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Show IhoTocele Transcript, Friday, lr but Mrs Dunn and ni)-l- l went on n'i;ht boat trip on Iht-- j I'liIoiiiic, We Visilvd lhe Nval N All INTERESTING0 r d nr J e - . Virgl-twent- fw-- V i lay-ove- J --e- t " .Id -;; well-dresse- .9 run-atten- J t. ' - one-half- Mrs. G. W. Berry To join Husband a In France Nau-vjihii- g histor-histori- c fciwrll flicks provide music Will mrtie 1 lift: Ills RMl'MN HtOM II) MR) NACAffON e .l v 1 Ka:hy Shields is Sa'l take this Week, ,ier s v'er Shaion Kay. at'ending LDS Business M 1 are not on lhe We Corner . . . buf- - we arc on the square! Ask lor: TooeleLaundry Annual "Mercur Day" will be held Sundav. Aug,iM I at lilveity Park in Sait Lake City. Dry Cleaning former residents rf Mercur are invited to met-- t at the North Shelter, Just north of the band stand at 12 pm. acoori'ug to All Abe Fones, Mgr. Phone 445 87 East Vine hDuES&i r who is College their Liberty Park a tipi visiting guest of in 'Mercur Day set for Sunday at Take P-- m. Here s the (uniest Hit of the year! - - vvr r V 1 NAip IM CIMi : "sjvec-'ploye- - full-tim- e Slarting- Sunday at 3 For sale! - ' y 1pi55mHS2S -- o HONEY A p.m. RtBElS WOMANS Local Student To Enroll at HATE ... A LOVE! UNDYING Valparaiso U. b. Cans all-da- TUcker 8S Naylor Honey Co. -- Bade to school R3EEESS Good -- 'Readies. and C WedSPi 20-2- ' 1 W nibal some two weeks ago, which (washed a residential section of ithe City into the river, homes and V 4$?!all. Wc should be very grateful tea totZM to m GRIFFITHVtoNft'K tort - PATriGA tsar to to lUft UUI A FRi-sflT- .il ! 9 NaMtHM and ICornedBeef Libby's Tomatoes Blue Pine 22's m C' 46-o- b. cans z. Cello 3 lbs. Market Basket Fhonc 83 ijS'for our community and state. wThc mountains take the lash out of the extremes of nature. Tuesday morning finds us on our way west again with Kansas City. 2 our destination for this evening. Of course, piasture land is an apparent part of every farm, but writhe prevailablearccropscornof the and soy today beans. Corn is usually jilantcd but where the planting season conics late for corn, then soy beans .ji'too wlarc used because of the shorter maturing season. Today wc also passed through the home areas of Doctors J.A. Phipps, George W. Goins and J.I1. Peck. AU will remember Dr. Phipps and Dr. Peck, but sonic may not oK1 remember a fine Dr. Goins, 2 gentleman and physician who practiced in jiartncrship with Dr. Phipps forty years ago, and died serving his country in World i'1 the medical Corps. L, osJWar At Hannibal, wc were divided into two buses and will run in two sections until wc reach the sJColorado border. Our families and friends back home needn't get the impression wc hac put on that much weight since leaving Utah, is for other reasons, somc-T- j thing to do with state regulations S?iOn weight of buses. Wc visited at Tar West and stood xgjjion the four corner stones of the 'Temple, which was started, but due to pcrsecut'O'1 ,npcr OuvunurV, G:Itr to tiie mid-'we- g $!J Silver '.V Nite! Young Men Plus Lucky Lady' e Nite! the Nation. of Door-Priz- tss sma CROSS O'OOIWOK JSAtfMME xwGAYWOR ml HARRIS- -- slock . A": COLOR BY toMstotsmto avtortoto Action-Packe- d 1 r 4 k Co-Hi- e Sunday-Mon- . of Open Coats and Slacks Fri. 7 Open p.m. 0 Sat. 1 p.m. 3 Unit-- t! MARK STEVENS 'Jack I Man Youva Ever Met! towMto COLE PORTER ROBERT EMMETT DOLAN - ROBERT LEWIS a x Owl M tm toMbtoMS tssssiMMiMOoUtoa Unforgettable Th Most Unforgettsbla Friday and Sat. Aug. 18-19t- MALONE h! Unit Show! G 1 Styles some stores -- are not even tk'4 showing, yetj Regular $1.00 f Socks starring For short time only! th9 girl bviff 6 pairs MV s, Unit-- A i;- 4 Ef.t J I L4, 2 Inbelievoblc! ...Untamed!... Unforgettable OAlOAUJOOa miiHinvia!803 OTl!181f3 GORDONS MENS WEAR Fhonc 975 West Vine, Tooele The Gtylc Shop" WO-- 1N1MH . . s'.5rvf Great Action Hit! e All-lim- $5 10 plofinww powrhow ORI NELSON for Keep your Hiah School sharp! Shop..at lfca MAMIE VAN DOREH - f"i--'ic- T - DOROTHY Complete 0 Hey Kids! Free Candy til ST" 1,1 3 Jk p.m 17 Another . . . Terrific Family Program! -- sharp t Chunk Tuna Blue Horizon Can 52 North Main, Tooele ANDY ixk !' TECHNICOLOR is still tops! with h GroundBeef '! ttMl (imam Friday, Aug. 16 Look It has been as hot as blazes the yiast three days. Oh, by the rainway, they had a seven-inchours at Hanfall in twenty-fou- r Vinegar? dSN "Ivy for t,iat- - Hale Pickling Onions OrangeDrink