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Show s BOX I ELDER NEWS Wednesday, March 1. 1950 A weekly newspaper, established In 1896, at Brigham City, Utah. William M. Long, Editor Charles Claybaugh, Business Manager Published every liVednesdayand entered as Sec ond Class Matter at the post office in Brigham City, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate In Box Elder County: $3.00 per year payable in advance; in combination with the Box Elder Journal (published Fridays) $4.00 per year; $2.00fpr 6 months; singe copy 5 cents. Outside Box Elder County, $3.50 per year, combination rate $5.00. Member United Press, Audit Bureau of Circulations. Utah State Press Association. National torial Association. Advertising Representative: National Advertising Service. Brigham City. Utah pub-llshe- t M f 1 M' t I d d&UilalU i j f i h , 4 Sixteen Million Worth Of Pressure It looks like were a cinch to get Fram Corporations new Intermountain West factory, here in Brigham City. That isnt the official announcement, understand Well J herald the official announcement with a big front page banner headline, and the 1 i H civic-mind- ? It I 4 . j i j , crowds will be whooping ed it up. a fine thing for Brigham City. First off, Fram would like to lease a big building here, and warehouse their products mostly oil filters for automobiles, and other types of filters here, as well as re- ceive orders and make shipments. Then, in a or two, theyll follow it up with a fac- -' ' year or tory, assembly plant, which will employ upward of 100 people. It will be a fine thing for Brigham City. If those one hundred people each earn $50 a week on the average, it will mean a pay- roll of $260,000 a year. Yes sir, more than a quarter of a million dollars of new money, money brought in from outside, money created here by the toil of local hands. Money to be bounced ' around and , spent and A quarter of a million dollars is a lot of money in a community this size, We dont mean to make a comparison, but consider the, pet project for this year of the reclamation committee of the Box Elder Chamber of Commerce, or, more particular-- I ly, of Alf Olsen, chairman of the reclamation will be re-spe- 4 ) , . , , f i committee. Alf quotes convincing facts for you. There are 40,000 acres of land west of ' Brigham City, he says. Its practically waste land. It may provide a little pasture each year. It may produce $10 or $15 per acre, on the average, but that , would be tops for it. Theres plenty of water, Alf says, to reclaim that land; to put it into full irrigated 1 ' land. land could pro-- ; Properly irrigated, that sduce as much as $400 an acre per year, we believe we heard' Alf 'say (although the : reported it $100). Take the , . $100 figure, even, and multiply it by the 40,000 acres to be reclaimed, and you get a staggering four million dollars per year ! That would be new wealth. That would be money produced from the soil, from soil that before that time was little better than worthless. Four million or even as much as 16 million beautiful new bucks per annum! A factory paying an average wage of $50 per week to its employees would have to employ more than 6,150 people to produce a total payroll of 16 million dollars a year. Or, putting it another way, $400 an acre income from our 40,000 acres of waste land west of Brigham City would be nearly $2,500 a year for every man, woman and child in Brigham City. , .What a dream! And yet Alf, and others who have studied the situation, declare it isn't a dream. The land is there. The water is there, or very near there. About all it takes is to put the two together, to make room for another 1,600 or so farm families not just individuals, families! right there at the edge of Brigham City. Probably- there is only one body that can undertake or is likeiy to undertake re- - Its fertile News-Journ- al - Brigham City vs. Brigham By John W. Howard Where do you live? When you are asked, what do you say? When you have placed the return address up in the left hand corner of that letter to your best friend, do you write Brigham City or just Brigham? If you wrote Brigham, why did you? Was it because of modesty or just plain lazyness7 Or did you think that was the name of your town ? Brigham, City, not Brigham is the name of your town, incorporated in 1867, and it has been Brigham City ever since. It must be that many of us have been just plain lazy, not willing to use the time or ento ergy to add that little addition, City, make the name complete. So whats happened? Why the fuss? Just this: Did you giy it a second thought the last time you received a letter, stamped mis-seto Bingham Canyon? Did you know that the postal department is exchanging sacks of mail daily between Brigham City and Bingham Canyon, all because peoand ple are too often writing Brigham Bingham. Try writing the two, one above the other, write them good, but notice how 'much alike they are. Is it any wonder the postal clerks, forced to make speed, are daily making the wrong guess? Mail is not the only item that goes wrong; express, baggage, freight and even people have come into Brigham City that