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Show critttnci mnnrrnY IJ.riluljy gmimj; to M.'a Walk on Aujniit ti, to T. Bruwn. Aiij'toi 17; to Ndlj Smith ami Ain SihIj August Ja, to I Ijmr KiiiMillni, 19 August ms I Friday, August.. 1G, 1957 Cf Young. (.dirr and to August The Tooele Transcript M.lUard. I i iltl.y Woilh-lugnii- GRANTS! It IF. STAKE MIA 1 1 All RSIIII Grantxv illc Stake MIA leadership Micung mJI be held Mornlav, August 19 at 7 30 p m m the Clark and Srumd ward chapel. All MIA ik-- r are urged to be in attenJ am e. I p i- Mrs f MUSTANGS Left to Right,. Limit Row lho-m- a Wjre. Darrell Anderson, Henry tadilla. Second Row John Milliard, Joe leailum. llurd Row Jay riimiers, Bjrrux. Duk Vorwaller. Manage!, Joe Peterson, Verl Young liill C'astagno Td-war- d v f 7 small appliance FAIR! 0 U V 1 the i 19 between the hours of 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. ' yj i Brown, Middle rront L Mrs. Pernecy ' Anderson will answer any questions you may have. Recipes Food Samples! 3 lo Wayne lemmon, Jerry Hurry F.d Naylor, Ronald Johnson. Row Dennis Painter, lynn Oliver, EM? (rr. i Roy T. Brown, Falnu-- r AilIard Sagers, Roy YOUTHS ASSAULT OrriCTR youths were arrested Monday at Grantsville for assaulting an officer, Marshall Keith Three Browm. Alfred Hicks was fined $11)0 and sent back to the Navy. The other two, both juveniles, were sent to Grantsville Bees to see the new small appliances in action! VV?v R W-- Akendover and Ihapah Ivell Cluff, Peter McKellar, Jess Lrtnn 4m I BFFS ' Williams. St. John Sagers. y Rim-mgto- n. e Point A Jj , Rasselt Klmingioo. Miuu e L to K tick tiat tixon, alternate, Bnyd loveless. David I Joe Mayo Jtjck 1. to mat, John Firyaii, Ken duiker, leigh f'ratt. Home missionary assignments for Sunday, Aug IS in the Grann-villStake have been made, as follow: Clark Ward Jay R. Drouhay Carolyn Bates. Carolyn Rarrus, Doroihy Cochrane Kenneth C. Johnson. Dug way Don Koss Anderson, Warren Butler. Paul G. Johnson, James I.rda lynn Lcx - Cf- Tip-petl- Light Company Office Monday rr : . , Francis Hroadbent. Clover George Vanie, (khan Dcxiritkson. Grantsville first I.M Bert Chiisiensen I eon dart-shorGrantsville Se cond Farrell Sandberg Utah Power and on , Grantsville Stake R. MmU Come into I ii d L1 A Named for i Y 4. ' Home Missionaries e - A; These Tooele Swimmer and their Coach, VAest Leigh I'ratt, will travel to the Swimming Meet in San I lannuo from Aug 22 lo 2t Shown above are I runt I. to R Virginia darker, Battuta llaiker, Maik Imai, liatru cehtiraied hirthjay tn Grantsville 1 Jhir KTth Tuesday, August 12 With friends Jioppmg in to extend greetings Mis Itarm has toed in Grams-ullfor the pjst ten year smir her husltund's death in Salt take City and is a sister of Munie and Martin Uarru She has been in good hea'th until she fell tome tone ago and injured er leg She mall long ago in her Relief Sk lety work of driving a learn and wagon to pick up gram for the Relief Society organization. Grantsville Mustangs A August . Birthday, Aug. 12 . '! Slf Celebrates 87th i v N: ri 'o-- vs 1 b 1 Wv )oung daughter 7 ' - .... of Mr. and Mi lyman lawsuit, is Hinbnj; a week's vacation visiting n Knives in llebtr. ' ' W awiikai m nr r imla .At - ' 2U Burnt Palmer. Sieven L. Brown. Back Row Mgr. Jim Kelly, Richard Gladden, l.ugene ' Kimber, Coach. Harold Green. Parkinson on March I . 3, KM in the Salt take Kndowment House LDS. Church. She was an active Church' member all her life. Surviving are six sons and three! - v ttiu I the detention home and their trial set for August 20. 10 Local Youths Enter Far Yest daughters. 60 grand children. 