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Show w Tauil ' to WANT ADS Gerald Speth, Pe Ann announced Miss Joyce Thorum, Seely, Thompson. speech director. Tryouts were Sophomores Carol Ann Bar-lo- held last Wednesday in B.E.s Jim Bundy, Barbara auditorium. Patricia Hunsaker, Dixie Pam for seven women and Gordon, Carol Olsen, John M. five men were open to all stuPeters, Lola White, Roberta dents from the 9th to 12th grade Young. inclusive. Freshmen Sheryl Barker, Gay Last year the non scenery Conger, Sandra Knudson, Ruth Our Town, was presented. Morrell, Nola Nebeker, Bonnie Lou Terry, Robert Valentine, B'EUes Party Arlene Wilson. By Bunny Reese Honorable Mention Richard Levis were in order for the Hadfield, Billy Glover, Claudia annual Christmas party the Gourley, Joan Kotter, Devem BEttes held In the Fourth ward Perry, Carmen Reeder, Roxalene amusement hall, December 28. Ridd. The evening began with games of a wide variety. Parent-TeacheConferences A small plate was served to By Ruth Berntsen each, after which the evening The annual parent teacher was completed with dancing. conferences will be held JanThe BEtte officers were in uary 16, 17, 18. During this time charge and the guests were the parents will come to the Principal and Mrs. Freeman. , Ham-berli- IV1 fAOb Services Offered NEWS jOX ELDER Brigham City. Utah 10. 1951 Wednesday. January rTorSaie gde on all Sbt gun and rifle; SALE C! States 'shells. guns. Mountain Electric. D( SNTF 5 room oil rpn ' 41 drum, rack, coppei store. See at Horsley's makes of Washers, vacuums, irons, etc. We fix anything. Just bring them in or phone us. 392-N- he breitenbeker ELECTRIC heater; tubing. JlO-c- h Phone 990 84 S. Main eng SALE 4 piece bedroom set, See at excellent condition. Phone REPAIRS And service on 106 east Sixth south. home appliances, guns, 519. Make us offer. See at 106 Call 519. am exa. ove blond oak Practically new. east Sixth south. closet. fhin Chrysler '38 fOB SALE led an. Radio and O.D. Highest Apt. offer, see after 6 p-- m. d 9, SeelT MoteL U WE SPECIALIZE Small upright piano ia eery good condition, $250. Terms if desired. $25 down, $18 481-RBrig per month. Call after imi. 1p.m. BRIGHAM mated pairs Aus red rabbits. $3 a pair. tralian 626 north Second west. Phone - . J1012-p- LOAN 43 So. Main SEVENTH CO. Phone 448 basement home on fj acre lot with small coop and One-mon- th mutt A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM RELIABLE man with car wanted to call on farmers in Box Elder County. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent Write today. DELIVERED COMPANY. TRY IT. Calif. painting, body and fender work, wrecks completely rebuilt Get our bid, and save, lurfs Body Shop, at rear of Sortfc Main Motor, 604 North Auto Rain. the News-Journa- invota-tions- RECORDS Peter Cottontail, Third Man Theme, Crew Cut, Theres No Tomorrow, Stan Kentons new alin Modern bum, Innovations Music, and all Hit Parade tunes. Mountain States Electric. Repaired. Prompt service. all kinds of Work Bate Sewing calves. A. P. Machineguaranteed. Service, 54 So. 2nd W., . y Brigham. Phone r In portraits. film developing. Photo Arts Service, 6814 S. Main, Ph. 945. orchard supplies Proved quality insecticide, praying materials. Produce Co. Anderson VETERINARIAN Complete Veterinary service. Hospital facilities. Dr. Hendrik vetwuis, Tremonton, R.F.D. 3, miles west of Elwood school house. Phone 3962, : PMWTED MATTER Sales slips, The restaurant checks, News-Journa- l, FORTY ACRES Phone be- - available Requires about -w- ill--not- for long. $3500 down. C RADIATOR REPAIR Complete auto radiator service, Brigcleaned, repaired, ham Radiator Shop, back of Ringside. 380 N. Main. BUNDS Window shades. Call us for rree estimates. Large stock winavailable. dow shades always North Main Furniture, ph. 250 B. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 6 140 So. Main or call S. L. Jeppson, Salesman Phone 349-- room frame home north on 1st East. Garage, oil stove. Wired for electric stove. $3900.00 with small down payment balance 4 like rent. A GOOD CHANCE TO BUY YOUR HOME IN 378-W- WBTBA1TS specialize Older brick home on North Main. Suitable for 4 apis. Needs some work. Only WE HAVE SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS AVAILABLE. tf Roll THIRD WARD l. Typewriters, adding machines PAINTS AND GLASS Home and automobile - glass, Ud cash registers bought, sold tented and REPAIRED. The Rmirrors, shelves, installed. General Painits. Brigham Glass and eader Office Supply. M22-ch-Paint 85 North