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Show ID DIRECTORY OF GOODS ri f Xlt KELVINATOR Automotive SALES WIZARD Tool. Paints, Outboard Motors, Lawn Mowers. Auto Parts. Davis Tires & W.-t- . Phone it to So. Main Phone Sunlit 2u (Vi I I. thi l Jjir l mw-l- . C t I jiiiiimt:x p 1H-I- 310 FURNITURE and APPLIANCES NEW & No. Ik 1 1673 USED Jim Alt for Hu ttnl limited in (.1 X'!r, Ot K Rn)M llo.Mt: n.ol month. 1hnne 4 1U7 (.ihkI (on tesvti-- R41 -J I mo 111 UHl loi ili.ijien l.x tu.-m- - f- mh I t ill Si ' t j I ec- ji iiadc tor home Hith hip-lo- i in loorie County. Call Mt Mn had 1V4 037C lavion Harm.' Realty ( a. 5o5 l.ao 21-- South. C It tv Sail lake Cm jk j ill 1 pm s hil hut;;uii RfPORIIR, MKII JOHNMON MI I'HOM 1 Sain h $! tJUK, I Mr CRI M'ld Mil. I ineit NniSum anJ thildinn rcturnej home alui if'd.n) a Heek uiation, pail o! nh.i h Has spent in ttinr home of Mumm They did some .th no lumen. On returio Nmlwin'i ng, thi-brought Mi illll r, I nuta (.ay. from Salt lake nd a fi x day. City to At . y Ph. 618 hr i: ' 9-Tti -- CONOCO SERVICE STATION Quick Dependable Service 17 S. Main Phone 12SQ 3X- FINE FURNITURE - j Rar-ace- and silver medals, to R lioh Nash. IS llaruld liaitmv and nho hoii the shall. men's smg'es; the runm-r-ui'- I s Tlex Steel LivingRoom Pontiac y Sets Lees Carpets Westinghouse Appliances Cadillac I OR SAI G Tate Furniture Co. GMC Trucks SALES SO SERVICE NEW & USED CARS WRECKER SERVICE & No. Main phone. Write P. O. Ho Salt Lake Citv PR I Phone Phone 100 car parts 1938 to 1949. SAl.L carpet. CRI TU4-334- W 379 South in 1675, s ; 2 Sl.OuO 330 West. Ph. I434R CRI Insurance and Real Estate STOKER MOTORS 44 E. 1st North -- Tooele Phone 34S or 346 Ztpct I CXTVr.RNMF.NT surplus buildings (concrete block) for sale to be wrecked V'l5 and up. 4 to 10 apis P119 T9 in each building. Also used lumsT caiTr uT-icti- . LoiiTp'i ber for sale. Sales office adja- c B9 T9 cent to Pine Lodge Cafe, Stork-'- . . I OK RENT mixlel A Lord' ton Road. Tooele Ordnance j for sale $43. Cafe Hill rent $3S pot east entrance. Ph. CRL per month. Renter Hill pay ut- - Get Your Insurance and Real Estate Needs From The W. B. ANDERSON ALLSOP AGENCY Distributor Ph. 66 Isgreen Bldg. TOOELE. UTAH PHONE 276 DON'T TAKE CHANCES Off"RENT neHly'pa.med' mh s pic-tjrt-- d. Sex IName 'r.V s 4 'Doubles Ku Time Him Singles ( Lake City. f I j muth damage Has repirted. except to one of the pukups. The base firemen Here there in a very Deadline for I ntru-s- : August 18. Mail Entries to: Richard Connelly. 283 West First South, Tooele. Trophies: k inner m each division Girls 13 and under (Singles). Single and doubles: 18 and under, Women's Division. Bovs 13 and under (Singles). Singles Novice Singles and Doubles. Men's Singles and Doubles Mixed Doubles and Doubles: 18 and over. Entrants call Tooele 483 fcW minutes. City Tennis Notes and News Mr. and Mrs. Maik Tripp are .pending their vacation in Logan Hith Mrs. Tripps parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Bennett. Baseball TU7-3SW- Celebrates Birthday Anniversary Aug. n,, PERSONAL LOANS 13 For Tho Best in Auto and Fire Insurance COMPLETE COVERAGE South Main Street Tooele, Utah See CARVER W. BRYAN 183 S. Main Phone 1314 DON BENSON Manager 9-B10 y great-Bisho- p B-- Plumbing and Telephone 6SS Appliances TU4-39C- eating Gas & Bryan's Plumbing and Heating LEE SHEET METAL SHOP 4 GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Sales and Service Canyon Road Phone 803I Expert Installation 18 N. Main Phone 200 LEE PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Plumbing Fixtures Water Heaters Gas Wall Heaters All Fittings and Pipes Recovering Slip Covers Repairing Draperies Installation Restyling Custom Made