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Show Au: Cltj 'S':ndida(es For KIM Queen :evr Wa ed oot inolinced ig t: Final Rites Today Snow annual hiptaenth held in Brigham WW high school. 'sBri.,. Elder fen VOLUME 56, NUMBER 2 Tremon-Kleon Kerr of eigl ayor crown the lucky young bi Sut th selected as and dance. She the number of will , accumulated. Votes; tickets ven with admission sales. event will be flight the ceremonies n the crowning the queen is . place and a beautiful white wool lit inscribed "Snow Queen." for queen are fine. Lowell Packer Just send in ained today. of Jin name of the candidate 16 choice. She must be Is No sponsor age. of s involved ssary or any money dominating the young lady, Car-- 1 mail our entry to Snow O. P. Box 68, Committee, ham City, Utah. of Makers from Logan will music for the dance, commit-whicembers of the food include Oreta Lee, Al-- a Skes, Iris Lee and Ellise home-report that pie, cake, ice cream, punch and can-wibe sold at the carnival. Andersen re- e and Delone that tickets may be pursed at Billings Service, Fife Wife Market, Beehive Coal usic lish h )r! ll and Packer individuals are also Appliance e tickets. Buy yours is fifty charge just per person, Mr. Andersen jsed. ig nominations have lose whose received to date are: iDine Pehrson, daughter of and Mrs. Swen Pehrson. alene Jeppson, daughter of a TJ and Mrs. Dallas Jeppson. of irbara Larsen, daughter and Mrs. E. J. Larsen. Marie Lomax, daughter r. and Mrs. Duane Jensen, anine Spackman, daughter f. and Mrs. Kenneth Spack- - of berta Young, daughter TTiayne Moyes. Former WAC Joins lane Jenson, daughter of I. LaVon Jenson. Sirjorie Leggett, daughter of tnd Mrs. John Leggett. MORNING, JAN. 10, 1951 The first lady ever to to Brigham City Americanbelong Legion post 10, Joined this week with her husband, Henry Harry Hunteman, according to Commander George Hodges. She is Mrs. Gladys H. Hunteman, formerly a captain in the Womens Army corps, who served as an auxiliary military with the Sixth group of the Air Transport Command's ferrying division at the Long Beach municipal airport during the war. Mr. and Mrs. Hunteman brought the total membership H. Cyrus Hansen, 67, to 159 when they signed for . . . life-lon- g resident of Box membership this week. Elder county who died last Now working in Ogden, they are natives of the east Sunday in a Salt Lake City hospital at 1:50 p. m. Fathers Who Led Discussion Safety at School at the PTA meeting1, Monday evening at Central They are, left to right, William Howes, Carroll B. Williams, Searl Beecher, Reeves and J. Oleen Palmer. . The meeting emphasized father participation. ... on Meeting 11 Year-Ol- d Brigham Youngster Robbed Pilgrimage Play And Bound, Then Helps Catch The Thief Staged Tonight Monday night will be one timeO-Tedand he just Cottle will always remem- when questioned, told me to shut-up- . ber. , The The yegg ripped up a sheet youngster, son of Mrs. Stanley Dehning of Bush-ne- and tied Ted up. "I cupped my Motel, Brigham City, had a hands so I could, get loose, open knife at his back that, he re- Ted commented about this part was of his adventure. ported "felt like a pin, robbed and bound. The assailant left the motel He was tending the motel ofit didnt take long for Ted fice about 11:30 p. m. when a and to untie himself and call the unia dressed in soldiers man, form, entered and asked for a Brigham City police. Officer Royal Jensen arrested room. After the inspecting room he was to have for the Benny Trujillo, 20, of Ogden, in night he followed Ted back to the Howard hotel where Trujillo the office, took a final glance had purchased a ticket to go to around, drew a knife and put it Pocatello, Idaho. at the boys back. He then , The robber today signed a Officers made the. youngster give up the confession. reported $30 in currency in the office there were no papers on him to indicate that he actually was a cash register. I was scared, Ted answered service man. 1 ll Mrs. Gladys Hunteman who became the first lady ever to belong to the Brigham City American Legion post 10, when she signed this . week. Elder Bowden Will . - Cen-scho- d J Chief of Police. TO THE PUBLIC to according pany, Hodges, commander. 