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Show vv 1 Tuesday, April 13, 1948 r- -" THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAII PAGE THREI Prig'S The Fern Doily r :r' A'i TH7HEN YOU HEAR someone cry- ing or complaining about his bad luck or the tough breaks that have followed him, you don't have to pay the slightest attention to the All you have to sombre squawk. do is think about A1 Snyder. His dream, that of every Jockey, was to ride a Kentucky Derby winner. Ecyond that, to be the winning rider of the Triple Crown. after 10 tough riding Snyder, years, was set to make his triple move in the Derby, the Preakness and the Belmont on a known as Citation, rated today as the surest Triple Crown winner in racing history. Unfortunately, Snyder went fishing in a small boat with two friends. They were in the famous Florida Keys. A gale came along without warning, and someone else will ride Citation in the three rich races. A whirl of wind. at twilight and the small boat had vanished. As the late Mr. Henley so well wrote: Into the night go one and all. Snyder would have drawn 10 per cent in each of these $100,000 tests. As far as one can peer into the fogs and mists of the future, here was $30,000 plus other big races to come as well as the fame of riding a standout champion. Citation is still here and ready. .So are Ben and Jimmy Jones. But just what happened to Snyder js anybody's guess. Sport is always packed full of g breaks of sudden turns that mean the difference between victory and defeat. But this is a different case. This sudden squall meant the difference between life with fame and gold and the sudden blotting out of a career that was just beginning to i - ' - . LAXATIVE JF 'J - i SUB ROSA. . .Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan informed S , congreas that aubmarinea 'not belonging to any nation vest of the iron curtain hare been sighted off our shorea, tie said that Hussia haa five times as aubs ginning at had as Germany of World War H, be- 3 IIP BOARD WATCH IN EGPT. ..Aa velcome relief from picture of profound significance, thia ia juat a photograph of an Egyptian camel driver standing on top of his camel in front or ana of the pyramids of Giza and looking for whatever camel drivers look lor in Egypt. Probably more cemela. $ s , v '? ' MONEY. . . 'He handed me this quarter and drove away, Teddy Martin of Dayton, Ohio, told hia mother when an unidentified motorist struck and killed hia dog, 'Jigs' ' ? J--l ; ... A,' Uowcum the state department ia allowing Max Schmeling a passport to come here and fight at his age tfd enough fightof 43? Dtdtfdft In the Stork the ing for Adolf? A hr ... f.vVt -- A'v- 11 ii ! 5 - 'X . le Open or a P.G.A. Sammy :t ' c-- A if&k ; AM' Vf - L ..Retired ENTHUSIASTIC. k 3b, Gen. Speaking glowingly of hie former army superior, Wainvright eeid, Gen. Douglas MacArthur is the foremoat candidate for President of the United States.' v A'' T v 7 x .r I - football or boxing. . - . Tbia ia the aeaaon of tbe year to see newspa- for in- circus tour of iv 1 1 A K' fr -- - X A x 'nVf- Vi t -- ; v y- -v J - Kw 'r'PJ . -- ? w t i - r' V y r k first one-arm- urally, has ed as busy aa a... Eunice Skelly, widow of star Hal setSkelly, finally ha won $100,000 tlement from the N. Y., N. H. and Hartford railroad for the accident that killed Hal 16 years ago. . Marcel Vertes, fashion illustrator, has turned to cartooning in his latest Even psybook, Tts All, Mental chiatrists howl at it, , , . Latest feud la between Henry Morgan and Carl Brisson because Henry called him the male Hildegarde." . . . Clothing mfrs. are openly discussing (in New York hotel foyers) their "hundreds of thousands of orders for uniforms. . . . Botany Mills (biggest of wool factories) has