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Show TUB DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON. UTAH Tuesday, April 13, 1948 Sunny side News Ellen, Stella and Sharron Preston, daughters of Mr. and Mrs John Preston of Sunnysxde, won second place on the amateur contest held in Price Wednesday, April 7. The three girls are 13, 11 and 9 years old They sang, Now Is the Hour They were accompanied on the piano by their sister, Miss Ruth Preston Duung the next two weeks they are to have a free plane trip to Salt Lake and to sing over the radio. They gave a Tgpeat performance of A. their number at the P.-meeting in Dragerton Thursday evening and also sang When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Friday evening. April 2, the L D S church held a social in Sunni side for the Anionic Pnesthood their partners and their parents The main objeit of the social was the presentation of special awards and centennial souvenir coins to several deacons The deacons re-c' ing individual aw ards were John Pieston, Jr, Scott G Jeffs, Melvin Mower, John Lavell Naylor, Wayne Jones and Flank Tur-nThe piogtam was a trumpet solo by John Preston, Jr , a reading by Lama Daws, a son LaRae bv Helen Christensen, King, Connie Lee Sjostedt, and Mai ion Larson, accon pamed by Mai lone Kmg Miss Ruth Pieston and Mr Russell Erickson furnished the music and even one h.,d a lovely time Mi King Mi jOison Turnei and Bishop Pea-eoled n.rne of the joung peoe danes Re-- 1 ple in some freshments were served before the party broke up. Mr Frank Siostedt nl Range Creek received some very welcome company Sunday, Apiil 4 Mis. Sjostedt, Mr. and Mrs Jay Worlton and Mr. and Mrs Kyle Worlton hiked over the top to pav him a short visit The party left at 9:30 a. m. and got to Range Cieek at 6 30 that evening Mrs Jay Worlton is Mr. Sjostedts daughter. Mrs Sjostedt is to sta until the road is open and the rest of the party came out the follow ing Tuesday Mr and Mrs C B Klostcr were Giand Junction, Colorado, visitors last week-en- d SOCIAL FRIDAY ck old-tim- You will understand why more and more people are patronizing us, ofcce you try us yourself Good service ts always the order of the day. HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS The meeting of the Price Moose Lodge next Friday, April 16th, form of a social with will be Mr. Bud Fisher of the Standard Oil Co. presenting another of his interesting programs of moving' pictures The visit of Mr. Fisher always assuies a most pleasant evening; his films of outdoor lr.e, fishing and hunting never fail to thriL tne sportsmen, and he piorn-ise- s another very fine program next Friday. VISIT TO DRAGERTON ei EtERNBODV OUGHT TO REMEMBE.R THAT A FROWN S A SMILE TURNED URS'OE DO'NN ' MARY BLACK SAY- S- PRICE MOOSE T. en PAGE FITE Plans are almost complete foi the visit to Dragerton on Thurs- standard measuring cups. These can be purchased for 10c at any hardware or pottery department store. Use standard measuring spoons. These can be purchased in a for 10c or 15c set of 1 T., ,L t Vi U and ti-3. Rubber plate scrapers. These are used for scraping plates and pans previous to washing They are also best used with an electric mixer, since a spoon would be too apt to break both itself and the beater. Use for icing cakes, and for many other TREATER DRAGERTON 1. Use1 or 15c 2. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 14 A t, purposes. Vi4 15c to hold sifted 10 oi Cost, ingredients for cakes, etc. . 5 Cake racks to use for cooling cakes, pics, etc Cost 10c or 15c, depending upon sue. 6 Small racks (small cake racks), such as tne perforated raik in the thrift cooker, or an plectra' range, or a peifoiated pie tin, to be used in lifting meat, poultry, or fish fiom the bottom of a iostinfi pan ? Small wire and aluminum egg slieeis and cheese slice. s can be e food purchased for 10c to 20c and are veiy helpful in handling the-for salads, sandwiches, or other purposes TO CLEAN: 4. Paper plates day, April 29th. Regional Ducc-to- r W. S Edmonds states he w.il have the new film Where Life Begins Again," recenlty made at Moosehaven, a'.so will bring the picture of Mooseheart. The Chi'd A musical program is be- City THE RANGE mg arranged and refreshments For the entue cleaning piovess of your elect uc iange, use only a will be served The cit.ens of Do not use cleaning powdtrs or Dragerton and viemitv are invited clean soft cloth and soap and water to this meeting to learn of he other harshabi dsives These aie not necessary foi the porcelain of the ranee any more than they would be for cleaning dishes, and if the range is kept clean, they will never be netesvij 1 The entire oven: racks, units, balfle sheet, and (when possible) the sides 4v Inch hold the racks should all be lemoved fiom the oven for complete and thorough cleaning at least once a week The oven should be wiped out with a clean, damp cloth at the end of each day's cooking. After cleaning the oven, be sure that all the equipment goes back into its pioper place; the two units must be pushed secuiely into their outlets, the baffle sheet goes into the fust slide above the lower un't When the in the position ptepared for it, and the racks replaced slides for the shelves are removable; be sure that you get them securely back onto the hooks which hold them and aie stiaight and level to hold the racks. 