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Show I FACE TOUTS BOX ELDER NEWS City, Utah Brigham Wednesday, March 1, 1950 ... GET YOUH DAUGHTERS MARCH . OF UTAH PIONEERS CAMP NEWS Issue Of READERS DIGEST at The Seagull camp of the Daughters of lJah Pioneer held their February meeting at the home of Miss LaPreal Wight, Friday evening, February 21. President Chloe N. Petersen con. ducted the meeting, which began by singing "America," and tiie invocation was given by Ilazel Jensen. MASONS Or At Your Favorite News S'tand Personality can be acquired t The lesson, Mens and Womens Societies, Clubs and Associations" was given by Elizabeth Madsen, who told of the establishment of these early organizations, beginning with the first one established in Utah in People used to think you wereeither born with personality or you werent and t here was nothing you could do about it. But in March Readers Digest (now on sale), fumed psychologist Dr. Henry C. Link tell how your personality can actually be developed by training.' Read what IS the basic secret of a growing personality and happiness . . . how you can overcome the fear that may hold you back In forming new sociui contacts. (let your Digest today: 08 articles of lusting interest, condensed from leading magazines, current books. 1854. THE WEDNESDAY 1 1 i PICTURES' and THURSDAY m CAPRAS Supreme Achievement RONALD COLMAll with Jan Jalm Hawartt Wyatt A. wonderful, new THOr Baby Eight Day-Ol- d Arrives Here By Plane Little Miss Debra Lee Huchcl, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Paul C. Huchel of last Denver, Colorado, arrived Friday at Hill Field air base in an army transport plane. She was met by her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Huchel of Brigham City, with whom she will stay. The mother Is convalescing in the hospital in Denver. The Oak camp of the D. U. P. met at the home of Charlotte Johnson, last week with Ruth Pierce, captain, presiding. Ellen vice captain, Slggard, second was in charge. The opening song, "Have I was followed Thaatat MHchll idwant fvtiall Hartea Itabtl Jawall Soaaa Play by ROBERT RISKIN A COLUMBIA Maga Second Feature f 'dSmil JEAN ARTHUR GEORGE BRENT LIONEL STANDER Plus Short Subjects1 - COMING DAYS STARTING Sunday, March 5th 033i HEP- .... Lottie Simonsen, as Miss Georgia Hinck Becomes Wife Of Wayne guest from the Deseret camp of the D.U.P., gave a biographical Oliverson In Ceremonies At Ogden Feb . 17 sketch of her life at the meetStar Valley high school, class of ing of the Sego Lily camp of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hinck, the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Bedford, Wyoming, recently an- 47 and is well known by the younger set. Since graduating Thursday evening, February 23, nounced the marriage of their Miss Hinck has been employed to at the home of (Mrs. Dan Peter- daughter, Georgia (Jo), son. Wayne Oliverson, son of Mr. and by Alexs cafe in Brigham City With Second Lieutenant Annie Mrs. Carl Green of Idaho Falls, nd for the Gwilliam Insurance Lamont conducting the program Idaho, and W. W. Oliverson of agency, Ogden. Mr. Oliverson attended Idaho the Invocation was offered by Ogden, Utah. Falls schools and spent several Ellen Hess following which the The wedding took place Feb- years in the U. S. navy. He is group sang Kind Words Are ruary 17, at Ogden with Bishop at present employed by the Sweet Tones of the Heart. , Leonard Fuller of Eden L. D. S. George A. Lowe company of OgDonna Harmon and Joyce conducting the ceremony. den. Stokes sang two selections, Let ward Rae Jensen was maid of , After a short honeymoon the Rest of the World Go By Nyla honor and 'Neil Hinck, brother of Wyoming and Utah and "Lucky Old Sun. jraugh they will make their home at .The lesson, "Mens and Wo- the bride acted as best man. men's Social Clubs and OrganiGeorgia Is a graduate of the 435 28th street, Ogden. zations, was given by Melissa was by Patty Ft Brigham Camp Peterson. Lillian Secrist re- Smith accompanied v on the piano. 15 to visits sick the and ported Roll call showed 13 daugh- Hold Meeting At home bound. six visitors present Wm. ters The group joined in song with and Phillips Home six excused. practice singing, "Kittle Wells, The Fort Brigham camp of Twenty-fou- r good cheer visits, led by Maud Anderson. Rosetta the month, were the Daughters of Utah Pioneers made "(luring visitor official of Hansen, the at the meeting. The met February 23 at the home county company gave remarks. reported of Mrs. William Phillips for "America The Beautiful, song, The group sang Ye Moun- was follow- their regular monthly meeting the group by sung tains High, and benediction a reading, "Papas which was conducted by Wanita was offered by Anne Goodliffe. ing which Letter was given by Delores Whitaker, Presiding captain. Refreshments were served to Burt. first was Mrs. Clair Ruddell, 23 by Rilla Jensen, Laverda The lesson "Clubs and Socie- vice captain. Lee, Blanche Hyde and Caroline ties of The opening song, "Sing Me Utah, was given by LesNielsen. 