started production of khaki cloth, again. . , . The $237,000 Florida Governor Caldwell won in a libel suit from Colliers will be turned over to A It M, the Negro college. "Dear WVV, writes J. W. Stower of the Detroit Times, If you feel benefit from the that newsboy experience, wed like your thoughts on it. :: The best' way to start any ca-on reer la telling newspaper street corners. For one thing you meet a better class of people anti, for another, they meet yon Nnm ' KAArttm You Can Be a Partner Buy U. S. Saving Bondsl "'c rot you RECIPE FILE tfccmsnss hAzwft,mv$QVeRz! VI Vi cup butter or margarine lb. marshmallows (about .aw do.) KrispSes taVb ox.) Heat butter or margarine and marshmallows over water until syrupy. Beat In vanilla Put Rice Kxlspies In greased bowl and pour mix- ture on top. Mix well Press Into 8 x 13 greased shallow tin. Cut into squares when cool Yield: 24 delicious Rice Krlspie low Squares. Everyone will love tbeml 2" cnpvtr f , The CLnemagicians: A generally r, The Miracceptable acle of the Bella get It applause expressed in long sighs. When the in sentiyam threatens to be mired mental goo, it Is rescued by Valli. The MacMurray and Sinatra. . . .sleuth-happis a passable Challenge chiller that scare up several Mary Lou ha a tingles. frail acript playing second fiddle to F. Carle pianoing. , . . "Spring, a Russian Import, is the most ludicrous Kremlin product since . . , "Marshal last pop-ofof Cripple Creek tells how the feargot those pretty less little notches on his shootin ..irons. r A. - ? ittiMi to. IS IT HARD FOR YOU TOj CUT Down Sf.lOKItJG? Then diange fe SAUO, the safer ' cigarette with KAIN O cork ns MR ism Naf a Subwffvro Mot Medl Wd Sano's sdeotific process cut nico- tine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending make every puff a pleasure. rCEMlNO-HAU- , TOBACCO CO.. INC, ' N. T. Aurotebuulmainltnwtneuiuef popular tranOt ass rout oocrot Atom r sano ctcAtims "fiaafss . ANY REQPC RED STAR YEAST I ' ... f. - er COPULSOHY .at agonizingly long a ia paper laitj hanger. He ia Clifford Roddy of New Florence, Pa., who lost left arm in an auto accident. Nat- Nn siP 'AtS IS A DRY R0 15 STAR AS FAST AS OTWER YEVSTS f ) to., rrs faster,... best of Aa RjEO STM KSEPS foraaonths on the Stormy shelf . y - ' BUSY... Bara, ed hf cenU for Pattern. 20 3 ! m Baekcfe. ig paioa, brokaa aiaap. painful uaualiy go to much quicJcar if you twiuh to I'oley (tha new kidneyblAddr) riil. 'I timuiAtoAluegtRh kidney; then ALLA Y BLAI DKH lHlU i AT ION. That's the mum of moot peine, ache, urge onto thought entirely due to ktdntys. Bo for quicker, iongeriesting relief eooU bladder a well a etimuiate bdnev actioa. Do tine: use Foley (the new Fills; they also have direct aedativedike action oa bladder. At your druggiat. Unless you find theta far Mtufaetery, DOU TtiiS VUUii MONEY BACK CIRCUS NEEDLEWORK Wella SU- - Chicago tear-tugge- ?!. i'll Petersburg dog track, I bought Yogi Berra $2 ticket on a greyhound that paid $112, Lately I have given Berra several tips that , finished last or close to last Much to my astonishment, Berra still remembered the instruction to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time ta required in filling orders ior a few of the most popular patterns. Bend your order to: Enclose KENTUCKV 'Wf for KIDNEY SUFFERERS Due J'DUtb 2. COMFOm P 3 St. "Who and only good deed. cares?" he would say as my tip finished far out of the money. This made me realizethat Berra was an exceptional human being. He remembers only the good that is buried with mankind, not the evil that lives after them. Berra, the Yankee catcher, has a friendly ibeart and a deadly batting eye. The pride 6fDago Hill, St. Louis, likes everybody and every body likes him. . circus press agenta start vying with politicians which can make more noise and get more space in the pers for their assorted exhibits and freaks. Here, stance, are two elenhants of the Dailey Brothers which wintered in Gonzalee, Tex., and ia ready for tbe country thia summer. 