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Show mm fh& Volume Sixty Three Formerly Transcript-Bulleti- 1 Tooele, Utah, Friday, August. n 1st Security Bank to Begin Construction on New Bldg. j: 16, 1957 BULLETIN liiVnrl John A Number Nine ! j Sn(vkv County Fair Holds Interest Of All Local Age Groups main.. ng 0,.itrr, Tooele (Itd'iant IbjiiM, Iooile. Utah. annoum the mtUlUtum had mcisodj j nirl- - are Tirst Security Bank this month " into the va-insiruidoi s to curtail operating rWrt UniMOnspouirg will begin construction on a mod-- ! uf lhe ro,t in uo dame with IMmr t(Himy , air. leland Beikstroin. , ern new bank building in Tooele, S. iriia . lhaiie I. Wilson, dir 'I i George S. j air Manager, retxirted today F.irle, Fust Security lo n4ic rthvc announced Friday, utiumt eOithiu prom president, dug tor the L'a! year, 9S The 1M, 0 rvpr Hfre jarj,rr lionel W Olsen, First Security ni'ir m t.on fut nulled icquifC that anij (ju community and of the in 1 vice president j an older y and planned adjust charge almost j is ,r,tinmert ,al booth 4 West Central Division said thatimnt lie effected to mminue the imt, the new building will be situated need ftir redutlioii in force whuh ohi-se lions look as promising across the street from the pre , aie rc.oMeJ as disturbing to Wjj, holdncs and pels holding a sent banking office and approxithe ei niton ic conJi.mni and labtr,),,, V interest maikrts m the immediate Ima j p,,. j ir mately a half blink south, just will be held south of Gordon Furniture Store. n the new Tocx-l- National Guard There will be ample It ha bet-- direr ted that a slight and adjacent grounds Arfnry and parking for both customers decrease be eltected in the num-- , ovcr ji.ooo in prizes, a lot Mr. Olsen said employees,'' her of employees on the paytoil 0f compr-titivInterest has been "There will be seven teller staas tf I October, ltj7. It I antict- - aroused tions where there are five In our paw-that this f.gure can be, n connection v ith the fair, there Tooele office now. The new buildj reduced by attrition without t babv show sjxmsored bv ing will also be equipped with tng replacements tor those cm- - Tooele Jr. Womens Club f ridav drive-iwindows of the latest type plover voluntarily separating be m)lfninRi Aut.ust ,0 m. ,i with electronic speakers which will tween now and Oct I All hiring of ,Sr School audi- High jr, new employers at the installation permit car passengers to converse with tellers through thick, has been susjiended. with the ex- - 77,,. vc i II be three age groups proof glass." ception of a limited number pos One ycar 0jjs or undl.r (ihey must enas such critical skills, cessing car oldg ahlc !o aI10. The new budding is scheduled gmeers, draftsmen and mac hm- - a1j Also, one Shown above it an architect's drawing of the be started this month. for completion before the end of ists. Accompishmenf of implenv new Tooete Branch First Security Bank to amj onc .ir) m be judged the year. Architects are Slack W. Mus Jackie McMurray of Defense of cit,entjtion winners in each age group Lake and David Wmburn, Salt directive will require a rh,.,.,. ,n a be dance ab0 yof certain employees withm vl.w j,y Dorothy Searle Friday the installation to different types "This new structure will enable 7 33 pm amj a 4( Fash Matilda Enckson us to play an even more imporcl woik in some mstaines, K. lon Show Saturday at 7:30 pm tant role in the remarkable growth plnyecs wdl Ire offerc-j positions ,he Jr. Il.gh auditorium at slightly lower salaries, but it is. putcs IK concessions for the of the Tooele area." Mr. Olsen Tooele Stake Home Missionaries said. "During the first half of Miss Jackie McMurray graduatianticipated that all persons be in operation will jchiltJren 1957 our First Security office in for August 18, 1957 have been an Jolsed from Holy Cross Hospital I1'1 "ll Fair. the s throughout f Nursing on August 13. She is Tooele has lent 105.075 88 to comUtah Power and Light Company nounced as follows: 11 Co1 o,ul SuptnsKy rcnecd-h,the