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Show Tm; Tr.t.v.srnii'r s.r tax at ii in j at limit U S OMut ur iiulnij jij(Uival ) mint at lnoi-i- r ( uv, Dull. utit r ml uf Mjnii S. M I I DUNN. LmhiI 1 h.t i .11 . It I iiil.iv al I (in, uf i Utah I mi li--d Ifl tl.itir . o t.imom.u. WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? ul! lu'il A . ilie in "public I muin" of at n-k- ilu d rxprnimr of a lnc.il 1 mi wi-n- hapjieiied, I he sloie manager replied he had not originally fijjuied on the ftte movie tukcfx, hut they had been given In him. along 'Iheater's Mith other stmes as a surprise donation of 'Imu-le hester I rice. peiause of a short Mtirk (one due in v.if alums, the mana per Mas unable to inform the store ersonml almul the lukels until after Ilie siore had ojiened on the titniiung in question. Mho asked, Mere given asailjlde lukels Mheiher Oilier shos-tIhey made a purihjM or nol. In fail, Mr. 1rue rixirtej Hut some C50 lukels, Miih retail value al $7:5. Mere turned in for the Imo free movies al Ihe Strand and Motor-VuAnyone in business (jnd most pinole in a small tnMn some-lim- e in (heir lues Murk Inr a retail business in one cjciiy nr anolher) Kies to avoid misiakes and boner, both lurpe and small, but il is impossible lu do so Merihanti in a loan mu h as Tooele are laud Milh problems sioies in larper lilies do nol have, and m must rases Ihey do a remarkable job overcoming ihese difficulties to provide pood the problirus are loo numerous lo nienium, bill they imluile training of personnel (larger stores can Iram salespeople by gradually Motktng them inin their positions, local Mores usually have lo tram salespeople by starting them right out selling Mhilc theyre learning); suf ply problems, due in distance from Mhole- Manager, C s , MID-SUMME- CLEARANCE! R MANTES USED-CA- R SUPER-MARKE- T! SPECIALS! SPECIALS! l!53-Fo- sedan rd Radio and healer, New seat covers! Ford-omati- New tires! e, NOW! $995.00 sedan '53-Fo-rd Radio and heater, was $995.00 deep-trea- tires! d NOW! 19 53-0!dsm- 795 88 obi!e sedan Radio and heater, Hydramatic, good tires! New seat covers, new paint! Very sharp! was $1,195.00 NOW! 19 51-Oldsm- 88 obile 1045 sedan Radio and heater, Hydramatic, good tires! Very clean! NOW! was $675.00 y 19 53-Chev- sedan rolet Radio and heater, Power-glidtires. Cleanest Car in Town! e. Deep-trea- d was $1,145.00 19 49-Chev- NOW! 945 sedan rolet Radio and heater. Good second Car! $345.00 NOW! 195 nut rolet e. dark-gree- 51-Bu- 615 sedan ick Radio and heater, Dynaflow, new tires! New seat covers! was $645.00 19 53-Bu- 1 I.eaiCme-gelte- tn( j Archery Club to Sponsor Deer 'Derby' II. (nr tJ vetiile arc .Ji nl to ' An Mini f in I'l'iG. ai aili." Uj. hiliijl yeji!A of Ihe Njlnmjl Safety t in.ni if. put off the pres otifj.-- I yuj have an accident If mph. Ihe r teug kdlid 'driving IS n on tm gi.ili l the combined uat.l lull (mm ftne-- e and 4'l lithrr inajuc iltxaMirx x'5 . on:y 20 '4 tar sht 1,11 e kul.-i10 fiu, II ; the 40 Hul i Is it the merchant's fault? Imloubirilly, some of the blame must In uih the Imal merchants, either Me are not seizing the natural advantages Me have or Me have not properly in humid Ihe Imal residents of these advantages. Or possibly there is tm much of an "I am only interested in my welfare" attitude Is it the fault of the buyers? to they make an "honest" effort to compare prices and quality? Io ihey have the altitude that "nothing good or inexpensive can be found in Tmiele1" Of course. Me all realize local merchants can't and don't provide all the goods and services offered in Salt lake, but certainly, considering the advantages given by local business, a larger share of the County payrolls should remain at home. The ansMi-can only come from you. the reader. Certainly, your vit'MS on the stated problems Mould be of interest to all. Whether it be criticism or praise, it can tie beneficial. There is a definite problem, today, in Tooele County on how to get residents to "shop at home." Your vums on the subject would bt welcome. Cor this purpose, the Tooele Transcript will publish in the Public Forum, any signed (your