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Show Kma mnm. i mxM. TRAPPERS Kathleen Norris Says: Ruminating on Ruminants, Or Cogitating About Cows Ml Bell Syndicate. WNU Bill Syndicate. WNU SHIM Features. tAM Ot r A ? How I know that neither definition Is entirely wrong. A cow ruminates when B chews Its end (having chewed It before), nd a man ruminates when he thews sa Ides upon which be has chewed before. In soms ways however, cows snd men differ. In fact, cows even differ In some respects from women, although all three creatures man. woman and cow are mammals, the highest form, of vertebrate, those, which (the authorities inform me) nurse their young with milk. Just how man get Into this category s a little beyorfl me, but that is what the scientist Says, and I am willing to strain my credulity a little. After 11, I suppose that my father, who 1 drank paid tor the milk which when I got to I could take it out of glass, nourished me in s manner of speaking. We wlU let It go at that, although It seems to me that a little of what might man assumes be criticized s tb gland manner of speaking when be tries to get more than a grade B rating as a mammal. But to return to the differences between cows on the one hand, and men snd women on the other (and 1 think no one win contradict me when 1 say there ARE differences : One thing a cow cannot do that a man can, is blow its own horn. And as ws know from listening to the soap operas. It is easier to make a woman slip than to make a cowslip. Now what has a cow got that yea and I haven't? Answer: Cattle are closely related to the buffalo, the bison and the yk. I defy any genealogist to produee a bison, a buffalo and a yak la one bnman family tree. On the other hand, - hr the branches of a eow'a family tree, there are ao monkeys. In some ways the cow has superior abilities. For Instance, I have seen a eow roll oVer without spilling a drop of milk, which is more than any man, carrying a similar amount of Jnctcal fluid, could do. Philologlcaily, the cow seems to have somewhat of an edge on man, at least tor those who believe in the capitalistic system. The Laf!n word for cattle (as of course you know if you Just looked It up as I did) ts And the word pecuniary peeus. Is derived from that, and the words cattle, chattel and- capital are to each other what cow itself is to buf' falo, bison and yak. breeds of cattle, 1 All present-daam authoritatively informed, are descended from the two types, large and amall, known in prehistoric times in Europe. However, in recent time, (and now we are getting down to what started me ruminating), something new has been added. We now have developed what hot might be laughingly called cows" and cold cows." y hot" are the Brahmas which have been insinuated into our own American strains to Inure them to our southern latitudes and for other purposes. As you know, Brahma cattle are knowh by their humps. A braw Brahma has a large hump just d the others abaft the shoulders, of lesser rank have smaller humps getting down to something not much larger than a fever blister. The cold" cow is quite a different thing. As rrrght be expected, it comes from Russia where they invented the cold war, the cold shoulder and the common or Siberian cold, which ts used to correct false ideologies, longevity and monopolistic capitalism. The I Lai.. . I,.- -, a. J, This is Pat Walker of Woodland, Calif., qnren of tho Poly Royal celebration at California State Polytechnic college. With her, to do sppt. of .ruminating, Is one ' of tho coilegef better beef sires, Domino Prince 63rd. His mother was one of tho aristocratic rum), dafcts wfco'' even now chews leP cud iq pride over the elegance of her con. are provided with earmuffs. A citizen of the U.S.S.R. doesn't need the armuffs because he is only allowed to listen to what the government thinks is good for him, and if his ears freeze it's ail right with the censor. The results of the chilling process on calves appear remarkable, but not for a moment would I doubt the veracity of the writer despite my early experience with erroneous Information concerning cows. The other type of ruminant upon which these ruminations are based Is illustrated in these columns. The Old Order Iloic It Passeth After the grey winter days New Hampshire avenue almost sparkles these spring mornings. The elm buds are spreading and the shadows of trunk and limb make sharp patterns on the wide expanse of the huge Belmont house. This by the Eastern Staf-n- o