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Show - PAGE , SI THIS SPRINGS. BOX $LDER'NEW$ BrlghaM City. Utah ' Wednesday. March 1. 1950 I Ladies Suits Strike A Slim In 50 Fashion Note For Spring - This Spring, the wise lass on the prowl for "something new will find an almost magical profusion of fresh Nylon weaves to choose from. There are Nylon satins designed as enchanting wedding gowns. Nylon illusion set afid Nylon lace that ably mimic the daintiest of imports are present as precious trim for your important gowns and lingerie. And who can resist the delicacy of 1 'I f t. Bridesmaid Nylon Slated i For Star Role t .a Schiffli-embroidere- d Nylon sheer? Nylon Lingerie For Easter parading, you can choose a Nylon faille suit and a Nylon faille trimmed bonnet to match. Later on, youll want a swimsuit of Nylon taffeta or velvet, as well as a Tee shirt of sueded Nylon Jersey. In lingerie, you can buy slips and gowns flounced with fluted Nylon. The pleats are heat set so they retain their sharpness through countless launderings. "Nylasatln, a satin weave, and "Poronyl," a weave that has achieved ideal porosity, are perfection for your bras and cor- sets. Nylon makes an Important appearance as a y for your blouses. Youll see it nd wear it, too, in a linen weave as your husbands sport shirts as well 'as your own . street dresses. j Easy To Tend assumes Yes, every Nylon look and is to be be found everywhere. Its a striped, a checked, novelty-strip- e : a ered weave. an white-on-whit- embroid- Its your autos its your lovely slipcovers, Nylon marquisette new new curtains, your handy umbrella, your next chiwinters your ski-wea- r, (25 or in is length) , k it jn the authentic Twigs interpretation of the romantic Western story for youngsters. In ' cavalry twill or corduroy. help complele the little manner. Also newsworthy, well as appealing, in this years crop of boxies are the many bright contrast linings to be seen. Lighter Weights ..Suita have that slepk look, and feel about them this Spring to the slickly treated of which theyve been New worsteds, lightweight sometimes sheer, but always durable, are highlighted in your suit selections. Also prominent are tissue weight tweeds, skillfully favorite, menswoar grey flannel, makes a favorable entry into the Spring 50 suit lineup. And predicted to be prized year round values are the rayon suits, modestly priced and more smartly styled than ever before to be amazingly sirtiilar in appearance to fine worsteds. Incidentally, you can stop worrying about wearing out that favorite suit too quickly. Just select a suit with two skirts. Prints! Sudsable Fabrics! dresses withsissy Dainty cotton ' Cheery bows and ruffles washable taffetas and rfylons just the sort to please a little girl and her thriftconscious mother. Fashions for ages from babies to Junior Misses. ld dresses in Taffe Sets Little Boys fashions, too, Long and short pants . Don Rancho sport shirts. Toppers Shorter, But High Fashion h plus ENRICHED CREME SHAMPOO Both for & r, Mr1 1 use of'wa easiest 1st expens r home, can turn most d lie as Mating $11.30 I everyone t of ail pint tax to ha - to accoir , f no reaso Something to shout about! For the price of the Refill Kit alone (and of course you know that it contains everything you need for an extra" ... home permanent, except bottle you get a Refill Kit plus a generous-siz- e of Enriched Creme Shampoo, the gentle liquid creme that makes your hair extra receptive to a wave! Save on this special offer . . , , buy hair beauty at a bargain price! (wall pape I and pois k well as J of added papers i aehiev i curling-rod- s) Booms use the an For , Glens Modern Rexall Drug t tones a Ire best; t spacious taper the living roo geometric f the end spltshy figely enoi big can 1 t ladiche the fashion show Thursday warm done 01 fcect a fe ' yiness to jarker hu s have she walls fee For T paper p 1 role in lining ra he size. 1 I of fumit "V fod, It mt Ind unin' v accent-shoulde- " V f" k (provide r. There ice in (of wail jEven II 1 e small, be drat ill t 1 pockets pockets pockets on Refresh Your Wardrobe With Newest Colors And Patterns 1 rp no n Inti are these handsome sport as they jackets dress you up in the latest fashion And budget-buidertoo! Match or contrast them with our versatile slacks! 