name can be withheld from publication, if so stated) letter on the subject. Mad letters to Tmiele Transcript Hox 30, Tooele. Utah. Utah has 2.0 acres of forest land enrolled in the American Dee Farm System of privately-owned- , taxpaying lands growing umber as a crop for repeated harvests. Utah forest industries add 4.2 million dollars annually to the state's wealth. Attention all bow hunters! The Tooele Archery Club is Utah's forest industries have ansponsoring a Deer Derby to be nual payrolls in excess of $1 6 held during the regular deer bowhunting season, August 31 to September 15. There will be a beautiful leather Sports King quiver given as first place prize to the registered fiowr hunter bringing in a buck deer, shot with a bow, having the widest spread antlers. A second prize will be given lo the next widest spread, etc. There will also be a prize given to the registered bow hunter bringing in the first deer, either sex, and registering it at Tate's Confectionery. This prize will be a set of crested hunting arrows that can be exchanged for a duplicate set made to the winners specifications. Other prizes donated by ihe generous merchants of this town will be given to second and third place winners, in both classifications. These prizes may be seen at Tate's Confectionery. Any licensed bow hunter 16 or over possessing at least a bow and capable of shooting 130 yards can enter this derby and be eligible for the prizes by registering at Tate's Confectionery. There will 'be a $1 registering fee. All registerations will have to be in to Tates by 8 p.m., Aug. 30. The Tooele Archery Club is using this means as a way to raise to maintain the needed funds the archery course located at the mouth of Settlement Canyon. We would like to urge all bow hunt ers to do their practicing on the archery course, but please prac tice safety at all times and do not shoot at the targets with hunt ing tips. Tliey ruin the bales. Only when field tips are permitted shooting the archery course. The archery course is maintained by For the Tooele Archery Club and is free of cost to all shooters except for tournaments, so we would really appreciate the publics the in not damaging course needlessly. Hale, Golden Ripe for Slicing ..11 r 11 1 1 wh.le t! haute only one 'in Too. Hat (nr ea h aJtliin.iul ten h you the E'ejlly tmri-jvifuiue for a fatality, i nim-t.- I e r The of million "Viidi-e- t facts." the Malnt.cal yeaitik of (the National Safety (oonttl, hms I ite prevention committee prcares plans fur Prevention Week, October 6 thru 12. L I ire to ( K jpt. lawreme It. laimlun. Heed Kos that the chance of an arcnlent jtiemg fatal at 23 mph. is one in IIS at 45. one m 0, at 55, one m 40, at Cj, one in 20, and at 75. one in eight. t.ixi-dnOren Cl. Mueller, Tm bv Shields, Vern Henson, Clifford (arsin. Marshall (.rode and Miss Katherine Karaphs. U, S. Army l'bot sell, t.llsworih Fire Prevention Week Activities -e, Ml IIOMI. of Mr. and rVay(AAn"usNand children, franny, iteiky and Trina relii'rned honie friday from a week's vacation tour. They visiied Mr. and Mrs. John Dame!, parFuneral services were hi Id ents of Mrs, Angus and Mrs Her m the (.oxben kard ChaH-- ' Ilia of Jcetcs, mother Mr, Angus. William L. Steele. fa'her of Plans are being formulated by ' ..for ,at Iayson. Utah, They vimii-J!- I ram of this city is W Sfm-lTooele, (iranlsv ilie. Slotkion and! Utah, Grand (an Tooele Ordnance Depot fire de Uryce Canyon, dam von, Colorado and the mw Mr. Steele du-- SalurJjv at Pav jurtmenis for artivith-- centering silt at (.len (any on. They werrjs,,n after suf'eruig a stroke lit is iround National Fue Prevention fascinated with the progtess being urvtved by h:s Widow, si daught , Weik, Oclolier 6 to 12. rs and two sons. First meeting of the planning was held Tuesday at IIOME I'ROM YFLIOWSTOM A number of Tckk-Ifriends and s looele Ordnance Depot. Marshal' ) Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Dalton and relatives attemlcsl the services. r Grode. Public Information Mr. and Mis, Deris Porter and at TOD and coordinator of on. Konnie and Allen, motored Hitch-Hike- r the committee on Fire Prevention to Yellowstone National Patk for Week, stated that this year's ac a week's vacation. for They returned In TV bvities promise to bi the most via sx-and Jackson, Wyoming Blood pirited campaign conducted in two with Mr. and Tooele County history, with all! Mrs. days visiting Smith l.d Dayton, Cokcville, Wyo touie Lewis, itt, of Baltimore. communities in Tooele County' went boat and has m thi been placed mmg. They fishing Maryland, is now associated County wot king together as a un-.