were intending to go to Bingham Canyon. The delays encountered are often more than annoying. They often cost money. nt Some very good examples could be given. Misunderstanding and friction between people is often a result of such delays. We have a case where a young lady cancelled her marriage engagement, all starting from badly delayed baggage. The baggage had been checked to "Brigham, poorly written, was located at Bingham Canyon . . . too late, the damage was done! Many of our large agencies, such as the postal department, railway guides, bus companies, American Express, Hailway Express, Hand McNally, maker of maps, tourist guides, etc., arid many others, all with national listings, show our town as Brigham in place of Brigham City, and it is probably our fault. That dignified and always correct Box Elder Chamber of Commerce have printed in large, bold type on their letterheads and envelopes Brigham, and it is known there are a few firms here that have done the same thing. Two large and important organizations recognize the importance of correct naming of towns ; they are the Western Union Telegraph company and all of the telephone companies, and it is reported that heither of them have difficulties as between the two towns mentioned excepting when depending on mail. Both have listed Brigham City for years. Bets get this situation cleared up. Brigham City is growing. The Indian school is using Brigham City in all of their correspondence, and it will be very helpful if we will get in the habit of doing the same. Soon, maybe, there will be another industry in Brigham City. So now is the time to clean house and get in the habit of saying, writing and listing Brigham City. The campaign is under way; all of the companies with national listing that are now showing Brigham will be asked to make the correction, and it wont be long before we will have a real Brigham City. clamation of those 40,000 acres, and that is the U. S. bureau of reclamation. Theyll do it when we make them do it. Possibly before but it isnt likely. Theyll do it when everyone in Brigham City and Box Elder county, and everyone in Utah whom we can get interested, is hounding them and arguing with them and preCity senting the case of the acres so persistently and convincingly that it will be easier to make a project of the thing than to stall off the pressure groups. The merits of the case arent enough. There are a lot of. meritorious proposed projects for the reclamation bureau. Can we apply the pressure . . . for four to sixteen million dollars per year? U''; W h"c MARK F. BRIGHTENBURG, NOTICE Subscribed and sworn to be- Mark F. Brightenburg, being fore me this 18th day of Februfirst duly sworn deposes and 8ry' 1 w ROBERT P. CROMPTON, iw feTry says that he is owner and manPublic. Notary Dustless CPlus (SEAL) ager of the Specification r and Metal Polish What can you expect Company, located and doing TO ALL WHOM 'IT MAY CONWeber's Beinap Slate Organization business in Brigham City, Utah; your baby? CERN: Nets Goal With that the said C Plus C Dustless i deliciousVivi For Peaches KNOWN THAT the C IT BE by Meeting r Polish Metal and Read and see- r 10 Seconds Left Kelson, owner Plus C Dustless exclusive is the Company March 6th BABYS of FIRST YEai Monday, Thorne, of the trade name, mark andor and Metal Polish Company enThe Box Elder Bees saw their the picture story being Utah, City, is Brigham and for described herein, device The organization meeting dream vanish as the result o t in the current issue in the business of manumeta 49 to 48 loss to the Weber War- the Peaches baseball club will in use by him in the business of gaged and cleaner Home JOURn DustC glass facturing ComC Plus manufacturing riors here last Friday night. A be held in the Chamber of IMetal al polish, adopted for their trade r 6. less and on merce rooms club March with South the on sale at victory coupled name, a mark andor device, of Cache win over Bear River would Anyone in Brigham City inter- Polish. He claims said istrade which the following is a descripdevice the to is andor mark in ested invited baseball name, have put the Bees In second The time of the meet- - same under which goods or mer- tion, or facsimile: wide22 South Main place in the final Regisn I attend. Large capital letters C chandise are manufactured, pre be 8 p. m. will n8 a them and give place, standings mark, of trade at or favorite newsst, top or sold spaced distribu your ly handled, pared, A tournament. in the state Class "Plus" character and thelj with ted him. by The Box Elder team chased the taller Weber boys all evening long until 314 minutes of the final quarter before they The Bees held forged ahead. this lead until the last minute of play when Beinap of Weber potted a long shot to put his team ahead again in the ball game with 10 seconds left to The Box Elder Bees lost a play. The Bees were all but out of close decision to the Bear River the ball game as they were cold Bears 39 to 35 in the U.S.A.C. from the field, but their foul field house in Logan last night pitches kept them within strik- to push them into a game with ing distance. Toward the end South