Franks DM EfrowcS h August T0NITE Dry Onions f PI0DUCT10N BUDDJCWfRG'; and- Sweaters, Shirts, Knits FreshToraatoes MWaH Tuos, W. N8UID Disneys IRTISTS : Mr and Mil tmmerson fa-am children, Jwn, Carolyn, Rus-seand Rer.ie. refurned last weekend from a one trip north They were guests at Idaho f alls of tor-- , tier fuoe'eans, Mr and Mrs Wallace Manmng and family. The two am.V nude a three-datrip to YclloasUme Patk The Lee climasej their vaca-I on by stay ing at the Romney Mo.el a id enjoyed a swim in Ihe. iiiv.nng pool aMer the long, hot ,de home from Idaho f alls. fi- High Suspense is Promised in Run Arrow 1 fur t he occasion and each family ,s asked lo hung their own lunch.' punch wi't be served by the com e ' the or (A president gjM.rat.on, who urges everyone to jn n the group for tins reunion l Rd family, former Tooelen, In a Alixnnder, Virginia, and 'SIDE-LIGHT- S' (rmt delightful evening, starting dm i n!) a deliciously ;nrr and an evening of going over Instead of writing a Column It to get drunk, lay on trj and a discussion of mutual frirndl doorwa a J n the walks j Ihe Reid have a Very nae home would be none in keeping to write a bonk on this weeks itinerary ettirg t.Vir s'eep, having not suf .and are delighted at the oppor-Wwhich their childien are for a 2'nent bed tunitir left )ou Monday on our wa fu rut to Vin'o New Vork tily over the thru'lfut is not all dark, "rescue nils having Their oldest son IS Study run by hafd boi'rd but mg to become an atomic physicist, way. lor the hist time we were f . never turn a Irnlay, early, we headed out ahead of schedule We have d. kmdheaited covered that our average mileage jm sort away without a mral or a through the Aliagany Mountains. in jvijnilated sreas goes at low as tied, and no questions are asked passing through Maryland, r f, miles hour, wh.te the Many who have sunk to these low nu. West Virginia, Pennsylvania, thru way carry us along at an stations have been filled with the and spent Ihe night at Columbus.) Ohio average of f.lv miles per jvn.on of a love for Ihit crawling Our party Mondav evening in mass of man (jnd we supose: Saturday carried u to St louis New Votk was wiihoat schedule women, bat we saw no women where we are enjoying a Sunday as c write and man and we tcatirred in every direc n this group) and have risen to ' t f . V I tmn, from suhwav to the h gtri ,isitmns wherein they can he'p thia hurried up epistle We have c . ,s-building in the woikd, the I mpire cml do help C'hma'own is tn this visited today with l.lder Dennis 1 Park and f Ider Glenn A Uryan Stale Several went to the bal. area, but the Chinese do not jMr-JJ- . f of All our are m well, happy ake this pmetty and lownrsSj group game snl life They are s, and and tiled. The good thing which - , ,, j , ' r I S We had heard seen are and have "the rate opportunity are V jppjfYNiy, 4, generally prosper-'wng Damn Yankee, due i out of our ear and eye and t n t and several months ahead reserva LI)(j them out of the gutter jhy close check, all have enough J I t.on made by our daughter, Hus, we were (old by our guide to live off the fat of the land until, L Tuesday noon was the s.aiimg'rt(u.n r- V (,e evidence ciif it plamlylwe arrive home late Friday night g of our seeing New York in nmr we when wn that's ; jand "late," j say everywhere j 4T hours Of course, we didn't sec it all, hui we saw more than we ever dieamed was puss.b'e in that Sl .Budding Here our picture was'cejvt Mrs Dunn, who returned minutes Our most Interesting ,agrn on ,(,e top 0f ,j,t structure, from Washington, DC. to New sight was through Ihe flowery and ,j,p sgviine at the York for a more extended visit the most mteiesting part of thr m,, ggr(Mt,d Only one of our group with her daughter, Carolyn. fiowery was to witness that, al- is from this picture. Can missing though we don't behese that man you tell whom' It's a small world, after all, in came from a monkey, it t neat About to finish up a visit m Tooele and return to duty with we t of its own. spue of the wide expanse a Radio City for a a man become to city the U S. Navy are Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Knowlden and family, puss.ble housed under one roof. In the mu .have to cover tn going from place who have been visiting relatives and friends since returning monkey out Men. most of them younger, lay Sic hall, we witnessed a fantastic l ple?