01 Lynn Richards Reports To San Diego Navy Base is hereby given that Clty win not liable damage caused ta the George At Seventh Ward The i bT a inaure m0.'0 pels ?apt0 ,o. com- pleted lege of in in Ogden before enlisting the navy. operation At Weber he was active m prevent any pos-- i as a life T rom th sewer swimming and served Trf.U-iBrowning last at Camp 01 fixtures, guard ng council or summer. CnT- - SLwstei Scbiui 1951 . Health Council Slates 15 Meeting January Coord- professionals - Box Elder county be made in The council of Health services inating scbedule for gham 'hold their regular meeting should be report- - will t0 January 15, beginningat Monday, 605 6011111 in the morning, o'clock 10 at iruaJ; Pbone 232 before the Commercial clubrooms, acRidd, cording to Mrs. LaPrele secretary. nF changes to L L hter Arrive. birth of their first e' rn January 4 ndda?,!,Me s&n a" v tvon hie cached 1 Mr. Tuesday, baby Is the ?,unncr's Mate TJiird Ehtprf?r D C h is Irving States navy at the iini ,W1r,0fis Fruit Growers Plan Meeting January 20 of the The annual meeting M .L. Archibald Serving stockholders of the Brigham City Fruit Growers association Aboard USS Princeton seamon will be held Saturday, January Merlin L. Archibald, 20. 1951, at 2 oclock In the afson of Mr. USN, apprentice, of Ply- ternoon at the regular place of Archibald F. Mrs. John aboard business in- Brigham City to mouth. Utah, is serving carrier transact all business presented. aircraft the 27,000-tonow oiierating N. J. Valentine, secretary, said USS Princeton, today. in Korean waters. - n Hollywood pil from Hollywood, It portrays the life of Jesus. Out of the pages of the Bible and onto the silver screen walk the characters of the greatest story ever told; Peter, James and John, the Mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdelene, and all the familiar names of sacred record. The show includes a portrayal of Jesus and his wonderful miracles. Everyone is urged to attend because of the religious educational .value. Admission will be , . fifty cents tier person. USAC Dairv Professor Discusses Fast . Milking At Cow Testing Assn. Meeting Rotary Listens To An educational talk on FastO-Milkinin attendance, awarded certifi by Prof. Lloyd Hun-sake- cates to dairymen whose herds of Utah State Agricultur- averaged better than 350 pounds al college, was highlight of the butterfat per cow for the year, annual meeting of the South Winning the certificates were Box Elder county cow testing as- Anson B. Call, Jr., Lorin and sociation, January 4. Harold Tingey, L. Maurice Lar Using an udder secured from son, John M. Hardy, Clarence the Ogden livestock yards, he Perry, Leon Jensen, Newell Chec-kettTed Burt and Leon D. demonstrated how pressure is used In a milking machine, how Gardner. the udder functions during the Other principal business at the milking and how mastitis is con- meeting was the election of new tracted by improper use of the officers. Elected were Jack Hary and Grover Harper, two year dimilking machine. rectors. Holdovers, who still have are machines splenMilking did if used according to instruc- one year to serve are Clifford tions," he advised, but can give Hansen, Lorin Tingey and Ted Burt These officers will meet trouble if not He pointed out that it is not and select a president, vice and secretary. good practice to use parts from president Commissioners Fri. r, Box Elder countys new county commissioners were the guest speakers at the Friday noon meeting of the Brigham City Rotary club at the Howard cafe. Alf Freeman, program chairman, introduced the commissioners. Lewis Wight, chairman of the board, George Davis and Robert Potter, each told something of the problems and their plans for -- two charge, the welcoming address was made by John W. Howard, Brigham City, vice president of the A.CCN.U, All of the legislation discussed by three committee heads will come before the legislature this season for action. D. D. Harris, chairman of the legislative committee of - the Utah Water Users association presented a proposal for the revamping of the state Irrigation laws. or g all-tim- Joseph H. Lillywhite Celebrates His 80th Birthday Still Spry And Active bed. . n, Dr. Jenkins Will Speak Discuss Safety s e d Lilly-white- s, ( Eminent Dr. Alton A. Jenkins of the state 'board of health will speak on State Quarantine Laws at a meeting of the Lins ascoln school sociation tonight at 8 oclock at the Fourth ward amusement hall, according to officers. Dr. Jenkins will emphasize communicable disease in his Parent-Teacher- . talk. The student portion of the program will be presented by the third grades under the direction of Miss Marian Blair and . ' Miss Lucille Jones, teachers. We hope all mothers and fathers will attend this meeting school building; S. W. Beecher, to gain first hand knowledge on Accidents in the School