4: v, v, Yogi Berra , the Arm A COUPLE OF ELEPHANTS d! 'i - JUST. when SPEEDED-U- Pattern Number. of biggest worry Isn't foreigners who think we have all the money In the world. Ita those Americans who think we have all the time. i lOUISVIUI for the Fern Doily (Pattern No. 6007) send cents In coin, Your Name, Addreu and SEWING YOOUCTS CORPORATION CHEMICAL Nicotine SpteMiiti Since tnnf cnass 32 20 WO KMI TOSACCO plv4-ipr- do-call- To obtain complete crocheting InsecfV y by contact kill by fume. Destroy plant lice but spare beneficial insect. Unfit tom ee origin! nctery-stalt- d toiler! It unmet Ml Urength. OMvnc,ptaa too, MokM aonom t .( hdi V? OU CAN bring all the delicate charm of the lovely fern leaf right into your home by making one or more .of those handsome doilies for your best table. You will be thrilled to watch the fem fronds grow right out of very attractive nineteen-inc- h center piece while you crochet maam, bad thii Our Snead si .Folsom Governor Double-dut- tldei teasixton vanilla Ipkg. Kellogg's Rice old Mississippi), according to an dinner guest list at a .Providence, R. I., St Patrick's Day affair. drive. vT'i . ; Jonathan M. Wainwright added hia iota of support to the ! year ago at the J .g Vi . QUICK REUfir FOR ACID WITH atory-teller- -- enmutj msmncg comment on the N, Y. gazettes roasting of hia recent kissing spree: he said, "Awl Ah wants know, "were mah name spelt raht? . . Diamond merchants say Bobos ring cost Rockefeller 42 Gs. , . . Skewp: TruBioggers insist that "S in Mr. mans name is merely an initial It stands for Shippc (rhymes with ? ) at &MW Mti never has won a U. S. Open, although the brilliant but erratic , Snead has won the P.G.A, and the A ' v't British Open. Hogan, Nelson,, Snead and Demaret are too good to stand on their records in the U. S. Open, the Briti ish Open and the P.G.A., the three top titles of golf. Where is another Bobby Jones? Another Walter Hagen, another Gene Sarazen? I might add another Tommy Armour and another these three Jim Barnes, whiy-w- on major events. The modern charge is made that Jones, Hagen, and Sarazen played in, only few tournaments that all DOGGED BIRD. . three would have been nervous Wash., cocker .Rusty, a Seattle, spaniel, leads a wrecks if they had followed the with Kilroy the life dogs rough trail that Hogan, Demaret, .pigeon around. The bird likee Snead and the others have taken. to perch end walk on the dogs back and flap his wings in This can be true. face, keeping him aveka I am not going to. deny it for I Rusty's when hed rather be asleep. are cant prove these charges wrong. All 1 know Ts there are- - too many tournaments today for the good cf -the player. Especially the better player. v-- v Big money golf is much rougher world series on the nerves than baseball or any form of football. The mental side is far more important in golf than it is in baseball A ? r ' - U-.- 1 A ' . combination BIG SICT COMBINATION. . .Number one father-and-s- on in 1948 were Harry J. Grime ey (left) rifle team in the and aon Robert; 17,- of Janesville., Via. Grimeaey, senior, a supervisor in the Parker Pen company plant in Janesville, recently set a national aecord of 199 for the prone and kneel positions. Bob is an Eagla scout as well at. a champion marks-P-n. , v . 