Cache for third place. The of the third quarter Lee Boothe game will be played next Fri started a one man drive to put;3ay night in the Logan high his team In the lead as he drop school gym The score was 12 to 10 in faped seven straight points. When the Bees did get in vor of the Bees at the end of the front, it looked as though their first quarter. At the Internals three point lead was going to sion it was tied 23 to 23. The mean the ball game. There re- score remained knotted at the mained two small minutes and end of the third quarter 29 to it looked as though the locals 29 before the Bees lost ground could stall the time out. Then to drop the decision The game decided second came the first mistake. Someone took a shot that he thought place in the region. Now Box was a cinch, but missed and Elder has to play South Cache Weber came off the back board to determine who holds the third with the ball. As they came place spot in the state tournadown court and fired the ball ment. This game will be playwent out of bounds and was ed Friday night in the Logan awarded to Box Elder. Boothe, high gym. If Box Elder should happen in running down court ran into a Weber player and a foul was to lose this game they will have called Which gave the visitors to play the fifth place team in a shot and the ball out of the Big 8 the first part of next bounds. The pitch was made weeR. and Weber trailed by two points -and still had possession of the Notice ball. On the throw in, Frank Members of the Republican 3 New wltMbus May batted the ball away, but party in precinct No. 5, Brigham A Hew p 254 Six (F 6) new models, too. Over 175 models Recent Ford Truck price reducAir brikee (opt A 15 by 5. rear brake! if?) j the referee called it a hacking City, will meet in the Fifth ward tions up to $80.00 now, more to choose from, with superetrong F 3 Parcel Delivery 4 A Speed Synchro SMte foul. than ever, make Ford for 50 the construction for longer truck life! siieeioii with 254 engine it Single speed lenidi chapel at 8 oclock In the even And new Ford features make smart truck buy for you. Look The crowd didnt approve of ning, March 1, Wednesday (to A New exits H 0. clutch with 254 engine 4 gfe truck driving safer and easier! Dollar Cab it Level Action coh suspension A felt over this years new features the call, but nevertheless the day), to elect a new chairman, Full air brakes optional on 8 . . . ventilators A Double Channel Name (F 7, Mi a te In over 175 Bonus Built models. decision was upheld and Weber chairlady, secretary-treasurer- . transmissions new Synchro-SileGrip clutches it Hypoid single speed axle 4a Lxtrs H 0. drive line with Action steering Now! Your choice of 8 or Six m plus many other new features! was given two free throws. One and eight delegates to attend 4 anginas axles ChoiceoIVtiiS loot Quadrax it it 4 in truck great engines including of the shots was made which the county and state conven Drop in today. See how good H0 3 spaed Synchn) Silent tiansmisslwlsstb brand-neSix. the a deal we can make on your old this F 3) it Choice of over 175 models A lowte cut the Box Elder lead to one tlons. Ford Trucks for 1S30 bring you truck! eonstruclius point with seconds remaining Webwer in the game when Beinap hit teles h wmI ar Wrklly dee" SOieUg, "Semerhef f7vae b addMee Phone your news to 1000. his long shot. ' Score by quarters: TRUCKING COSTS LESS Trailing by one point the 10 15 32 48 Bees (fantically headed down Box Elder 11 25 34 49 court and Vard Johnson let fly Weber Officials Agricola and from the center of the floor just as the gun sounded. The phot ' C il Meet rgistrsl7sa data M l,ltUOt trucks. life Jnewren gigert.P'drA Far( Tracks last Isnged was true but inches short and South Cache the ball game was over. V G T F P The box score: LAST MINUTE SHOT DROPS BEES FRIDAY 4) TO 48 srs- - Glass-Cleane- jfSSk Glass-Cleane- Glass-Cleane- C Class-Cleane- MASONg Bees Drop Last Minute Decision tJevt Pw;jaf ' To Bear River 'lM Sse Ford Bonus BuilfTrucks for SOI 110-- F-- nt ) V-- 254 110-h.- ' frEMUKSKS LAST GsOMOGf FORD 1 1 323 fiEJEMmSECTS South Main GRlflTIST lRi ADVAHCI Phone 56 It SOWIfil Come In And $a Them, Anyway" west-of-Brigha- m ANNOUNCING the appointment of a Disputed Passage, 1950 NEW AGENT for WATKINS The B. F. Goodrich Puncture Sealing Tubeless Tiro t PRODUCTS S 4 I have taken over the WATKINS PRODUCTS agency from Tex Hamberlin and am in a position to offer you this fine line of household products, at money-savin- g - prices. FOR EXAMPLE , we have a number of combination offers, including: A $2.00 toilet set at regular price with a $2.00 permanent wave set for only 50c extra. With the purchase of a $1.45 bottle of double strength vanilla, you get an 80c can of cinnamon for only 20c extra. PHONE 946-for further information. Ill be glad to call at your convenience . . . and you will be under no obligation to buy! R NO TUBE' CONVENIENT TERMS TO PINCH TO PUNCTURE TO PURCHASE I 4 i U 74 N. Third East SMawaJ d $2.50 . Dow Week USES YOUR PRESENT WHEELS Brigham Tire 146 South Main Street Brigham WATKINS PRODUCTS AGENT 16-- 4.00-I- tee $2.00 PURDETT FARMER Phone 9 Six. SEESUm S |