Main. Ph. 696. We $4250. . T ttvewritersT FIFTH WARD Older three bedroom home, modern except heat ' acre lot Only $1250 down and $40 per month. Total price and reception COVERINGS L car- Linoleum, tile, broadloom pet, Congowall in stock. ExpertFurnily installed. North Main ture, phone 250. CABINET. CARPENTRY WORK New construction and remodelVORNITURE MOVING ing on all types of buildings Por local or Shop at long distance Free estimates given. Charles west. Third moving of household effects, 409 north Cross P one 79-J for free estimate. Ewer, phone 686-R- . Henry 587-J& Son man, phone i.May 3 Berntsen- - Scholarship Honor Roll By Richard N. Bosley students of last Seventy-twquarter represent Box Elders scholarship club which is based upon points received from first quarters grades. An A grade merits 10 points, A , 9 points, etc., with a possible 45 points received for straight As in 4V4 units work. These 72 students show that 6 percent of the high school enrollment are represented by the club. The figure closely coincides with the approximate 5 percent As allowed each teacher per class per quarter. I AIL. of .those whajeceived,-- . 35- points and over comprise the $ following honor roll: Seniors jGayle Baddley, Ferl Rose Barker, Eve Braegger, Douglas Clay, Ruth Collings, Arden Jensen, Ramona Madsen, Pat Reed, Carol Ann Roundy, , Alan Shaw. Mention Honorable Betty Beard, Darlene Burt, La Rane Christensen, Mary Gunderson, Kazuko Endow, Maurice Hunsaker, Joan Travins. Juniors Richard Bosley, Ruth Berntsen, Jo Murrae Buchanan, Varlene Cook, Leota Hunsaker, Diane Jensen, Lu Ane Jensen, Noel Marble, Nada Smith, Joy Waddoups. Honorable Mention Pauline Anderson, Audrine Anderson, Brent Beecher, .Donna Compton, Joyce Jeppson, Bunny , Reese, Patty Smith, Elden Shaw, Adele Legal Notices FIRST WARD bedroom frame home, bath, wired for electric stove. In good condition. Located 27 South 6th East. Price $5500. With $1500 down and $50 per month. 3 BAIRD AGENCY chtf VENETIAN FLOOR-WAL- Ruth Plans for this years Junior Prom will soon toe well underway. The prom committee was recently chosen and they will soon begin working with the class officers, Donald Wendell, Joy Waddoups and Val Woodland, and the class parents, Miss Thorum and Mr. Johnson, to make this years prom a success. are The prom Diane Jensen and Nora Harper. The prom committee consists of Joanne Anderson, Donna Comp ton, Gary Shirts, Wayne Simms, Arlene Dunn, and Dee Ann Thompson. o $5250. PUSTE WORK LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS See Gordon B. Nicholas for free and Dry Laundry Brigham kUmates on plastering stucco-t- a leanere. Phone 62. and cement work. Ph. 487J6. SEWING MACHINES LIVESTOCK I buy and sell livestock; day old Claik, Ph. 392-N- rent 7. DIRECTORY PHONOGRAPH AND BODY SIXTH WARD Almost new, two bedroom brick, home located '2 block north of Inter. ML Indian School. Hot water heat Approx. $4500, down, baL like This plot is within city limits etc., at BUSINESS S Directory advertisements oi four lines oi ess. $2.00 per calendar month, ono month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents per lint per month. AUTO PANT barn. Only $3600 with about ; down, bat EZ monthly payments. t , Save money .. Phone 504 ' B-- St, Oakland 2423 Magnolia SUPERIOR. DAIRY Dept WARD Good restaurant ance. 68 North Main. F18tf-c- h cashier pads, punch checks, printed to your order. Wanted delivery, so order YOUNG COUPLE with no chilearly. Lowest prices. The News dren want three-roofurnishJournal ed apt with bath. Ph. 234 for sewer SOB SEPTIC tanks and Gene Davis. collect. perries call 027-J- 4 WANTED A ride to Ogden 5 days a week. Work is from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phone 848-after 6 p. m. Grade Real Estate Three bedroom frame home, with basement apartment. Hot air, stoker fired furnace. Extra bldg, lot ELECTRIC floor polisner for rent. Beehive Coal & Appli- BOOKS, room For Sale d Services Offered (ALES checks, News From Box Elder High School By IN TO $300 $25 3 938-- City Apts. apt 35. TS Girls' State Representatives with Meet Sleeping or without two meals a By Richard N. Bosley 639 So. Filth east Ph. 963-N- day. Janice Hansen, Rose Marie FOR RENT Sleeping or light Lomax, Carol Ann Roundy and housekeeping room with bath. Barbara Shaw, representatives Light heat furnished. Close from Box Elder for the Girls in. Reasonable. Phone 43X State organization of last year Ernest Hansen. met recently to renew acquaintances and refresh knowledge FOR RENT Available immeof what