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Show eleven ELDER NEWS PAGE ;0X senior- - jfigham March City. BspmM I. 1950 Utah anuM ,or tlAnd il gordana. Will ML Pierce. a dress wj Int. For ia. f a black win t CLEANING Wanted I ELECTRIC rent 51-5- 1 Ml-3-- p 313-- and feeder ONE DAY SERVICE pd d Cttom. For d Enamel coal range, tOLE heater, large leather reo-ababy buggy. All in and good, priced 357 or call audition. Phone M 701 West Forest only-tf-c- h UNFURNISHED S mui 1 rMLE1948 Kelvinator like new. See at west and iouth Second tion r. I, offer. to Of is 19 S APT room Peach City Apts. F. Glen Kelly. firade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED FOR RENT TRY IT. FOR RENT SALE Baled straw, alfalfa "meadow hay. Phone 839-R- . 410 or 409-W- n 13 S3 Uller, 304 DAIRY Phone N16-li-c- Furnished 154 . $4300.00 TOTAL PRICE S' for this four-roomodern home In Fifth ward about i down balance less than ONE OF THE BEST apt Very south Third d Cess pools and Furnished heated apartments for 1 to 4 persons. or monthly winter Weekly rates. Sycamores Motor Lodge. North Main. 8 sep- D-2- p ' A. - h SUMMONS F24-tf-c- h Let Us Send In Your C. B. WILLIAMS Insurance - We can send them in for you without fuss or bother no check to write or letter to mail Compare our prices! J27-tf-p- 'jTfl I 1937 INTERNATIONAL , , $285 . Model A FORD that we . $ 75 Coupe the best radio repair in Brigham City. We acknowledge it do It Will Pay You To Iiook filady and A trial will prove Give us a trial At These FIRS Cars T I it. and MOTOR CO. PACKER you'll like us. CHRYSLER SALES & SERVICE 568-W- BEEHIVE e PHONE mercury; 75 . We Pull For Brigham Wrecker Service 21-IIo- ,CQAI& APPLIANCE y M-l-- one-third- $ 285 ';-T- Pickup , Pickup have to prove h dis-nte- d $ 285 DON'T er DIRECTORY r Four-Doo- 1937 FORD d BUSINESS $ 465 Sedan YOU d F10-tf-c- $1245 Four - Door 1911 STUDEI1AKER 1937 DODGE Hiiira News-Jour-na- Roto-Root- r Sedan, radio and heater Sedan This action is brought to recover title judgment quieting plaintiffs to the following described land situate Hi Box Elder County, State of Utah, F of Section 34, Township Yt 13 North, Range 14 West, SLM, 320 acres more or eaa. contg. Dated February 3, I9S0. WAL1LR G MANN, Attorney for Plaintiff, 35 3 7 first Security Bank Bldg. Brigham City, Utah. FirM Publication: Feb. Wednesday, One-mont- . Four-Doo- a MANURE re $1350 or 1916 CIIRYLER Main 22 South hauled and spread. FOR RENT Two or three room No job too small or large. Free second FOR SALE Sales books, restaufrgnt office space, for lawns and estimates. Cyril A. Goss, Ph. floor. Choice location. Janitor rant checks, etc., printed with Mac dens. Phone 757-R- . 521, or call at 45 south Sixth service. Howard HoteL Phone your firm name, as little as 175. east h 4c each. delivery, 8 1950. SALE Mohair living room L so order early. The 1 FOR RENT SEPTIC Last Publication: tanks and furnished Wednesday, March cesspools apt. room walnut and ei, dining I, 1950. 1 Roots unfurnished debris and Heated pumped. apt. 68 south ible. Reasonable. cleaned from sewer and drain with soft water. 