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Show Toolson, who is BOX ELDER Wednesday. January 10, 1951 Brigham City, , A weekly "newspaper, established in 1896, pub-,Jlshed at Brigham City. Utah. Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher Robert M. Crompton, Managing Editor Gladys Johnson, Advertising Manager Published every Wednesday and entered as Second Class Matter at the post office in Brigham City. Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. ; f G TttT NEWS ' How About A Little Criticism , Its an axiom in newspaper work that you can judge the value of a sheet by the amount of criticism it receives in letters to the editor. ' We are Often criticized in letters, but in our opinion not enough. We receive letters from missionaries in almost every quarter of the civilized world and a few places that arent civilized. We have a network of correspondents almost as complete as the New York Tribune through LDS missionaries and other friends of Brigham City. But the letters received from those - i sources usually discuss the life and problems of the people there. WHAT we want is more correspondence that presents questions about subjects in Box Elder county. If you like, tear the paper apart, in respectable language of course, wallop the city dads with words or anything else of public interest that is bothering you. The only letters we can't publish are those criticizing any religion. Politics? Wonderful That is a subject every American citizen has plenty of opinions on. Perhaps your opinions should be presented to more people than can be reached by your voice. Everyone is invited to use our Letters to the Editors column to express their opinions to the 4,000 plus readers of the Box Elder News and Journal. We do request, however, that each letter to the Editors Column be signed. 1 . Reapportionment Problem Life Was Slower 50 Years Ago ; In Brigham City The first half of the 20th century ended Monday in knarled turbulence, but old man time walked off the stage with a smile (or was it a sneer) on his face just as he did 50 years ago when he ended the 19th century. Hoping to find the issue of the Box Elder News for the first week of January 1900 to get an idea of what was going on hereabouts at the turn of the century, we dug about in the ancient files down in that dark corner in the basement. The, best we could come up with was the files of 1903 and 1904. . al-lot- ed , I " amp i 5 RECAP Massachu- Boston for the net uary 4 for Boston, were months. Their add. When the kids first arrived at the Inter- setts They by streamliner. AvenUe mountain Indian school, it is impressed on the Min i Boston Wheatland them that they should not change their Saturday, January 6, by Mr. Massachusetts. names because it confuses the records. They think that is hilariously funny, And can see Principal Wilma 'Victor says. BALLET no reason in the world why they shouldnt change their name when they get tired of ; one. old the . - TAP Crompton - C. N. . Two New Classes Forming , O for 6 and 7 year olds at 10:00 O for 8 and 9 year olds at 1 1:00 OF STUDIO FINE ARTS Memorial Home' Saturday Mornings Dance Black, Department Jerrilyn The Studio will be happy to provide numbers fa grams. dum footin' it's top qualify. CORBY'S fry Youre . al Now one of the countrys leading brant Corbys was made famous by millions wl wanted good whiskey at a sensible prit A grand old V BLtmjtu WHISKFY-- 86 PROOF-6- name since GRAIN 8.4 JAS BARCLAY & NEUTRAL co. limited, 18 SWf peoria! , Mrs. Basil ing the luncheon. Olsen won high, with cut prize going to Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren, travel prize to Mrs. Henry Garfield, and low score to Mrs. Merlin Larsen. During the holidays a Christmas party was held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren. A delicious chicken dinner was served to all club members. The evening was spent in exchanging Christmas gifts and presenting birthday gifts to members whose birthdays occur in December. Those whose birthdays were honored were Mrs. James Faulkner and Mrs. E. J. Larsen . For the holiday party Mrs. Forsgrens home was beautifully decorkted with Christmas decoEach lady received a rations. UW! (SQtiJSi yoar tires with t- Parent-Teacher- ft ! By Bob Billy-goa- , now . : onlPACKED SH0U and ICE I Just About AnutUinq Burt dropped us a card today inhis address to us to To start out with the Navajo children are We were pleased to discover that Norman structing Arizona. change He added a post script Phoenix, often the last name of their mother. Lee, who must have been just a youngster that said: The sun is sure fine and the Other given times, then, was editor of the News, an outstand- alfalfa is though, they may get the hanready for cutting. dle of the old man, the grandpa, the grandma ing paper for its time, in 1904. The nearest war at that time was the or the pet billygoat. Wonderful Joe Lillywhite became 80 years skirmish at Port Arthur. The a suffered he Russians were getting, the better of the old last Friday and though Ezra Owen gave a good idea of what they slight heart attack Sunday, - he is hail and are like 'when he said: battles. They dont worry In Brigham City the biggest news of the hearty. about the weather, the war, or about becoming the best dressed man on the campus. day (we wish it could be that way all the Joe was walking, into the First ward chapel They just eat a lot, play a lot and have a lot time) was the departure of Hyrum Johnson ' J and Hans Knudson for the Scandinavian for Sunday school when he had the attack. of fun. he had when concerned was very LDS mission field ; the establishment of a Everyone Arthur C. 