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Show page roua Tuesday, April' 13, 194S THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH Published Weekly Office: Dragerton Theatre Phone Dragerton 16 Rates: $2 00 Per year; 6c Per Ccpy Jack Clifford Publisher j matter Entered m November 11, 1947 at the post Dragerton, under the act of March second-cla- ss 3, 1879. Number 222 Contributing Editors Dr. Vernon Lund, Orion MortPnsOn Emery Oserf, Father Sanders. Betty Jean Poglajen, George Perez. Joan Malaby, LaVae Patricia Waring and Fern Peterson Photographer John Blevin. CLASSIFIED ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to order in my home. Decorated birthday and wedding cakes a specialty. Mrs. Walter Whitburn, 167 Grassy Trail. FOR SALE Bend instruments, accordions, guitars, sheet music and musical gifts. The HOUSE OF MUSIC Price Theatre Building. SALE Excellent acreage just east of Wellington on highway, A small down payment will secure your purchase of one-fiacres balance on convenient terms. See George M Jr., Wellington . FOR ve Ramblitigs By Smoky A few questions about Jim told the story of his successful SPRING. BEGINS WITH A PRETTY HAT You've got your eye on that new spring suit with the short, waist-hug- . ging jacket and the full ballerina skirt swirling to a new low of 12 inches from the ground. . . Or is it a dress you want, in a monotone crepe or a luscious pure sillc print? Whatever your decision, the item indispensable to the success of your ensemble is a bonnet fresh as a crocus, becoming as a jewel, miraculous in it effect on winter-wear- y spirits. Some of the prettiest fiats for Spring, are Hollywood-inspire- d and 1948, Hollywood-approvewhich means they're becoming first and last but also selected for definitely sound qualities. Five examples are shown what the hat should be in relation to I the basic garment as well as to the face and figure it will adorn. Does the line, with a brim slanting over the right eye, do things for you t , What of that perennial spring favorite,' the sailor, worn this year very straight' and low over the brow? Perhaps you f should avoid side width, if your face already is full; or beware of height if it will make you tower awkwardly beside the man at your side.! It s possible your problem is none of tliese, but merely whether to get a hat for after-darglamour or for daytime wearableness. And lastly, in deciding what the budget will bear,1 remember its not always the most ex- pensive hat that the most desirable. So whatever your wardrobe plans for spring, be sure they include a new here to illustrate new trends iff millinery. Does Loretta Young's youthful Sally Victor bonnet appeal to your desire bonnet! t for the look' What of the god milan straw worn by Martha Hyer? Does its narrow upturned brim and suggestion of height fill your bill? Just ask a man what A delicious confection in the Vic- -' he thinks of Jane Greer's tailored manner is Loretta Young's torian Ten hat to one hell say swagger he love it! For femininity plus, take "Bishop's Wife" hat, made of black a look at the small dressy model worn horsehair and frosted with draped pink by Jacqueline White, adorned with a satin Apple blossoms and shiny black cascade of silk roses Anna Lee is' made of pink linen, fits satin bows sdd the final fillip. The snugly on the head and juts out in. a hat plays a role in the dramatic action deep brim. Several top milliners are of this Samuel Goldwyn film, released showing sunbonnets in their spring by RKO Radio, which Miss collections. This season a good way to avoid the Young with Cary Grant and David It is one of the prettiest costume-mistak- e is to arm yourself Niven. models in Sally Victors Spring 1948 with a costume-plan- . As a starter, select your suit or dress and decide collection. wide-eye- (Continued from Page One) my column is neutral and apart from all political or other bias, and this is why I feel I must give J. Kaiser give credit to Henry " whatever political axes grind away on his achievements. So it is a privilege to say that ideology of Bolshevism and this man was the force behind the its collectivization technique look establishment of eight hospitals srtucture of a ment if the like of in America for the easing pain, and the helping in the recovery dwarf. Loretta Young T, v , Hi1 TV '-- 'b S' k , dear-browe- et com- pletion of his training at West Point, and experience in the army, Jam Jacqueline White ireer before returnihg to Price. An Inquiry about his father was really the. high . light of the