Leave your name and address and our Representative will call Phone No. 1 PHONE & Service 1455 North Main Phone 855 Your Silverware Store' DIAMONDS !W)5UL TRANSCRIPT- - Awnings Storm and Windows ClipOn Quick W R Reliable Party 8 Seat Covers 1 Artcarved DIAMOND TRY A Rings all types! Mats Safety Car Fresheners 4 -- for RINGS GUARANTEED PERMANENT VALUE All Nationally Known RESULTS ARE Brand Watches Silverware Sunbeam Products Sheaffer Pens SURE! Michaels' Jewelry D 30 West vine Phone 51 W DONS BODY and PAINT SHOP Air Cushions Window Shades BULLETIN WANT-A- Aluminum Auto Accessories 6 KEEPSAKE PHONE O Clarke Johnson or Roland Air Conditioning Gen. Sheet Metal Work ) Tennis (lub Fall Tournament (August 19 to September 2) j National Finance Company of Utah ( Preference To-wl- j Double ) Partner fen Mr Salt Age Phone . I Hish to enter: riavsification r . Tooele Tennis Tourney Entry Blank I S' 1. Sma11, Tooele, 19 wins, no losses. nicely Phne 1V furnished four room apt. Friday Tooele vs. Joe's Sjxirting. at to wall carpet. See to appre-l- . Mr. and Mis. Oliver Sliarp enTOR SALE male Pekengese puppy ciate at 98 East 1st South. Tooele Tennis Club's annual fall Granger, 5:30. AKC reg. Phone See joyed having their daughter's faCRI Monday tournament is scheduled to begin 372 9th E.. Tod Park. Tooele vs. I linco on No. 2 5:30 mily home for a few djvs, Mr Mondjy, August 19 and all interMERRITT'S Mrs. Lamus Marth P T9 B10 and Mrs. John Linn from Salt Wednesday's Results ested players are invited to regiQUICK SERVICE LAUNDRY Tooele 7. Monarchs 6 Lake City. and into fun. ster the enter a YOU said It's it, Cy! really 464 South Main Phone 803-in Mr. and Mrs. Gene Craner were Trophies Hill be presented the Tooele tripped Monarchs buy. Blue Lustre rugs and up CRI a close game. Monarchs got ahead friends during ninners. 14 holstery cleaner. Gordon Furni- busy entertaining this week and weekend. The visiDESERET INDUSTRIES TRUCK Interest is running high In the on two costly errors 63. Tooele ture Co. tors Here Mr. and Mrs. Tregeagh Best wishes and congratulations events and teams from out 0f came back with some timely hits WILL BE IN Tooele the 2d Mon- KOR use Glaxo and CAREFREE days to win Gene Smith with four children, Colleen and Johnny, to one of our well loved ladies day of each month. Anyone havlinoleum coating. ITasy to clean, from Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Carl here in Wendover, Mrs. Martha '(own are entered in the event, for lead the hitting. to (our, invited out come to js ing Items of clothing, furniture, pUti,c nnnskid, lasts months. Radio Craner. and Mrs. Craner's brother Lamus, known to most of us asanj watch the matches, Orront got three for four, one etc., please call Mrs. Sarah A. and Hardware. a homer: Colledge two for three, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gran. She Hill be eighteen plus Lindholm at 438 and truck will and DeBois, two for three. PRI LOUR RCXfM furnished apt. Ad- - Oglesby, and Mr. and Mrs. C.W. (so she says) on her coming birth cH at your home. Carl Craner day August 14. Williams allowed only five hits, Calver of Tooele. rwrnriTT 2 rfKr,LUrn;S ednnaP,iT1 uls only.193. 