445 south NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS F24 bird west First west Phone 558. Ml-plines up to 12 inches. No dig..Notice Is hereby given that SALE Oak typewriter desk ging or tearing up of lawns. FOR RENT Heated furnished WE'RE srtiled bids will be received by Call collect 027J4 or only $12.00. Pick it up at Logan. the Mayor and-CitCouncil of apartment for 2 or 3 people. STRIPPING Sewer Service Co. 40 South Main. C. B. Wli Brigham City, Box Elder CounPhone 264. lams. ty; State of Utah, until the hour FOR RENT 3 room furnished TOR ACTION! of Eight oclock P. M on Thursbasement apt. 62 north Secday, the 16th day of March, A. so grot set for . ond east. Call 707 or D. 1950, for the purchase of calen-licdory advertisements of four lines or less. S2.00 per Good Bays Thirty-FivThousand Dollars month, one month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents ($35,000.00) Brigham City Elec-tri- t FOR RENT House in Mantua, in good used cars I line per month. Light and Power Extension rf v very reasonable to right perIhLenue Bonds, Series, of Fghru,-ai710-J- , S son. CULTIVATING Phone k49 LLFAPER PLOWING, L 1950, of said City, payable Will plow and cultivate ortancy Warren wallpaper, from Twelve per cent (12) of . Services Offered Brigham chards or regular farm land. iss 4 Paint, 85 North 4 door Main, Phone 226-J- . sedan, radio and m. TiLe AND TILE SETTING heater, white sidewall tires. INTEO MATTER See us first for free estimates sales tile work Bathrooms, $1795.00 slips, restaurant checks, on all The Phone 'ouiUer tops, drain boards, store fronts, etc. L. W. Balls, 22 west 1918 Sixth North, phone 805-R- . Parts WORK Fertilizer. Well SALE CHRYSLER Four-DoSedan, radio and heater MASON'S court. NOW AT 140 SOUTH MAIN STREET Phone 6 Home Ph. 714 191 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS L. WAIKER WIUIAM and JANE, 'DOF WALKER, his wife, whoae true and correct name is unknown, and all unknown heirs, devisees, assigns, and all other persons frantees, any right, tule, estate, interest In, or lien upon the real property described in said com-plrtiadverse to plaintiffs ownertitle ship or clouding plaintiffs thereto. Defendants. THE STATE OK UTAH THE TO AROVL NAM1D DEFENDANTS; You are hereby summoned and required to sevve upon Walter CL Mann, plaintiffs attorney, whoe address is 55)7 Hrst Security Bank. Bldg., Brigt ham City, Utah, an answer to the ser complaint within 20 days after I vice If of this summons upon you. you fall so to do, judgment by de fault will be taken against you for re-- i lief demanded in said complaint, which has been lUed with the. Clerk of said 10-1- d i Thv VfrxuB CALL US NOW i . for more detailed information CARS AND TRUCKS fail or refuse to comply with tiie terms of his bid. No bid for less than par and accrued In- - . In one is 4 Three available acres with brick home. No. 2 is 32 acres with brick home, ' both in City limits. ALSO, 25 acres with three-rooframe home and good stable and shed. This place is very reasonably priced only $3250.00 down balance E. Z. Real Estate ' civil Nov ease District Court of Bon F.!dir Cumtiy, Slow oj Utah. CHAKLli L. KUNL.l K, Plnlntift, FARMS F24-M-l-p- d t Omer'jJ, Call, Firt Socurity Bank Bldg. , Brigham City, Utah Attorney 'for AdnilnUtYrftdr Ml--with will . 8 J5 2i tf-c- h I and shall or o accompanied Brigham ctiy Utah, on or beiora tt by a certified, 2nd dny ot Mrty, A. D, 950. check in the amount of $2,200.