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Show V rlHunsaker Is lll IWl Wi Of Red 55 Fund Drive VOLUME 65, NUMBER 9 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH Final Rites For What: Elder county, BOYS, GIRLS LEAGUE CIRCUS Learning The Three W's SLATED TONIGHT, TOMORROW 1, 1950 Concessions Open At 6 P. M., Show At 8 P. M. At 6EHS Gymnasium 12 PAGES Washing, Washing And Washing C. Of C. Member Meeting Called Arrangements for the Boys and Girls league Circus are I complete and the festive affair this ttrive will start Mrs. begins promptly tonight at 6 E der county, Funeral services were held follow-m,tte- e oclock for the concessions and advised. The 8 o'clock for the program. The 'Monday afternoon at 1 oclock A membership have members meeting for ' for event will be held both tonight all members of the Box Elder A. Bishop asslst in Ilansen ft, the t0 d by h('r v and tomorrow night at the Box Bhghth ward chapel, with Bishop Fred L. Chamber of Commerce, conductd the county: Elder high school gymnasium. Ernest E. Hansen piesiding. "buuness ed by the Indian school commitfor the A dijrlrtijltj sound better system Funeral services had preSouth Box Elder high school gymnatee and the Merchants commitbeen afBox held viously North v Saturday , Tuiley, sium Is the goal of the Boys and tee of that organization, ternoon in Salt Lake City where has Tir Chester P. Boss and Girls' league in presenting the Bishop Ilansen had been living. South and eveNorth for been called Monday Glenn, circus. All of the proceeds from The family prayer at the Jack Burt and beginning at 7:30 oclock, Lew stakes; it will be donated for the sound ning, was offered mortuary Intermountain by Bishop in the Commercial clubrooms. a Vale, system. George Nielsen of the Fourth Dr. George A. Boyce will con- With the theme Life In These ward. duct the Intermountain Indian Brigham City United States, an array of Prelude and postlude were outlined school committees portion of jjr Bowen at will events take place played on the organ by Beth of the Red probf the points program, discussing the circus. Carnival attractions the Tingey. He stated that 6 oclock lems of the merchants in their at will promptly open Her-viy was en-jOpening prayer at by 'j QfQss was financed each evening and will boast a dealings with the students Bunderson. A quartet com' ' of the school. the contributions acother and of games variety of members of the high posed Indian children, for the time people, and is encan tivities. Awards will be given school faculty, Elmer Jeppsen, of men are to be permitted to being, JP of millions the carnival. at S. W. Beecher, Wm. H. Griffiths away town on Wednesdays come into March 1 men and young people WednesWednesday, At 8 oclock on both e The 3 to 5 oclock, accordfrom All Day Help on income taxes and John Owen, sang only, mteers dedicated to day and Thursday, the program authorities. welfare of their from state tax collector, post Teachers Work Is Done. will be held. It boasts many ing to Indian school were S. Patriarch Speakers the Each student will carry a perto meeting office building, Civil Service Norman uties and Is which one the of features, Lee, Abbie R. Madsen, mit card for identification. rooms , their fellowmen. performance of Lynn Pitcher Lorenzo J. Bott and Bishvolun-3T4An amiable and favorable re (5:00 Circus at Box Elder Mayor L,h their host of and his acrobatic troupe from Wilford Freeman. Between lationship between Brigham City school. Sponsored by op chapters the Red at has high Pitcher performed Ogdbn. speakers the choir sang "O My the Indian school relief to the vic-- f Boys and Girls leagues. Show Father. The the circus for the past two merchantsIsand of greatest imporclosing number by students starts at 8:00 oclock; conces- the disaster; gives comfort been and has very years always choir was Jesus Lover of Students At The Intermountain Indian School and tance, and the meeting Monday itahred servicemen sions at G oclock. Everybody well received. Soul. My relieve to and helps invited. Price: adults 60 cents, Both the orchestra and band evening is aimed at helping the b see an actual demonstration, with the aid of one of the students, of the complete and The benediction was promerchants to understand what ueties of their families; students 30 cents. will perform at the show under Is asked and expected of them nounced efficient method of keeping feet clean. With the acute shortage of water on the reserCounselor William I, in many communities, John7:00 P. M. Mass meeting of J. Hotter byof the of direction the Wayne vation in mind, the instructors strive to teach them personal hygiene with a minimum son and J. Earl Johnston, band In dealing with the Indian chilEighth ward ng blood to the sick and Democratic party, district No. bishopric. water. of all offers in almost and vocal instructors at the high dren. 2, Second ward chapel. Burial was in the Brigham The Merchants committee mties health and safety 7:15 P. M. reschool, respectively. Genealogical have arranged for Wes Hamilton . City cemetery under the direc- ITS BRIGHAM CITY to save life : designed from search class, Fifth ward. Three dances original tion of the Harold B. Felt morPhone 1000 To Get the Salt Lake Chamber of leve suffering. 