- We atnjvpcd our bu from Sasebo, Japan on July If. The next year will be sjsent of Carthage, Illinois, to seek dir- hour show New to our rnd three on sidewalk Ihe on the East Coast. The children at Jeannette Lucille, H, asleep sprawled Toung. In drurken stupors, in the early al Votk sightseeing, but a majority ections to the historic Carthage Kathleen. 13. Dan E 10, Dune, seven, Emma Jane, two should and who drive and up , whom lernnon. and some without enough1! Die group stretched their en jail and one half and Japanese-borJay D, one and Irrgy for a trip on the subway and stop but Dean and Mary Rae East-Jay-sawould like to say hello to all calls the family They boat excursion to Stratton Is man Brown and their family on the friends they missed seeing and hope to see them the next l,i od. jiheir way from a vacation In Utah time. It is wonderful being home and have really enjoyed D Next morning when the group!10 ,he,r home ,n Washington. their stay. Lucille is the daughtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown has important here their money, someone sug E, Lawrence and Jack is the son of Mrs. Cornelia Knowlden, with the government both of looc-le- . gested that the mint be the first employment place to call on in Washington Our visit to Carthage and to exterminate the Morm- - from Denver to Tooele the last Tipping ha reached such an ex voo was one of the red letter dayS nns. This was one of the most.day. but have our beds turned Mrs. Glenn W. Berry and two ireme in New York that it nearly of our tour. LDS Missionaries are dramatic of Church history down and meet us at the door parts sons, Robert. Glen and Corky and doubles the cost of your stay. Ser- now stationed at both of these with our night clothes. 'md the blackest day in the daughter, Kay Lynn, who have revice is at a low ebb The customer communities to conduct'ical annuals of Misviuri. The sjxil sided in Tacoma, Washington for is being favored when a waitress visits to soli-At points of historic note, jof the Temple now lies in the him and treat past five years are guests at service, they gives Carthage jail where Joseph tude, surrounded by farm land and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern you like their poor country cou- Smith and his brother, Hyrum-Film few scattered dwellings, AIsop for two weeks, fftior to leavsins. When they get through with were murdered by the Carthage At Richmond we visited the of feel and with them, you ing to join Mr. Berry in Verdun. you you a unit of the National and monument of Oliver where he is presently cm like giving them a kick in the Greys, on June 27, 1844, an Elder 'grave the rated of "Run Arrow," highjLrancc, Guard, Cowdery as we entered the city, the U S. Government, d Is of But a it instead by adventure current tip. jvama and Mrs. Haws of Vernal. Utah, land the grave of David Whitntcr among Mrand children will fly as much as your life is worih to are at to screen comes the Berry taculars." old The 'on of our the city, jail way out to New York Airlines 3 p tn. Sunday by United nfu.se them "alms." In fact, the is now owned guides. Kitz Theater the at by the LDS Church we had a very in- - with Rod Liberty, for and sail (hen hole! collected its incoming and leaving Monticl, Santa Steiger. in cvcDr jnd ,ha bepn rcslored spjrational lecture given by Elder Brian Keith and Ralph Meeker in New York. August 2lst. outgoing upping fee of fifty cents dt.Ul as it was at ,he ,ime ,he re tnerc Mrs. Berry is a daughter of Mr. .rs' C0SDy't per head as a part of their hotel Marlv.,nm Arizona as LDS iMissionaries from and Mrs. Vern Allsop and Mr. Berb,lover and above costs, regular A Nauvoo lhe guides are Elder m chare of Libcrty Jaili here ry is a son of Mrs. Della Berry rIof Salt Lake tj,e Prophcr Joseph Smith and his an of this city. Washington. DC. was our even-citand Elder and Mrs. Pettit. brother Hvrum and severa, oth. ing stop for Wednesday, after we of Bountiful. cr early LDS leaders were held in had traveled through New Jersey, These guides added very muchjaj frofT) November of 1838 to Ap-tPure fresh extracted Delaware. Pennsylvania and Mathe success and interest of our ri 0j under most cruel and ryland. Wc had an inspirational trips to both Carthage and N'au inhuman circumstance. sight seeing trip of Philadelphia, voo. Independence, Missouri was our which many said was worth the In the 111 years since the final gf0p a historical pljces of of cost the entire trip. Indepen- expulsion of the Mormons through now being harvested! church, dence