-0- 0 WILLIAM E. DAVIS. as an evidence of good faith, adminiftnitor with the will an rd f th Eatale of Ml IL.LIAM to be forfeited to said City in Dcea-tIVjlLNR, Dnt of fir 4 . publication March I. ease the successful bidder shall not the best' house in Mantua located on beautiful 2 acre tract wonderful view priced to sell terms. h south main. Ph. FOR RENT tic tanks; also roofs painted. 716-- & F-- to- interest rate. if healer, other accessor-Ml-3Phone or 877-Fisher Motor Co., across FOR LEASE Phillips service taberna-F-15-tf-cA NEW S E CT1 0 Nis open in g In ,e itreet north of station on Fourth south and ballet and tap dance for girls Main. Phone 241, or drop in , this Saturday, Me age and see it. Must sell at once. SALE modal home, Come It, house trailer, SSOO, Call for classwork. Jerrilyn FOR , RENT Modern, furnished ready Co-, mite Dave Poulsen, Black of the Studio of Fine , apt. Close in. Adults. 112 east Phone Bear River 2455. Arts is the teacher. Forest. riio, BETTER TWO OLDER HOMES approximately $1500.00 down balance $35.00 per month-l- ow . 723-J- Modern 3 room apt. Reasonable. Seely Motel. 740 , CLEANED . rent. FOR RENT J. SALE 1948 Buiclt convex-9000 miles; dynoflaw; e I FINE THREE BEDROOM Nearly new brick home now available. This place can be purchased for considerably less than present cost of construction. , Rent . reasonable. west. Ph. Citizen' Phone 504 J. H. west Second north. CUSTOM cultivating done. 372-R- . truck insurance. 350-isurance. Phone ONLY $650.00 DOWN , m SUPERIOR Pet on your car f and the total price of this nicely furnished basement house at Honeyville is only deluxe opts. Three room fur. nished apartment. Prefer workers at the Indian school. Ph. 467-W- ivmg argest HApd 564-- Ph. Rent or Lease covered buttons, covered buckles, and button FOR RENT 2 room furnished holes. Phone 528-Pt- - Marie Apts. Phone 807-made belts, east. Filth south $86 I Ml-p- For Sdle - Real Estate $2500.00., Ml-3-p- d TTrlweiner rls ises. who floor polisher for WANTED Two ladies full or Beehive Coal & Appli. part time to introduce Debuonce, 68 North Main. F18tf-c- h tante cosmetics for the Fuller noble terms. Brush Co. Average Mon-a- l FRUIT earnings GROWERA Slimited tTjTjIVhlte enamel per hour and up. Phone -' A-- l condlnumber of bees still available range in Brigham 1075 lor interview. for polinization. Ulm Homer, Ctn at 306 west Seventh phone r PEOPLE stole a small collie pup in Corlnne! from me please return it be. j tore prosecution by law is W. E. Young, Corinne. All Make of FuraaceaRepair BEEHIVE COAL 8t APPLIANCE Phone "ONE" jALEHennr Burden at South Brighanu SSGStiOfl a Qf I at wild-oa- ! V stli WILL We Vacuum. Clean and 486-R- dramatuMl in a rub, or .aLE-Alla- lfa ved wlm .I PW in youj I ! FURNACE da-m- The torosl will bi City Recorder. is reserved to reject any (SEAL) . right ' Legal Notice ' andail bids. ' By order of the Mayor and M. the hot revenues of the electric City Council of Brigham City, NOTICE OF ESTRAY ANIMAL Box Elder County, State of Utah, light and power system of the this 16th day of February, 1950, lo Found, pne black bally heiCity. The issuance of said bonds LORENZO J. BOTT, is provided for by Ordinance No. fer. No brand visible. Tattoo in 119 adopted February 16, 1950, Mayor. ear. Anyone claiming Such anl.