131 Mrs. Quinton Brown will cele-gregrandchildren and 15 great. brate his first birthday on Satur- day, August 17. great grandchildren. Those attending the services Ten Tooele swimmers under the from here were Mrs. Ruth Ryd direction of Leigh Pratt, leave aleh, a sister; Mr. and Mrs. James Tooele Tuesday morning for the R. Williams, Bishop and Mrs. Cliff dren, Keith. Michelle and Colette, West Swimming Meet to be Far have been vacationing for a week Mr. Williams. Parkinson. 13. Parley for Tuesday, August held in San Francisco Thursdayjand son. Jimmy, and daughter, at Woodruff, Utah, visiting with Mrs. Annie Mr. Parkinson and and Mrs. Parkinson was born Feb. through Sunday, August 22 to 25.iRosemary, accompanied by Mr. Mr. and Mis. Jake Rufi. parents Mrs. Allen J. Parkinson, Sr. 2, 1S61 in Coventry. England, a The local youths will enter bothland Mrs. AIzo Morrell and daught- - of Mrs. Haines, and with friends daughter of Thomas and Jane the age group meet Thursday and er, Sharon, returned home this and relatives. They returned Fawson Williams and was one of More park visitors are Mr. and Friday and the Senior Men's and week after spending several days .home Monday evening, Funeral services for Mrs. Pris- the original pioneers wlio came Mrs. Francis Johanson and sons, Women's Meet Saturday and Sun- at Macks Inn, Idaho, vxhre they' cilla Williams Parkinson, 9C, who to Utah in a hand cart company David and Dale. They expect to did some fishing, and at Yellow- VACATIOX AT YELLOWSTONE day. died Saturday morning of causes and settled in Grantsville. be gone for ten days of touring This will mark the fourth year stone National Park. On their reME and Mrs. Rex T. Gleed and incident were held at Plano, Idaho She was married to Timothy Ff. points of interest in Southern Utah. in a row that a team from Tooele turn trip, they stopped at Idaho children, Gloria, Ronald and Stehas entered the annual meet spon- Falls and enjoyed the view of the ven, returned home last week afsored by the San Francisco Ex-- 1 falls, and at Lava Hot Springs, ter spending a pleasant ten days aminer. where they enjoyed the swimming visiting Yellowstone National Park Coach Pratt states that this is pools there. fishing at Chaltis, Idaho and Visitthe best trained team he has enMr. ing a brother and sister-in-latered in the meet and expects VACATION AT WOODRUFF and Mrs. Jay Gleed and family, that they should do better than Mrs. Howard K. Haines and chil- - Arco. Idaho. ever before. The team will return to Tooele Swimming Meet NEWS VliWS Funeral held Former Grantsville Lady at Plano, Ida. FIRST SECURITY BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVE YOU MONEY Monday, amount As one of our rrfany services as a hometown bank, we offer people of this community money orders at substantial savings (whether you have an account with us or not.) EXAMPLES OF HOW A FIRST SECURITY BANK Money order saves you money AMOUNT $ II. 111. 211. 511. COST OF U. S. POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS get a First Security Money Order and a receipt in a matter of second. You We invite you to use this COST OF FIRST SECURITY BANK MONEY ORDERS service, Robert Barrus .$1.80 Fint Security Bonk of Utah, N.A. Robert Barrus, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Layton Barrus of Salt Lake City and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barrus of Grantsville arrived by plane on the West coast Saturday after two years spent in Guam where he has been stationed in the U.S. Air Force. After a short time to be spent in Salt Mr. Dale had the opportunity of Lake, he will leave for New York going on one of the submarines where he will attend Radar School. and said it was very interesting. Mrs. Roslund celebrated her 87th TO SEE UTAH PARKS birthday. She was born in 1870 Vacation bound Mr. and Mrs. in Denmark