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Show I Serving The Dr a Drsger-- t o n, Sunnyside, Sunnydale a a d Columbia. Combined population B.ouu. Volume E. Carbon Alumni f'.OnE THAN THIRTEEN THOUSAND PENSION WON BY Wins League Title TONS COAL DAILY PROPOSED FOR UTAH COAL LIQUEFICATION PLANT en 54-3- 38-1- M-M- en It is estimated that high-gramotor oil can be produced from coal for about 14c a gallon. This estimate eliminates the element of profits, but amortizes the plant costs in nine years. The cost may be further reduced by from three to five cents by the yield of byproducts. Operation of a hydrogenation plant as large as 200 barrels of eil per day is entirely new in the United States. However, there is now in the process of planning, by the contractor and the engineers, connected with government work, a coal hydrogenation plant with 30,000 barrels capacity a day, which would require 13,500 tons of coal per day, according to information received by Dr. Colombo. In commenting on this proposed plant, Dr. Colombo figured what this would mean to this area. To produce the coal alone, at the present rate of five tons per day for each man employed, Would mean 2700 more employees in our mines. This does not take into consideration the number that will be needed in' the processing plant, which Is estimated not less 1,000. Extra railroad em- ployees will also be necessaiy and an extra population of approximately 15,000 people would result from such an operation. In the information released in Washington, plant establishment costs have been tentatively estimated: to produce gasoline and Jiquified gases at $55,670,000; to produce heavy fuel oil, at and to produce light fuel with gasoline and liquid fuel gases, as high as $130,-00- 0. It is interesting to note the estimate that was made for the establishment of a plant in Utah to liquefy Utah coal, to supply fuel equivalent to 5,000 tons of Utah coal delivered to Los Angeles: here are the figures: Coal at plant near mine, $4 00. Electrical energy, 5 mills kwh. Steam, 35c per 1,000 lbs. Amortization, 9 per cent. Gasoline and liquefied gas, lc per lb. Gas at 15c per 1,000 cu. ft. Tar acids, 5c per lb. Cost of transportation via pipe line to Los Angeles, 100 miles for . light fuel 4c per bbl., and for heavy fuel 8c per bbl. The study showed that a price differential was 30 per cent in favor of coal against fuel oil. . $63,-000,0- Vi Three new youngsters arrived at the Dragerton Hospital this past week. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Manual Quintana of Dragerton. On Sunday, April 11, two boys came, one to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvey, and one to Mr. and Mrs. Don Logston, both of Dragerton. FIRST PAYMENT AIRPORT First payment on the Carbon county airport construction was made to Hammond & Whiting this week by County Clerk B. H. Young. An estimate furnished the Carbon County commissi6n showed the airport to be 21.1 per cent same The estimate complete. showed that 33.2 per cent of the excavation required under the contract had been completed. The payment made this week was; Jennie Abeyta Merlene Stark Pat Graham Vera Nuzio recently acquired by the ovens Kaiser-Fraz- Painting Exhibit For Carbon Artist on Monday evening, April 12. The artist, Lynn Fausett is well known for his work in Carbon county. He painted the murals in the foyer on the first floor of the Price city auditorium. The present display has been received from Texas, where it was on public display. It will be returned to Mr. Fausett in Salt Lake city after the Price showing. It is understood that any or all of the paintings now on display are for sale, and Dr. A. E. Jones, president of Carbon college, indicated interest in a couple. er Parts Co., is ' ex- pected to start not later than May i Of course, this is dependent on, the return to work on the pan of coal miners. Repair work on the ovens has been rushed during the past month, and during the time work in the mines has been at a standstill. Normal operations are not expected to take place, for four t: six weeks following the starting on May. There- - may be many changes to be effected, and even operation of the blast furnace at Ironton is not expected to be in full swing for a like period of time. According to a report released by E. J. Duffy, operations manParts ager of the Kaiser-FrazCo., the East Carbon coke ovens ' 13,000 13,000 11,500 KAISER LAUDED Fontana Steel mills, and soon to produce coal also for the beehive coke ovens. The second company is the Kaiser-FrazParts Co., which will operate the coke ovens, and -are responsible for the extra growth of our district, had have not readers our of that may many Realizing the opportunity of reading the fine tribute to Mr. Kaiser published in the Deseret News on April 8, and in the c noted journalist, Vivian Meik, The Dragerton Tribune .g article jn jtg entirety. HENRY J. KAISER SETS AMERICANISM EXAMPLE er east-we- 29,000 votes 26,000 26,000 J. At START MAY east-we- ! 