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Show That Was Civic Improvement Club Completing Details for Annual Ball Slated Wed., January 24 ... the annual Civic Jenny Dell George at the camera on her first birthday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odel George, Brigham City. (Photo by Photo Arts Studio). smiles No-ren- - their Old Folks Honored At Fourth Ward Party Members of the Fourth ward Relief society and old folks committee jointly entertained old folks and widows of the Fourth ward Thursday evening, . . ' January toast-mistre- u like Kinsey No other whiskey gives you to much t a- - , MmM Whltkw, 70S 6ral Ntutral Spirit. 86.8 Proof. fUnm Dtftilllni Corp., IisImU, Dick Shower Honoring Mrs. FArttr rotni Merlewe, .Stanley,. Joyce BOX' ELDER NEWS and Merlin Thompson and Scott Harper Jeppson Held Shields. Brigham City, Utah 1951 Mrs. Leoma Speireman and The evening was spent in Wednesday, January 10. enterplaying Burn the House Down. Mrs: Eugene Jorgenson Among the lovely brides of Those tained Mr. were evening, Saturday Dave Hewletts Motor To winning prizes the new year was Miss Betty Jo home at the 6, Anita Mrs. Speireman and Merlin, Hunsaker, daughter of Mr. and and DarleneTracy, at a shower in honor of Mrs. Twin Falls For Visit Tracy. Mrs. LeGrande Hunsaker, Honey-ville- , Harper Jeppson. who was married to Fred Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hewlett Games were played during the Wyatt, son of Mr. Walter Wyatt Kindergarten Club Will evening with prizes going to returned Tuesday from Twin a four-daof Tremonton. Lois Jorgenson, Mrs. Maureen Falls, Idaho, followingeldest son, Talk Thur. Hear Cancer their with visit The ceremony was solemnized McMurty and Mrs. Rex Jeppson. his family. in Salt Lake City, Thursday, The Brigham City Kindergara delicious dessert Emery Hewlett, and Following motored R. Rev. with 4, William Hewlett Mrs. Mr. and January ten club will hold their regular luncheon' many beautiful gifts Persons officiating. meeting Thursday, January 11, were presented to Mrs. Jeppson. to Twin Falls Saturday. Their The bride chose a gown of at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at eldest grandson, LaMar Hewawardover embroidered Memorial the War white nylon Returns From Nevada home, lett, who is employed at Hill satin and the finger tip veil of ing to Mrs. Ilene Kilpack, chairMrs. J. L. Fodnes returned last Field, accompanied them. week from Las Vegas, Nevada, brides, illusion hung . from a man. They report a most enjoyable halo of nylon and lace and ro- The program will center around following a ten-da- y visit. visit settes which matched the yolk the problem of cancer and will of her gown. Her corsage was of be illustrated with films. Exminiature orchids. perts on the subject will lead STUDIO OF FINE ARTS Acting as best man for the the discussion. This is a very beneficial, urgroom was Thomas D. Hunsais happy td announce classwork in ker, brother to the bride. gent and educational meeting Vilda Hunsaker, sister-in-laand a good attendance is re of the bride, was matron of hon- quested, Mrs. Kilpack said. or, while Mr. LeGrande Hunsaker gave her away. The couple left immediately for Los Angeles. For her going away ensemble January 4, a son was bom to Speech fundamentals from tots to teens the bride chose a grey wool suit Glen and Bertha Scott Chlarson with black assessories. of Brigham City. Technique of voice, facial, body expression They will make their home in Conrad and Norma Monson Tremonton. Johnson of Honeyville are the Applied to participation in public presentation parents of a girl, born January 5. and public recitals A baby daughter was born Neighborhood Party with Phyllis Pope, Speech & Drama Dept. January 6 to Stanley and Ella Held At Olsens Ipsen Gilbert of Corinne. A neighborhood party was Classwork begins Jan. 19. For registration or informaheld Saturday, January 6 at the Mr. And Mrs. Heber tion write to Mrs. Pope, Box 26, Tremonton, Utah. home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel OlSessions Visit In Cal. sen. 16 LESSENS FOR $15.00 A delicious Mr. and Mrs. Heber Sessions luncheon was served by the hostess to the fol- returned Thursday after spendThe Studio will be happy to provide numbers for prolowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Abe ing the holidays with their son, Tracy. Mrs. Donald Jensen, Mr. Lawrence H. Sessions and famgrams. Roy Nichols, Anita Tracy, Mer- ily and other relatives at Long lin Tracy, Darlene Tracy, Rosa Beach and Los Angeles, Calif. , a c W $ wt SPEECH ARTS and DRAMA As BIRTHS i ro NEXT TO YOUR DOCTOR ' time, PtMu,hni V- 1 , ipl arises. For Promptness and Efficiency Always Your Pre. Bring scriptions To Glens Rexall Drug, Listen To Amos am ..The Rexai Andy Show every Sunday ove CBS. 5:30 P. M. KSL, GLENS MODERN DRUG - w will pay all my bills when they come due, or I will " - . , part , pay, or I will make satisfactory arrangements to pay ? , r When you receive a Pioneer Service County Credit Board statement bearing our registered trade-mareither pay your Account in full, part pay, or , to satisfactorily arrange pay AND KEEP THAT NEW YEAR RESOLUTION k, t- Try to pay all your bills between the first and the tenth of tLe month. If you dont pay promptly, you retard the whole commercial cycle. By paying your bills promptly, you help to head off inflation, and do your part toward strengthening our national economy. By so doing, you will help prevent a Third World War. Every Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. during January, February and March, Utah Copper proudly