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Show Mr ;Mr Pn Hrap. Ctir Ciiy, Iuh I Randy IMar. Mr. and! he remrnihrred ( (he ind wuh (hnr Mis 'former and Mr. Judd and nimhrra with Ktrd of Ms. (heir do to so, Iat hne inviird Jhe Milonrv, djughier vinii.iig (aie tcid .ally fee-i- s t Malone of ihm Dcwry J'anguinh, th-- j tnrmbersh per perscn.Mrs Mary Drown and Mr, f.lie Mrs. i tu al it. n.aafma lalnuH city, Paternal giandparcn's are'ah 1 ney aio made a tour thiough Cordon MiNeiljMr, and Mra. UN, Young of San-- . the L'tah Park, Las Vega, and or to Mf Juanita (Vikra or Mr I Mr. and Mr J.nJ son. Iartny of S.ati'.e. who ta Barbara The father of the bib) .loovrf Dam They rejxui a Dorothy Prtxior. to' Wii.hr vaiiimn on State CoShge luppy e.g'd da lam Visiting at the I astman u( attending Irt-snIhe 0.gsmt The nuetiitg of (he Toe'e' r ha rig Grant for h as hull--, also retj'iied to tfu ir home llh.ng'.oii DanJ I fealty OtgamraMon will he Hl Rf. MOM CAUIORMA BRIDAL SI.OW J H ktstnnte with the IlanJ, at.d for held Mu.atuV, Aug rvl il Rt 7 JU Bert Bocte and Mr and Mr NfW BABY I0 niC the jvrp for the Sen. or A personal shower wa utnithing H givu 6 Iund mrn.Ura a( (he Mth of July AL YOlNGS pm al (he m honor of M.s Joan Berkley on vhiMren, Gary and Runty, San banj room. 6 at the home of Mr Ruth IramJro, California, are guet at Prom I resno. California, come August AH parent of studenit in Ihe .he home of Rome Lee, Mi, line her iVniKk, by given daughter on new of the b.rth of a ton Sen.or, fade! or Jiegmnera Dand sinter. They are also visiting its RfURN IIOML Jean the Mr. hmiru. Mogus, August 6 to Mr. Y'J Mrs- Al and are urged lo attend (hi merling with relative and (mod. In Mr, flora Lawless alien H Dr an Brown! Young Ihe new baby we.ghed si Mr, and Mr Also, any of the townspeople who Mis dance Mi weic Berkley, Radeite dark pound. 13 oumrs, and ha been are tntererted m Joining thi IIOML I ROM CAUIORM A ,rtone Ob r5f to their named Christopher Norwood, S1' lr Mr ganirat.on to hr'p further the In 'left last f riday to return f enok, Mr Imnald L linker on and Ann old trresi of the Band of Telf home in U ashington. DC. after lYourg He ha a Burger, Mr. Burmese Vlarncr. .hidren ljurie. and Julie Ann. Mr. Donna Dattison, Mr. Louise iave been spending the past three Morris, Helen Shields, and the weeks al the home of her father and trmother. Mr. and Mr hostesses. Game were played and refresh- lari Slice, Truikec, California ment served, and the honored fhey also visited at Lake Tahoe guest received many lovely g.ft They arrived home last Saturday 7116100010 Transcript Friday, August., 16, Band Club to ibmhrr, 1957 m ill Young l Licet, Monday hYri - o vc vt a r . 7 V 1 r . i - - J- or-sn- t V RLTLRN IIOML lorence and Jaughter, Trudy, Winnemucra, Nevada. have been visiting with a vister and daughter, Mr. Geraldine Dymock, for the fast month. fhey left Thursday for their home IMTORS Mr, DOLLAR DAYS! YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO . . . I00 washfust 2 lor Framed Glass Pictures t-- s . i England, Ward Cleik. The group was sustained bv the ward mcmtiership on Sunday, August U. New B shopric for the Tooele Third Ward i ptttured alxrve L to R Byron laddrll. first y Counselor; Bishop Kenneth Lewis, John TO AISIT IN LOS LI S VACATION IN SOUTHLRN LTAI1 Beagley, second Counselor and ItoLoyd Mis Anita Lewi left here Thur. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Beckstrom and children. Steven and Janet. 