1248 COKE OUEfIS TO 35-f- Robert , Vaught BY HENRY st The new runway will have a t. fill on the extreme east end. Material fot this fill has been obtained from the west end st of the strip under construction, as well as from the north end of the north-sou- h strip. The contract for the construe- -. tion at the Carbon airport called' for completion in 200 working days. Approximately half this time has already lapsed, but m-- J dications are the job will be fin- ished on time. At present there are tyo shifts of construction working on the job. The total cost of the contract will be $169,995.85, of which Carbon county will pay $32,452.97. The balance is paid by the state and federal government. The govKatherine Angelna Kapps ernments share of the first pay- Bezyack, 42, a resident of East ment made this week was $20,919.- - Carbon county for the past five 87. The total amount, to be paid years, died Wednesday at 6.33 by the state, which has been al- a. m. in the Dragerton hospital. A daughter of Matt and Tereza ready turned over to the county, is $32,790.30. Krismanich Kapps, she was born Nov. 3, 1905, in Frontier, Wyo- TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST Glenda Lee Civish Helen Rowe 7G0 $33,840. Contestants Out to Vin In The j ESTIMATED AT The officials were Atwood and Poloni. team that was The all-stof the season end at the picked as follows: Second Team First Team J. Crawford .. F La Mar Meyer F L. Stevensen R. Fulmer J. Ottistrom .. C . R. Anderson G M. Anderson Art Self Dan Murnhy COUNTY MAHES UP WE GO HEART ATTACH ON MONDAY j ar Twenty-thre- e of the PRICE fine paintings of' Lynn Fausett, Prices own. artist, are now on display on the second floor of the Price City Hall. These paintings, hung under the direction of the art department ef Carbon College, will be open to the public inspection during the next two weeks. Efforts are being made by Carl Olson of the Carbon art department to have a public showirg ge p. de on WILLIAM CAMPBELL, COUNTY COMMISSIONER, SUCCUMBS TO E. C. POPULATION M-M- mer owner of the National coal mine at National. According to Dr. Colombo, information from Washington indicates a thorough study of the processes involved in the future of oil, and that these are closely allied to the Utah coal fields. Early studies indicate that we have already far exceeded the work of the German scientists during the last war: In the German 'plants, an efficinecy of 30 per cent was attained in the extraction of oil, while already it is predicted that the efficiency of the American processes will exceed 50 per cent. J. Coleman Shot Number 41 James Coleman was shot Wed nesday night, April 7, 1948, in the shotupper thigh with a gun, which hit both legs, lbs condition is not serious, but he is now in the Dragerton Hospital. James Barry of Sunnyside was William Campbell, 58, Carbon1 the alleged wielder of the 'shot- - County Commissioner, died early gun. The reason for the shooting Monday morning of a heart and Emery counties in- - is not known at the present time. tack. In apparent good health, Mr. Campbell had attended the (.iuci0j are expected to go back to conference services at the L. D. S. the nunes, after lemaimng away Tabernacle On Sunday evening smce March 15. Under an an- nouncement Commissioner made, the board, Campbell was which was aided by the addition completing his sixth year as Car- and of Senator Styles Bridges of New bon County Commissioner w'as an announced candidate for Hampxhne, agreed on a pension the office again this fall. He had plan foi the miners. Under the taken a very active part during miners who have agieement, worked in the coal pits for 20 the past year in a campaign for a A thorough survey conducted new courthouse as well as a Car-b- y j ears, and have attained the age of 62, will be entitled to receive Prior the Diagerton Tribune during bon County hospital set-u$100 00 per month pension. Mine the past month, to determine the to being elected Carbon County President John L. Lewis had ask-.e- d estimated population of the en- - Commissioner, he had served as that this pension be paid at tire east Carbon area, brings forti Price city councilman for many the figure of 7,000 population by terrnsThe money will the end of 1948. Present popula-- ! He was one of five brothers, eompionn.se come from the fund set up by the tion of the area is estimated at tour whom survive him. His payment of 10 cents per ton on 6,300. At are 121 mother and father are also still there present coal mined. new homes under construction at hvmg in the court contempt charge He was born in Springfield, all been before Judge T. Allen Goldsbor-wa- s Dragerton, which have are Missouri, in 1890. In for. there addition, spoken ough on Monday, it Was ruled Also surviving are his widow vin, Dan, June, Joy, Beth and that even in spite of the order to 65 new homes being built in the seven children, Howard, Cal- - Barbara. and addition the for L. to Lewis return be Sunnydale work, John also these and Kaiser employees, placed on trial Wednesday to an- swer charges of contempt of have been mostly alloted to new residents, as soon as they are court. completed. Much of the expansion now in progress in East Carbon At present, Dragerton has 604 homesall of which are occupied. comes from companies headed by Henry J. Kaiser. At pres-Sunnydale there are 244 homes gnt, two affiliates of his organization' are operating in this now, and at Sunnyside, 150. in area. They are the Kaiser Co., Inc., producing coal for the 1 haid-fighti- ot live. Per Copy 5c LEWIS; COURT CHARGE STANDS The East Carbon Alumni outthe classed and out-shin the Dragerton final tilt for the