presents the Utah Symphony Orchestra in an hour-lon- g program on Radio Station KSL. . The Pioneer Service Company System is the Best and Cheapest Collection - ' , System in America. . L, '"These programs, under leadership of Maurice . AWanel, the Orchetfra', celebrated director and t conductor, are designed to enable bur neighbors in 'Mi Vi'- - I Pioneer Service Credit Information is most valuable. No commissions are charged on collections. All moneys are paid direct to creditors. ; ' . y; . ; - Utah to enjoy the beauty and brilliance of one of the nations outstanding symphony orchestras. This noted orchestra has done much to bring to onr state a deserved cultural attainment. The orchestra, of course, belongs to the people. And it is Utah Coppers' hope that additional thousands of our neighbor, Q hear and enjoy thi, renowned orchestra and its world famed giiest artists. Utah Copper cordially invite you to listen to these programs every Tfuirsday at PIONEER - ' - . SERVICE COMPANY, (Established since .1926), INC '1 , The largest business and professional mens organization in the Northwest. "" Jli f $ f 1l W UTAH COPPER DIVISION ' Vlt " The Merchants Own Organization OREGON IDAHO UTAH NEVADA DIVISION DIVISION OFFICE STATE OFFICE IOOF Building, Eugene, Oregon Boise, Idaho P.O.Box 471 P, 0. Box 1616 Watch for the Green and Black Handbills with Accounts for Sale. . . - ? 8:00 p.m on KSL. :0- $:s' i- yjl ; Ucnnccott Copper Corporation ,sL3 ; A good neighbor helping to build a better Utah r. live need an experi enced pharmacist wl illness strikes. Count ci. for carefully fiuft roi prescriptions prompl delivered when the no. RESOLUTION J sbi Rii . . . you Visit In California Mr. Alex MusulaS returned last weekend from a weeks vacation In California. He and Mrs. Musulas visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Musulas in Los Angeles. Mrs. Musulas will remain in California for 'a' short V' SILVER I at the Fourth ward 4, chapel. A hot dinner was served to forty guests who were seated at tables beautifully decorated with snow scenes by Mrs. Mil-to- n Peters. Miniature snow men were favors marking each place. Mrs. Roland Madsen as introduced the following numbers for the evenings program. Mrs. Josephine Olsen sang .. a solo. Mrs. Elizabeth Wright who is 87 years old, gave two readings. These numbers were followed by four vocal solos sung by Perc Petersen, accompanied by Mrs. Petereei. The remainder of the evening was spent in community singand ing led by Mr. Petersen accompanied by his wife. Those of the Relief society in charge of the affair were Mrs. Mrs. George Oscar Hunsaker, Nielson and Mrs. Victor Fors-greThe Old Folks committee consist of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright, Mr., and Mrs. Horace Richards, Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hunsaker and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peters. , - Hansen, y . T- L. arepn, Amy an-uar- y Me-serv- y i 1 Fred Wyatt Exchange Nuptials Oh January 4 Plans are moving forward tor Sacrament Held Meeting . . Improvement . club ball, which win be held j In Second Ward Sunday Wednesday, January 24 at the Sacrament and fast day testiFourth ward amusement hall. The guest list has been com- mony meeting was held in the Second ward following Sunday pleted and will be mailed out school last Sunday with Bishop orf? this week to members and Glen Knudsen in charge. - guests. The organ prelude was playMrs. Pochard C. Alston is genits i eral chairman of the event and ed by Renie Littlewood. The opening song was sung by will be assisted by the follow-"- , ,1 in ladies who head various the congregation followed by the opening prayer offered by hia committees: Mrs. Roy Thompson, Mrs. W. Roger Sederholm. ' As a sacramental song the E. Davis, Mrs. Russell Fishburn, Mrs. Herbert Adamson, Mrs. Eu-- . congregation sang I Know That gene Wixom, Mrs. Reed Slmon--sen- , My Redeemer Lives. Mrs. J. Leo Nelson end Mrs. Howard Forward and Jay had charge of the sacraGeorge Nielsen. ment with 14 deacons assisting. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewarts Enjoy Bill Hopkins was blessed by her father and given the name, Family At Home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart confirmwas bee ; report a very enjoyable holiday Georgene By ' with all members of their famed a member of the church by R. Burns at home except , Elder W. J. Davis. r ily Toolson, husband of The remainder of the time was daughter, Helen, who was in used for testimony bearing. Boston and unable to make it Eleven responded. home. The congregation sang the . Those spending time at the closing song and the benedicStewart home were, Mr. and tion was offered by Elder N. P. Mrs. David M. Welling and Jeppsen. three children, Becky,1 Mike and. Penny, of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard James and daughters, Carpenters Local Cindy and Patricia of Provo; Hold Holiday Party Mrs. R. Burns Toolson and son, Members of the Carpenters Richard,, of Boston; Fred Stewart of Hunt, Idaho; Mr. and Local 1886 and their invited Mrs. John Stewart and daugh-- . guests met at the employees ter, Rebecca of Logan and Bob- cafeteria at the Intermountain Indian school for a holiday dinby Ann. Mother Stewart laughingly ner, Saturday, December 30th. . said, , Tell Dinner was served to 90 couthe folks Im glad . we remodeled. ples by Mr. and Mrs. Morris ' Fred Stewart of Hunt, Idaho Nuttall, Following the dinner a dance spent, last ; weekend enjoying was held at the Carpenters ball. skiing at Alta. 4 Good One Betty Jo Hunsaker And A roB In T Pei ha; |