visit. J. Bracken had run for governor in 1948. Again, as when he first ran in 1944, he was voted In by the voters, but counted out by the politicians. J. Bracken had become an independent of both parties, but not a subscriber to any, when judgment was needed to prevail. Leaders In the parties feared his power, and after falling as gover-- nor; he" tried for U.. 8, 'Senator , and without the support of the party leaders was again defeated To. the answer where Is J, A milaa straw cloche, banked with .Bracken now, Jim says he was la Jane A hat with white roses, delicate and flattering, Greers felt swagger in acting as ambassador to Monte makea a glamour hat worn here by blue, matching her jacket. Miss Greer, Carlo. That seemed appropriate Jacqueline White, featured in RKO with Dick Pcwtll in RKO as Brack had always been a lib Kadio't "Night Song, Radio's "Station West," pulls satin eral in thought, but how come? Merle Oberon, Dana Andrews ana ribbon through the manipulated crown. Ethel Barrymore. Well, Jim says, Dad always cast fear In the hearts of all politicians election. So both sides got Dudler, Undersheriff Chose together and sought out a place Joseph Delegates For Chuck Sexnken. Among the counthey Jcnew Dad would fill, and at ty officers to meet death in the County Conventions the $ame time he would be far were Clerk B. H. Young, tragedy enough away from Utah to cease Treasurer A. N. Smith and his Politics are lining up in the causing candidates for office so deputy, N. P. Pettersson, Charles East Carbon area. On Monday many sleepless nights. They ar- Semken, county assessor, John evening the various precincts oi ranged for this appointment, Bene, area, chose delegates to at- which carried more honors and a others. county surveyor, and many the tend the Democratic county con-- 1 great deal more prestige than any vention to be held in the Carbon Truly a Calamity office In the west, and Dad ac'came to m, county court house at 8 p. m. on Well, the thought cepted. He and mother, sister could that accomplish Monday, May 3rd. For this con-i- n tragedy Joan, and brother Richard all rea few moments what the voters vention the following number of side along the beautiful Riviere could not do in a quarter of a delegates were selected in East in Southern France, and Dad From 2; Sunnyside, maintains two fine mansions. Ho century. Truly, a' calamity that Carbon: 1; Columbia, 2; Nojtn should Sunnydale, have been and have might entertains all his old time friends from Carbon county and Utah avoided. We had never dreamed Dragerton, 1; South Dragerton, 3. On the Republican side, when they visit Europe. And 1 that a new court house had not the old one, gates to the county convention can 'assure you many take advanSo that prompted the question, will be chosen tonight, Tuesday, tage of Dad's insistance that th y how do the people like the court The county convention is called a visit. That seems one way pay he still manages to have a voice house on the new site near the for April 19, at 8 p. m. and also in both local and slate politics ou' City park? Well Jim says it is at the jCarbon county court house, not there. For years the question The number of delegates to be this way. was a hot Issue. The town was! selected in East Carbon are: Court House the result, after thejnyside, 1; Sunnydale, 1; To the question regarding thn the affairs of the county bia, 1; North Dragerton, 1; South court house, which we were sur 1. had been moved to the city park were conducted in various offices Dragerton, the county. Offices throughout Both will conventions county was us told Jim location,. Mayor above attached the real tragedy of the were the First National bank! select delegates to attend their! the main ones, but space respective state conventions. At past since we left. We had known was had in the Price city hall and each will also be selected, a party that the county commissioners ha other all along Main county chairman, vice chairman, buildings a of group employed engineers on the safety of the court street.. The issue carried on. Dur-- 1 secretary, treasurer, and a county ing this time new industry and-- j central committee. --At the prebouse in 1948. Well, Jim says, election failed to carry. Thr people were collecting In the East cinet meetings, a chairman, vice court house question remained r Carbon area. Several coal pro-- ( chairman, a secretary, and three bone of contention for severa' cessing plants had been built up. precinct committeemen will be New fabricating plants using the h years. Then on Aug. 2, 