-ileference to which ordinance is attest! mal contact Sheriff . Warren . ' ' cl- vHyde.' hereby made and depends upon FANNIE J. CHRISTENSEN, NOTICE TO CRFDTORS efleo-tlvordinance said becoming Fstat of MAH A AMI ION l.ANDON. NEWS-JOURNA- L as in said ordinance ADS GET RESULTS a no known tin Muie Aliton pronlo known n$ Mann Ashton, Dr vided. ceard Said bonds will be dated FebCreditors will with present claim vo ih. hers to the undersigned at his ruary 1, 1950, and shall mature residence Main at No. 640 North in February 1st Street, Brighom. Utah, on or belors $5,000.00 on the 25th day of Apiil, A. D. IV 50, of the years 1951 to 1957, each BUT THESE ARE I s. auen, Administrator of the estate both Inclusive. Bonds maturing of Mary Ashton London, L)e February 1, 1955 and thereafter, ceased. shall be optional for redempDate, of liret publication feb 15, A. n. mo tion on February 1, 195-1- or on W U pfcjUi. Em. . any interest payment date! for .Administrator Attorney thereafter, at par, plus accrued a.,., of interest, plus a premium NOTICE TO CREDITORS $15.00 for each bond redeemed. Ewtate of W'llHum Milner, Deceased Creditor will present cWtime with . All bids must be without TcriRFseirsff . Services Offered believe ,dd color 2 do to er Phone 81 South Main. I 7 -- a WASHER Guaranteed Factory and Service for All Makes PICK UP AND DELIVERY VENTER-CABINE- lltchen fixtures. VETERINARY cabinets, Available for calls work, furniture, repairs and Cabinet days. Contact county nodeling. ip. Phone 733-M- . 749 North agents office, phone Lunds Wednes- extension 106. For emergency call 28171 Ogden. TO BODY REPAIR AUTO BODY HEPaTrS Thompson Hardware & at Brigluto body Stuart Jensen See Phone 163 com-itrepair and repaint jobs. Burts Body ham Body Shop for radiator p. -- Burt You can Vincent, manager, pairs, paint and repairs for any SERVICE OFFERED North Main. damaged auto. West 6th North. have soft water service in your home (or $250 per month. PLUMBING & HEATING ffEWRrrERS The saving is greater than lhe Larsen Bros., 467 S. Main, Ph. typewriters, adding machines cost in soap, plumbing and 292. Apex Automatic Washers, cash registers bought, sold, labor. Seashore's, phone 25. Re Ironers. ited and REPAIRED. The Dryers, , installations. Office Supply. pair work, service, ( PLUMBING & HEATING ' Inetian blinds Prudential Life Insurance Plumbing and Heating mater3Vindow shades. Call us for electric water softeners, e estimates. ials; Loaning Agency Large stock win-- water heaters; plumbing ser shades always available. vice. Devere Christensen, 153 rth Main Furniture, ph.. 250. North 5th West. Phone 92. ... in. - Brighams Finest, Lightest, Brightest REPAIRING News-Journa- l, BUICK Super Scdanette. Radio and heater, white sidewall tires. Low mileage. , $1675.00 e & Fold-A-Mati- c OPEN DAILY FROM 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. 1946 - b $1295.00 M22-ch-t- IWING MACHINES Pro nj p BRIGHAM REALTY SAND AND GRAVEL t service. repaired. Jensen and Holst sand and Fk guaranteed.. Bate Sewing Road gravel soil mov gravel. chine Service, 54 So. 2nd W, Phone 991 or excavating. tng ' pam. Phone 378-W- . 937-M- BT HOME RENOVATOR fftor free demonstration or 6er-- I on the new vacuum N- - V. ..1946 ORCHARD SUPPLIES Approved quality insecticide, mat-rial- s. Anderson Kirby spraying that takes care Produce Co. pe renovator I home cleaning needs, f RADIATOR REPAIR ComPany mam071, Complete auto radiator service, Brigrepaired, cleaned, ffSTMETAL WORK Radiator Shop, back of fUyde p. Larsen Sheet Meta, ham Ringside. 