7 II c? As , ... smart fleece short coat ! s, Three dash Children s FURNITURE lf sports, Y or travel! Sizes 8 to 18. And Bonnets TASTE! Why buy new furniture when we can restyle your presto your ent suit , individual preferen t, ." . -- 1 . - $45. TO YOUR Bright, gay, colorful in straws, silks and piques. Just as smart as can be, and very reasonably priced. ces Large stock of fabrics on hand to se- LITTLE GIRLS Sharon Jepperson Becky Pearse TEEN AGERS Carol Jean Leggett Carol Ann Barlow Ours Alone! Youll see it in CHARM! o .. . Our Fashion Show Models Mabel Nielsen, Mgr. ... a slim-se- miracle of pure wool fleece marvelous for town, for ' Spring Hats Art & Gift Shop pqckets add tremendous pack-a- ll belt wraps snugly round your waist! Swansdowns stunning short coat is a fluffy Slacks from , REFILL ... $15 LITTLE BOYS Bruce Leggett HOME PERMANENT d three-quarte- jii?lBn1 . See the coats, suits, formats, afternoon dresses and sport clothes modeled by Elizabeth Eskelsen, Lela Griffiths, Betty Mason, Helen Felt, Catherine Campion and Tess Anderson for Milady Shop. Jackets from TINY tots Kathleen Felt Carol Reeves t5 Kimber. ; attend is the butterfly wing capelet. This is a dramatic combination of the short, short coat, the 1950 revived cape and exaggerated dolman sleeves. Prominent in the Spring topper group are unmounted, slopcoats from Shortie finger- ed shoulder lines that pair with are fashion-preferre- high-risintip to waist-lengtbut small collars to for morning, noon and produce a "back to the 20s in night this Spring of 1950, And 1915 effect. Many of these the shorter they are, the newer toppers bear a strong resem'and more exciting. blance to the artists smock with This season .toppers are worn fullness concentrated below a loose or belted, rather than shoulder yoke. flared. Newest of the silhouettes Pockets and Buttons Topper sleeves are fuller than agaipst a brick, or piaster yvajij? theyve been for several seasons. Attach a corsage to a bareMany are r when wearing a strap- - ed with deep, turn-accuffs. less gown? Seal a bottle or jar Some are nipped below the elfor traveling?. bow. While others fall bracelet-The answer, for all those In low and can be casually the know, is simplicity itself. pushed-uto the length desired. For tools, you would need only! Pockets again make fashion your own two hands. For mater- news. On shortie coats, theyre ial. you need only transparent large and numerous, and make i cellophane tape. 4 for eye catching details when Tape Quit If you wanted to do any one of the following things around the house, find do it is quickly and easily as possible, what material and tools would you use to: Repair a plastic shower curtain? Anchor ivy branches spring fashions on our models at the fashion show. 5 3. ... The Veterans of Foreign Wars for the coming yev auxiliary will hold their annual didates members are nominations for officers for the- llnquent busdues should that be at the regular paid b coming year Iness meeting Thursday evening this meeting. Catherine Campion, Bruce Leggett And Helen Mae Ridd . , . offering a preview of the spring styles they will model at the Kindergarten club sponsored Fashion show at the Armory building Thursday evening, March 2, beginning at The Miss Campion, who is the daughter of Mr. and more Kentucky derby occupies 8 oclock. newspaper space throughMrs. LeRoy Campion is modeling a Milady Shop formal. out the United States than any Little Bruce Leggett, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leggett other spoiling .event in the is modeling for the Art and Gift Shop. Helen Mae Ridd, country. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Ridd is modeling a J. C. Penneys spring suit. A tas and Ginghams. the Younger Charles Nominations Thurs. Notice Members of the Republican party in precinct No. 1, Brigham City, will meet Wednesday evening at 9 oclock, March 1, at the First ward chapel for the purpose of reorganizing and choosing 11 delegates to attend the county convention. L. D. Wilde, Precinct, Chairman. s i See at 8 oclock at the WaTj' rial home, according V.F.W. Auxiliary To Hold Annual kick-pleats- thanks fabrics styled. e n change-overs- belted at the waist, elegantly bloused in back, sometimes with pleats that extend into the sleeves to give the important sloped shoulder effect. The collar plunges low in front and rises high in back to serve as a perfect frame for your new shorter hair-do- . The sleeves are fairly full, often tightly nopped at the wrist, in order to provide the new shirtwaist feeling. And in striking contrast, the skirt is slim, slim, slim, relieved in se, verity by possible stitching or side rows of buttons. The skirt Is also about shorter than your last from years skirt or the ground. Padded Hips , If you like your suits to have a svelte, slim appeal, you can choose them that way. The hips may be padded, the waist will very likely be nipped. And the straight sleeves will ' in all probability have trim turn-baccuffs. Youll select that reed-sli"? is? suit with a triking asymmetrical jacket closing, wonderwith a side-swefully combined skirt. Diagonal closings or not, there are always pockets galore. They ( will be placed nearer the waist.Jt-- v,.. line than on your Fall suit, and will possibly be located on the back of your pocket or at the Roy Rogers Western Britches, MTEMIi patch,1 theyre cuffed, slide-idouble and set side by side at the hem, or are left to stand alone as deep pounches. Buttons too, come tn for their share of attention. They run in double rows from shoulder line to hem. They serve as double closings near the neck. But although there is a great prevalence of buttons, theyre purely decorative. Toppers, for the most part this Spring, are meant to be worn casually open. Many old favorites among the fabrics will be seen again this Spring, but most of them have been treated to refreshing Checks In Colo Gaberdine will appear In a new guise. Expect to see and wear it striped, checked, or with shadow dots. Sharkskin has a new face. Dotted weaves and pastel shades add fresh appeal to this favored fabric. Tweeds, continue from the season just past, soft and light as ever. In many weaves and ready to feei at home in town or country. Fleece toppers promise to be more popular than ever. Checfts, one of fashions bigfeatures for gest, brightest Spring, will also make stand outs of your toppers. Most exciting of the checked shorties are those involving such shades as gold, blue, green and violet. mid-centur- h Teen-ag- Sample Of The Fahion Show Planned For Mar. 2 Greetings to the suit of Spring and talking point of your wardrobe for any occasion and every occasion. Shorter skirts and shorter Jackets with special emphasis on and sloping pocket detailing shoulderlines combine to malje suit news this Spring of the starter year. If you wear, as well as follow, the latest trends, there's truly dramatic styling for your suit this Spring season. The Jacket n I A SUM HEB. E 1950 point ldrens most comfortable ensembles. Best of all, merely requires a "dip, dry afid don laundering routine. For wash- hipline of your skirt. Slide-iing, sudsy warm water Is best buttondown, curved, contrasting, Follow this with . a thorough hidden, with flaps, these are only some of - the pocket-type- s rinsing. so abundant this Spring. Or choose a boxy Jacket suit, Notice saucy as a little boy. Pleated A Democratic party mass skirts are the feature this seameeting will be held in District son topped with box Jackets that No. ,2, Brigham City. yednesday, follow through on the trend to March 1, 1950, at the Second the shorter in length. They hang ward church beginning at 7:00 to the waist or hip bone rather as they did p. m. than waist-lengtMr. George Tiller, V a . last" season.T Many have , de Precinct Chairman. 'mure little rounded collars to n CLOTHES-vHAV- See The New Spring Sport Coats And Slacks As Modeled At The Fashion Show lect from. Rapid service. Call. us for- - V Tools i ?xies 'omen unior EVERTON - MATTRESS C Upholstering Phone 27 & Your Home-Owne- d q Clothing Store' i |