championship of the East Carbon League by a The synthetic fuels committee of the Carbon County score of 2. Chamber of Commerce today released some important in9 The Alumni racked up a formation that shows what the future development of oil point lead in the first half and and gasoline from coal would mean to this area. This com- the couldn t close the gap mittee, headed by Dr. F. V. Colombo of Dragerton, consists in the second half. Anderson led of George B. Jackson, superintendent of the Independent the scoring for the champs with Coal & Coke Co. of Kenilworth, C. Arthur Carlson, superin- 24 points, while J Crawford got tendent of the Spring Canyon and Royal Coal companies, C. 14. Fulmer dropped i nl3 points E. Beveridge, chief engineer for the Utah Railway Co., D. and Myers 11 for the K. Downey, mayor of Helper, James McKim superintendent The lineup: of the U. S. Fuel Co., at Hiawatha, and Carl P. Nyman, for- than rioune Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, April 13, 1948 1 Let all help ta make our community a better place in w hicn to at er cent have two or more families, it was found that in one four separate families are now getting along in one home. These are those which have arranged for ' some of the additional housing in the area which is' now un- der construction. 1 When I was writing the story behind the scenes of war in England we were then on t he verge of starvation and defeat there a name began to crop up in officers. the conversations of a group of The name was Henry J. Kaiser. who had made an We regarded him as a kind of demi-go- d some form of magic industrial desert produce ships through while we as us would were, it almost, which hqlp iships were dying. The coke oven operation of the high-rankiKaiser company will mean at least a population of 500 in the district. This is based on a total of 125 employees, and figuring the average of five to a family. In addition to the coke oven emOn the other side of the world to the people. ployees, there will no doubt be an Hitlers honorary Aryans were increase In the mine Operating an Behind name with ng force, as well as employees necessary in the trucking of coal operations will require an additional 75 employees. All coal for from the mine to the coke ovens, use in the coke ovens will be and extra railroad help necessary mined at Sunnyside, and a con- to moving the finished products. tract has been let for a new high-Mr- s. way exetending from the mine to the ovens. When this road is complete, hauling operations will be with trucks capable of holding 60 tons of coal each. Until the road Sunnyside town board has a is constructed, transportation of crew of workmen widening the the coal will be done by local bridge on the main thoroughfare truckers, and in much smaller near the railroad crossing to a ull loads, and over the road now ex- 18 foot driving lane. This is being tending between the two points. accomplished by taking out the The present distance is approxi- guard over the old pedestrian mately five miles. The Kaiser lane, and adding a new lane on company is inviting local truckers the side of the present bridge. to apply for .the job of transport- - This provision will make a two ing the coal. lane highway across the structure for cars. Sunnyside officials have also made several additions to street improvements in the Sunnydale addition to community. These were necessary because of the addition of the new homes er -- cursing the same intensity beyond western compre- Big Jobs There is no doubt that this is so when you consider1 the work They cursed because they knew done under his inspriation. What that all the cement which built greater tribute-coul- d a man have the stronghold of the Americans than the monument of the Hoovstepping forward to break up the er Dam, whose story I wrote a few Japanese war effort was made by days ago? Kaiser was behind that Henry J. Kaiser. as he was behind the eight-mi- le Oakland-Sa- n Francisco bridge and Learns Whole Story a variety Of other public benefits. the Today I have. been learning The car that bears his name is whole story of this mans contri- now known from coast to coast. bution, not only to victory, but to Scon you will be hearing of his the benefit of America, in his own other interests as they spread to headquarters in Oakland, Calif. confound so many prophets who ming. Unfortunately, a promised inter- say, It cant be done. Survivors include her husband, view with him could not materialThat phrase, It cant be done, Charles Beyack, and a son, Charles ize because of his absence, but I acts on Mr. Kaiser like apparently William Bezyack, Sunnyide. to get the facts enabled been have in the ear of an elephant. the goad Funeral services were conduct- and figures I required througn war the greatest the During 2 at the ed Saturday, p. iq..in the courtesy of one of his. aids. American naval chiefs fought him Mitchell funeral chapel in Price Mnay of you will doubtless have when he said he could build airby Rev. Richard Halbert, pastor read much of the publicity given craft carriers in a month where of the Community church in to this fantastic personality. My they believed it could not be done Price. story, however, has nothing to do under two years. He turned them Burial was in the Price city either with praise or blame. My out at the