8:00 P. M. South stake choir the creative dancing class in of and the grave was dedito be in attendance Commerce tuary ull paid staff about one Touch In education With the physical departpractice, tabernacle. All mem- cated by Arthur G. Taytor of to assist local at the meeting, to every 100 volunteers, ment will be given by students. bers to attend. News-Journ- al Lake Salt their The with merchants City. planning technical ates and gives And with all of their humor 8:00 P. M. Mass meeting of ReThe Eighth ward Relief society for trade promotion. Hamilton . This Full propce to the service own In Inimitable their and No. of in 1, publicans precinct was in charge of the floral arWith a little nostalgia, the the clowns has been called in to give adortions of which involve the First ward L. 'D. S. cha-pe- rangements. Box Elder News and Journal manner, the traditional committee Merchants any for the be responsibilities placed frolicking pleas John W. Howard, immediate Anyone interested invited. The deceased was bishop of has given up Its old phone will and assistance they may con-ra- l e Red Cross by its ure of the audience. It has been vice 8:00 P.M. 'Mass meeting of Re- the Brigham Fourth ward Box Elder 727 of for and of 726, the numbers need to insure the success of and past president charter. One of these, clowns have that the No. 5 reported of in precinct publicans twelve years and an instructor has gained the much simpler-to-sa- y been working industriously on the forthcoming Dollar Day, f and e to the armed forces, Fifth ward chapel. Anyone in- at Box Elder high school, be- Chamber of Commerce number of 1000. of the 'Howard hotel here, Saturday, March 18. owner Red Cross to . main-snonseveral new acts. terested invited. fore he retired and moved to today launched a campaign for When you wish to phone in staff members at Is of Ann Jones the president Thursday, March 2 Salt Lake City where he passed recognition and unvarying use your news just tell the opera- Girls league and all armed forces Instal-tn the sponsors All Day Help on income taxes away. 1001 1000 or will tor and you of name of the proper Brigham this country and are Miss Marian Bagley and from state tax collector, post be connected. City instead of the often-useMrs. Mildred Peterson. For the Chapters share in this office building, Civil Service two we have the Actually short form, Brigham." Home .bility Ralph Nielson Is through rooms.' Final numbers mentioned above, Boys league service-cteranwhich assists H. Griffith and "Brigham City is the proper W. and president 2:30 P. M. Meeting of Ladies but if line 1000 is busy when Sam Gordon are sponsors. name of this town, Howard and their famil-h- e Aid of Community Presbyterof you ask the operator they will Bids for the construction pointed out. Failure to use the On the program committee for community, of Mrs. ian church at-confusion to nown plug you in the circus are Glen Smith, Stan For leads second new ter preparedness buildings, eight and including automatically IM. A. Pohl, list Fourth 1001. with Bingham Canyon, Utah, an auditorium, Le ' ; ; charter responsibililey Nielson, Reed Boothe, gymnasium, two north. in classroom called Bingham, Dee similarly land Christofferson, four and Seely, ties that chapters IM. Cora Mrs. for services securFuneral buildings, to Social 4:00 P. 2:30 , i addresses and other Instances. Lela May Nelson, Blanche Clif committees apartments at the Intermoun-laiity representative will be at Myrtle Wood Moss, 72, Brigham Howard has written several immediate aid " in all LaVon, Jnsn, fatty .SmiWj. .v, Brigham Rity.a. annuLsping . school will be. ..ad ford, atJgrJiajneJasf dollar day has been set for Satand BelVa Anderson. a lingering dozen 1etfers''ta" map1 makers, vertised soon, Dr. William W. Friday tfollowing and commit' urday, March 18, it was- an- concessions On publications publishers, ion provides skilled the wor director of education Beatty, were held noon, vi come. Tuesday illness, that have occasion to list the bureau of Indian service, tee are Burt Hunsaker, Bill Fife, nounced this week by Vern Har-me- r, j assist chapters In all 6:00 P. M. Circus at Box Elder yesterday, In the Brigham City others of this said while Is name or 'the chairman of the merchants e smallest Arlene Wight, Audrey Peterson, publish school disaster operathe Bishvisiting high school. Sponsored by Fourth ward chapel, with town, asking that they always recently. 