE great-grandchil- BASKETBALL TEAM Meeting Called For Water Project Corinne Youth Now vour tires safer on Slippery jloads1 Is Taking Basic PAnlre IS STILL GOING ON! Quality Styles Low In Price! Jonothan Minear p Wins Commission Cadet Jonathan L. Minear of Brigham City has just received notification from the department of the army, Washington, D. C., d that he is one of 31 military students from the U. S, Army Virginia Military Institute Reserve Officers Training Corps unit who have been I selected by a highly competitive I process from many hundreds of applicants from ROTC units in ' all parts of the United States, for appointment as a second lieutenant in the regular army I of the United States. Cadet Minears appointment has been tendered him contingent upon his successful graduation from VMI in June, 1951, upon his physical qualification, his attaining the age of 21 years, and his inclusion on a I distin-lguishe- Hercs Greater Earnings TIRE TRACTIOHIZIHG Heres what it is: Goodyears amazing new machine the 'Traction-izer- " perforates the entire surface of tire treads that resist with thousands of tiny, sharp-edge- s skids in every direction! Tractionizing is done right on your car and one treatment lasts the average driver an entire season . . . when it wears off you have your original tough tread rubber for hot weather driving. ' For Your Money list of distinguished military graduates of VMI to be published later by the VMI professor of (military science and tactics. Cadet Minears appointment I (UP) I Three ten-aggirls charged with were ordered to drunkenness stop wearing dungarees or go to jail. Judge P. Sarsfield Cunniff warned them against adopting the drinking habit and even the clothing habits of men. away with the need to buy to put on and to take ofi "special" recaps. Extra traction's Invest as much as you wish. Available in multiples TIRES! GQBtfi QUICK SERVICE to $10,000. MW Ask & Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. rm-T-- r : say officer of this bank for further details. rrrrrrrPfT Member Federal Reserve System The People's Bank serving -- Street Phone 21 alLtheltJlnonelal needs n, vi.M Safely Feature and Vs at $32.00 $45 val. SPECIAL GROUP Huge Savings Better Dress-U-p Frocks Values to $24.75 ON Special Groups DRESSES $19.75 Values to $21.75 $13.75 Values to $19.75 $12.75 Vic CASUALS SEMI-DRESS- DRESSES Y DINNER DRESSES FORMALS 3 GROUPS Values to $12.75 $4.95 Values to $16.75 $7.95 Vaues Special Groups Pajamas Blouses ALL AT DRASTIC Yes, when you walk the streets at night you may be invisible to approaching driver ijntil you are within range of their headlights. Then it is too late for them to stop to avoid bitting you. You can see an automobile by its headlights at night long before the driver can see you. So be especially careful when crossing streets at night, warns the American Automobile Association. Don t cross when a vehicle is approach-ibut wait until the way is clear. b REDUCED Va DRESSES Foundations Brassieres Lingerie Accessories Each depositor is insured Terrific values in Quality Coats. Values to $89.75 Huge Values Skirts of $100. C 1st $35 val. .$19.75 Robes ALL See us for Traetlonizing NOW! 18 North Main SATISFACTION. e safety it never had 4 be in No Parts, Judge Rules Mass. WALTHAM, Does FOR as a second lieutenanNwill the corps of engineers branch of the regular army. Gives yon extra traction ior starts and stops on wet, icy, slippery roads! Redaces slipping and skidding in every directionl non-ski- MANY SEASONS OF - Heres w hat it does: there when you need itl d Gives any make tire before! TO GIVE YOU COATS CLEARANCE to $19.75 $9.95 SUITS Fine Gaberdines. Reg. and Half sizes. Novelty Worsteds $55 Values $38.00 $49.75 values $34.50 & others |