380 N. Main. .mmedate delivery on iai and oil furnaces. 'Furnace PORTRAITS Faning. Free estimates. All We specialize in natural color ffk guaranteed. Phone 79-J- . 23 portraits. Roll film developing. All-tf-cnorth. Photo Art Service, 68, 4 S. Main, Phone 945. t ln?I!WALL COVERINGS L i,eum the, broad'oorn car- - beauty Counselors in stock. Expert- .Free beauty counselors skin . ed- - North Main Furnl-phon- e analysis and blended make-up250. Call Jesse Jeppersen, phone No. 914-- J - PJth 1949 MERCURY - 512. done . . Garrett Kozak. Phone DRT CLEANERS ROOFING For and Laundry specialized H"1erlin has been ap fatkin.B3 er tor the famous RmctLPnuducts llne In Brie-y- - PAINTS . Lf'fj!u,and reception invlta-statiner- y, business Ns.nf.nld specla' forms of all Just s'Wk 727he News-Jurna- l. roof . work, D. Crapo. 406 North nhnne 796. All work guaranteed jointed 837-W- . shingling and shingle painting, built up and flat roofs, call J. 4th East, sTroducts Phone . 465-J- AND GLASS Home ' and automobile glass, Genmirrors, shelves, Installed. & GlaM eral paints. Brigham 696. Ph. Paint. 85 North MajiL PLASTE RING-C- M E NT E Gordon B. Nicholas, (Contrac, tor). Phone 882-J5. Club Coupe 6-pa- 1947 CHEV. Fleetmaster 1939 Coupe . 1948 FORD Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan . 1941 PONTIAC Streamliner CHEVROLET 43 So. Main $195 Coupe - up-pli- Jyl-tf-c- h REFRIGERATOR REPAIRING Skilled mechanics, prompt, reasonable service. ' call us. Guaranteed factory parts . t when needed. Just ,, FORD , 1938 , PLYMOUTH 1949 CHEVROLET Vi-T- 1947 CHEVROLET 2-T- on Pickup on Chassis . . . . & $1395 1940 GMC m-To- n Cab $1 195 1939 CHEVROLET Vi-T- Pickup on Truck lVi-To- n . . . , . . $475 . . . . . $395 ... , . . $295 . . ..... Truck Your choice of these three $195.00 BUNDY USED CAR MARKET Ph. 1011 30 E. 1st So. I Thompson Hardware L. Phone 163 . $445 $475' $195 SERVICE AND - . . at Substantial Savings Stake Truck $1395 1941 STUDEBAKER 1949 STUDEBAKER 1937 Military rifle cut down, new tight, etc. ' Blueing. Handloading and equipment. Turley at 13 West Forest. r $495 CHEVROLET Phone 448 REPAIRING GUN .$1075 1941 FORD Tudor Sedan , . . ...... . . .$1095 1940 STUDEBAKER Commander Sedan door sedan $545 1938 CHEVROLET Coupe Sturdy Trucks 1937 $395 $595 1939 BUICK Phaeton Sedan - $395.00 ItlUGtlAM LOAN CO. 2- - 1941 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan 1937 FORD Town Sedan. Heater. $25 TO $300 .... $1795 1941 NASH Ambassador Sedan h PAPERING uttnr,S for alteratlons, covered PAINTING Free estimates given on your .IZ.ad custom-mad- e belts. is east Second north. Phone painting and paering. Nick order - $525.00 WE SPECIALIZE IN SMALL LOANS i-- p sBri8T 1942 : STUDEBAKER Heater Champion and overdrive. ' 11 1 6-Truc- ks TO DEDICATE OUR NEW USED CAR LOT THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERIN- G- - $995.00 FARMS Home Phone , OK Used Cars The Home of MERCURY Watkins HOMES Office Phone 905 RANCHES SATURDAYS FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Club Coupe.,. Radio,, heater. Broker . 'O' BUICK Roadmaster. Sedan, Radio and heater, new plastic seat covers. Re-nd- 022-ii-c- m Far Bay la Uo4 Car ay fraai a Baick Daalar 1 18 NORTH MAIN PHONE 21 |