16 East Second North was from the Gran was the wife of the late hut a walk hits batman pnd (wo discharged , recently All utilities errors just about cost them the and will attend the BYU. Edward Lamus. mother of Blair, 139CW. CRI OPENING for dental assistant be- - Navy All the men spent some time nho recently passed away; Mer- ball game. Tooele got 14 hits, but 25 35 of to tween and for FOR SALE clean sand and graages years. ,he fun(ss 8ympalhv in Nevada. Greg Oglesby riam, nho lives in New ork and were scattered. fishing 7 they 20S2 8 Call between and beautiful floral offerings, at the vel for cement. Driveway grapm. returned home with his parents. Nelson, present owner of the Wend time of the illness, death and fufor interview. CRI vel. Spread with truck free. Atover Drive Inn. She has five kin iand and Gravel. Ph. 890. LOR GOOD, neral of our loved one. Ellen HarATTEND FUNERAL dependable, one-daPRIMARY PREPARATON and six grandchildren ris Cuiley. We are deeply grateful CRI cleaning service, call Bert's Callister and his wife;grandchildren, whom she loves to to all Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Black who gave aid or service Cleaners. Phone 60. 86 So. Main Auto rire Truck Life Ins. spent Sunday in Ibapah to attend visit, taking a yearly plane ride during this time of sorrow. and son, Bruce, attended funeral 30 St. P Aug. FARMERS INS. GROUP to New York and Boston and keeptheir meetings. The family of Ellen Harris Cuiley services for Mrs. Black's father, $$ OPPORTUL'NITY $$ DALE SMART ing the bus route hot between here in Fillmore, MonMr. and Mrs. Dean Sharp and John H. Davies, AVON CALLING Mr. and Mrs. Guy Neilson spent and North Highlands, California. 413 Parkway Phone 1534 13. day, August She has lived in Wendover for daughters Susie and Sally of DurCash in on the demand a couple of days in Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Black SEPTIC TANK and line cleaning for TV advertised great Avon Cosmet- Tooele this past week. moving ango, Colorado, are enjoying a and Mr. and Mrs. Max Riley, and twenty years, nearly Call Loren Knutson 'visit with here their friends ics. Turn spare time into momany here from the little green house Lt. and Mrs. J. Duane Black also CRI Mrs. Ada Anderson and her son. on the edge of the Salt Desert and relatives and are house guests attended the services. ney. of Mrs. Belle their mothers, denBUDGET WORRIES? Stop try- Lowell, spent two days having at the entrance of Bonneville Sharp NOTICE FOR BIDS Build tistry work done and also did Speedway. Her husband was Bon- and Mrs. Ernestine Kearns. ing to cut down on out-gneville Lmtd. first Supt. The Board of Education of TooS-Eup income. AVON COSMETICS some shopping in Sait Lake. -E IN THE DISTRICT COURT has an excellent earning opporShe came to Utah in 1919 and ele County School District will opOF TOOELE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Von Shelton are joined her husband nho was em- en bids for insurance on the buses tunity to offer qualified women. STATE OF UTAH Write for interview to Avon 'on their vacation. They plan tol ployed at Salduro and lived there and vehicles of the Tooele County NOTICE TO CREDITORS School District on Tuesday, Auguntil the plane was dismantled. L. Buys Mgr., 164 N. 7th E., Provo. Utah visit Salt Lake, Heber, and Probate No. 1546 Born at Whiskey Town in Calif, ust 20, 1957 at 11 a.m. Interested POINTS AND BRU- - low stone National Park. for bidders may obtain information on SHES. REPAIR PARTS, WELDshe spent her early years around In the matter of the Estate of to is Mrs. Guinn the buses and vehicles to be inFrank Redding and taught school in that J.T. O'CONNOR, also known as happy ING. WHEEL BALANCING. JAMES T. O'CONNOR. Deceased. sured by calling at the Adminhave her sister, Louise J.eckliter locality for ten years. LEWIES SERVICE She was post matron in the Wel- Creditors, will present claims, istration Office, 66 West Vine St., and son, Oscar from Hollywood, VINE AND BROADWAY California. They will visit for a come Chapter of the Eastern with vouchers attached, to the unTooele, Utah. (Stationary, Roll-up- ) Star Lodge of Shasta, and is still dersigned, at 19 South Main St., The Board of Education re- FOR SALE beautiful lime oak