family ever could have done more than rattle about in that palatial mansion. I suppose there will be few such palaces ouilt in Washington any more one after another. they are being torn down. The Leiter house on Dupont Circle Is gone and a family hotel is rising in its place. - Many other mansions, too big for embassies even, served as boarding houses for war workers and now they are empty and for sale. One huge house which I pass occasionally is opened when the third generation, which still retains some of the original fortune, comes to for a wedding or a Washington party. After that the house is sealed up again, the burglar alarms are attached and the old residence goes back to dreaming of the past. A part of this section of Washis being ington Dupont Circle sealed off for a year while the roadbuilders burrow under the grassy park to make an underpass for trolley cars and automobiles. This will be the final olow of disfiguration to Connecticut avenue, which has yielded gradually over the years since I first knew it, to the vulgarian invasion. house now is occupied A block below Dupont Circle that once was gay with the chatter of nursemaids and children of the foreign diplomats stxxl the British embassy. On the site today is a tilling station. Americans A year ago, George began going with a woman She is 31, a widow and not pretty." NORRIS CARTER is a widow MARY her son Georse, 28. is all she has. A daughter died at 12, 15 years ago, and her husband died when George was only eight. She has lived for him. When he went into the navy she suffered, as did all mothers ofsons in the services. When he came back safe and sound, she settled down to a life of complete happiness with her boy. But a year ago," says her letBy KATHLEEN ter, George began going with a She is Woman I will call Louise. 31, not pretty, a widow with boys of 7 and 5. She belongs to a large and ordinary family and when I say ordinary, I don't want you to think me aVjob. Thejr are good people, sisters work in the box factory, her mother keeps boarders, an uncle is a postmaster. "There is no real fault to be found with them, but George has been brought up among different people and It breaks my heart to think of him getting absorbed by them." I own my own lovely little Spanish cottage outside of Glendale, the letter goes on. Everything in this house is done with Georges comfort in mind. But when he is married, they plan to live with her mother, paying her board and having their meals, of course, with the rest of the boarders. I cannot see how this arrangement possibly can succeed. My feeling is so strong against it that I have begged George to postpone his marriage until they can find a suitable apartment but, for the first time in his life, he seems entirely indifferent to my but not refined. Louises wishes. HavHostile Attitude "Naturally thi$ does not make me feel very friendly toward Louise. She could easily persuade him to wait. I have not met her family, but she has dined with me several times and I do not dislike the girl. However, I feel she is an utterly unsuitable wife for George. To start marriage in a crowded boarding house with her two small children as a responsibility is to doom the marriage from the first. Apart from my own heartbreaking loneliness I will have the agony of seeing that he is miserable. I could threaten him with disina theatrical heritance but that-i- s attitude that I hate to make. He is He knows it and I my am convinced that he is taking advantage of it. Please advise me about putting all this to the girl or telling George that his hasty marriage will put a barrier between us that may take years to break down. I am desperate with disappointment and anxiety over this and beg that you will, forgive what may sound selfish and It is only George's monopolistic. welfare and what it may mean to a brilliant futi re that causes me such bitter grief. Louise limply isn't the woman for him she is slipshod, and will drag him down to her own level. Please help me " happy-go-luck- easy-goin- y g When a woman loses her husband she seeks another outlet for her affection and ordinarily, if she has any children, she will shower them with her love. Mary Carter is a widow with only one son for whom she has a profound love. But now the inevitable has happened. George met a girl whom he intends to marry. His mother disapproves vehemently. Jealous and tenacious mothers should reflect back g on their own days, suggests Miss Norris. They must realize that