1951, abou 8:S0 In the afternoon, a cloudburst gas from the coal plants employed of proportions never before knowr many thousands of people. ByIn this area hit the town. Dark- products were being processed, ness followed, and this was agair which were derived from the coal followed by a windstorm of hur- processing. East Carbon was now a conricane proportions. Judge F. W Keller was holding court, thr solidation of what we had known court room was filled, and all s' as Dragerton, Sunnydale, Sunny-sid- e once a crash that could be heard and Columbia. A new main all over town was heard. The street across the railroad from roof and wfills of the building fell the former shopping center had in. Cries of pain could be heard been constructed, and It extended ail up and down Main street. Thr from the place occupied by Nicks news ofthe tragedy 'spread fast Club, on through to Sunnyside, and in spite of the severe storrr It was built up with fine new thousands soon gathered around buildings. Hundreds of new homes the wrecked mass. had been constructed, and a buildAs the night drew oh, the real ing program was still In progstory of the disaster became ress. (Continued Next Week) known. Sixty-fiv- e had met deatu In the collapse. f At least twenty five more were seriously injured FOR SALE New pianos and organa. Piano tuning and reWiped out in death were District House ef Musio pairing. W. 280 EAST MAIN AtKeller, District Judge F. Price Theatre Building. Duane torney Frandsen, Sheriff male-appe- wood-smok- . 1948 Mar.-Apr- ., Co- lombo, Ernest Cox, Jean Crosby Fred Johnson, Harold Hanson of those who cannot afford heavy fees. His hospitals deal with thirty or forty thousand cases a week. That, then, is the manner in which I fit Henry J. Kaiser and his associates, his employes, hi; capital, and his virile America:: energy not forgetting the great vision of this combined team into the American way of life. It n an achievement which makes 'Henry Kaiser Lauded In Newspaper Story Dragerton Tribune e dele-replac- ed -- i j Reduced night rates on long distance telephone calls begin at 6 p.m. At that hour most circuits are less congested, so when it is convenient for you to place your jcaLls arouncI 6 p.m. we can A stovepipe crown of gold milan straw, trimmed with brown grosgram ribbon, makes t youthful daytime hat worn by Martha Hyer, featured in RKO Radio's "Indian Summer, Ann Sothern and Alexander Knox. PHONE generally complete connections quicker than during busier hours later in the evening. Sunbonnets are all the rage again. Anna Lee, featured in RKO Radio's John Ford and Merian G Cooper pro looks fragils duction, "Fort Apache, in this pink line tied under the chin vrich model, streamers. BELL'S TRANSFER STORAGE as MOVING PACKING h 309 S. CARBON sig SHIPPING AVE, Certified to Haul Any Place in UTAH and COLORADO Complete Moving Service . . . We Pack , Pick Up and Deliver, mwmrm I Alf'fr &ONN(?l.fN ' j Cniara-calamit- y, j . I -- j ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE Leave Price for Dragerton, Sunnydale, Sunnyside, Columbia 9:00 A.M. 2:15 P.M. 5:30 10:00 LEAVE FOR PRICE .. 11:00 A.M. 5:15 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:80 P.M. .10:50 A. M. 5:05 P.M. 6:50 P.M. 10:45 P.M. 5:00 P.M. .10:45 A.M. 6:40 P.M. 10:45 P.M. ..16:0 A.M. 4:15 PJU. 6:05 P.M. Special Saturday Shopping Bus 9;15 Leave Sunnydale for Price Leave Dragerton for Price Leave Price for Sunnydale and Dragerton .! From Price Return a.M. gran'ma sez:- - Photography is an art and a science. Good taste and perception are necessary for snapping a Mil picture skilled, painstaking effort is necessary for proper photo developing. Please consult the CAREtLS PHOTO ('ENTER with your photographic problems. And see them also for the finest portrait werk U the city. 9:30 A.M. (I ' H fl d&OiUtis: .2:15 PJVI. CHARTER TRIP SERVICE Buses chartered te any point in the State of Utah and return. Phone Price 94 iTIfl ! t . ft n q l,i r? i f.lERDERHALLS RAPA STORE r auto parts We look tupon ourselves rtot merely automobile dealer, but as Transinterested In portation Merchants with satisfactory miles. .supplying you : of transportation at the lowest possible cost. On this hinges our future success in this community. AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE 8H0P MOTOE REBORING as an BRAKE RELINING REBUILD IN GK BRAKE DRUM TURNING Piston Rinf Refitting and Resiling -- YOUR N. A. URITED f.OTOR C0:.1PARY PRICE. UTAH CLUTCH IS A 62 N-- 1 P.A. JOBBER GOOD MAN TO KNOW st West, Price Phone 506 llMM6Mainaaa.TTt)() j |