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Show The Tooele Transcript at u ti? i r t to Richfield to visit wiih Mr. and Mis, Kendall Ward and family Mi s. Ward is Mu. Bridges' daughter. They returned home after spending seven! days there. 9, 1957 Tooele National Fails to qualify For WBB Finals that can take Naval Laboratory, rate of two in llton'ur Jpr m3, MU. to thow ev.ic'ly wh.it hipMv whin an ivp'o. i u lit to t OhJ-ui-hi- - u;vr (artier A August Friday rron p'avcd the rnmi f role V irnpor-tau- t afternoon a National League All Stars 'wen- - defeated by f migration 8 II in the plavo'fs for the Western! 'lovsi l.asiUdl Awn finals at Silt lakes I nher Park, iooetc out hit Ln.grat on five( ta three but fne errms and five Aks gave Emigration the advan-- j lui-vda- lo-H-l- - J urd he was the last for dor-ieepl.iyeis who will be too old gime and I migration i, - Orme. ss La e, 3b Jb 9 New Sanitized Twills SVj-o- Army Twill Pants Sizes 23 to x. 2 3 2 Radulvch. 3b Ktslrr, cf Matheson, If fail banks, If Thomj on, rf Davis, e R.chardson, p Hard I. vans Dnins . . Penney' See them in Lite! . 2 SO N'jc "Big Mac fullwright Twilh have a S.ifUted lin.sh that works as a deodorant! 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 Smith Totals Army Twill Shirts Sizes 14Vz to IS z. Swceda, rf 2 Parker, ss 2 Walton, 3b Dunlavy, p Russell, c Cooper, If Conneltv. cf Curry, 2b Bunn, lb 3 HR 13 2 0 Penney's Foremost in I33y.oz. denim! Tops for rugged wear and value! features Sanforized authentic rodeo styling in super denim, Ruggedly reinforced throughout. Machine wash. Wont shrink more than Il-o- vat-dye- d I 1",',! 21 Parker. 1 48 Tea lb. Vz S 2B at 10 o'clock in the Frozen Strawberries t. gj and 2 Can 10 Pink Lemonade 14, to Sat. Aug. Get a Beautiful 5x7" Picture of Your Baby 1 Pan Ready Fryers Swanson's 1 pound Package Booth Boneless KRAFT 16-o- z. bars Regular 57 Jar 2 1x313 child under five, $1.50 for the first Marcal CARAMELS White Napkins Foreign Coin Offer lb. bag ... Choose any one of several completely finished photographs all In different poses for only 49. You will not be urged to buy, but if you wish you can buy the remaining photographs at only 1.25 for the first, $1 for the 2nd and 95(f for any additional pictures ... ARO-Picklin- Large Franks Velvet g Firm, Cleansing Tissue 59 Jj-- Cans 46-o- z. 10 45 to 12 lbs. lb. 49 Large, Colored lb. 3 lbs. Meaty MARGARINE Vienna Sausage 10 6 303-siz- Whole Green Beans Surefine Cans e 6 303-siz- e Cans 8 Today's Cream Com 303-siz- Utah Valley Tomatoes e Cans 8 303-siz- e Cans 10 Sweet, seedless Garden-fres- h GRAPES 03 10' 1 00 00 lb. GREEN ONIONS 11 10' Instant Non-f- 109 sw at Dry Milk Makes 4 quarts! 33 HERE'S ALL YOU DO: are ready! CASH See our BARGAIN Tabic! BMRi F Fresh, juicy e in - Festive 00 Red-rip- Regular Just bring your baby to Penney's Ad expert photographer will take several pictures with an automatic apeed camera, lights. lco TOMATOES oo Ptgs HOLIDAY the store. You will be notified when jour picture Hi-- C' 10 39 pic- ture. 39 KRAFT will be photographed singly at 49c each ture. Each additional Orangeade Fresh Fryers 49 AGE LIMIT 5 YEARS pic- Cans Ltbby's 49 Hen Turkeys New Dove Soap Spring Garden Peas for the first I10 98 lbs. Package Fillet of Sole J--'bs One or two children in any one family Punch ?,, DeliriousTropi-Ca- l Sunkiat days, Wednesday 17! 