tliey cannot - possess their children forever. A time arrives in every mothers life when she assumes a secondary role in her childrens Iwes. Another woman, and in some cases, another man, takes her place. love-makin- iCMADIAN Youve heard the old saw about "Nobody loves an insurance peddler but the widow of the deceased. If true, maybe this months column will cost me my popularity (?) cause sense Im going to talk dollars-anand now about disease insurance anthrax. Here goes . . . Last summer a herd of 485 cattle was suddenly struck by anthrax. And no wonder through forgetfulness or vaccsomething, they hadnt been inated, yet they were pastured on known anthrax badlands! Heres what happened to that herd: Four days after the outbreak began, 30 animals were dead. At least 50 of the herd had anthrax. On the 4th day. Cutter was called In and treatment started, ,1 I (Ill tell you about it in $1500-$200- told him, Beverly dops everything I do only cheaper. producer, Harriet Parsons is the youngest of Hollywoods seven women film producers. Her "I Remember Mama Is a picture that puts her at the top of the list. Her famous mother, Louella, gave her a gay, .happy childhood, but Harriet saya she was lucky in having an ther. grandmother, to crack down on her If these iealous, tenacious mothwhen necessary. Her Screen Snapers only would look back one gen- shots" started her as a producer. eration to their own In 1943 she hit the big league with days, they would get a revelation Joan of Ozark," then did Night that actually would shock them. I Song," Enchanted Cottage" and am sure that if I asked Mary Car- now, Mama." mother-in-law- , own ter about her she would answer prettify, for she Maybe William Powell will get Is evidently a cultured, charming, one of those Oscars next year. Hea was prosperous woman: Why, she been up for the Academy Award Just a dearl She didnt want Bob tJiree times now. In 1934 he was to marry so young, but she really nominated for his performance In came to like me. Bob and I used The Thin Man, in 1936 for My to go Zee her whenever we could. Man Godfrey," and this year for We couldnt go often, but he did Life with Father. see his mother pretty faithfully." Now ask yourself, Mary, if this Claude Rains realizes both ultimuch would satisfy you. Because mate ambitions of most actors in that's what you're going to get his starring role in AbagaiL Dear Louise and George will come to see Heart. He goes crazy, and he dies. you whenever they feel they can His plans include a trip to London and it 'wont be often. When they in the near future, to star "in The do come it will be for a short super- Passionate Friends, Iot J. Arthur ficial sort of visit, with engagements Rank. Ann Todd, seen in many pressing them. Theyll want you to English pictures, and in So Evil to Easter My Love, with see the baby snd to come Ray Millnnd, plays dinner, but you'll feel and with reaopposite him. son that you don't belong any more in their actual lives than you did Odds and Ends . . . Bob Hope in that of Mohandus Gandhi. tries out the. jokes for his TuesFrom now on it will be, Georgie, day night broadcasts on his famand I ily; says theyre the toughest auMother never sees you. know. Mom, but I'm coming out dience he ever had . . . Elspcth next week sure thing." If it is any of Big Sister" says lack of famcomfort to you to know that you ily funds Introduced her to the are experiencing only what other theater. From the age of six she mothers all except those poor wwrt to everything with the famenough to be of some real use to ily bccanse they couldn't afford their children! go through, you a baby sitter . . . Actnal FrenMi have that consolation snd German backgrounds were used for the action of RKO's BerBut you asked for advice so here Valll makes her are two pieces for you. First, go lin Express . 