'Lois Christensen, Mary Lou Bur- committee following a meeting nd assumes practically Nielson Show Girls op presiding. George and leagues. Boys use the correct and longer form. is of disaster Richard of the group, at the Howard cafe, rows yLeah Palmer, With the new construction the relief, She was born October 26, starts at 8 oclock; concesA plea to the. people of the schbol will accommodate a to (Mrs. Melvin L. Kay was elec Mantlo, Gary Shirts, Joan Hess, Monday noon. lowen further a that at 1877, stated, Wellington, Kansas, sions at 6 oclock. Everybody 'Decision on the date was made Brigham City area themselves, r selection of Mrs. Pearl of the Jay Dell Sockett, Darrell Deem, invited. Price: adults 60 cents, daughter of Clay and Margaret and a full case for. the use of tal of 2000 Navabo Indian stu ted secretary-treasureter to take over the fund dents by the beginning of Mt. Ogden Folk Dancers asso Valmal Tolman, Joyce Stokes, following a careful survey of Davis Wood. She was reared 30 cents. students tie felt Leota Hunsaker, Rea Nielsen possible days and It was deciCitys proper name at school next fall, Beatty said. that the local 8:00 P. M. Fashion show and and educated in Wellington and Brigham elation at their festival held and LaNae all times, is carried in a guest ded to hold the clty-wld- e barMills. had acted wisely. a There is enthus Mrs. growing to Moss, was Kinmarried May Nephi card party sponsored by editorial by Howard on todays iasm on the Navaho reservation last week at the Weber high before Easter. event committee consists foods The ter has had gain ex30 of 1914. Moss died Mr. years years editorial school gymnasium. Jack Wheel-- 1 of Jtonnieltern Harrii Donna dergarten club, Armory build- 6, Merchants have been notified page. in for the school here, Beatty con organization, her Public invited. Admis- ago. ing. wrightwas elected president Comptoni DonaM Wendell, Kath. and those contacted already on the State Fair board chiltinued. He added the that in' lived She had Brigham vice Jack sion $1.00. Arrington, presi have started looking for special an(j Joyce Stokes. dren are inexperienced in ways and number of years has dent. Both men are from Og ryn 8:00 P. M. Meeting of Box El- City for many years, and had buys that can be obtained by her high of men and while the white of member the an active been recognition, den. 18. March der, Wildlife federation, Com- Church ts been active in do not some understand Lat of they of Jesus Christ social, The Mt. Ogder, mercial clubrooms. hunters and thrifty Bargain md acwill things, they religious Affairs.' At readily Saints. March 4 composed of dancing groups as shoppers will have another field In Dies she is a member of the Saturday, offered followcept include the explanations by Survivors as as Preston and far north 8:30 P. IM. North stake Junior ss and day this year, was the prediccitizens here. b Professional far south as Murray, was or and Explorer Rose Prom, for-- ' ing stepsons and stepdaughters: tion of committee members who construcon the Mrs. and is their state Commenting Vernon Darrell Bunderson, tion at ward Amusement Willard Moss, Montana; ganlzed to perpetuate the pio were in charge of advance admal, Harper i for Inthe Intermountain Mrs. rheumatic fever. neer dances. Four festivals are hall. Junior girls in charge of Effie Yates, Salt Lake City; Mrs. two day old infant son of Mr. dian vertising as they started licking Dr. he school, Beatty says Afton May, Brigham City; and Mrs. Vernon and Reta Dust- is held each year and consist of- itickets. 