- mg. The boys caught lots of fish Tooele Valley Hosp.tal with a bad in preventing all types of files with and had fun steering the cabin rase of blood poisoning. and fire hazards. cruiser. They arrived home Sun Mr. Iwwis was picked up Tucs flans are being made to spun dav. by Stockton City Marshall. Jay IIOMC TROM CALIFORNIA sor a queen contest, store window' Horace Workman, when he asked Stink-toMr. Leo Tooele. Mrs. and Iiird in returned Jisplavs, parjdes Tooele Apartments for a for the night to and Grantsville during the home Saturday night, after having The placewas stay A to hitch Ca recent graduate from youth hiking and fire inspec- spent two weeks on vacation, viweek, dean-uiiforma when he got stranded in Excelcis eBauty School of tions throughout the area, fire- siting with their son and daughter Sunk ton with no money. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hird demonstrations, and a fighting Salt Lake City. Firemen's Hall to be held Satur- - and family, Inglewood, California, Mr Workman brought him into Mrs Smith invites all o! with Mr. and Mrs. Charles the Tooele City jail vxht-rhe could day. October 12, to end the her friends toVan Nuys, Calif. Mrs. get lodging for the night. It was festivities. Mr. Reed Russell, chairman of the committee. statedjMangel is Mrs. Bird's sister. They discovered that Mr. lewis had an that with the help of the church. lalso visited at the home of a neice, infected leg. so permission was civic and fraternal organizationsjMr. and Mrs. Lawrence obtained from the County Comthe County, this affair Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. and Mis missioners and he was placed in promises to be one of the best In Mangel came with them to spend the Tooele Valley Hospital for Styles! a few days visiting in Tooele. the nation. treatment Local Father Man Burned Today at Goshen n Being Planned , u e J s Treated Hospital Poisoning Nathalia Sheppard Beauty Parlor p e - Rovere-throughou- Come in and see the Latest in t Hair Frozen- Peaches iu Radio and heater, Power-glidNew tires, new seat covers! n finish! Beautiful NOW! was $795.00 19 t.i Sinking of tbe iiijn.c. the (tm ago i .re and the San f 1411 weir iiiu eai!hqj.ke of yeilriyrai and liny prii f Why ei.'nef U It lartoly lliuvi!.iy iiii-.for Tai.'ina. Waxluiipiiiii. and i, ..i white lt. y Mill i4tjl-oM till Irlal.M s over due SiiuiuiIs I lien "i siias' littered by moil Imal merit, unis nlvi cause efsoii.it n lat'imship tmill lip Mlutber It's liei a me of i In brlMi-eIhe "rsdav" Imal mef'hanis aiU culomris. or altitude snny to Ik (mi ome ( ouuimn plai e, the ino j revaU-n- l "If they pne us an uwh of mi mg, let's see if Me tan Mretih it into a lode fuK- - " A an the Imal iham More that made die nosiake on the dikets is consivtt-ntlasked by Imal persons lo exibanpe pmsls M.r based in the halt laike store of the same iham Ihe eipljiuiioii guen is that its tmi mut h trouble return the merihandise to Salt lake, and os long as the More is selling the same merihandise at the same pm is no reason vsby an cxihaiipe shouldn't fa made, TTie manager is poing giay over this bciause be can't figure i viov go lo Salt lake to buy the same pixsls at the vshy same price tliey can pet in Tooele. The siore usually makes the evilianges, ilespite Ihe fait tliey are under no ohbpation to do so, and the goods are sometimes out of style or m a reducesJ prise ranpe by the time they are turned in. This is just one example, but il all hods down to this; Vke make demands on Imal sioies Me Mouldn't think of making in fvalt laike. We blow up at inconveniences or mistakes Me Mouldn't even notice in Salt lake We lake the Mord of a sales man Me don't even know over one Meve knoMn all our lives. tan M. amt mm Itutii tin m the ON VACATION' ant n d.np ijni, (,il OrT l 1957 - 1 foir " (Q) Farm Fresh Produce . . . 