Pres. Raymond mercial enterprises and real es First Ward the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray pledge today to will be hosts Monday. August 19 and radio informed in adE. Pchrson, B H. Bower. tate in this area. Our Tooele bank press at a small appliance fair. McMurray, 167 North First East Mrs. Matilda Enckson cclcbrat W. Bevan An vance of aay changes affecting Fourth Ward Street, and a graduate of Tooele Mrs. Pcrnccy Anderson will be during the same period has made ed her 86th birthday anniversary nbc economy of the community School, class of 1954. has again 486 Timeway loans totaling $480,-67- 0 on The "White Team High on hand to demonstrate the ap- derson, Arthur W. Bryan. Sunday, August 11 with a lam-- , 18. These loans, in the mam, Sixth Ward Clifford L. Swan, signed up their riders for the secShe entered the Holy Cross pliances and will answer any quesat the Ciry Park School of Nursing on September ond annual Pony Express Relay assisted people in this area to ily gathering tions. There will be free recipes Howard J. Clegg. - eight family members Eleventh Ward Pres. Alex F. Race and are challenging ail purchase automobiles and home Twenty 12, 1954, after receiving a nurse's and food samples. weic tn attendance to enjoy a dc The public is invited to attend Dunn, Sterling R. Harris. scholarship from the Ruth Ernest teams, according to Captain Sterl- appliances, modernize their homes Jicious meal and an afternoon of between the hours of 10 and 1! Tod Park Branch Perry C. Gil- ing White, to a speedy race over and meet their personal needs in Bamberger Memorial Foundation, sociability together. and the Elks scholarship given lette, Albert W. Steadman. the fifty-mil- e trail and Gene, Bill other ways." a m. and 2 to 4 p m. Mis. bom was Erickson August Stockton Ward Daniel F. and Floyd White, together with The annually by the local lodge B1X)E building, featuring spacious 11, 1871 in Norway and has been Moroni I. Ovcson. 1673. She was also presented with Bob Warburton, Stewart Paulick. ALL Ql'ICT AT THE CITY JAIL Branch Lawrence Bob Brown, O Niel Sullivan, Kurt panels oi glass tor tne full view a resident of this city since 1910 the Nursing Scholarship given by Ophir August has proven to be one of the lobby, will cover 4,863 Her husband, the late E P. Lrukthe Lady Elks, and was second of the quietest months on record Sharp. M. Earl Marshall. Biggs, and Judd Ericson echo his The Tooele High School Band of square feet. There will be a mod Pres. P. Ross challenge. place winner in the state contest at the Tooele City Jail. Only two Vernon Ward to invited members has been '0 individual ern vault with fireproof sponsored by the State Lady Elks public intoxicants have used the Gowans, Romulus DeLaMare. safe deposit boxes. participate in the Llko County Carver W. Organization. modern city facilities during the Deseret Branch Fair and Livestovk Show on Aug She left Wednesday morning for The building's exterior will be month, according to Police Chief, Bryan, Silas M. Young. 30. Band nicmliers will be gaevts Kemmcrer. Wyoming for a week's of brick and architectural stone, Jlenry Ixc. of the city and will be housed and as of Miss Olga Mar-coTATE FAMILY HOLDS a visit guest with aluminum plate glass en dined bv the city and will return one of her classmates. On SATURDAY REUNION will trimmed be The trance. Ac-n- a lobby Tooele the Bit ane Erickson, Irene Hansen. Dag-jtfollowing day. her return home, she will accept There arc places open for bothjwith metal and mahogany, and Goins and Della Noithrup. Her nvittei of the organization will in Old-FashionJohn Tate family organization men and women, and the compc-jthcra position at the Holy Cross l, e e be will recessed, glare-freof the elude lhc Mildred Black other children are parade, opening held their annual meeting and re tition is where she will be working and spe- - fluorescent lighting. The building of Salt Lake Hoe-Downbecoming greater ex a and special marching " City, Ivy Tate, Mesa, fair, union