con- few weeks. Doors an active member in the Eastern Tooele. Utah, by. on, or before serves the right to reject any or sole TV. $100 and 1953 Tudor 8 cyl. Excellent Ford Mainline, 17th 1957. the of December, in new day bids. Two here Wendover. States brothers all are sporting chapter condition. $650. Phone 0304J1. cars, Mr. Bill Richey and H. L. She also was our first Lady Lionel W, Olsen, Administrator Mary A. Orme, Clerk P T9 B10 Lion President and is a very faith- with will annexed of J.T. O'Connor Richey. noticeTforYids ful member in that organization. also known as James T. O'Connor, The Board of Education of Too- FOR SALE toilet, reservoir, wash exvac. She has varied interests, includ- deceased. wishes Hoover are stroller. basin, Happy baby birthday ele County School District will opand 224 So. for all See on St. 6th $40. Gibson at to tended Linda ing world affairs, a lot of wit RALPH W. MILLBURN, Attorney, en bids for supplying of coal for Toofor the OlEast P-Vine, Estate, 1538R. 12. or cal! T9 Brick and humor, and a memory like all schools in the district for the an elephant. In all, shes a very ele, Utah. 1473-or 1981-on Tuesday, LARGE 3 bedroom home, four yrs. Phone school year 1957-5- 8 pub., August 16, 1957; ; last (First Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Richey and charming and interesting person 11 All old. serv1957 shadowood a.m. at 20, den, Large August 13, 1957.) schools with the exception of Iba-pa- h ice room, double garage. Com- family spent last week in Califor- and we wish her many happy re- pub., Sept. on of nia had the her and Mexico. Old turns birthday day Everyone slack. The pletely landscaped. FHA financwill use ed. Low interest. Will sell equity a wonderful time, especially Phil- and sincerely hope she has many following minimum specifications for lease with option to buy. Call ip and Steve. They enjoyed swim- more of them. must be maintained in the coal: 1302. C T9 ming at Imperial Beach, Caiif. B.T.U. 1.250 or higher; ash seven Mr. Johnny Nanguyan is sportmaxper cent or lower; moisture, FOR SALE beautiful Labrador Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen ing around in a new Dodge. He imum 12 per cent. Fawn, male Labrador dog. Call and sons, Roger and Jack, Jr., is from Elko, Nevada. The Board of Education reserves Mrs. Mayer, 256. 160 So. 2nd are preparing to move to Englebids. the right to reject any and all West.' P T9 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilcock are wood, California, where Mr. Chris64 East Vine Phone 1347-Clerk A. Orme, Mary FOR SALE football shoes, size 11. tensen will be employed. vacationing in Yellowstone NationLike new. $10. Phone 713J. al Park. NOTICE OF BIDS P T9 White-Wa- ll The Board of Education of Too- TEENAGE will mow lawn. boy ele County School District will opPhone 1086W. P T9 Floor en bids for the supplying of gaso1957 FOR SALE Ford in equity line for the school buses and veRear-Do- or Locks to service a route of Cigarette Fairlane Club sedan. Phone 453 hicles of Tooele County School T9 1957-5,P No school District for the machines. year selling or soliciting. on Tuesday, August 20, 1957. Route established for operator. The Board of Education reFull or part time. Large earnings. serves the right to reject any or Tips ail bids. $1,072.50 to $2,145 required. Mary A. Orme, Clerk Please don't waste our time unless I Products is L pcc-lun- V ' der. Baik Row, L to R Kay Greenland, gut's singles. IH and under, a No girl's doubles 14 and under; Gloria Calhster, gill's doubles IS ami under; Aidrth Davis amt Raida lull, ruimer-us- , girl's doubles; ;Pat Hryan, h inner Honu-n'h inner gul s singles; KiU singles, Iti and under. Joan Janies, not ill the