Build this vital subject., the associa"What tions officers said. ing; William Howes,Do To InParents and Teachers sure Absence of Accidents to PuTo pils; Gordon Reeves, How Can Carry Proper Safety Education Over From School to the Home, and Robert Crompton, Observations of the Public Safety ProbBoydi Packer has been appointlems at School. Harry Smith, chief of police, discussed the ed chairman of the Polio drive, slated to begin January 15 and over-al- l safety program. The meeting was conducted by run through January 31, in BrigMrs. Floyd Anderson and head- ham City, according to Verl Peing the program committee was tersen, county drive chairman. Mrs. Steven Bunnell. Appointed .to assist him in Prior to the discussion the Brigham City were Ole Zundell, fourth grades, under the direc Dick Bloxham, Mrs. Erwin Hantlon of Miss Iris Schow and Mrs. sen, Marvin Peters, Nellie Wight. At the same time Petersen anJane Linford, teachers, sang seV' nounced that Earl Fuhriman eral numbers. Following the safety discus- will act as chairman in Tremon-ton- ; Garsions other subjects were dis Nephl Westergaard, cussed by the parents and teach land, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Joseph H. Lillywhite entered 80th year Satur- - ers followed1 by a short talk by Denning at the Intermountain Indian school . ; Principal J. D. Gunderson. day. After the meeting, room moth ers and fathers of the Fourth Revenue My Prayer Agent Position More holiness give grades served refreshments. They are Mr. and Mns. Norwood Open In Civil Service striving within More patience in suffering; more Hyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Howes, The Board of U. S. Civil SerMr. and Mrs. Henry Knudsen, vice Examiners for the Intersorrow for sin. n More faith in my Savior; more and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunsa-ker- . nal Revenue Service has sense of his care. nounced an open competitive On the Central school P.-A. examination for the position of More joy in his service; more Safety committee are Mrs. Grace Internal Revenue Agent, GS-7- , purpose in prayer. Davis, chairman; Henry Nielsen in the states of Idaho, Montana More purity give me; more and Afton Beecher. and Utah. Over 200 were present at the strength to overcome, Applications must toe filed ' More freedom from earth 6tains; meeting. with the Executive Secretary, more longing for home. Board of U. S. Civil Service ExMore fit for the kingdom; more Henry Clay, who said I would aminers for the Internal Reveused would I be, rather be right than be presi- nue Service, Denver 2, Colorado, More blessed and Holy; more dent, was defeated for presi- and will be accepted for an in' dent three times, '' definite time. Savior, like Thee, i Packer In 1930 he married Marie Shodell and the couple have resided here since. Mr. Lillywhites whole life 'has been spent in church work of various kinds. For many years he servedi as high councilman in the old Box Elder stake and worked in many stake organizations. He recalls many experiences In church work in Box Elder stake when it extended as far north as Malad and west into Park Valley and Rosette. Then the only means of travel was by team and it always took several days to pay a visit to the outlying wards of the stake. On one occasion he accompanied Apostle George F. Richards to Park Valley and Rosette for special conferences. The trip took many days to make. There is 10 children in the family, 27 grandchildren and 20 They were all at his home last Sunday to honor him at a dinner. Besides his church activities Mr. Liilywhite-serveas chief of police in Brigham City for six years and also as deputy sheriff for some time. A favorite poem of Mr. which symbolizes his lifes aims and desires, follows: , cer-nin- Parent-Teacher- BUILDER OF OUR COUNTY One of the 'builders of Box Elder county, Mr. Lillywhite was bom January 5, 1871 at Beaver City, Utah. In 1892 he married Elizabeth Ellen Stoney, also of Beaver, and they moved to Riverside, Box Elder county. There, he and his wife were active in building the now bustling little community. In Riverside he served as counselor to the bishop. The family moved to Brigham City a little later and lived here until 1913 when they moved to j Harper ward. , About 1923 they moved back to Brigham City because of the illness of Mrs. Lillywhite. She died shortly after. which created the college. The proposed law would repeal the present statute which prohibits g the college to participate in at 6 oclock In the evening, tain activities in