they were taught, at Three room unfur- Girls State last 6ummer. diately. nished apt Steam heat 11 Seventy-fiv- e representatives east Fourth south. Ph. 552. luncheoned at the Newhouse hotel and were entertained by a FOR RENT Three-roofurnished home. Oil heated. Call program and a report by last at 277 north Second east or years governor of Girls State, who recently visited Wyoming phone 124-on business concerning the organization. Lost and Found Those who visited Girls State FOUND One red bald yearl- were taught facts concerning ing bull with no brand; left government and its applicaear slit underneath. Has been tions. in LaGrande Hunsaker' herd for two months. Contact Hunsaker at Honey-viU- Prom Committee Chosen SMALL LOANS FOR SALE rOB SALE HI-SPO- e. J10-12-p- I all etc. Guaranteed service and repair parts, lowest prices. Phone 163 for service at your home, or bring them to Thompson Hardware and Implement. One SALE POH j-r- Dean Keller, 723-J- FOR RENT SERVICE One FOR SALE rinoer guemaey. one springHolstein and two middle Silken. A. P. Clark. Phone peri Ph. apt Peach , A23-tf-c- UVESTOCK x t Vacuum. Clean and Repair All Makes of Furnaces BEEHIVE COAL St APPLIANCE FOR RENT Two room furnishand Phone "ONE" ed apt Call 409-W- . h Fried chicken lunchefc sl- cole. STt,E RENT- - -- Unfurnished CLEANING for deluxe FURNACE W 9 For Rent or Lease Legal Notices Probate and Guardianship No tices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers tor iniorma tion. NOTICE TO CREDITORS File No. 146 Elder In the District Court of Box State of Utah. County, Estate of John Beue, Deceased. with Creditors will present claims vouchers to the undersigned at the law offices of Dobbs & Dobbs, 812 Ec cles Building, Ogden, Utah, on or before two months from date of first publication hereof, on December 20th, 1950. RAYMOND H. OLSON. Administrator. Dobbs & Dobbs, Attorneys for Administrator. II EXPERIENCED ANDERSEN AUTO By V alien Ann Yates, concessions; Varlene Cook, decorations, and DeAnn Thompson, advertising. Dancing Instruction By Donna Compton Fun dancing, under the direction of Alma Heaton, instructor, at the high school every Saturday night is proving to be very successful. Enthusiasm was verified last week as the snow fell and still the students came to their les- Much prepara- Contests Tonight The South Box Elder stake will open their official league Phone 21 remaining seconds. David Malmrose was the offensive hero for the Bees with 17 big points. Davids jump shots from out around the key hole were terrific. Capable Doyle Hansen came in next for the Bees with three field goals and two foul pitches for eight. LeRon Johnson and Phil Oyler tanked seven and Lee Boothe was good for six. Glen Had field was great under the has ket, but weak from way out, as he gathered in 15 counters. Shaw with 11 and Budge with 10 were next high men for the losers. Score by quarters: Box Elder 15 26 35 45 12 24 36 44 Weber - e e BAD POSTURE and ILL HEALTH Can Result Front A Sagging - Uncomfortable -- V MATTRESS - I? a good nights rest is the best medicine anyone can- - take. Thats why we prescribe 8 hours rest3G5 Yes, See us today our prices are very reasonable. ; 1 fea- 'I s ( , MATTRESS CO.M I'll ri . Refrigerators vl these Smooth, gleaming, beau tie take op an amazingly small apace on your kitchen fiooe. ( i THEYRE SPACIOUS! All four models have huge freezer lockers, big crisper to keep fruits and vegs etable dewy-fresand unbelievably huge capable of storing foods like watermelons and tall bottles. shelf-area- Every feature has a function I The quiet, Tight-Wa- d Unit saves electricity. Tapered Door Styling, beautiful, saves Handy, built-i- n Battlo-Openis so convenient! ; . Scientific makes it easy to store bulky foods like watermelons, etc Smooth, porcelain enamel Interior make deaning easy. Be sure you see these refrigerators e easy-to-dea- floor-spac- e. i V THEYRE GORGEOUS! If J i er 1 nt CONVENIENT TERMS Play By Richard N. Bosley A mystery comedy play, Murder at Random, with a cast of 12, will be produced February f and 8, for tne student body as Bax Elders annual school play. s EVERTON INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER h ; ,ll New trouble-fre- I- - nights a year on a Genu-in EVERTON Springfilled Mattress either new or rebuilt. Lowell Peter- - spective coach. es, Jerry Hadley, Glee Clubs Present Program By Ruth Berntsen Our Boys and - Girls glee clubs combined on Christmas eve to present a choral yuletide program for our school and the general public. The program presented in the tabernacle, consisted of Christmas classics and carols. 