'Johnson, student at the San railroad from Brigham City through the been rushed to the hospital. During servicBear River Valley to Malad, Idaho; and ser- es only a short time later, it was announced Francisco Theology seminary who spent a vices in the tabernacle conducted by Stake that he was feeling better and had asked it summer in Brigham City as student pastor a to be announced he was sorry he couldnt be couple of year9 ago, flattered us by taking President Charles Kelley. the time to pen a nice letter this way. Editor Lee praised the outgoing county at the meeting. officials for their fine service for expired terms in his editorials and asked for assistHe felt very bad because he couldnt atArt was a fellow student of mine at the ance of our advertisers and subscribers in tend the party at his home that afternoon U.S.A.C. There, he achieved considerable his children and relatives were giving in fame on the campus for his straight As, running this paper. his salesmanship (he would throw beer busts his honor. we like act the editor it, Although may up the canyon and sell .insurance to his said, yet we dont claim to possess all the s assoThe theme of the guests), and his fierce arguments against intelligence necessary in this community. . Advertisements in 1904, which were run ciation meeting at Central school last Mon religion. To on the front page as freely as on the other day evening was Safety at School. I think now be was never arguing against pages, told nothing of automobiles or gar- get into the school the parents had to walk ice covered v across treacherous but was exploring everyones religiseveral steps. or religion radios sets. television ages, ous philosophy, wringing ideas from all who The ads told of washing machines that Is there a hole in the door? is an odd had any, and building a religious pattern of had taken the push and pull and scrub out his own. of washings. In an ad by Jos. F. Hansen question to hear when you pick up the phone Furniture store, the gismo was called The at 8 oclock in the morning and I didnt Now Art is preparing for the ordained 1900 Waher. Pictured, it was little more know whether to say yes or no when Elthan a tub with a crank attached to churn mer Jeppsen asked yesterday. ministry and is teaching part time at San the clothes inside of it. Quentin, a state prison, and we noticed that I looked at the front door, saw there was the letter was Bigned by Nan and Art. N. P. Hansen, jeweler, advertised watches from $1.25 to $35; the Eddy Drug store ad- no hole in it and anwsered. Nooo, I dont He must now have a wife. vertised A Friend In Need Is A Friend In think so. Times were never so good, says Recruitdeed. You will find a friend indeed these I mean in the door where ing Sgt. Howell. He had more applicants for cold nights in our fine HOT WATER I can drop the journalism class stories for the air force last week than he had quota to fill, but just in time the air force lifted the this week. little power they now have. I suddenly realized it was Elmer and lid and let all who were qualified join up. The legislature will debate a bill that what was going on. would put our state system of representaFried Pierson took the hint. He bought tion on tie same basis as the national. The Navajos it seems have little respect a new car. He reports that car dealers are Questioning, arguing and demanding Rep- for their own names. When one of the again taking on their war time mein. They resentative Lawrence B. Johnson of Rich youngsters leaves school in the spring with dont particularly care if you buy or not. county, one of the most rural areas in the Mrs. Phillip Taylor was blessed state, asked Fjeldsted at the meeting what Mrs. James Faulkner Sacrament Meeting Held and given the name of Katherthe opinion was of the Associated Civic Entertains Ace Hi ine by her father. In Sixth Ward Sunday clubs of Northern Utah on the matter. A baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Fjelsted, who represents urban Weber Mis. James Faulkner enterSacrament meeting was held Weldon Rasmussen was blessed county as well as rural Box Elder and Cache tained the Ace HI pinochle club in the Brigham City Sixth ward and given the name of David counties, was on the spot, Thursday evening, January 4, chapel immeidately following Weldon by Duane Hansen. j v. He stated that the Civic clubs had been at her home. Sunday school with Bishop A baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. FaulknerS party