33 THURSDAY WEEKDAYS If 8 45 8 00 IMPACT OTA 8 BUllET! 15 8 30 Sarah Cinderella Studio Morning Devotions (MWF) M usic By Monroe (T Th). Phil Reed Time Music in The Morning 10 IsttJ'Kl A M W TESTiHEVT 53 TAILEAOX of THE E.VTIIIE Till tiff f ' 0 $ 00 10 15 $ 10 30 10 45 11 00 11 15 t? It 30 It 45 STORY Kids MIDGES JOHN 8ARBABA 00 12 IS Test Your Knowledge Ken Jensen CarmvT (MWF) Jack Smith's Serenade, T Th Morning Varieties PAYTON 12 30 12 45 115 HOYT Companion Hit I 30 I 45 HORSLEY'S in Phil Read Tima Book Review XL City, will hold a mass meeting in the Second ward chapel, Wednesday, March 1, (today), beginning at 7 oclock in the evening, according to Mrs. George Tiller, precinct chairman. camp gave a few remarks and a letter from the central camp concerning the convention in Salt Lake City on April 8, was read. "Heart Throbs, and "History of Box Elder, two books that are being sold to raise funds for the memorial were reported upon. LaVerda Lee also gave a few remarks after which Miss Walker sang Lilac Tree. Anna S. Jeppsen closed with the benediction. During the social hour, refreshments were served tp 23 members and four guests by Ruth Phillips, LaVine Hansen, Cora Savage and Helen Petersen. Farmers Everywhere Prefer HORSLEY'S Ranger Certified Red and Blue Tag Alfalfa Promontory Dry Land Alfalfa Overland Oats Early Bart Wheat Gem Barley Velvon Barley seeds that are cleaned and treated in our own plant, cally adapted varieties, high producers of guaranteed vitality. We can give you the seed adapted for your type of soil. Use HORSLEYS seeds for all your needs! ' . . . lo- The Best Pasture Mixtures Cost You Only 20 Pasture mixtures, grasses and clovers, cost you only 20 cents on the dollar In compliance with the AAA program. Let us take care of the details. Come in, get your pasture mixture, you pay only one-fiftif you buy yoyr pasture mixture from US h HIGH CUSTOM CLEANING AND TREATING SCORE Our new $10,000 seed cleaning and treating plant has all the very latest machinery for this work. Our Rice dodderremoving machine for aifalfa cleaning is the only one north of Salt Lake City. Lowest prices on cleaning and treating your seed. Immediate service. Bring in your - Give 738 a ring and reserve an ally tonight. No league play from 6 to 7:30 or 9:30 to midnight, or any time Friday, Saturday or Sun- seed today! Please let us have your tentative order now for Ranger seed, as Indications are it will be scarce. Well Hold a phone call will do. you ... day. Youll enjoy developing your skill, enjoy healthful exercise at the HORSLEYS DANCE - BOWL SEED STORE PhQne 29 Boys And Girls League Andre Kosrefanetz Tonight and Tomorrow, March Morn nr Varieties Please Sunday Platter Perty Classified Page Guest Vocalist Eddie Box Elder Hit Parade PROGRAM Beehive Tetatune II M Howard Show Elder News Fullness Of Time 1 I Grand Entry B.E.H.S. Band 5. Star Spangled Banner Box W Music of Worship Mercer McCleod -2 6:00 To 11:00 P. M. Show Starts at 8:00 P. M. Meet The Band Luncheon Serenade 81 1 High School Gym 6th Army Band Guest Star Hour Of Classics 2. fi- Barnum and Bailey Toy Trumpet Tap Dance To Hopscotch Polka Orchestra and Chorus - 7. 8. 9. Mule Train Dance Clowns A Bedtime Story Lynn Pitcher and His Acrobats Band Dance, Tcpsy Clarence Smith and his Daugh ter 10. Hot Dogs Hamburgers Dance Finale Ice Cream Pop Sfomnf June HAVOC Plus Selected Short Subjects WMylBAMNffBNAl 7 iehs RUSSELL fC NAI Plus Short Units t alfalfa it Tor THE NEW Top O' Morning Sagebrush Party Off The Record Number . of the Democratic district No. 2, Brigham 3- - r.oiiY;: BETTER Members party 4. STORY OF FOR Organ Moods i Air Pat. Off. IT'S Morning Varieties Bill Pearce Show Beehive Tetatune Meet The Band Luncheon Serenade I. Party W C.T.U. Program Ben Light Show Test Your Knowledge i Classified Page of the Guest Vocalist 100 Sox Elder Hit Parade JISIS EIIIST HOYS 12 Sam's Song Shop U. APPLIANCE & SUNDAY Top O Morning Party Sagebrush M ,sll4lltl)W Meeting In District Two 8 45 5 (. Marble, after which a humorous reading was rendered by March Mecham entitled, Celebrities Born in February. May D. Smith of the county SATURDAY 730 Top O' Morning 8 00 Sagebrush Party 830 Toast To Toast THE was The Old Songs Tonight, followed by prayer by Rebecca Korth, chaplain. Rock of Ages," was sung by the group of 23 members. 