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Show pmYe "tvyttvf Wedding T cast At Cana BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, Match 1. 1950 : Relatives And Friends Honor Mrs. Martha Walker On 73rd Birthday Relatives and friends of Mrs. Martha Walker gathered at the home of her daughter, Lega Crowther, 306 east Forest street, Friday, February 24, to honor birthher on her seventy-thirday. A luncheon was served and the group enjoyed a short program. Mrs. Walkers family plan to make the birthday party an annuar affair. Present at the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Heber Walker of ev - Legion Aux. Members Conduct Discussion At Monday Meeting - port. The program was under the direction of Mable Christensen. Pearl Hunsaker spoke on legislation and Elva Miller on equal rights, after which a floor discussion was held. Ann Jones, accompanied Jesus And The Virgin Mary . . . portrayed by Millard Coody and Darlene Bridges, respectively, as Jesus turns water into wine. The scene is from the pageant in The Prince of Peace," opening at the Capitol theatre Sunday, March 5, and running for four Mrs. Lovina Pella of Brigham City; Mr. and Mrs. William Mltton; Mr. and Mrs. Dee Mitton of Wellsville; Mr. and , days. Mrs. Raymond Petersen of Jly-ruMr. and Mrs. Ellis CrowMr. And Mrs. John H. Caddy Celebrate ther, Adele Millett and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pella of Brigham Golden Wedding Anniversary February 23 City; Mr. Grover Jones of WellsIn honor of their golden wed- i of the guests of honor. ville; Mr. .and Mrs. Justin Nelson and Mrs. Effie Welling of ding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. They were also presented with ! and button-naire- . John H. Caddy were feted at a a lovely corsage Brigham City. . w family dinner at the Idle Isle 0 After dinner the evening was cafe, last Thursday, February Mrs. Rohert Stack 23. spent in visiting at the Caddy close friends and home. Twenty-threEntertains At Bridge relatives were present. The taOn Friday evening, February Mrs.' 'Robert Stack was hostess ble was beautifully decorated 24, a reception and dance was to bridge club members at her with a lovely wedding cake as held at the Carpenters union a centerpiece. Tall white can- hall m honor of the couple. It home in Perry Friday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Beth dles tied with gold ribbons and started at 8 oclock and a proDredge for high score and Opol two beautiful bouquets or red gram, as follows, was presented: tosc buds were on each end taThe trio, consisting Tingey, low. of Dorene Wheeler, Norma A delicious light luncheon ble. and Erma Crompton, acwas served at Individual tables J. L. Caddy, a son of the coucentered with a sweet pea ar- ple, acted as master of ceremon- companied by Mrs. Dorothy rangement to the following la- ies. Each guest responded with Wheeler, sang "Put On Your Old dies: Mrs. Helen Boyer, Mrs. a toast to the couple, and many Grey Bonnet and the AnniverBeth Dredge of Kaysville, Mrs. beautiful tributes were paid to sary Song. Little Yolonda Rosr si game two comic readings. Ilene Nelson, Mrs. Helen Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Caddy. Mrs. Winifred 'Loveland, Mrs. Elva Miller and J. L. Whitaker, accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. Hannah Caddy, the eldest son and Bill Pearce, sang Dear Hearts Opal People, and Browp, Mrs Resells Tingey, Mrs. daughter, pinned a lovely cor- and Gentle Ida Hadflejd and tlje hostess. sage and buttonnalre on their "Theres No Tomorrow. k -Bill Pearce played a" piano parents while Mr. Frank V i An- solo. Mr. Frank Nedbalek playand The sang played Kotik . ed two piano selections. Later niversary Song. Noticf is, hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Caddy of in the evening two grandchilthere will be a. directors meet- Salt Lake City, a brother of Mr. dren of Mr. and Mrs. Caddy, ing of. the Box Elder Wildlife Caddy and the couple who were Miss Joyce Keen and Jack Lund federation In the ' Commercial the original bridesmaid and j sang a duet, Forever and Ever," clubrooms on .Thursday, March best man at their wedding 50 while a golden box containing 2, 1930 at 8p. it, years ago, were present and sat i a monetary gift was presented . George M. iMason, Secy; in places of honor at either side to the honored couple by their occompanist, ed. , Louis. The hall was beautifully decorated with cut flowers. Light refreshments were served to 80 guests. Mr. Earl E. Clark, a of the Caddys, took colson-in-la- ored moving pictures both Phone your news to and sacro-ilia- c pains. Lightweight, easy to wear, it