36th screen appearance as call on Louise's family and he of The Miracle of the Bells; the friendly and simple Second, move out of that ideal Spanish bungalow first 34 were Italian films . . . Mac and let the young couple move in. Marsh, silent film star, is seen Wake up, Mary, and find your own again in Argosy Pictures "Fori loved and loving part in the story. Apache. MISCEI LANFOUS General Motors Diesel Engines 225 H.P., Twin Disc Clutch. Reduction Gear Good Condition DOGS. Seattle 4, Wash, CATS, PETS. FTC. SIAMESE STUD SERVICE. Tb! Ch. Knight's Peter Piper and Knight's Miguel. Blue and seal point Kittens usunlly for sale. Knight s Kattery, P. O. Box 148, Oswego, Oregon. a BUSINFSS AND INVFST. OPPOR. UNLIMITED earnings available. G et started A business of your choice. Full or part time. Dttaila free. KING, 711 W. 3rd, Los Angeles 13. $300 anti-anthra- racial blotches To cleanse skin carefully relieve pimply irritation and ao aid healing, use these famous twin helps RESINOUS WNU-f- f ANY LONGER! Nott, ft you can use at homo tft relieve distressing discomfort of pain to piles. Tends to sofdue Irritation Itch ten and shrink swelling Use this proven be amaxed at Its You'll doctors formula. epeedy action relief. Ask. your drugging St Rectal OintMinors today for Thornton ment or Suppositories. Follow label Innil at structions. For sale drug stores PONT DELAY doctors formula x anti-anthr- 0 PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relief x serum. Treatment was different for sick and well animals. Those not showing signs of anthrax received v 100 cc.mtj-anthraseigunand a 2 c aose of No. 4 anthrax spore vaccine. Sick animals were given 300 cc. serum plus 600,000 units of water-solubl-e Penivet (Cutters veterinary penicillin) in 2 doses, 3 hours apart So it looks like penicillin saved the day again. Dont forget, right now is the time to take out anthrax insurance by vaccinating with CharbonoL See you next column " 0 MTeer-age- 0 with Cutters ation RILEY G REIVE & Poet St. 624 each. Add to that, for treatment and control measures. Altogether, Id say the owner took a total loss of about $14,006, Fourteen thousand bucks when for only $60 62 that stockman could have immunized all his herd with Cutter Charbonol. For just six sawbucks and some chicken feed he could have insured his cattle against anthrax could have gone ahead and pastured them on those badlands. Now about the treatment: Actually the recovery rate in. this outbreak was remarkably high probably due to the use of penicillin in combinabout - Williams. HELP WANTED this years average market, Joan Davis (RKO's If You Knew Susie) is intent cn promoting her Beverly's daughter made screen- career. her Beverly film debut in White's George Scandals" several years ago. She won a role in with her Seems that mothers assistance. Joan went into a huddle with the Although he wanted a musical career, Jack Berch (NBCs Jack Berch Show) had to turn salesman, aclling tea and coffee from door to door? But- - a prospective customer was the wife of WBKN's program manager in Youngstown! Ohlov , She heard .Jack singling as he spproarhed her door, amazed him by asking her hnsband to audition him. He came to New York shout nine years ago, with Jack Berch and His Boys. The boys" Included names that became famous Mark Warnow, Jerry Colon-nRaymond Scott and Johnny FAR61S Urlts ui for FREE IN on farm istt lament orportuntt'M pr ccd C. F C it Kessonably Pacific Btiittay, VsiAQUker, L C The Salt Lake Tribune has openings for a copy reader of two or more reporter and years experience. Hill also consider placing a beginner with good educational Address inquiries with full information to Managing Editor. Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah. minute.) Losses stopped five days after treatment was begun but still 41 animals died in all. 41 animals lost worth, at fishing from the island where he has a summer home. He would like to own a jeep, but can't; people, he thinks, would think he was showing off when they saw him in it! a, down and try to get it through her head that George belongs to another woman now. Whatever she gets from attention and him in affection, companionship will be just so much She has no more right velvet. to tell him with whom he should fall in love than her husband's mother had 30 years ago to control the heart affairs of Georges fa- INSTRUCTION IT'S FUN TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO I Delight your friends in a few weeks. rapid method. Three trial lessons for $2 ow. Pay aa yon study $1.00 each for e ght additional lesaona by mail. THE GOODSELL STYLE 126 W. Chapman, Fullerton, California FARMS FOR SALE will call Louise. A HARD TASK $1.3 j This Space Is For Sale at very reasonable rate tTby not use it to advei tise your wares 9o CUTTER LABORATORIES Berkeley 1, California ...el love-makin- g the only Gro-Pu- p, Super-tast- y Ribbon-typ- dog food, la nourish- e ing! It's S2 food! . . . about sa much food, dry weight, M In five cans of dog food. Many are 70 water! 