on Saturday. August 10 at culation is be jin surgery. running high as to the throughout Arizona and Violet Myron of San hibilion on the lighted soft ball dis-'bTooele Bit and Spur Club extends the city park. One hundred ninety time it will a to run There will be a Francisco. require field 7:30 refrigeration. at pm an invitation to everyone to join dcscendents were in attendance. tance of fifty miles, so sign up lunch room for staff members on She The invitation and arrangements All-St- ar also has 19 grandchildren with the Pony Express Committee At 4.30 p.m. a business meeting today! the lower floor where there will and 18 were made by John Gammick, asgrandchildren. great in having a real old fashioned was held with President Leland also be bookkeeping facilities. sistant Mayor of Elko. He will be at the clubhouse on Tate conducting At 6 p.m. lunchpersonally in charge of the acuOn the main floor, in addition August 31. Music will be furnished eon was served, after which sevities concerning the band and rewere musical the eral selections offices to will there be playthe lobby, by Rhythmaircs. confirmed the invitation by cently ed on the marimbaphonc by Evefor mortgage, Timew'ay and small telephone and stated that proviloans and for bank officers- - Emlyn T. Roundy and a history of the sions for meals and lodging were life of John W. Tate was read by phasis will be on quiet and primade. The Eighth Annual Junior Basealready Charles D. Tate, Sr. vacy in the consultation rooms. The Llko trip is only one of ball game and the Bob be of tile. will acoustical Ceilings T for the recent Feller baseball clinic has been set many opportunities COMMISSION Walls Thursday afternoon, August 8. the RECEIVES back of bookkeeping X U lliv? 1UI1I in the judging on band to appear out of town and for Wednesday, August 21 at Derks Chosen to act e Satof MIA Mam head The at fire St., weekly grass machines and ceilings in the bookMiss burned considerable grass before Lt. J. Duane Black, who has urday night dance will be held in keeping room will have special August 15 and 16 at the Davis the invitation was accepted beSainsbury will Field in Salt I.ake City. h ward recreation acoustical tile to reduce sound to County Fair, held August 15, 16jcausc it is at the beginning of thcjbc among the graduates who will The Salt Lake Valley American it was finally extinguished cause been employed as a pharmacist and 17 at Kaysvillc, Utah, in an(fall marching season. This will be receive their degrees from the Legion Junior Baseball League of in Modesto, California, has receiv- hall Saturday, Aug. 17, starting at a minimum. unknown. exchange program of counties, jthe second out of state trip forgngham Young University on which the Tooele American Legion Tuesday, August 13 5:30 p.m. ed his commission in the Army 9 p.m. small fire in roof of Safeway Store Medical Corps and will report for Music will be furnished by the There will be canopies across are five ladies from Tooele. Mabel the band this year. The first was Friday, August 16 in the summer Jr. Team is a member, are sponsors of the stellar double attractno damage. Caused by birds duty Friday, August 16 at Fort Trcmlocs, who arc donating their the front and sides for protection Hanks, Billie Lee, Eunice Rhea, the San Francisco trip sponsoredconvocation. ion. Sam Houston, Texas. services. against the suns rays and to pro- Louise Reed and Vcrdcna Smith, ncsl in incinerator. The clinic is scheduled to start Lt. Black and wife, Janice, vi- - Refreshments will be served dur- tect cars doing business at drive-i- n accompanied by Betty Darley. Wednesday. August 11 11:20 a m. at 6 p.m. with Bob Feller perwindows during rain or snow. with relatives and friends in ing the dance, which is sponsored South 4th grass fire no dam-jsite- d They will be judging clothing, "Tooele and surrounding com- hand sewing, etc. These ladies Utah on their way to Texas. sonally conducting the workout. by Tooele Fourth Ward. age. Cause unknown. More