rate of one a week. cemetery. work is to place this vast organizTurns Out Ships I ation into its true perspective in scene. And its true American the out the cargo ships He turned Sails R. being constructed for the Kaiser place is undoubtedly one of para- which helped save Britain and mount importance whichever way many Allies he turned them out In Air service, including both pas- company within the town limits. it is regarded or from whichever at the rate of one every twelve sengers and mail at the Carbon angle it is approached. hours sometimes oftener. These R. J. Robinson, seaman, first political i county airport, has been suspenda of is the It same ships today will make the story oPMr son USN and MrS.ed unta further notice because of class, man who started with practically Marshall Plan a success may well Gilbert Robinson of 209. .Rawlings consfruction work under way on nothing and has risen to a posi- have done more to halt the spread street, Dragerton, is servng aboard the airport. The four daily planes tion which controls power sup- of Communism than any other the light cruiser USS Topeka, have been stopping at Price, that demonstration The R. cooking Rear of Admiral S. ported by astronomical capital. single factor on our side of the flagship are now passing over without that was given last Thursday This could only happen in Amer- cold war. SupBerkey, USN, commander much of the Although stopping. church Catholic in the is no country in the U. S. evening There ica. Naval In our own Utah, Kaiser is reForces, port Group, on a new strip, running hall by Mrs. Mary Black, Utah which would have allowed opening a blast furnace which has Far East, currently making a tour work is east-weworld st direction, It is Power & Light Home Service of Korean and Japanese ports. To in an any man or any business to rise never been profitably worked beof the advisor, was repeated on Frithat equipment necessary date the crew members have visto those heights. fore and Kaiser will see that ic cross the runway day, April' 9. The ladies and ited Jinson,a Korea, and Nagasaki, contractor works profitably in the future. Untouched Ideals in use by the air-- ; husbands who attended the Kagoshima, and Yokosuka, Japan. which has been Today this great organization enthusiasdemonstration were line. To me, the most amazing result, has vast and very altive interests The Topeka completed a tic in their praise and also entour of duty in China as perhaps, is that this greatest of in many of the basic ventures joyed the film; Ingredients, the flagship of Rear Admiral J. achievements by an ordinary which are required to make the which was shown at both demH. Carson, USN, American citizen has not spoiled American way of life the best in Commander onstrations. The food was given either his 15. Cruiser v Division Whilein personality or ruined the world. to those who held the lucky Chinese waters, the crew visited ideals behind his ultimate obthe Last year it sold cars to the tickets in the drawing, Shanghai, Amoy and Tsingtao, In the Carbon Coal league, the wishes to extend its apprecia-Th- e jectives. value .of $260,000,000. Its activiChina, and Keelung, Formosa. Without growing technical, I ties in aluminum, steel, cement, F. Anselmo company of Colum-- j Utah Power & Light Co. bia took three out of four points, tion to John W. Galbreath 4 can record that the turnover of gypsum and housing go to make from the Home Lumber team of Co., the Utah Construction Co. the Kaiser interests are roughly up the billion dolthis all a Price to take the lead in the sec$1,500,000,000 year I for mentioned earlier. A. lars Sanders to Rev. J. and ond half of the league. not yet making it, possible for them to from an initial effort, 15 Affects Entire Nation Team standings: forty years old, made by an ordiuse the Church Hall for the citizen American Few, if any," great' American nary everyday demonstration. There will be a free show Anselmo American in his have ever subscribed the to life live institutions given by the Welfare AssociaUtah Fuel so handsomely to your individual way. tion this coming Thursday, Aberdeen Men of repute and trained ob- content and progress even though April 15. The double feature Home Lumber Miss Edith Mower, daughter servance who know Mr. Kaiser WESTERN HERIwill be you may not know it. Geneva Steel .. of Mr, and Mrs. Lavor Mower, is well have on Before I come to the end of my' that TAGE record and "I COVER BIG it pdt Kaiser . . , taking nurses aide training in the I feel that I would like to his TOWN. The afternoon show first is not itself space, money by Ronnie Jewkes, -- Aberdeen of Dragerton hospital. She has many will start at 3:40 P. M. and the above must He be satisfied, say just one thing more" about Kenilworth, bowled the high sin- - hours to her credit and plans to aim. takes he this organization. As you knowv the all evening show at 6:00 P. M. job thingsJhat gle game with a 223. Bill Collins, work there during the summer (Continued on Page Four) up will be of constructive good Anselmo, was second with a 211. months, when school is out. Two Lane Highway On Sunnyside Bridge j J AIR SERVICE SUSPENDED FOR their CONSTRUCTION J. Robinson Far Eastern Waters - . Cooking School Repeated Friday five-mon- hension. th Anselmo Bowlers Continue Lead Welfare Show Thurs., April . ' |