150 students Approximately under the direction of Mr. Johnston, and accompanied by Mrs. Johnson, blended voices to make this an outstanding program. ill . -- School SERVICE Tri-Stat- games tonight in the Hivers gym starting at 7:30. All teams will play their opponents once to decide who will represent Detecting Made Easy SPOKANE Detective (UP) their respective league when the E. B.. Meader made his easiest church tournament starts. Tonights schedule is as fol arrest when he opened his door Christmas Dance and John J. Gallar lows: By Donna Compton . dl saiij he, had heard Meader Mantua vs. Sixth 7:30. i'Blue.. Christmas,. Che Sophowas looking for him. The detec Willard 'vs. First 8:30. more sponsored Xmas dance, tive escorted Gallardi to the po vs. 9:30. Fifth Perry was held December 22 in the Indian School vs. Second ward lice station, where he was high school gymnasium. booked on a forgery charge. A huge, silver-bluChrist- at 7:30, Thursday at Indian school gym. mas tree lighted the east end sen, Bill Hadley and Alan Han of the hall and winter scenes During the practice games, the line. adorned the walls. The bandAll official papers should be stand of white cottony snow and First ward came out on top as Xmas trees held the danceable the winner with an impressive handed in Wednesday night or band of Deb Madsen. The re- 29 to 13 triumph over the Second sooner, before the players will freshment stand was made of ward in the final bout. Three be allowed to play. Physicals white satin material and silver games were played to determine and other matters should be taa winner and thp First won all ken care of by the coach and metallic snow flakes. bishop of the wards, says chairThe refreshments, decorations three by easy scores. Members of the winning team man Kent Jensen. For further and music (helped to highlight were Dean Adams, Jerry Valen- information on these things, the outstanding dance. tine, Norman Olsen, Bruce Key- call Kent Jensen or your re- characters will be the For Daytime WRECKER At Night, on Sundays and Holidays Call 906 or 541W. II Hi-ve- Starts League has proven to be an amiable and patient teacher, according to his many students. the dances being Among taught now are the Charleston, fox trot, congo and mixers. 11 Coach Earl Ferguson's Box Elder Bees got back into the, winning stride Friday night in the Bees gym when tthey g slapped down the Weber Warriors 45 to 44 in another top regional basketball tilt , , The triumph was their second in Region One standings, and it gave them a solid number two spot in the league. LeRon Johnson surprised the Warriors by not fouling out of the game and by also sinking the winning foul pitch, that w ' V rang up their seventh seasonal victory. Opening the initial canto saw t the stingers have a ofBOWLING RESULTS fense and they piled up 15 big a counters to Webers 12. The whole B.E.H.S. quintet worked Thursday League, Jan. 4 The Indian school held second perfect on defense. Weber dug in hard during the second quar- place with a three point victory ter and the Bees were hit hard over the league leading Brigham Lumber adbut they stayed out ahead of Tire shop. vanced into third place after their opponents 26 to 24. A slight shadow of the old squeezing four paints from Seathird quarter Jinx" settled over gull Aviation and Andersens the locals and Weber drove clipped the Eagles for three points. ahead in the battle, but the j. fought back and were start- Special Prizes Pete Peters hit a score of 201 ing to get hot as the third canto ended 36 to 35 for Weber. Both to win $1.00 In trade at Brigham fives traded counters during the Tire shop. Frank Ammons, last period as the pressure and Harold Tingey and Pete Peters excitement mounted with every each scored 175 to win two beers basket. Then with about a full each from the Taho lounge. minute of play left, center Le. , Ron Johnson was fouled and he Wanted Car. Not Wife received one shot. He toed the A LEWISTON, Ida. (UP) line very calmly, and shot dead Washington man .wrote to police into the nets for the one point here help in find his lead Weber hurried down the lost asking wife and car. He instrucfloor and tried to get off a 6hot, ted the department' to but alert Lee Boothe grabbed wire him police collect if the ear is the ball and the Brighamltes located so he could get it back. stalled out the 45 red-ho- So. B. E. Stake son. Mr. Heaton THRILLER " Legion Oratory 23 and 24, contest; February American Legion Oratory contest; March 2 and 3, Weber college debate meet; Sometime before March 6, Region One debate meet; March 6 and 7, U. S. A. C. debate meet; March 30 and 31, Universitys Debate meet; and April 4, Sons of the American Revolution Oratiory meet. The oratory subjects are: Our Constipatriotic subjects, tution, Worth Having, Worth Defending. The debate question is: Resolved, That further social benefits should be extended by the federal government. The named debate meets also include other forensic acas: tivities extemporaneous speaking, forum, and oratory. Cook IN CLOSE . 