than 500 free tickets are beMarried couples arc especially munities have a promising fut have attended judges school and leaders for ure, Mr. Ecclcs said. "We have have been active invited. ing distributed here to members faith in them. Wc are pleased to several years. For the last year in the Southwest Indian Mission. of the junior baseball teams 14 She taught the last semester at years of age and under. bring to them the latest in bank and a half, they have been taking Centerville and has signed to Game time is 8 p.m. and the ing facilities and service. Wc, at an adult sewing class from Mrs. will play First Security, are grateful for the Theda Johnson, extension clothing teach at the Intermountain Indian Salt Lake Valley One Tooele School at Brigham City for the the State patronage and confidence extend- instructor from USU. So they arc ed to us by so many people in well qualified to assist in this next year. player will definitely be in the the Tooele area. We have been work. Qualified judge sfrom anMaster's degrees and game and possibly one other. Sixty-siRoom, with alt members of stake Usual 323 Bachelor degrees will be congame admission growing with this region, necessi- other county will judge the Tooele and ward welfare committees to 50 for adults and of Darcents On Miss new with WilkL. this added Fair. Dr. vi Tooele a ferred Ernest and had Grantsvillc County building price Friday, tating by be in attendance. 25 cents for children will be chargWith our new bank building ley, along with some ladies fromsilor from outer space Tuesday inson, BYU president. space. Priesthood Leadership Meeting, Gordon Owen, radio and TV we shall be able to provide many Salt Lake, will judge the County afternoon when an Airforce wcath Dr. Irving R. Mclbo, Dean of ed. Tickets arc good for both the who are to commentator and author, will be and the clinic. 8pm ..Chapel. Those Stake new banking conveniences and ser- style dress review at Kaysvillc. cr balloon, nearly deflated, hov-ith- c d game School of Education and Presi- the attend this meeting: All proceeds go into the Youth speaker at the Sunday even- vices. We pledge every effort by over two communities forlfcssor of educational administra- the Stake Clerk, Patriarch, ing session of the North Tooele our Tooele dency, THEYLL WED staff toward the buildlion at University of Southern Ca- Development Fund of the Salt several hours. High Council, Stake Senior Aaro-no- c Stake Quarterly Conference on of this section of Utah with 20, Orem, will deliver the com- Lake Valley American Legion Juit a Earlier that was up Stevenson, ing lifornia, Roger Ray reports Priesthood Committee, Presi August 18. nior Baseball League. the finest in complete banking ser- Mary Ethel Richms, 16, be full saucer to address. mencement living proved dency and Secretary of the High The meeting which will be under vice. . of air. Priests Quorum, Presidents and the direction of the Stake MIA GUESTS FROM AZUSA Secretaries of the 386th Quorum of is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Guests at the home of Mr. and v Seventy, Presidency and Secreta- Special musical numbers have Mrs. Carl E. Peterson are Stephen ry of each Quorum of Elders; been arranged. and Allen Ballard of Azusa, Calif. Stake Aaronic Priesthood CommitMr. Owen is a noted announcer tee, Group Leaders of Melchize-de- and is also a member of the GenPriesthood Quorums (High eral Board of the Young Mens Priests, Seventies and Elders), Mutual Improvement Association, Senior Aaronic Priesthood Quor- and has wide audience appeal. EvRehearsals for the Tooele Counum presidencies, Senior Aaronic eryone is invited and urged to ty Dance Revue to be presented Priesthood general secretaries, attend. August 23rd at the Jr. High Audi Aaronic Priesthood advisors, torium at 7:30 pm. in conjunction Bishops, Bishops counselors and with the Tooele County Fair are Hugh B. Brown all ward clerks. now in progress at the Jr. High Sunday Auditorium. the of T. Pres. Orlando Barrus The