20,000 labels to apply to silver well Head Fund Drive with the progpleased Rhoda Deweyville; died Dee Wheatley, at the man Bunderson, exhibition dances by club Republican dollars which will serve as a ress of made at improvement Mrs. Lennie Watson, Mrs. Jen- hospital i n Ogden Monday the school under the direction groups and mass participation prpr;nrf Tn Mppt reminder of the event as they Ida Mrs. Norton, morning at 11:30 oclock. nie Norton and before and after the exhibition. circulate in the Brigham City A of Boyle, superintend Tentative George all of California, and Ed Moss, He was born February 25, in plans call for thei Members of the Republican area during the next three dent. address unknown; also a broth- Brigham City. to in be next festival held BrigA building a week has been party ln precinct No. 5 (Fifth weeks. er, Roy Wood, Colorado, and a Survivors include the parents, ham City in May, depending ward), Brigham City, will meet readied for double rate use, the sister in Kansas. and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. we In upon the obtaining of a hall jn the Fifth ward chapel at 8 had hoped for, Beatty W. R. Bunderson of Tremonton, large enough to accomodate the j oclock in the evening tonight, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin F. number of people Business at the meeting in of Dustman in the old-folinterest Deweyville. showing former ciUdes the electing of a new 76, Alma John Reeder, will be Republican First Graveside services dances. chairman, chairlady, secretary ly of Cache county, died at his held at the Honeyville cemeThe festival will treasurer, and eight delegates To Precinct Meet Monday. home, Moravia, Calif., after3 in at one the of ambitious oclock be the most tery to attend the county and state Funeral services are being held Members of the Republican March 1, (tofestivals planned by the group. noon, Wednesday, conventions. in Moravia today, after which party in precinct No. 1 (First Clubs from Utah, Idaho, Wyo Republican day). the body will be shipped to Brigmeet will for the purpose ming and Nevada will be in Friends may call at the Har- ward) South Stake Genealogy ham City by train. Friends may old B. Felt Funeral home from of reorganizing and choosing 11 vited. FuB. Felt call at the Harold 12 oclock until 2:30 this delegates to attend the county The Box Elder Promenaders, GrOUD Meets Toniaht Miss Renae Reeder, nineteen-year-ol- d neral home, Saturday morning. convention, in the First ward of which Mrs. Kay is a member; A large crowd of townspeople Interment will be in the Grace, attended the spring musical daughter of Mr. and chapel, evening, the Pioneer Folk Dancers, both Wednesday The South stake genealogical 'Mrs. Reynolds V. Reeder, was March 1, at 8 oclock in the eve- of Brigham City and the Merry research class and Girls Idaho, cemetery. the Boys slated featuring originally one of five lovely girls selected The deceased was bom Jan- glee clubs of Box Elder high Lena Will ning. to of Tremonton Mixers to be held at the tabernacle, belong as members of a All interested should attend the Mt. uary 12, 1874 at Wellsville and school, Saturday evening in the Ogden Folk Dancers as-- will be held in the Brigham City last Friday "Queens Court to reign over attended school there and at stake tabernacle. the meeting, L. D. Wilde, preFifth ward March at 1, chapel, He married Emma cinct chairman said. Ogden. 7:15 o'clock, it was announced the University of Utahs CenMany people expressed a de- Be 27, tennial Founders Day events. Louise Hayes, September sire to hear this fine group of today by the genealogical comand they The five queens, chosen from is The Harrisville, at Pacifics atoll and praisvoices largest again mittee. 18, singing Word' was received in Brig- Christmas Island, south of Hamade their home in Ogden ed their director, Earl Johnston. Is invited among 25 aspirants for the title, interested Anyone were especially honored at all after- waii. Its discovery toy the Brit- num- ham City , late Tuesday where he worked as a barber for The program included to attend. Centennial celebration events several years. Girls glee, the Boys noon that Mrs. Lena Heiselt, the bers by which began last Monday. The If5 Pearl Hunsaker about 95, a former member of He then moved to Grace, Idaand duets quartets solos, glee, 60 in Queen queen to rule over the annual the combined the Brigham City Second ward, ho, where he was engaged nfSureCently name(J the grocery business. In 1924 he and numbers by Founders day dance, will be died at the home of a son in group. Rec drivff Cross moved to Salt Lake City where chosen at the dance Friday eveLake City last Sunday eveSalt was by musical sponsored The for Box Elder ning and the other four girls he went into theeal estate bus- the Epsilon chapter of the Beta ning. will reign as attendants to the Funeral services for Mrs. Hei-seiness until 1937 when he moved Sigma Phi sorority. Introducchosen queen. will be held in Salt Lake to Logan There, with the aid tions were made by Mrs. Harold To Study Mass of Miss Reeder, who attended the (tohis son, he established radio B. Felt, who presented a large City