19 52-Chev- August.. 1G, hal r at Tho Tootle Transcript, Friday, .iial s unun htn lo oliljni tttiim tit kits iuiitf liXM-t- e Hurt hauls vtrre ynuig ftif in (ii.rnrt (ion u:! a shop m Tum-l- un m(.n 1 hr Unit I Mint on to av, liiu-- r of an jiiuir in tin? aUiut tnr rjntiai'n, hi uj nmlt r inr imjirrssion tukris ixkuIJ ! sin il a nisn.i iiuili a uiihat or not, lit utu-- she l to a Iim jI More to ohum her lii kits, the link replied the i kiiois nothing of them The sill'll an Mas inhumed she ssnuld base In Mail for the manager, Minch she Mas uuahle lu do. She Mroie (he liitrr beiau.i she lilt il Mas unfair for the mrrihanH In leaj shopper on vsith Ilie piontise of flee lukelt and Ihen not stand Im hind their uilrr. llefause f hi pa pi r was infontled lukels Mould he given fiee. Me ihcikid Mi.h the Store lit queil umi In find out mIu! had rti.ii-- TrariMr.jit ht hmt'MS, Imeer hrniwr 're trsff.c, hence pit S anil luail.. tK, lit. (m odd nun li.inli have moiis i.f (til (hi itiht-- r hand. tin o.er mi-i- i liattiv Miitun Mjlkiiip ibiiaiuc They luy ail lull. n iimxl t an i iuit irttvi on 'quality Mi ins "" Suifu (airy I hi very cheap I'tauih. bul i!iul i,l them iah'1 affmd lo. l.ry dep. nd ini ")-- ; Jl ' Ihisim by llw if luslotliCM "liny (uuvitil local job anl a good hare (l Imal laser I in-- t .ill anil do provide seivne that larger aimts don't. There is no ljfbc of parking problem lo teal h till I!. Ilie luppevt adv jnljge. (hat of 'et.i.ujlied (ill for lunalily. verms toiauM- - mini uf the double. Out Imal lieu bants and vitvuev that are Ihe (an ami do proiide the evil a hel earmarks of a peivmtal rrlaiiomtup vuili iIh o ruviuineis they lake tint nut to la'k over prulitenis having nothing lo do- Mith bmonrsv ) Itiey pel to know Ihe CuMuliit-- r and fus l.ki . d'l .krs. iil.in) m i jmi-- . elf. 1u y aic vi ry (Kitirnl NOW! $ 475 sedan ick Radio and heater, new seat covers! Checked completely for our 'O.K.' warranty! NOW! was $995.00 $Qgg MANTES CHEVROLET 0LDSM0BILE 23 K South Main Street Tooele, Utah FAREWELL PARTY k Mr. and Mrs. Elwin F. were honored at a farewell party on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Black. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. George N. Erickson, N. Howard Jensen, Mrs. Frank Eastman, Mrs. Beverly Jensen, Mrs. Katie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bauer, Mrs. Elaine Nelson, Mrs. Woodruff Fillmore, and Mr. and Mrs Forriest Munro. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ellerbeck, the honored guests and the hosts. A delicious patio supper was served, and the evening was spent playing Badminton and croquet on the lawn. Mr. Cammack has accepted a teaching position at the Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Cam-moc- mwJJ Honeydew, Casaba, Persian, Sweet and Juicy, Full of Flavor BISQUICK For All Your Baking Check These Values! 40 oz. 43 33 La Choy Chow Soy Sauce la Choy Frozen Peas Corned Beef. L&by .... FrOZen Punch frozen LEMONADE 19 8 Bl-a- 8 Scotch Treat, Frozen pkgs. 1.00 Shortening New Golden Keen Golden Fluffo Shortening ! 6 TOILET TISSUE cans 1.00 Zee in J84 4 pak 12 rolls T.00 a,,3 15c Off Pack 6 oz. T2 for 1.00 39tf fruit . . . Lamb Chops Ll LUNCH BOX Sandwich Spread FIFTH WARD RELIEF SOCIETY Fifth Ward Relief Society will be held Wednesday, August 21 at p.m. in the Relief Society room h of the Ward Church. A sewing lesson will be given by Mrs. Ray Dunn. Anyone inter ested should bring a pattern. Work ill be on smocked aprons. Melons For Top Quality Meats 11 qt. 59 pt. 39 lb. 49 Lamb Chops Large Loin or Rib Lamb Patties Breast o' Lamb I L60 0 DaIamm I - ...I. LaTalO DOIOgna Choice For That Special Dinner Swift's Premium Qualify, Buy It By The Piece U-- Frozen Pies cKJt'T.X' 5 BEEF Round Steak Rump Roast or Heel Ground Beef lb. 69 lb. 39 lb. 19 lb. 69 lb. 39 for 1.00 lb. 69' lb. 67 Mbs. 1.68 f Fifth-Eight- E I SAFE WAY'S your REST plate to save! |