flail and Independence martyrdom and persecution on the Square, Liberty Bell and scores part of the people of Hancock Everyone is tired and looking 5-l101b. 00-lb- ,. of other landmarks makes PhilaMiss Rayla M. Kcttner, daughtCounty, there has not been a single forward to home. Wednesday night delphia lhe founding city of our baptism to the LDS Church in that in Hayes, Kansas. Thursday mte er of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kcttnation. County, one of the largest coun in Denver and Friday night, once ner, 155 South First East St TooWc visited about everything in ties in Illinois. more in our own beds with our Order EARLY! ele, has been accepted for admistable is our Washington. D C. on our It was a beautiful ride in and feet under our ow-sion to Valjiaraiso (lnd.) Univertour by official guides and wound out of Nauvoo. The highway fol- schedule. Everyt.me we see a sign sity in September. Miss Kettner, with food cooked up at Mount Vernon. Virginia. We lowed the Mississippi River for advertising a graduate of Tooele High School, saw through the Capitol Building, several miles. grease we turn pale. will enroll in the College of Arts went through the Whitehouse, viWe slate again that there is and Sciences and will follow a Monday night we spent in HanGrantsville, Utah sited Arlington Cemetery and wit- nibal. Missouri, the home of Mark no prospect of our early arrival Home Economics curriculum. nessed the changing of the guard Twain and great honor is paid in Tooele Fuday. We. .must drive -- new students Apjwwiimucdy-15- 0 at the Tomb of the Unknown his memory here and abouts. Han- .are exjiected for the fall term, mbdl is one of the few remaining with over 700 in the beginning freshmen. Enrollment may exceed shipping points on the Mississippi. We went down to the river's edge 2,300 students at the Lutheran unand watched the loading of wheat iversity located 45 miles southeast on a barge. One of these barges of Chicago in northwestern will hold a whole train load of wheat. Coal and gasoline arc also hauied by these barges, which are VISITORS EROM CALIFORNIA drawn by river boats at a sjx:cd Mr. and Mrs. , Frank Houchm of about eight miles an hour. and daughter, Mary Alice of Long Within the memory of the local Beach, California, are visiting in stock of times that inhabitants there the Harley A. Porter home in Tod they could walk across the Mis Park. Mr. Houchm is Mrs. Por sissippi from sandbar to sandbar ter's brother. . .but dams have been placed at intervals along the river to make C jCL thc water depth uniform and na Ivigatablc. The river cargoes are the required to pass through locks at each of these dams. Well, so much prt-jiarr- G.l Saeeten, jtop starring roles, j RKO , filmed in Icchmrolor Director Producer, by Writer jham-urlulhr, "Run of the Ar-- j row" deilvrs Its theme from the of militant1 lingering bitiernc-- s Southerners after the surrender o! general Robert E. Lee at Ap.'io-sc5 jmattox in r. 'Ihe emotional crisis provoked by Coiifedriatc defeat Is Said tu g be accurately illustrated in ihe c " screen story which preseris S'.ee, I w ger tn ttie role of a reM sharp snoot er who refuses allegiance lu the victorious enemy. Instead, the "Yankee hater," seeks, vengeance by going West a an tu jom Ind.an upiisnig against I the United States Action in frontier chap'ers of f fig the picture lakes place along one of the early m gratiun Iran where roving U S. Cavalry deuchnu-arJk forced to conduct a sort ol guerrilla campaign against ferocious Indian resistance liaiards risked by Str.ger in becoming a "wiuie Sioux" alter surviving a slow death torture ritual, I are highlights of the melodrama , Montu-ISanta youthful Sjscnish actress previously starred with Deborah fori Grrgrich Alarm Lana in ' Serenade" and . Belated bi'tbday greet ng to with Burt fancaster and Caiy I who Coojwr in "Vera Cru." enacts the winsome little Deborah oil. on her celebrated like t;rt h.ithJay of Pocahontas Steiger's part Indian wife m "Run of the Arrow "jAugust 5 She is the daughter ol Jl The important cavalry ollicer'Mr and Mrs fvier Git roles are played by Keiih and North Second West. Meeker. Made for the most part near Si George, Utah, the new picture is said to reveal some of the most magnificent wasteland scenery ever photograjihed for movie thrills A symjshiwic music score for ihe film is provided by Victor 1957 August. .16, PICTURE Unit No. 3- - Colcr Adventure! SARDINIA |