53 Pure Cake Cones 4 CHEEZ-WHI- Z 4 33 packages 100 1 First-Sixt- Bulk gal JOS' 'll Essex VINEGAR ' VfiisVV Q UUH AVVM Vi gal. Cloverleaf Ice Cream THi 0 VACATION AT YELLOWSTONE Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Tanner and son, Clyde, vacationed at Yellowstone National Park for a week, ilug. 4 3 F0kHNtf pAltf All !or TEA UPTON BRISK' HA 000 0 0 to 16 6 Tf-y- M- MR AM I 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOME IN SALT LAKE Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bonner are leaving Friday to make their home in Salt Lake City where Mr. Bonner has employment with the Utah Motor Club. They will be at home at 230 Highland Drive and they invite their many friends to call upon them as soon as they arc settled in their new home. Slim, Trim Westerns in -f- tic j v 11 TO MAKE bought jtAM AM! w j. ZxiiSiran Quten 0 0 Ward Church. Lunch will be served at noon. Ail members are urged to come out and help with the quilting and embroidery work which is on band to be done. V-- . I MNt 0 0 0 3 FIRST WARD WORK MEETING The Tooele First Ward Relief Society will hold their report and work meeting on Tuesday, August '&! k'BWBSEHSEE 1 Harwood. For .Ul . I Radulovich, Richardson. SO Richardson 4, Richardson 2. Dunlavy 7. BB Dunlavy 5. Immigration managers, Irv Stratton. Glen late. Tooele Dean Stringham, Bus .managers Penneys h 2 Lawrence Totals y STYLE SHOP 0 2 3 Nash Sizes: Is3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 Leontlli Partridge Lawrence I Now Tooele National are proportion filled. Sanforized, vat mercerized. Ttu-- y Jed, 24 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Canvas Shoes MILK - erson. Tlnrd Row Randy Gibson, Roger NiJohnson Garage won the Tootle Minor League chols, Allen Hunt, Dennis Workman, Manager, Wednesday mght in the wind up of Bo s BaseRoss Wteleiz, Co Manager, Bill Webster, Abball play. Shown above are 1 ront Row, Left 0 0 sent when picture was taken were players Curtis Groskreutz, John Diehl, M.chael Web10 ster, Gene Diehl. Second row John Roach, Glen Kenny Gillette Smith; also, 10 Gary Roach. Alverson, Richard Wieleu, David And 11 weekend mg their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert L, Bridreturning home la-- t ges and Mrs. Bridges mother, They enjoyed the beautiful seen 0 0 cry and boating and fishing dur j MOTOR TO RICH! If ID Mrs. Hattie Ross, motored down 2, 110 Children's 'AS '.1 tn Now givesyou a lift without a letdowa f qualified 4 i y for the U BBA finals to be held at L C. Rotnney lark in Salt Lake City August II. 15 and 16. 1. migration i A L n to compete in Webern Avium muon hall nest year, only Idol Russell will be eligible to return. In Wednesday's play-offs- , Sugar Moa-- ' &L)i rirr o ia.t!e's only run came from a Vumr by Ruhaid Parker in the( Whito Sandals Mrs. C.L. McKimtiv, San Bernardino. Laid . Is visnmg with h s three sons and their families, Mr and Mrs. Cliff Mi Kmstry a id mtly. Mr, and Mis. Clinton and family, Tootle and Mr. and Mrs Charles McKinstry and family, Magna, Mr, Mi Km- stry, a former resident of 'tootle, vill return home on Sunday. . ha?) L tl'-- Hi l.ige. I H 4ri:.ut.sci:: Children' HI RE FROM CALHORNU r 1 . August SIIOIC I ll lb STORE Friday and Saturday August 9-- 10 35 |