the field of en-I- n Australia Vay labored at Kla?rlng and mechanical arts. ,Wbon questioned, Adney statSydney and Perth. tte i, graduate ot Bex instructors unless it stimulated high school and attended Weber a higher enrollment college in Ogden before leaving Legislators present as guests, on his mission. Senators J. Francis Fowles Vay reports he intends to' en- - were, ter Utah State Agricultural col and L. Rulon Jenkins; RepresenElizabeth Vance, Sidney lege in Logan, beginning this J.tatives Ellsworth, and Edwin C. Carl-sewinter quarter. all of Weber county; Sena, On the return trip ' the former tor James" E.. Burns- - and Repre.took the way long missionary Charles sentative , C. Gardner, home, encompassing the globe. From Australia he journeyed to Davis county; Senator J. Harold ,and Representatives ClifCeylon, India, Arabia, Egypt, Reese, ton M. Kerr, and LeRoy D. G. Switzerland, Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Hol- White, Box Elder county; Representatives S. J. Postma, Cache land, British Isles. From England he came to county, and Representative Law-rene- e B. Johnson of Rich counNew York by boat , . , Waiting for transportation to ty. his final mission field, Vay la bored in the California mission -field and then the Central Pad fic mission field for a 'total of seven months before finally To PTA leaving for Australia. At three different milking be-the- y the state college. He stated that the college is now prohibited to function under provisions of the Morrell act, of conducting the county commisPTA Meeting sioners office. The Reverend Arthur Gillespie, pastor of the Community With the theme Safety at Presbyterian church, was In- School, the as ducted as a new member by J. E. soclation of the Central school Ryan. met Monday evening at Central Rulon Baron, secretary, re- school. ported that the Rotary club of the Father's Highlight membership now has reached night meeting was discussion an high of 51. Heber of school fathers, unSessions and Doug Fife reported der the safety by of J. Oleen leadership on recent trips to the west coast. Carroll B. Palmer, chairman. Williams led the discussion on Octogenarian Problems of safety around the machines interchangeable The No. 1 sight-seeintrip in often wont work satisfac- America at present is Washingtory In one machine when they ton, followed closely by Boston, have been manufactured for Los Angeles, and San Francisco, according to Harry Dooley of also the Gray Line. Professor Lyman Rich, his Elder Lloyd M. Bowden . . . will be honored at a farewell testimonial next Sunday prior to his departure for an LDS mission in Australia. famous grimage play, the story of the life of Christ, in feature length film, will be presented at the Seventh ward chapel at 7::0 p. m. this evening, January 10. Presented on the screen in color with sound, by a cast of . Joseph H. Lillywhite, Brigham last City, entered his 80th year Friday still spry and active, very interested in local activities and still an active church worker. Perhaps he was a little too active Sunday, the day his whole family gathered at his home to honor him, he had a slight heart attack on the way to church and had to miss Sunday , school. Tell the folks at church not to worry about me and that Im sorry I couldnt be' there this morning, 'he commented from any Mr. and or corPowtion, Lynn Richards, son of by xea- laulty operation of the Mrs. Sam Richards of Brigham JTstem or wer connec- - City, reported to the San Diego th any naval base last week for duty. building. Public is advised A graduate of Box Elder high to have wer connections last year, Richards comschool inspected one quarter at Weber coltime per-- 2 school. Gordon I GOT CHA" H. . . with E. J. Fjeldsted, chairman Of the legislative committee, In area and proposed the Shifting of authority to handle water resources of the state from the present many agencies to state water and power board, giving the board expanded power and permitting it to appoint an engineer and director. Tom McCoy, secretary of the Utah Municipal league, offered a proposal to change the present sewer and water district law to provide districts for the purpose of disposing of sewage and also handling culinary water in the unincorporated districts, j C. G. Adney, Corinne, former member of the board of trustees of Utah State Agricultural college, asked that the legislature consider a bill to remove laws that contrict the proper function , Elder-Lloy- proPrtY of Striving to influence state legislators from Northern Utah