22, American Weve found out what The Thing is its an evening of fine entertainment, good food, and The exciting games. Thing" is the theme of the Boys and Girls league circus scheduled' for February 1 and 2, High school talent will be exhibited by the dance class, the band, and even the clowns. Special attractions will be presented by outside performers. Chairmen of the several committees are Jewel Jensen, foods; Fay Anderson, program; Carol it high-ridin- tion has begun for the various divisions in the contests. The following meets were of announced: February ficlally tured attraction with prizes awarded for the best. Deb Madsens orchestra Is scheduled to play, according to Jewel Jensen, Girls league president. STEADY EMPLOYMENT EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Apply speech director. Circus Dog-patc- MECHANICS In Person his social activities, etc. The purpose of the conferences is to bring the parents, teachers and students closer together and to iron out any difficulties that may be present. TO LeRon Johnson's Foul Toss Puts Contest On Ice As Stingers Record Second Win and talk to the hometeacher of their child for Speech Activities approximately 15 minutes. The By Richard N. Bosley discussion will concern the stuOne busy schedule of speech dent his willingness to work, contests was announced last the work he does, his attitude, Monday by Miss Joyce Thorum, uary 12, are getting underway by the Girls league, who sponsor the dance. The activities of the day and the dance will follow the pattern of last year, with dates attending as girls choice. Costumes representing WANTED 6 school room NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE United States Department Of The Interior Bureau Of Land Management LAND & SURVEY OFFICE, Seit Lake City, Utah, Nov. 10, 1950 Under provisions of section 255. R. S., as amended by section M of the Radio Club Begins Projects act of June 26. 1934 (46 Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171,) and pursuant to the By Richard N. Bosley P. o4 of Park Roy application Pugsley; "Anything but a car radio and Valley, Utah, Serial No. 0 712, there will be offered to the highest bidder, a television set! As the radio but at not less than 43. 0 per acre club boys get started on their at a public sale to be held at 1 0 oclock A. M., on the 6th day of February, projects for this year, Mr. Lloyd 1951 next, at this office, the following Hust pointed out a varied numtracts of land: All Sec. 26, T. 13 N.. R. 16 W., S.L.M. ber of undertakings they might Utah, 640 acres. Bids may be made by the 'principal begin to construct. or his agent, either personally at the They have begun the process sale or by mail. of buying parts so they can start Bids sent by mail will be considered only If received at this office prior to the actual construction the first the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must or next quarter. be bi sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post-offic- e Such projects as, table radio monej orders made payable to the Treasurer models, which the majority re of the United States for the amounts of the bids. The envelopes must test Instruments for be building, marked in the lower corner radios, recorders, tape Public sale bid. Serial No. U 712, checking Sale. 10 A. M., Feb. 16, I9t5i. recorders, etc., will toe built. The The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. club includes 11 members under Any adverse claimants of the above-describe- the direction of Mr. Hust. land ehouid file then claims, or objections, on or before the tune Sadie Hawkins' Dance designated for sale. Any contiguous owner claiming By Donna Compton preference right must assert such right Sadie withing 3 days from the above sale . Plans for the annual date. Hawkins dance to be held JanERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. - BEES STING WEBER WARRIORS -- Brigham Truck & Implement Co; I |