marked Richard G. Hansen in charge. ' Dalet Richmond Waterlyn divided on the question. was How blessed and given the name of The opening song was Eloquently and powerfully, Johnson star the beginning of the New Year. ted the debate on the question even before A hot lunch was served to the Firm A Foundation by the Richmond Biler by her father. following ladies: Mrs. Ed Ras- congregation. The remainder of the time was the legislature was in session. Prayer was ofMrs. Herbert Merrill, fered Alvord L. Cox and the utilized for testimony bearing. by Said he: Every civilization that has tak mussen, Mrs. Lloyd Forsgren, Mrs. Henry sacrament song More Holiness Twelve participated. The closing en representation away from the farmers Garfield, Mrs. E. J. Larsen, Mrs. Give Me, was sung by the con- song was Love At Home by the has perished. Gentlemen (he was referring Wynn Jensen, Mrs. Merlin Larcongregation. Henry Drewes ofto those against adopting the national plan sen, Mrs. George Ridd and Mrs. gregation. blessed and fered the closing prayer. ; Sacrament was of representation) we will beat you when Basil Olsen. served by Arden Jensen and the state legislature convenes. Pinochle was enjoyed follow- Robert Tingey with the assis- i S? the name of John Yazzi or Ben Littlehorse, Tool sons To Make by the Federal Burea r he is likely to come back the next fall with Home In Boston tigation in that city, the new title of Jack Begay or Will Mr. and Mrs. Toow and Toolson Mrs. R. Bums ' - ' v. Jan- plan to make thein, Thursday, left Richard, son, VP' News-Journ- Tactfully, Ezra Fjeldsted, chairman of legislation, circumlocuted the touchy question of reapportionment legislation at the meeting of the Associated Civic clubs of Northern Utah last Friday evening. With representatives and senators of the state legislature who represent Weber county present there was no mention of it. Under present laws our; representatives, both for the House and the Senate, are areas on a population basis. In other words the greater population the more representatives and senators that area will have in the state legislature. This is not, consistent with the .national Under it the system of ' 'representation! representatives are allotted on population .basis and the senators are allotted on area basis two to the state. : The census was taken this summer and it proved that the rural county lost population to the urban areas such as Weber county, and Utah county. Consequently they will be given more seats in the state legislature while the rural areas will lose what : :W I tance of the deacons. Duane J. Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson was confirmed a member of the church by his father. Kay Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roberts was confirmed a member , of the church by her father. A baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' James Mason was blessed of Verabel and given- BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. CONOCOPRODUCTS Auto Repair Lubrication And Tire Service . , -- y the-nam- Knudson Mason Jordenson. by Clarence 14 A baby daughter of Mr. and was Mrs. Velroy Christensen blessed and given the name of Katherine by her father. A baby daughter of Mr. and wreath confection prepared by the hostess. . Christmas ( blizzard after blizzard my car performed better TREADS Now get extra traction for safer driving ioo slippery ice and packed snow. n treads B.F. Goodrich sura abrasive particles rough tiny face that digs in and holds. They start while others nail and spin. ne f e!ected to icsi new Conoco Super Motor Oil my own car before it was put on the market. Thrmieh blizzard after blizzard, I travelled in Northern Colorado and Wyoming. BUT THOSE WERE THE TWO BEST WINTERS I EVER HAn ' the operation 9noco 5liP?r ofmy And atthfend of the test, with proper drains and regular care alme mileage was virtually as good as at the beginning. I! coo-tai- ' Stop in today see this amazing winter traction ' tread for safety and freedom from worry. Phone 548 ' $955 600-1- 6 on your tire Ilea M abrasive particles sharp gripping edges throughout life of tread. Tread. Smooth rubber spins easily 2 onoraaylor ice or packed snow makes pnfiiy oat. After a total Merman towing your only An empty coal bin may mean a freezing house this Winter. To protect yourself against unexpected cold weather, order coal NOW. And be sure of the best, phone 8 for KNIGHTS SPRING CANYON COAL-- tts harder, cleaner and gives more heat. 146 South Main Street Brigham City of 386,422 w tom. miles, logged by Jasmine fartTSjrf Analysis of crankcase drains showed that peat new oil actually stopped the dangerous accumulation of free water and adds, chief causes of tot proved that new Conoco Super Motorwinter wear Oil! Oil, with Plating, fights off rust, corrosion and sludge. So chance t0 winter-grad- e Conoco Super Motor Oil SZ CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Ask Me About mimiLs, . Walk A Block And Sme" . 0 St. Denver 2 Tmi Tiny thousands of Snow says 1645 f inc 50,000 Mies NoWesr!" 1 yger MQTORoi cres |