production is under the dirLady Elks of Tooele Lodge 1673 Two pcncial sessions will be North Tooele Stake announced toection of Dorothy Scaiic, assisted will hold a membership reception of the stake all held members for B. that Elder Brown, Hugh day this year by Miss Nancy Lee assistant to the Council of the and with a cordial invitation ex- Friday, August 16 at 8 p.m. at with her sister, Chcri Stuard Twelve, will represent the Gen- tended to the public to attend. the Elks Hall. Miss Nancy and as All wives of Elks arc invited Arrived At ' eral Authorities of the Church at The morning sessions will be held be featured atwill Cheri ofStuard to the the meet to sesand afternoon 10 the a.m. reception all sessions of conference to be at Tooele Valley Hospital traction of the recital and will ficers and get acquainted. Refreshheld in the North Tooele Stake sion will be held at 2 p.m. studwith the ballet dance along Tabernacle Saturday and Sunday. Music for the two general ses- ments will be served. tcGrandc and Helen Henson ents m a tableau. sions will be furnished by a large August 17 and 18. hun- Quarnberg, Tooele, son. Aug. 13. one will well be over There Elder Walter Stover of the stake choir under the direction of Floy and Edith Raybal Rodcri-gedred dauerrs lo entertain the pubChurch Welfare General Commit- Irvin D. Bird, Sr., leader of the Tooele, daughter, Aug. 13 in spite of vacations cutting jn lic L. tee will also attend sessions of Stake Orchestra, Medical summer time. the at vacation tliia, ' the conference and conduct the Louie Lee Lewis, Baltimore A free luncheon will be served Welfare session. Md. MIA 12 noon for those from out of . Frank C. Taylor, former Tcwclc NORTH STAKE at Schedules of meetings for the Surgery for others who can not resident, won the Utah Tower and ILADLRMHP MELTING two-dasessions will be as fol- town, and Kathy Ann Smith, Tooele Co. Golf Tournament and their homes North Tooele Stake Mia Leaderto return Light conveniently lows: Mable Smith, Tooele will be awarded a beautiful trophy Mifs Universe. will do a number entitled This group of winsome young dancers from for dinner. ship will be held tonight. Aug. 15, Saturday Left to right, front Irene Young. Jcri Kaye the Dorothy Scarlc school of dame are amat 8 p.m. in the stake Tabernacle. Accident The Sunday evening session will at their annual award banquet. Beatrice Bcnruson, Pecco Vista Gordon. Caiol Lngland,- Linda Fullmer, Vicki Frank is the son of Mr. and be under the direction of the Stake Welfare Committee Special "Meet Me at Mutual ong the ono hundred dancers who will appear will be given aud all 8UA Nevatto, California Linda Price, Karma Nelson. Back row in revue Friday, August 23 as a part cf the at 5.JI) pm. Scout Room. Stake MIA and the program for .Mrs. Frank B. Taylor of this city Pat Bcnnison, California workers arc urged to be m atteu Tooele County Fair. Curtain time is 7:30 pm. Ilanla and Bourne Kcir. Stake 'and Ward Welfare Com- th's 7 p m. session w id be separ- and is married to the former dance. auditorium. Tam group Lianne Wallin. at the-- Jr. Hih Feggy Etu&uun, California mittee Meeting at G.30 pm., Leout ately Announced by the-- MIA. , wu, jr j r e off-stre- yrr n Uh e d hir-'wi- y - (bree-year-old- U.P.&L. to hold Home Missionaries Teams Named for Appliance Tooele Stake Smdl Fair, August For 19 Sip km ,0 jy Srttary s , Graduates from Up Nursing School d Honored on 85th Pony .is Uirtnday, Rug. Express Relay - s Band Invited To Parade at Elko County Fair Law-renc- n, and Spur Sponsor Hos-Ipita- ed Event ll y Legion hoc-dow- n Game at Derks Field, Aug. 21st Fourth Ward Sponsors MIA Fire Record Sat. Nite Dance All-St- D V U. two-stak- Irene Fourth-Elevent- Elder llitgh B. Brown to Attend N. Stake Conference this Weekend Gordon Owen to All-Sta- Speak here Sunday Evening s. x All-St- ar pro-cie- Annual Dance Revue to be $.... k Staged, Aug. 23 i1 Lady Elks to hold Reception, Friday Stu-ar- Jusf Former Tooelean Wins U.P.& z. Golf Tournament y - pro-cra- |