34 good cheer visits were reported. The lesson, "Men and Womens Social Clubs and Associations, was given by the class leader, Cleopha Larsen A vocal solo entitled, Stars Are The Windows of Heaven, was sung by Ruth Walker with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Walker, as the accompanist. A sketch of the lives of William and Hannah J. Vest was given by a M(m Democratic Party Mass 800 KC. Daytime Schedule KBUH SHOCKING BEEHIVE The Ladies Aid of the Community Presbyterian church will meet Thursday, March 2, at 2:30 oclock in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. A. Pohl, 123 west Fourth north. Assisting hostess is Mrs. Buchanan. On the program will be a review of the book, "Father Flannigans Boys Town," by Mrs. Frank Saito. Mr. And Mrs. Wade Ebeling . . . who were married at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Bone of Tremonton, Thursday morning, February 23. After a honeymoon in Texas where they will visit Mr. Ebelings parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ebeling, they will make their home here. (kW)oj today. Community Presbyterian Church Lady's Aid Will Meet Tomorrow At 2:30 Mrs. ...AS Washes, rinses, spin dries as you just flick a switch. No wringer no rinse tubs no hard work. No special installation. See a Thor demonstration s son Director Neola Armstrong. A piano solo, The Spinning Beehive Camp Of DUP Wheel was played by Arronla Lou Harding. A biographical Hold February Meeting sketch of Henry Holst, written At Harding Home Friday by himself and daughter, Virga was read by Estella The Beehive camp of the Harding, Burt. Daughters of Utah Pioneers held Greetings from Anna Cottam, their February meeting at the who is in the hospital, were home of Virga Harding, Friday, to the camp by Second brought 7:30 at 24, February beginning Lieutenant Lucy Johnson. in oclock the evening with The song was "AmerCaptain Violet Tingey presiding ica byclosing the group. Closing prayand First Lieutenant Virga er was offered by Anna Hunsa-ker- . Harding conducting. was given by Opening prayer by Emma Johnson. The opening Refreshments were served song, The Prayer Perfect, was Virga Harding, Estella Burt and Arronla Lou Neola Armstrong. sung by Marlene Jensen. She Harding played several accordion selections during the . WASHER AUTOMAGIC eight-day-ol- Lottie Simonsen Gives Biographical Sketch At Sego Lily Camp Meet A See the Seder-holm- I " PICK O' Archie Sims Speaks At Perry Oak Camp DUP Hold February Meeting Done Any Good, The closing prayer wai h. Louise Davis, after which freshments were served by Jot Thorne, Wanda Sebek, FlorZ Wight, Vera Larsen, Fran!" Nelson, Louise Davis and 41,5 McFall. officers pointed to select new for the coming year. P.-T.Archie Sims, principal of the A. meeting Corinne school, was the guest The Perry P.-was held last Thursday at the speaker and spoke on "Pupil school building with Elva Per- Evaluation, after which a disry. president, conducting. cussion was held. Several flute numbers were played by the fourth, fifth and sixth grade students, under the direction of Principal Andrew Jones. Opening prayer was given by Bertha Wight. iMinutes were read by Maxine Nelson and business matters were attended to. Hazel Nelson, past president of the P.-A. was presented a pin. A nominating committee was ap- Married In Tremonton Thursday e . the prayer by Alice Following the lesson, Miss La- by A piano solo was played Preal Wight entertained with by Cathryn Siggard. comic reading. Fourteen members, three visitthe SeaDuring past year, the ors and two county camp memgull camp has been reading the bers were present. A reading histories of the presidents of the vas given by Jean Valentine Box Elder stake, and at this after which the lesson, "Early S. Patriarch Norman meeting Clubs In Utah, was given by Lee was present and read his Lilliath Roxalene Cummings. autobiography. Patriarch Lee is Ridd played a piano solo. Plans an able writer, and his story for the coming party on March proved to bo most interesting 9 were discussed and members were asked to keep in mind this date and to advertise it to their friends. The closing song, Scatter Seeds of Kindness," was C771 sung and refreshments were served by Ellen Siggard and Charlotte Johnson. z: FRANK ).:- and entertaining. President Petersen announced the results of the food sale held recently, and also read the monthly bulletin from the Central company, which announced that the semi annual convention will be held in Salt Lake City on April 8th. Also, It was announced that the dedication of the Pioneer Memorial building was planned for June 1, with a mammoth folk-lorprogram to be given at that time. The closing song was "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel, and Lillian Hadley pronounced the benediction. Refreshments were served during the social period by May D. Smith, Myrl Christensen and Eliza Madsen. Adm. Adults 60c Students 30c with tax |