Wednesday morning Sixty ladies of the State Fed- murals. U.S.A.C. during her freshman I. R. Mar- day). i Burial will be in the eration of Womens clubs touroffered Morrison Mrs. Mrs. to station KVNU. flowers of ln9s In B.E. County In 1939 the family moved to bouquet year, is a popular straight-Brigham City cemetery this af- ed the Intermountain Indian greetings from the State Federa garet Johnson, piano of a ternoon at about 2:30 or 3:00 school Thursday noon as guests ation of Womens clubs and instudy by a Compton, Calif., and in 1946 he junior at the University and is 0 niCal SCGnce stU-- a retired and moved to Moravia oclock. There will be no ser- of the Brigham City Civic Im- vited all present to attend the at majoring in political science and pre-lavices In Brigham City other than provement club, according She is treasurer ni!tUniversity of Utah where he has since resided. in Lake to convention state Salt Are Pcture of the Pilot's Licenses of the political science club, a those jat the cemetery. ! He is a member of the L. D. voting City March 8, 9 and 10. Betty Mason, reporter. member of the young profesboth S. church and a 32nd degree ma- Issued At Airport The family said they would Included in the group making The allegiance was led by (s.nE1retlnSbe glad to meet any of her the tour were Mrs. I. R. Morri- Mrs. Elliot Ward and the praysional womens club and is afwill son, He was a member of the conty th Burt, Honeyville, Harold Wight J" to masonic friends of Brigham City at the son, first vice president of the er was given by Mrs. Glen filiated with Chi Omega wrveyiance. Idaho, Montpelier, rthlant Tuesday took the big flight M' PrisbreY. afternoon. this Knudsen. Van Anna Mrs. cemetery federation; of lodge. the City Brigham morning at Refreshments were served Is survived by his widow Dyke, third vice president; Mrs. tffSas. meet- - andHe one airport when he soloed under Earl A. Davis, corresponding with the following committee In Milton Jack son, Wildlife Federation Of : the direction of John Weir, flight Reeder Family Slates secretary, and Mrs. Walter A. charge: Mrs. Zenos Earl, chairinstructor. Mrs. For Box Elder To Farewell Mrs. education chairman. Howard Call, Mrs. Reay Kerr, man; licenses private Receiving to find out how Ep-leC. of At the the Mrs. Pearl will J. hold A meeting of the X , x Elder MalReeder group Compton, The were meeting Will week family, Choir Practice during the past with South Stake Mrs. R. P. Forsgren, Mrs. a missionary farewell for Sarah Thursday afternoon, Miss FlorWildlife federation will be held C. City, Brigham Young, colm brey continued. Practice to ence E. Ware, prominent con- - Ben Knudsen, Mrs. Paul Merrill, in the Commercial clubrooms in Tonight At 8 Norman R. Lichtenstein, Brig- Bott Reay, who j, y ilt leave nHanvdin,S Professor at Mrs. L--J. Mrs. D. H. interior and artist Central in a mission the fullfill temporary the Bank building, Smith, A. Brimhall, Howard Erigham for ham City; lhevtav,f CaUfornia has March 2, (toRegular choir practice and Virgil Max Atlantic states soon, Saturday decorator, gave a talk on rela- Rosenbaumr Mrs. C. B. Stratford, City, Thursday, Miss Renae Reeder Utah; Roy, Elder Box astern, with its members of the South They are all night, March 4, at 7:30 oclock ting room coloring and draper- Mrs. Robert Fisher, Mrs. John . . . reigpiing as a member of morrow), beginning at 8 oclock caucus un-'t- s stake will be held in the stake Hohaman, Layton. ,r ies to mantle picture tones. Miss Reese, Mrs, J. G. Toombs, Mrs. in the evening, it was announcJohn manager in the Third ward chapel. Weir, of students at the ed today S. M. Rasmussen, Mrs. Denzell the ime S aim that, even tabernacle. Wednesday, March Queens Court concerned is Invited Ware is well known for her Aviation Everyone company by George M- - Mason, of Seagull at 1. (tonight), beginning U. of U. pictures, portraitures and Butler and Mrs. Alice Nelsen. to attend. instructor. secretary. and flight announced today oclock, it was fr Box Ross Bowen, chap- Bishop Hansen t For Monday Eve Sfi n im-ih- j 5 v ... ' Chamber Of Ex-Presid- Urges Proper Use ent it J Name, Always Communitys l. 1 Bids For Building re-th- s d CoraW. Moss me er - J il 1 1 Dollar Day Is Set For Saturday, To Be Offered Rites Held t March 18th Mrs; Melvin Kay - Dance Leader . n Bunderson Infant ter-da- y Ogden Wo-clu- ... rr.i rlitn John A. Reeder Dies Calif. Boys And Girls Glee Clubs Renae Reeder ever-growin- g k forth-comin- Queen At U. g Of U. Events Well Received Heiselt 1 Buried Today Members Of State Federation Of Womens Clubs Tour Indian School lt - h -- i - |