and is very spry for Vern Fawson. sons Dave and her She, at one time, resided age. Don and daughter, Deanna left in Murray, Utah. for a seven-datour of the Utah also went crab fishing and They Parks. They will visit a son, Allen, took a swim in the ocean, then and daughter, Janice, who are went to South Hadley Falls, Mass, summer employees in the parks. and were guests of Mrs. Mary They will also visit a brother, and motored to New HampMerrill, and family in St. George. shire and Vermont and visited raa-fn- y points of interest in the states. They were accompanied by Geo. Edwards, Who is now Visiting his brother in Endicot, New York. Mrs A party honoring Joseph Rupp, Mary Colombe and Mr. Jas Edknown as Uncle Joe, was held wards are the daughter and son on his 80th birthday, Monday, Aug. of Mr. Y. Edwards. A real George 12. at the home of a daughter, nice Visit and good time was had Mrs. Erma Dickerson. Forty chil- by all. y Col-om- On 80th Birthday vr-xsF- fc. cross Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dale returned Saturday from New York City where they attended the Fraternal Order of Eagles Convention. After sightseeing New York, they went to Groton, Conn, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Edwards and Mrs. John Roslund. Mr. Edwards is a chief and instructor in Navy on submarines He has 17 years to his credit. They had the pleasure of visiting the U.S.. Submarine Base at New London, Conn, and many points of interest. Jos. Rupp Honored .154 .154 .154 .154 304 604 904 26. The James H. Dales Return from East Home from Guam Only 15c in any August ecus Membtr FedtrafDepoiit Inturcnc Corporation dren, grandchildren and friends were present to make the evening an enjoyable one for him. n guests at the party were Mrs. Blanche Spader, a daughter, and her daughter, Barbara Torres of Kansas City, Mo.; also, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Troxell and boys from Shell Beach, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rupp and children of Magna; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rupp and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rupp of Tooele and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rupp and fa-mily of-- Dugway; also, ' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Clark and family of Jooele. HOME FROM CALIFORNIA " I VI Jc . 'fa pfocd in xclfnt positions ot tlio Utah Stott Capitol: Jcyct Gayt Anderson, Alton, Wyoming; Man Pouison, Preston, Idaho; Anta Redd, Monttctilo, Utah; Douglas Asoy, ioveil, Wyoming; tnd Carol Meidrum, Burley, Idaho. IDS groduotfti AUTUMN QUARTER BEGINS SEPT. TRAINING excellent Secretarial, Office Machines, and 9 Our staff and facilities mean thorough training for you. Write for information Accounting Courses - Day and Evening DEVELOPMENT We emphasize character and personality development. & application blank. LDS BUSINESS 70 1) NORTH MAIN e EMPLOYMENT Highly effective, lifelong employment service is provided for our graduates. Let vs show you the records! COLLEGE SALT LAKE CITY EM Z7 XA7 BARRUS MOTORS, IRC. ( it Every Wednesday Afternoon Back from a very delightful vaorder to give our Employes time to work on L cation spent in California are Bi-- J shop and Mrs. Aaron Rbyan and their lots and gardens, We will be closed each children, Diane, Jed and William J Wednesday afternoon, beginning: Wednesday, Apr. of Erda. They went by way of Las Vegas, fr visiting Lake Mead and Boulder 24th, until further notice. Dam. At Los Angeles they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryan and visited points of interest in,!1' that area, including Disneyland. 'They also took a motor trip1 down the coast to San Diego and x .V X X Tijuana, Old Mexico. J j |