Homen's singles Has runner-uIS and under. men's doubles, Duk Marlluddy Marx and Huddy Ih 't (not putuied) hoy's douliU s. IS and un A fire was started in the Wend-oveOR KIJx'T tno home 4:h St. Gas stove, fridge. ,35 Housing offices nhen some 33 mo. Inquire 125 So. 4th St juinl thinner expl'Kled. Not too TU7-387- Texaco , ''"ria lenis visiting ifru-ndand relatives for a Ik to home jJVS sh? is the daughter of doan payment and Mrs Roln-r- t l eu is of I runt. . X ami under txiy's smyles; IkMt Ro.enherg (not B-- I ne 1 of the Tooele P.t lured ahose are uinner . Gold City annual summer Trnms Taurnanu-ntn.edals Here gitt-i- l (lie first (ilaie hiiiiu-- i a : n r 1 1 kur' v roof noik. remodeling, carpenMUTUAl AR Griffith ter Hoik, ( hrnii-nieConstruction Co. Itione T37J. Auto Insurance I HI T9 treatment. Stanley L. Searle 47 Writ rint North WOUIDTiKI. DAILY ride to Salt! ; Mf onJ M lamme JohnPhone 171 Lake Call I3.W. tmf over utrin hjil WILL TEACH PIANO II SSONS Send. Mr, ami Mn Aly.nl Rf.SPONSini.r. PI R SON man or '!" Rrau-'iaiTO C'lilt DR UN AND ADULTS and family from Cedar) Human from ttiii aiea. Hauled Tht-i- r oldtsl son. Douglas.' (iiantss die. TU4TU3. City to serve and collect (rom autoC ri M mat. c vending machines. No sel- Hill stay to Hoik and see the hot, roN lie Hill leave in tone for . I OK SAIL 2 hedt nom hmne, ling. Age not essential. Car. reschool Mis HraNhaw and Mis priced for quiik sale. Call! ferences, and PJI0 Hoiking capi- Juhnsmn j are sisters. 7 T9! TU4 3;9. C tal to 12 hours , Hiekly nets to $330 month) v. Pus-LAWN MOWI.RS and saw machmuversary to Mr. and sdi.l.ty full time nork. for local!.. ine sharpened. D.T. Crawford. f tc-j August U. Kenley, interview give full particulars. 134 South 6th St. Phone StlJ. STA T At CALDWELL r -- - tjhli tail hr JjJ iO in mlh fall b.iwnunl on iJih I in Sal lake lit $25 to; tiiiU. 3107. ( i. oj llau- - ui w'l. Si!! gd U I 1 mr- 3957 BKU K IIOMh cri; aim. $10 fur,' lu- -h ,n 8t nun. ua : . SMI" Uuik K1 ma-.'tm- n Phillips Furniture Mari N. Broadway bachelor S ki-iu- ,' I l I'honn CRI I UK SAtl. (.111. At sheet music WIllT HUY junk "cars, rabunt; sofa m i(h malihutf nixiii mnUlv Ptik up anvHherr! (hair, chrome d. unite set, Ric ihnf ga range. TL'cru;. cri Union, V ( RI phone 1 SI PTIC AK and cm pools' rlnannd. Julian Barrui. I 'hone1 I 'OK HUH DING AND RI PAIRS, -- 4 I IH meeting Uufurm-ihe- xt $15 Furniture Relinishing ani Repairing Custom Made Furniture Plenty of Parking Space-- 1 1 K! NT (K nislinj. CABINET WORK fntrrmrnrraJ ' ILAKLD l(K lUK SALE At Tain's 112 ho imMi s.iuruirly, th bl u'h cimiuurj tor h lhan ituie ( injj for an i r I by Marcellas E. Lewis 4) N. Main Ph. 580 t'-- Will not I M' 4 nwiri luuie at ? r month Pln-m- - OR IU I onj and fourth Tuesday operated Mr iim I (.'M he SERVICE & It iilVi I CTxHOIM2 GORDON FURN. Western Auto Asrociated Stores Home owned KT III MSI rotid fiillespn. I Complete Line Cabinets Refrigerator Laundry Equipment Now Featuring Complete Line WIZARD Appliance Friday, August.. 16, SERVICES OFFERED DV TOOELE BUSINESSES j7hTocc!c Transcript golf clubs! (Starter Set) SAVE A DOLLAR Reg. $28.50 on sale! STATE Automobile FARM MUTUAL And Fire Insurance Leonard L. Hansen $7 TATES Phone Smittys License-Plat- e Side-Vie- w Leather Cleaner Twin Antennas Car Dice Holders Mirrors Drop in and look them over! Clayton 5, Mo. CRI Waxes Many other Accessories! 8000 Bonhomme Ave. 873 . Rear Speakers Paramount Merchandising Co. North First East Open evenings. you have necessary capital and are sincerely interested in owning your own business. If fully qualified and able to take over at once, write briefly about yourself and include phone number for personal interview. Hub Caps 2? |