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Show Tuesday, April 13, 1948 r THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE SEVEN 7 Tailored Classic For Juniors best OF THElaughs WEEK CROSS TOWN KaiSCS C; Jmls By Roland Cot How Is it possible for you to write m letter every night to Alvin and yet flunk English composition?" You must get awful tired sweeping up the whole town!" NANCY WHATCHA DOIN' HERE ? J By Ernie Bushmiller WAITING FOR THE MOVIES TO OPEN J WHATS THE NAME OF THE V"' MOVIE ? OH, I J DON'T j KNOW-TO- IT'S DAY A LONG NAME Smart Shirtwaister OTHER style tops the smart NOshirtwaister this junior version is easy sewing, has few pattern pieces. Try a bright candy striped fabric used in contrasting directions. Pattern No. 14, IS end IS, LITTLE REGGIE WEEKLY KI3! By Ray B285 18. eonwt In firm 11, Site 11 it, yard, el 1 Send at additional twenty See rents tor your onp, of tha 8prin and Hummer FASHION, nor complata pattern mesa-sin- e. tree pettern printed lniide the book, aiao tree knlitins directions. Send your order toi By Margarita Maihissa SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Wells SC . Chicago I, 111. Enclose IS cents la colas foe each 430 Sonia pattern desired. Pettern Wo i Nameu Address. Aint It So MUTT AND JEFF A man wrapped up In himself makes a very small package. A chip on the shoulder always Indicates that there la wood higher up. The reason women always win arguments la that only the stupider Men will argue with them. The best way to 1U11 time is to work It to death. By Bud Fisher "AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE MIGHT FIND YOUR LOST UMBRELLA?' JITTER NEXT DOOR By Gluyas Williams By Arthur Pointer - JITTER TM60W JUST TO A FISH FRY WITH TONY AND Sur HAS A u have to YOUR DfNNER OUT EAT SfOC WITH rE JUlCt dare so you of THE PUP' I EMOti AM GLASS UNfutlrtlK SOfS OR WBUYS WAN ICECREAM cone COMEMPlAtK if CORNER fondly 6M$ TfeASK AFltRtWE CONSlDf SIWA41ES COMFORA&IY OF REAR IXKiNd WATER RATION IN 5EAE AND FR1N6K OF OF O HAVE MElTEP PAWN HS Stltf MV CAR HAS 8E STOPPED WHITE MOTHER HORS OP, AS THE OtmsfERV ti W WU CONE REGLAR FELLERS By Gene Bymct -- THAT FASTER, J I A MALLY ISNT A PROBLEM WITH A fiUY LIKE ME AROUH'f m fctffisn t) HUPRY UP AJt NE ODNf KWcmoi SEW AS CAR RRCxXEpl Ed J0VIN6 1U COtMf&VStPE AMP fHE COfif 5 fotD BACK Stf( And his cone, flwf on floor, pare of which sets KhinD IViE cushion HOME AGAI3 AMP CONE OiAiiCE F1M6EW HCKiHiS REMNAN6 EalAnCE Of COME 1CASIN6 BECAUSE 16 OfiBTCD SPREAPIK OM TOR KEDipWf MSUIR WAVE A Finish this one By Ed Csdi ofLIFEdgi VIRGIL rv 60T A T NEW ET OF BOXING HOMER -- D7A WANT TO YOU'RE A FLOP-- V5AVE V'R EARED RABeiT, J BREATH -- WALDO ! Oltms, V By- Len Kiel Are you going through the functional middle Stge period peculiar to women (38 to $2 yrs ) 7 Doea this make you suffer from hot Sashes, feel so nervout, hlghstrung, tired 7 Then do try Lydia E. Plnkham'e Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Ptnkh&m s Compound also has what Doctor call a Stomachic tonic effect I'VE GOT TO 6ET SOME ONE TO PlK A RIGHT WITH HE I ' LYDIA E.PINKHAMS Aad Your Strength and Energy li Below Par SILENT SAM By ft ay iw eauaad by disorder of y fusctlo that permits poiaoooui aatt to accumulate For trnly mao? Jeff Hayes people fool tired, weak and mieerabio when tbs kfdoeyt fall to rea sifeo add and other tuts matter from tfco rt blood Yoo may aoffet nagging backache, rheumatic point, beadaebee. diaalneao, ttiof op sight, tog naino wailing, Botsmiroe frequooi too tconty urino tios with ftotrting and buroiog to as-ottigo tbat totnetbiof la wrong with tbo kklneyt or bladder Thais ahould be no doubt tbat prompt treatment It wuwr tban neglect Lae Chan Pitta It la better to rely medicine tbat baa won country ww4a o proval than on aomeihing leoa favorabi, snows Doan a bay bees tried and toab ad many year Are at all dni atoraa Gat Dmj today o . |