4 other night Randolph Churchill remarked he was departing for LonOh ho., said Wwhat don.. Wwag, "duckin the draft, eh? , . Mike Romanoff is now the Wesl coast Billy Rose with mor'n 8C papers carrying his col'rp-- . . Billy, himself, after struggling for years to become famed as a thowman, , songwriter, art collector, magazine essayist and winds up with the nickname: "Broadway Rose. ... , - i ' ft 'p st VI - A 'Hi--- Man About Town: Gael Sullivan will of Mr. Trumans brain-truresign if Jim Farley is taken into Ed Pauley, Demmy councils. the Preaa pal, told chums in California he wouldn't be surprised if the donkey nomination went to Ike. . . . Carlyle Blackwell, exfilm star, was badly hurt when two bulldogs jumped him while out for a stroll in Miami Beach. i - will, win the Masters? Who will win the Open? Who will win the PG.A.? Apparently it doesn't matter. ' ' Herman' KeiseF' wort the" Masters in 1946 and has won little since. Lew Worsham won the Open at St. Louis last year and hasnt won a tournament since. Jim Ferrier from Australia won the P.G:A. but has set no blazing woodlands on fire since. Why is it that we have no golfers who can win more than one tournament on a 3,500-mijunket? Horton Smith won six around 1938. Jimmy Demaret won six or seven a few years back. MacDonald Smith won eight big ones in a year. P.obby Jones mopped up in 1930. Jones and Hagen won 21 national and international championships between them. Now you cant find a golfer who can win as many as two. Ben Hogan never has won an Open. Jimmy Demaret never has won an The Naked City: Her name was A kid Ann Parrish . . . Came here from the stix two year ago . . . With a flaming yen to be an actress . . . She had no . No nothin . , . "contacts Just ambition . . . Lived in a fur. . In the 100s . . . nished room Went to a dramatic school . . . Her story is similar to hundreds you hear around Broadway . . . These kids live in smelly hall bedrooms . . . When they: could be home with the family In comparative luxury . . . Like other kids her age she loved candy bars . . . Pastries and ice cream sodas . . . Then she thought she was getting too plump to get a role in a flop . . . So she went on one of those diets . . ,When she had dizzy spells, her doc(warned her . . . "But theres a chance in a new show, she said . . . The other ayem when her alarm, clock went oft U frightened her to death, the coroner reported . . . She achieved in death what she couldnt in life . . . The newspapers, quoting the coroner, said: "Occupation, actress. ; V'V' h. "'I K' if ' -- . , a f : ld seven-year-o- .a - i ;k BLOCD A Who, In NR (Nature Remedy) Tablet, there are no chemicals, no mineral, ro phenol derivative. NR Tablet are different eel different Purely vegt -table a combination of 10 vegetable ingredient formulated over 50 year go. Uncoated or candy coated, their action i dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of NR' have proved. Get a 25 box. Use at directed. Sallies in Our Alley V- - t y '(v - o- . I I ' 4' s&t - Golf Winners in 1948 ., ALL-VEGETAB- CT ... many of times! thousands 1 5 soul-searin- 'fall. ? KJS three-year-ol- d unfold, . On .the verge of moving into the greatest, fame a jockey could kne.w. Snyder suddenly came to the end of the road in the roaring, boiling water of the Keys. Fate never bothers where the aces or the deuces ij - K COMMON SENSE,, proved ihovstmA upon TRAINING TN CHINA. . .Stricken with continuous war for a decade, China haa turned to compel a or y military training to provide manpower. Hebe, at a ceremony held in the auditorium of the Shanghai city council, Shanghais first lot drawing for military service vaa held. There were 211 nura bered bamboo pletea in tbe jnf. a Switch! Dept.: All the who are - getting big candidate build-upsay they'll run. Ike, who doesnt need any, ay he wont Be d. Dotyeas' i"' What I s - New Item: "Gerald L. K. Smith, violently ill from the rabble-rouse- r, arsenic. Oh, the poor, poor arsenic. DUE) OffAD DQV. YGACu |