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Show rvKv Lt. Eskelsen Home; Family Hold Dinner I THE PICTURES" ,.pjCK O THURS. no. HIT 1 The story of two youog people in trouble! lo(0...in n BEHS Ladies Faculty League Hold Meeting exchange Nuptials At Quiet Ceremony ' All members of the Ruel M. Eskelsen family met at the family home Sunday afternoon and enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner prepared by Mrs. Eskelsen. Lt. Quinn M. Eskelsen arrived In Brigham City Saturday. He flew in to Salt Lake City from Fort Sill. Oklahoma, and was met by his parents in Salt Lake For the past month Lt. City. Eskelsen has been attending a battery officers school at Fort Sill. Today, Wednesday, January 10, he will return to Fort Lewis, Washington and rejoin his national guard unit. Lt. Eskelsen is serving with the guard from Garland. Those present at the party given in his honor were: Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn W. Gordon and sons, Bruce and Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Les Dunn and sons, Mike, Stephen and Gary, from Logan; Dick Eskelsen, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Earl Peters, Karen Eskelsen of Brigham City, and Marie Nielsen of Honeyville. TV:- r at two-cours- e 4. - SECOND FEATURE BEYOND THE BORDER Revises from MEXICAN irani TITO GlilZAR and is wl CONSTANCE vifb wjsi pm pdd MOORE IE0 (AJHtfiiO HfiiMUM moot mmsm BTHfld tOQBGUU by ALFRED 5AN7ELL PLUS TODAY & THURS. The Breaking Point With John Garfield and Patricia Neal tnn aouHB " Produced oqd Directed! f Two 1st Run Features SHORT SUBJECTS 7 ME03 CO-HI- T Viveca LIndfors and Kent Smith in This Side Of The Law" Mr. and Mrs. Curt Christensen of Richland, Washington, left Monday, January 8, following a weeks visit in Brigham City. Mrs. Christensen is the former Shirleah Josephson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Josephson. Mr. Christensen Is son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christesen. The couple enjoyed their stay in Brigham City very much visiting friends and relatives. PAGE THREE BOX ELDER NEWS Members of the Saturday night Pinochle club met Saturday, January 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Baty in Garland. Hot dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mr. and Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, January 10, 1951 Mrs. Lee Hazeldine, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Arden C. Balls. Pinochle was played during the evening with prizes going to E. H. Peters and Mrs. Douglas Orchard. Capt And Mrs. Petersen Visit Mother Here Capt. and Mis. Jarvis M. Petersen and children, Lorrie and Dan, left Friday, January 5, for Camp Pendleton, California, after spending the past week with Mrs. Dan Petersen. In Second Ward Capt. Petersen Meeting was on his way from Camp Lynene, North Caro Last Sunday Evening lina to his new assignment in Bishop Glen Knudsen presided at a meeting held in the Brig- California. ham City Second ward last Sun- Visit From Las day evening, with Elder Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Vegas Johnson Joseph E. Kimber of the genealogical and family of Las Vegas, Neva committee conducting. The organ prelude was by da spent three days in Brigham City over the New Years holi Renie Littlewood. A male quartet, composed of days. While in Brigham City they Frank Barker, Ray Anderson, Lowell Daines and Ray Dalnes, stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Johnson. 6ang two numbers. They were Little-wooMrs. accompanied by A t, January Marie Thorne by President Jeppson. An interesting program was presented by the following 'high school students: two vocal solos by Lorraine Anderson accompanied by Jaron Nichols, a reading by Marilyn Woods and two accordion solos by Robert Nunn-ley- . After the program, a very luncheon was lovely served to 35 members. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Weight, with Mrs. Elmer Jeppsen as the chairman. Other members of the committee were Mrs. Roland Gourley, Mrs. Grant Prisbrey, Mrs. Ed Ward, Mrs. Sam Gordon, Miss Lura Redd and Miss Joyce Thorum. Pinochle was enjoyed by club members at the home of Mrs. Prudence Sheridan, Thursday, delicious lunciieon was served by the hostess after which pinochle was the diversion of the evening. High score was won by Mrs. Grant Simper with Mrs. Claras Cazier drawing cut and Mrs. Gordon Reeves low. Members present were Mrs. Gordon Reeves, Mrs. Dale Mrs. Robert Pella, Mrs. Du Wain Jacobson, Mrs. Ben Andersen, Mrs. Grant Simper, Mrs. Clarence Burrup, and Mrs. Claras Cazier. p. m., Monday, 8, Mrs. Grant Simper Wins High At Pinochle Club January 'Batys Entertain Pinochle Club In Garland Saturday At Home Of Mrs. Kenneth Weight , Monday The January meeting of the Box Elder high school Ladies Christensens Return Faculty league was called to or- To Richland, Wash. 4 der L....V Opening prayer was offered by Nolan Jensen and LaVon Jensen. gave the first talk on Spirituality." Valeria Stokes gave a practical demonstration on how to keep a book of remembrance, with the assistance of Mrs. Emma Kimber. D'On Jensen And Raulon M. Nelson Raymond H. Olsen and son, Married Thursday At Home Wedding Jerry, told the part the priesto hood takes In doing temple DOn Jensen, daughter of Mr. ployed at the Peach City, work. and Mrs. P. W. Jensen, became The groom, a private first Elder Kimber thanked all who the bride of Raulon M. Nelson, class in the army, is stationed had taken part and for the large son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nel- at Fort Lewis,' Washington with attendance present The conson, at a quiet home wedding the National Guard from Brig- gregation sang the closing numperformed by Bishop Raymond ham City. He left for Fort Doug- ber and the benediction was ofPayne of the Brigham City First las Saturday evening. fered by Elder Oscar Call. ward. The ceremony was at the home of the Beth Simonsen Recites Temple Vows brides parents in the presence With Dean Tanner In Logan On January 3 of close friends and relatives. canThe couple stood before Iva Beth Simonsen, daughter nations and roses. The men in delabra tied with white satin of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Simon- the receiving line wore boutonribbons to recite their wedding sen, and Dean Tanner, son of nieres. Mrs. Simonsen and Mrs. vows. Mr. and Mrs. La Verd Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tanner, Tanner wore blue street length John attended them. pledged nuptial vows before dresses and corsages of roses. The bride was beautiful in a President El Ray Christiansen Mrs. Hazel Christensen, Mrs. gown of white net over taffeta. in the L. D. S. temple in Logan Clifford Hobson and Miss Edna She wore a white orchid cor- on January 3. t Tanner were in charge of the sage attached to a filmy stoll The ceremony was performed gifts. at her shoulder, , The dress was in e of Mr. and Mr& Andersen and Mary and LeRoy Simonsen, Mr. and, Mrs. Frost took charge of the serving strapless with tight bodice v billowy skirt. Ralph Tanner, Mr, and Mrs. Clif- fable. For her daughters wedding ford Hobson and, Mrs. Hazel M During the evening dancing was enjoyed and the following Mrs. Jensen wore a black street Christensen. the program was announced by Immediately following length dress with corsage of white chrysanthemums and red ceremony a dinner was held at Clifford Hobson, master of cere roses. Mrs. Nelson wore a grey the Bluebird in Logan for mem monies; street length dress with corsage bers of the bridal party, DeLoy r. A trio composed of Doris Si Jensen and of white and bronze chrysanthe- TSinner and Misses Doris Simon- monsen, Marlene Diane Grant, accompanied mums. Mrs. Josephine Nelson, sen and Edna Tanner. ' : by Newlyweds greeted many Mrs. Stephen Bunnell sang grondmother of the groom, witnessed the ceremony and wore friends and relatives at a recep- "Temple By the River. Mr. DarCopenhagen blue street length tion held the same evening at rell Andersen of Corinne sang a dress with corsage of white and the Fifth ward amusement hall. solo followed by a duet, My Wearing a traditional white Hero, sung by Mr. and Mrs. yellow chrysanthemums. ; The rooms at the Jensen home satin wedding gown with pep-lu- Darrell Andersen accompanied front and bustle effect by Mrs. Lorin Andersen. Miss were beautifully decorated with white and orchid chrysanthe- - back, long sleeves finished in Dorene Wheeler also sang a solo. mums. Light refreshments were points at the wrists, the lovely A skit prepared and presented served to those present by Pat bride carried a bridal bouquet by Doris Simonsen and Diane roseGrant accompanied by Lowell ty Jensen, La Von Jensen, Na- of baby carnations and with buds detachable corsage. Daynes was followed by acrobaomi Elliason and Joyce Stoll. A beautifully decorated tiered Her veil cascaded from a 6atin tics by Glenda Larsen, daughbonnet shaped cap. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Larwedding cake centered the serv- net ruffledwere met at the door sen of Perry. Lynn Jensen ofGuests was also table ing table. The decorated with white and or- by May Christensen, daughter of fered the closing prayer. The young couple left for, a chid chrysanthemums and white Mrs. Hazel M. Christensen and candles on a lace cover. Each Deon Rose, daughter of Mr. and short' honeymoon trip immeRose of Salt Lake diately following the reception. guest received a white napkin Mrs. Stephen The bride has been employed Raulon and DOn in City. engraved Those receiving the guests as dental assistant for Dr. Frank gold. The new bride is a graduate were Mr. and Mrs. Simonsen, Mr. H. Saito. Mr. Tanner left Monof Box Elder seminary and high and Mrs. Tanner, Ralph Olsen, day for Fort Douglas to report school. At present she is em- - best man; the groom, the bride; for army service. He previousDoris Simonsen, sister of the ly served six months overseas. bride, maid of honor, and the Mrs. Tanner hopes to follow him bridesmaids, Joyce Dickamore, in the near future. Several parties have been held Shelly Robinette, Shirley Lowe and Anita Tracy. The maid of in honor of Mrs. Tanner and honor and bridesmaids were all many useful and lovely gifts gowned in pastel formals. Each have been presented to the carried a nosegay of baby car- - Mr. And Mrs. Raulon M. Nelson . . . who were married at the home, of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W, Jensen, Raulon, who is stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington with the national guard unit, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nelsos. , 'The taxes paid by Utah mines and smelters make up about Vx of all state revenues. Every person living in Utah pays 25 less to the state in taxes than he would if there were no mining and smelting industry here." uTteiii mrcircis 3arjnEK '1 hatever the weather, travel by Pacific. Take advantage of the convenience of regular schedules. Relax in comfortable Pullman or y coach seat as you speed over the rails. Arrive refreshed downtown ot your destination, and rent a car on your arrival. Enjoy delicious prime ribs of beef the featured meal in January on all rest-eas- Union Pacific diners. addition to paying top market prices, more than million has been returned to members as patronage payments. In ha ' S for dotailt and eosorvoltons m your ntarosl Union I'ocific Railroad (Idiot ogont. JSSSE; UTAH POULTRY AND FARMERS La-Re- Qeiwral 1100 CO-O- P Ojtctti Sob lake South Wesl Temple Convenient Branches in Utah and Southern jdaha City For Dependable Passenger and Freight Transportation SAY fie Specific - PAC l U N I O N . 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Thus, when you bring your equipment to us for reconditioning, our mechanics are able to do the necessary work quickly, efficiently, and at the lowest possible cost. It just doesn't pay to give your John Deere best of service. Equipment anything but the Call us . . . soon. Kmc. Walk A Block And. i lii'T Only the Best Service is Oood Enough rd ? Union m V!f : i, : the-presen- b i f Save! RUSH I THERI IS STILL TIMS TO ARRAN6I FOR NEW ADVIRTISING IN THI LISTINGS OR NEW TELEPHONE CALL - E light-weig- automatically controlled blanket . . . always kept at the temperature you've selected. (Just act the Bedside Control once a season.) DIRECTORY OUR OFFICE DUSINESS " "yo y iOXraicutt mmu w nm tT - With the G-- Automatic Blanket, you can laugh at ludden weather changes! Youll be snoozing warmth of on snugly under the Get your automatic sleeping comfort" today! Select from blue, rose, green, cedar, 72x86 in. ' Fits any bed! Launders beautifully. 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