3 GRO-PU- P CONTAINS ABOUT AS MUCH fOOP AS FIVE CANS . v: v Mode by Kef1og yL ef Bottle Creek end Oeoki Pegs 3? Rr GRO-PU- P WANTED Green and Dry Prairie Bones Truckloads or Carloads HIGHEST PRICES PAID Write to: co-st- ar So much for Mary Carter's letter. She won't like the answer, but 1 print it because it applies to so many other mothers of adored and only sons. It is time for Mary t step Blue Baby', 32, Walks LOS ANGELES After surviving an operation in which he had one chance to 100 to live, the nation's oldest blue baby was discharged from Children's hosp.tal here. As the result of surgery which t vpassed a pinched blood vessel to if ve his blood a healthy supply of oxygen, Don Fegenbush can walk for the first time in his life Now 32 years of age. he had been a lifelong invalid, the attending physician have eaten bananas since the 19th century but stili many misconceptions concerning them ex 1st, says Middle America Information. Not, we hope, that they should be kept in the refrigerator. s of all divorces are granted to women. Is that because of male chivalry or the lack of it? 1 FOR rolIUUfl) 1J. OMOO OX KOI i w MONTH! SHUR TUB MFG. CO. s k : AMM4L IASTJ FOR UTS If TtAFS SNOW. FOSTAOI PMPJUD. no one else at the lunch table noticed Ray gorgeous gold cigarette case he directed attention to it himself. My wife gave it to me to mark 16 12 years of marriage. he exWhich is something, m plained. Unlike many a movie Hollywood. star, he shied away from talking shop, but did admit that The Big Clock," to be released soon, was h good picture which, he added, ne wouldnt say about some of his vehicles. His enthusiasms, besides his family, include sailing, good cars and eon calf-hoo- RESULTS UAAANTTEO FUK'WAItJNO tttHEN mm WANTED TO BUY WE BUT AND BELL Office Furniture, Filea, Typewriters. Adding Machine, Safes. Cash Registers. BALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE $23 South State St., Salt Lake City, I tab TRAP WITH SHUR FUR MWOt SCINT). M S A IAIT IN(WOTTHI ATRAPPING OF ANt STAGEflSCREE WASHINGTON, The subject of cows recently has been called to my attention. V r' Feetnree By BAUKIIACE Newt Analyst and Commentator T"" !!! Mother Should Exit Gracefully By INEZ GERHARD days, a cow was supposed to be an animal In the early three-lette- r word meaning rumiof the bovine species. Now It is Just a word which also sometimes means a nant There is another three-lette- r ruminant of which I will speak later. Before I knew that a cow was When applied to cows instead of either a member of the bovine specapitalists, tiie cold has the oppocies or a ruminant, I thought it was site effect on longevity. Accordfearful something ing to a recent article in Food Inwas eu-'which a McGraw-Hil- l publicadustries, $ ad- phem istically Bos-Russians aave produced, the tion, ; 5 dressed as by means of a chilling process apsie, and which (I cows from early plied would was told) 'I which live with a high output to I not hurt me. 15 years, yield up to 100,600 liters took the former of milk and give birth to 15 calves. statement as corThe process is simple. One serect, but had grave doubts . about the lects a calf from selected parents. latter. Later I was It is put in an unheated barn where the temperature is kept at five detaught that not grees fahrenheit. The barns, I take bossie, spelled, but eoyv, and still It, are much like the ordinary Soviet later 1 was chased by one. This citizen's dwelling except that there caused additional doubt concerning Is plenty of bedding and the calves tree Information furnished by one's v y T"' U T7 tlders. , Then came the crossword puzzles. I saw that three, horizontal" was a three-lette- r word meaning ruminant. Having heard of the word ruminate" by that time, and thinking that, thinking or, if you will, ruminating, was a fairly common pracI tice among the genus homo, I wrote down man." Later when I Hint a number of congressmen I was Convinced bt myciTbr. "I Two-third- . . . My feeling is to strong . . . reported. Herbert Marshall ("The Man X) received a letter recent ly on which the postmarks served ss the address. Sent by Myron Rull man Sr. of Washington, S. C.t it had only the two postmarks as address-Herbe- rt, Ala. and Marshall. Mch. UTAH 163 South 3rd CO. BY-PRODUCTS West Salt Lok. Olj 4. Utah . Called Fanny Brices friends think the "Baby Snooks '"Star might as well build a projection room in her home and buy a print of The Naked City" she saw it three time In one week. i fpHE Merchants , who advertise in this paper will give yon best values for your money. c WhEN of in need Printing see what we can do before you go elsewhere. |