'morniifg for Lo Angeles where compamed Mra. K W, lewis andi III Kl l ROM iLARl MoNT jmont. California, and are guests returned home Tuesday evening she will visit until school begin family, who had been visiting rel-- j Mr. and Mrs. George C. Turner'of Mr Turner' parents, Mr. and from Southern L'tah, where they M s lewis, who Is the daughtei jativt here, back lo their homeland ton. Roger, arrived here on Mr. Sheldon Gray, They expect been visiting with Mr. and of Mr. and Mr. ME. Lewis, will be their guest. (Sunday, from thnr home in Clare- be here a week. ac-'an- d Ready-to-e- at FOODS New Crop, Polar 100 Floral Good scene Mr. and Mrs. Glen J Johnson and girls, Glenda and Lorraine. It It Tisu-le- , Wednesday, for Salt Lake City, lo make their home Mr. Johnson has employment with Civil Svivice at Sperry Company JJOO size E A FROZEN Cannon Terry Towels Extra-LARG- J TO MAKL HOME IN S ALT LAKL AU Pinwale Corduroy Solid colors Loner f . l f i SHOP PENNEY'S t - ,n two-yea- RASPBERRIES 10-o- Folding Chaise Lounge Aluminum . . . plastic web NEW PENNEY'S COnON $2 2 for Summer Piece Goods mutable sleepers ewe 500 Aluminum Chaise with pad LARGE, fresh-dretse- lully-draw- d. Fryers Franks goo ! Extra strength Colored n. 49 Whole or b. SPECIAL! fl2 eS&TO r 100 to 4) (1 Golden Goblet LEMONADE Can for Cello-wrappe- e, Allen's yfQi)Y Velveeta gy fresh-quahl- MEAT PIES Chicken Beef y Turkey Deviled CHEESE Loai lb. d 5,or meat BEEF Size 39' or 3 lbs.! cotton INKLETS .7 lor Molded Cheese and Vegetable Salad SI (I inrclipt) mllurrr reljli cup cil viter Nylon reinforced combed cotton . . . Cuff top for staying up. Reduced for :lean-up- ! Good chance to stock up for back-to-scho- t ttrvmgs) f.Maker about I tablcspaan lundiluted(targe can) 1 cups Cimatiiv 1 tvaperated Milk cup aaytnnaisi Itmrn juico I cups veil Prime cured peas V, cup Imely ctoppe pnitn y cup Imely chapped celery 1 cop 14 puncesl grate process type 'j American rt Orion! Soft, warm, rugged as can be! Hand washable, I no blocking, moth-proM TH Girls' sizes: Si to 14 1', Only Penneys huge shopping power could scoop up Americas n jean favorite at a price Suspender CHOW wK-9eo- ' 9 OUNCE DENIM! Chun King sizes 4 to T6 of , '$$, S' V. Men's and Boys Sport Shirts . Men's Work Straw Hats Men's Dress Straw Hats Women's Summer Dresses Women's Arnel Slips (32 to 42) All Summer Jewelry N ss . . . ....... MEIN $l Chicken, Beef Mushroom . M00 ....... Gno . . . JI00 Girls' Summer Sport Sets LARGE 23 -- PEACHES "25' 3 2 lb. Can CARROTS CUCUMBERS Long Green Slicers 2 09 lbs Margarine Holiday Can Green Bean Ute Cut Cake Mixes Pillsbury Pkgs. 89 Can Cleanser Babbitt's 5 10 Paper Napkins PQC Raspberry Preserves BONITA 1202 Tumblers Fish Flakes 3 Can 100 49 3 303-siz- w e 3 80-cou- nt IHF Quart 59 c Western Cloud 3 5e pk9s Sunny Jim bunches ,or OIL COOKIES Garden-fres- h 2 Kraft Assorted ctiees Mix gelatin and water together in small bowl. Let stand until gelatin is softened Set bowl in pan of hot wstci over low heat until gelatin is dissolved Slowly add Carnation to mayonnaise in bowl, stilling constantly. Add lemon juice and dissolved gelatin. Fold in lemaming ingiedients. Blend well. Spoon into 1 mold. Chill until film (about 2 hours). Unmold and seive on salad gieens. For your copy of Carnation's latest recipe booklet, send to: Mary Blalit, Carnation Co., Dapt. las Angaltl 19, California. k PURITY sweet, juicy ELBERTA V cup ol Whaf a value! Penneys own slipovers in extra fine quality jersey knit LARGE IHJEOTDES 25 $I00 play-dow- 1 strapped or belted I Machine washable SHOE GLEAN-UP- ANTIQUE !! . 1 01 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii 2 I ss Children under mm Pin-u- p j Only 5 PAD ior-(OP- REGULAR HU : INSIDE SrECIA GIANT SIZE fil 3 BARS COMPLEXION SIZE GET 4TH AT REGULAR PRICE FOR ONLY If BUY GIANT C3 All 4 BARS ONLY Friday and Saturday August Choose from poses! iiiiiir RECULAI SIZE 31 QSDB AUTI E IN MOM Pictures! Photographer Pixy now in our Store! I MAIL SPECIAL J 00 33c Size 77c 4-12- lb 3UFF-T0-P 00 Din-R-Ed- Good-grad- 2-l- b. SUPER-STRENG- 100 Piesu,49 SLICED-BACO- N Bib-Playto- gs for J Morions Apple or Boysenberry lb. Pan-read- y Cello Bag LARGE, meaty. Skinless 00 Can z. z. Infants' oo JUICE GRAPE 12-o- y ior 5 WELCH with taftethlng dairy and drlxaleivan food featured thi week ... Sandwiches e tisj." Serve hat ae (aid mode told and cheese. povhrv. ham, (uts, inexpensive (at cool from 2 . REDUCED! . . Clean-up- l feetl Machine washable pastels! What a savings! IQ 00 Wrought base Here at last! Two piece with non-ski- d soles that air comfort babys - Modern Chairs Peel-Can- e KNITS! - Pkg. z. 30 16-- 17 |