feels right. Expertly fitted to your doc-to- rs pre- scription, by our trained fitters. Dont delay get that relief now Ned-bale- TTkere are wonderful things for you to look into: and you feel it in the A Riviera at Sedan prices. air. . Spring and the out and that lively jubi . passing. a' And nowhere is the spirit more in evidencethanatyourBuickdealers. ' k ;; Rr its - , . . Spring Jubilee time with Buick. Time to trot out and show off all the gay and brilliant beauties of his 1950 line. sample. r jubilate about too. They start just above the lowest bracket and they are accompanied by very e arrangements as to the deal. How about today at latest tomorrow for keeping your date with your Buick dealer? easy-to-tak- d Fireball valveinhead power in three engine!, five hp ratings (New engine in SUPEB models.) STY UNO, with bumper-guar- d grilles, taper-throug-h lenders, WIDt-ANOdouble bubble taillights toad view both forward and back VISIBILITY, close-u- p TBAFFIC-HANDSIZt, less over-al- l length for eosier parking and garaging, short turning radius 1 EXTBA-WISLATS cradled between the axles SOFT BUICK BIDS, from all-cospringing, Solely-Bid- e DYNAFLOW DB IV t standard on all torque-tub- e tires, rims, BOADMASTEHS. WIDE ABBAY Of MODELS with optional at extra cost on SuPEB end SPECIAL series ' f Body by fisher mile-masteri- ft For Buick prices are something to Features like these mean BUICK' S THE BUY -- ! pleasant things but to hear pleas-v as well. ant news t t ' H WA7E&X yOVAPWCS&MS - You key to Gpeatc Value i 5 . ' 1 - I A Ton ' , . Ftomo your BUICK dealer for a demoastretian 19 South Main Street See our Smart , New Spring Merchandise On Beautiful Living Models At The Kindergarten Club Style Show , Armory Building , Thursday Evening, March 2nd, 8 P.M. Models representing the J. C. Penney Co. Billy and Carla Call Sandra Orme Iva Beth Simonsen Dorothy Secrist Judy Call Mjerlyn Jensen Kenna Jacobsen Margie Nelson Shelly Robinette Helen May Ridd Blanche Thompson Kathryn Hunsaiier Right Sow I When Phone 272 HENRY J TAYLOR. A8C Network , every Monday evening hotter sssitonsohllre tsrr his lit BlCK trill hall ; Brigham City, Ufah Relda Lund Nelda Olsen I Bruce Robinette Lewis Knudson Mary Stewart Remember! Short Coats Will Be Important! For every 2 T S? omen wearing long coats, there will be 3 women short coats this th 195? freca8t and that8 why Penney haswearing this shipment California t for you NOW! Each one is 100 wool (suede, fleece, covert, gabardine!) and rayon satin lined. Sizes 10 to 18. See them all, tomorrow! And on buy without sacrificing the savings you always get when you shop Cash-Carr- y Lay-Awa- y, valve-in-hea- x right now dealer's. A date not only to see or Sedans in Scdanets, four-doa wide range of power and prices. Convertibles, Estate Wagons, a Coupe cars for every taste and practically any budget. There are even gay new spring colors to help you meet the season in proper garb. And of course, if you havent yet done so, theres Dynaflow Drive for you to meet-an- youve a date - Standard on Roadmastkr . optional at extra east on Supsr and Special model. Time for you to sample, in proper setting, all the new life and bril- d lienee of Buick V straight-eigh- t for you time power . to meet the greatest cure for spring v - fever known the easy, effortless, stride of a Buick s ,, under your command, I Two-do- Yes, i to meet spring at your Buick or , doors calling lance that. comes with winters f DRUG , read it on Vc X the calendar (js ' PEOPLES 0 jt 1000. O.T.C. Supports are excellent for low backaches - i serv- , family. Mrs. .Caddy then danced the wedding waltz with her son La-va- ' Janice Hansen. Light refreshments were De-Ma- . by Margaret Johnsen, sang two vocal solos. Ray Anderson gave two violin solos with his piano e t Legion auxil- iary members enjoyed a meeting Monday evening at the War Memorial home which was In the form of an informal discussion on legislation, equal rights and the Hoover Commission re- - Hon-eyvfll- American The o ' B. WOOL COVERT SHORT COAT, BACK CE Deep, fancy wing pockets and the popular Bobby collar are combined on this California-mad- e short coat. Three button front, soft, long wearing covert, in gray, green, red and pastels. C. WOOL FLEECE SHORT COAT , YOKE BACK One button throat closure, deep cuffs and pockets. Soft, warm flee.ce for these cool Spring evenings. Choose from the newest Spring colors. White, beige, gray, pink and aqua. B. WOOL GABARDINE SHORT COAT , BACK Always a favorite short coat fabric! One button closure novelty collar,- - deep cuffs and pockets. Many new colors Spring including gray, green, red. Pastels too! 2-P- C. |