in favor of their legislative program, the revived Associated Civic Clubs of Northern Utah, reported on three bills they favored to 12 state senators and representatives present last Friday evening. Held at the Howard Hotel the directors of the Civic ' clubs presented the program. He pointed out the importance of good Irrigation laws to this Served As M.P. Cyrus Hansen, 67, 332 north Second west, who died in a Salt Lake City hospital Sunday at 1:50 p. m. following a three-week- s Illness, will be held Wednesday (today), at 1 oclock In the afternoon in the Third ward chapel. Bishop Lewis Wight of the Seventh ward will conduct the services. Friends may call at the home of Harry Hanline, 169 south First east, two doors north of the Harold B. Felt funeral home, today until time of services. Mr. Hansen was born November 4, 1883, at Mantua, the son of Mads and Ella Christina Jensen Hansen. He was reared and educated at Mantua. He attended Box Elder county schools. He married LaVina Sorensen June 25, 1908, in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. temple. They made their home in Brigham City and have resided here since. Mr. Hansen was a carpenter PROGRAM Ask Law Changes In Irrigation, Sewage Disposal, College At Friday Meeting Circles Globe Services Today For H. C. Hansen Funeral services for OUTLINE s, Serve iff8 6 PAGES Discuss Safety Of Children At Central School and cabinet maker and had been employed by Merrell LumLDS Mission ber Co., as operator of the planing mill for 25 years. Before fthat'TLw he WaiT a buiKJEI and "In honor "of d 'M. contractor in the Brigham City Bowden, a farewell testimonial area. will be held in the Brigham City iiithly He was a past president of the Second ward chapel, Sunday he monthly meeting- of the Brigham City local carpenters evening, January 14. k 17, cub scouts, was held union and a member of the Elder Bowden entered the L, Brigham City volunteer fire de D. S. mission home In Salt Lake Friday evening In the partment and a charter member City Monday, January 8. He auditorium, ubs of dens one, two and of the Brigham City municipal will sail by boat to the Hawaiian w attended with Den Two golf club. Active in L. D. S. Islands on January 13 and from with Boy there will fly toi his field of laducting the opening exercis-an- church, he worked in the bor in Australia. His mission presenting a stunt, Scouts and was an elderward. ough the courtesy of will be 27 SimRen Brigham City Seventh headquarters der, a Standard Oil film on Survivors include his widow mons street, Enmore, N S. W., Colorado river was shown, and five children: Seth S. Han Australia. 'uring the next two First number on the program, months sen, Sandy; Mrs.' Gladys H. Hancubs will take up the study line, Lysle Hahsen, Brigham which will be conducted by Earl Ivers. City: Wynn L. Hansen, Clear Hansen, will be an organ pre arents of nearly all the clubs field; John M. Hansen, Ogden; lude by Rennie Littlewood. The e In attendance at the meet- - eleven grandchildren ; three congregation will sing followed brothers and four sisters: Lu by the invocation by George C, cius Hansen, Clifford Hansen, Bowden. A piano 60lo will be H. Anderson Now Mantua; Guy Hansen, Mrs. Min rendered by LaRae Bowden and ml Jensen, Ogden; Mrs. Nora Ip will be followed by a talk by ivai Air Cadet , sen, Willard; Mrs. Crystal Jen Bishop Irvin Bowden. Dr. Archie Mrs. Alice Bowden will sing a vocal solo mes H. Anderson, Brigham sen, South Willard; will be a naval air cadet Jensen, Santa Rosa, Calif. and Paul Tingey, will give a talk. the first class A guitar solo will be played by of 1951 at O. C. Bennett and the presenta nsacola, Florida, A.L. Will See Films At tion of the purse will be made nderson, who was' a junior the Brigham followed Young Univer-las- t Meeting Thursday Night by the Elders quorum quarter, left for his Meeting of the Brigham City by remarks by the missionary. y station December 28. American Legion post 10 will be Bishop Glen Knudsen will then held at the War Memorial give a talk and the closing song p ndf home Thursday evening, at 8 will be sung. Benediction will J1 bicycles in Brigham City J, be offered by Carlyle Bowden. oclock. (44 ,llcensed by February 1, will short meeting of the Feature sued a ticket. To Australia will be the showing of travel HARRY SMITH, films by the Standard Oil com- T 5T LEGISLATIVE Brigham Legion queen to reign the carnival be chosen by food BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY NORTH CIVIC CLUBS Head Polio Drive Here Te-a- , |