2. The surface of the electric range can be simply washed with soap and warm water and dried wuth a soft, clean cloth. All spilled foods should be washed from the range as soon as possible, because surfacing. some of the older ranges do not have stain-proThe surface units of the electric range can be lifted from range for cleaning under them. It is not necessary or advisable to take the coils out of the units for cleaning purposes. These units are practibecause they "burn off any food spilled on them, cally in H.- - anc this carbonized material con be brushed off. The open coil units Scoot spent the aw'atha at the home of Mr and,Cdn be cleaned by brushing out with a soft brush and then inverting j Mrs. Ken Jeffs a pie tin over them, tuning the unit on high, and fcttirtg the' unit Mr. and Mrs. Milt Williams and clean itself under the reflected heat and glow. A few drops of water family spent the week in Sait may be used under the tin to cause a steaming moisture, The crump trays, which are. under the surface units of eveiy Lake with their daughter and j electric range, should be taken out and w iped clean after each days her family. has cooking Miss Shirleen McKinley Do not throw salt on the surface units to kill the smell of spilled been spending the wunter here foods, especially on the coils of the open unit. Let the food burn off Conand with her grandmother and they can be biushed away. nie Lee. She returned to her sure that the well for the Thrift Cooker is kept clean and free Be 30 home by bus- Tuesday, March of grease or spilled foods Her home is in Compton, CaliClean the lid of the Thrift Cooker with a damp cloth, dry it thorfornia. Monday evening friends out. came in and gave her a farewell oughly, and let it remain off the cooker until both are dried can be developed in any closely which will the This sweating prevent party. The girls present were covered utensil after washing and when it is warm. Misses Helen Christensen, Leona Estes, Marion Larson, LaRae-Kinand Connie Lee. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Graham vyere in Salt Lake Thursday, March 25th to attend the Shrin-er- s Scottish Rites. They returned THURSDAY, APRIL 15 Double Feature of rH sWW1 self-cleani- ng - yVIM i:01T IVesferojlerifegef USltt tIOUID MARTIN hr IflMAN UN UM Pxtciw fcr WAUtif A tttSHlt NAN ter so Otlptnef Mill AN Atop NOVUM ' bp V 1 V if BROOKE I an laoeCai tOACKT v LOWERY Mtmm-WMW- g 7-U- P BOTTLING CO.. Price, Utah intiM mum ua FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 17 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Saturday. t aOTTO EmRHCHEJG Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah PERSONAL LOANS Price - - Utah See BILL WHITE or BILL WELSH For A Low Cost Loan ooo and Confidentially. One stop at our office No red tape and no delay. New Care transaction. the completes F inanced on the 6 plan. AU loans made Quickly Member Federal Reserve System. LOANS UP TO $1,000.00 J'"' MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY 106 EAST MAIN STREET Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn PRICE, UTAH SUNDAY, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 19 Double Feature MEET YOUR FRIENDS Regular AT THE . M Z Inn Lubrication-These are the tires youll see on Americas finest new cars Built into them is new car safety, new car comfort, new car mileage. And in our shop youll find the kind of skilled tire service to go with these great new U. S. Royals. 1 MOTOR CO. PRICE UTAH STOP AT THE SIGN OF SKILLED SERVICE will 2nd a "tightening up save you For utmost motoring pleasg car ure end formance, drive in now complete car lubrica- - . tion. Remember when Dodge-Pl- y mouth lubrication specialists do the ob, you money-earin- know STOP IN ANO SEE THE GREAT NEW U. S. ROYALS HOW AT REDD - that ita done rgM. . . . and laP give the UNDERBODY I a thorough going-ov- er Well examine spring EDWARD G. shock shackles, absorber, body and fender bolts, and all the other parts that might need tightening or replacement. Attention mw can prevent repairs later. ROBINSON LON IFCALLISTER qpe ; BUNNEL GARAGE SINGtlTGH lUitU CUT - - Util IKtll Uifi CSIil rlflMI KiMOltr Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for Eastern Utah N tor, LAKE - SIMMS ui um t NICK ZAKIS,Prop. fcfta r Ptnof Ask About Our Budget Payment Plan ' f t M nwui h mt KmIu mu A COtUMIIA WCTUlf H.ED HOUSE un uqhsm hr tuicsx ms ICO tu KXCI tafcaswn nrkkn L Vnm mi iieutn. . .rite eot sux 1AMT k ttiati III .M SB ims I1" 1 4 Tm |