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Show iTho Tooo!o Transcript DIRECTORY OF GOODS AND SERVICES OFFERED BV TOOELE BUSINESSES KELVINATOR Automotive Complete Line Cabinets Refrigerators Laundry Equipment Now featuring Complete Une WIZARD Appliances WIZARD Tools. Paints, Outboard Motors, Lawn Mowers, Auto Parts. Davis Tires SALES SERVICE & GORDON FURN. So. Main SO Phone 112 Western Auto Ju Kona pufciluely will be no hunting (in Jitini K DiouIkii TK-i- dost-- jni'jeny in I ril-- tUKID IU. I We will iinty be IUK jrnwin sui: Wummi M -l doitl runfJH u lAi'h i Wibufl Ymn or Thom 8-- ti' l Iks Nu, JtiTJ gui-t- Associated Stores ircftTBirmrDr FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 0ll r( .i i a m , J- i n wa, cjou-- p., Mjft ,j ot, tre rntritjmcJ rs( wll(1H M hv I bir ) ii. t. f J tiviic, ('ilhi and b 11,50 1 hose a hi) jilt hIi J Mere (,'ot 4 M irtim-r- , I J th WiU, Mtijntit I limbi!, Hatch Pare, V nki lb rn. (M hire At Nurmi lion CjmKn Slut k. Mu ry June lirnmdti Pjnnt.i I I mda D.iKi Saitdta Buna was Ul,ab,i- - to jj.i nd tmj t e of ill il.w r ri U-- Home owned & operated by Marcellas E. Lewis 43 N. Main Ph. 330 I lute 9, 1957 j witr chi tuts flcaraitt? 1,1 S hull ,I Juj hothd-- v ArtlI ,h(? h ,iip jlJf!i, liV c nd fourth TuevJay h'( iu.k a (l p m (Al prutrs xlushid tn our cotton CKlj yard goods Jus! m In e fur kuk i UK Kt SI baihrlur tip's tut (ur-- j IU w 'umiI (( HI sou irsn'jt nishwl Unfurnished a' t.'i In M- - Our many Simula on qua 111 per inunlh phono lily futiru. I abric frtaiH C,U II Vine. Phone IC2I (inlir, I OK SAIL 1 C 18 thtt-r- lit Ihi-iriiiiariir Ion pickup irutk Good j UH Syj UlhAP sheet 'muMt 1. v tnj i (ond, linn Have la sell anj rrmrj cahicet. sofa with own Ph 1L 323 P matthiug th.nr Studm couch (III hardly used, phime 'kiH WAS1ID m.fldleUj. d woman I IS HUMS MUJIGLN Mil US J lm h GO gauge tail $13 SO Sah niunape awitm(i!v, furnished Ojn and pari lime murk. Ph 1 hy private juriy, phone SOT (nd 1 iah rr(nille by iuvmIi ! .111 d tut W- ! .i.u.t.on (Kir bn tlibu cuutrsc ut mv .Je Itu.mai uf 3 North J if--l u-- 4 t Isle's Al .,h hi iGnfv We 1 ; Friday, August 1 I rah and Motors ptsl Jones hul as I kite Aflen Jud mte. Sima on ;r wai ml brim Sevadj, whole they v. .11 Vi Furniture Refinishing and ! wiih J I) i'e v nvd-- r l.tne I ( ah'v Repairing Inw'ier. Ktuh and Calvin Samtlerg Custom Made Furniture nina Marie Mavfnld wav prevented hr r Silm akn raied on (heir way t San f HI ver (dearer Awaid, Sunday at Stixkinn. Plenty of Parking Space ranreau. AImj viviimg 01 the h ihi date 1 Mill mi wuh the award and pi lured atxive Junta' bene aie leal)' luster, I he respoiivitile for any dehu oi tiI lo R are Riiha (Jilletie, Slake Junior (ilea- and husband, (la ale Sutton ami er than ihoie coniracbd fur hv Mr and Mrs. Bill Mi Kinney On Monday, ihey moinrv-- lo Iuo-j'f- j io her paternal grandpa rents, 'family uf Granisville, niyvelf Glen lauruen. niuvid fr(im Wenduver lo I mle'eU lo receive ireatmenl for 1 1 4 N. MUTUAL STATE FARM Broadway Ph. (S3 Dun Tripp, wife and hahv win Valley, where Mr. Mi Kinney mill " Automobile And Fire Insurance UK APIS call lUTK-wne m town Ihe ftjvi weik viMimg ,K cmploud wiih MK (unvlrur- Mr Cecil Moore has received id her parents will mmo and lake !t-l friends and retaiives Pun and fa- ta Pefiwe leaving. Mis Bill wind that his menhir, Mrs W W 'her Imnu Leonard L. Ilanvce FINE FURNITURE losr Army sleeping bag latielej ,mdy aie m.king thui home m MiKmniv and Mn funk Sunn j Moore, fell and hmke tier hm.l t"1 mjuved a shopping dav in She is in ihe hnspaal at Kansis Golden Ace It Wagmr. 1 Uf a40 fur reward1 lly, Si.ada 17 Narih Pin. I bet linen, small son of ISall Iike I if V. P-- BT City, Kansas, where she wdl be a,,tf Mi Clavlon Green. Mrs M.yire Rua and fed Lux anil boss are . Auto I ire Truck I Jfe Inn. Phone 873 fhas visited here several t.nus and Jn iho Mrink'r of on vac iiion in YelhiAsinne Park Hn-TARMfRS !S. GROlP II APP BIRTHDAY to KathnnHtt11 CRI mothers washer, h went thru Open evenings. n nunv yu. 13, Jcrrv and Jula 'to above the e!bnv, but hv being Wiley, August DALE SMART Mr and .Mrs Juhn Sasiih have is S3 years of age 7 . . Wind, August 2, laurttn Ivons. WAMID assistant manager l.at Flex Steel Living Room immediately rikased and given 413 Parkway Phone 1334 Mr f. urAugast 6, Gloria K , fur Co n n me liname I.uby, August II, ,r&1 nll,th worse fur Age I , Hughms and fluid Sets Mrs oI fhas lnd.ana lh.v SI PTIC TANK and line cleaning e Mary Johnson. August 4. Pe 30 High sihiK.I graduate, must the wear Lees Carpets of k. a,H, 0 rt.() Cor oi wah I.hjNth Jlffrpv Oil Loren Knutson TU4 3472 have autoniohile. Apply at lm ler Greer. August 3. 1 helma I e- a( )e hjir. of gn u CRI Westinghouse Appliances low- - J(t Kae ( Sharon , August piovmeni Security' Oftae, 93 No Gregory Wilcox, son of Mr. and ibnd t ,u.r Mr amJ Mr, n-a- i ard August II. Allxgtj Irtpp Me Moor0 onf, Mis (lde Wik ox, had an unusual 10 , of lhe hmw Shirk-r1?,wvre h(.r lTi! sorry to hear that I While plavmg nvith a Iseter ami fanu'y. Mr and Mrs accident 50 No. Main oh SALE (HI Al sheet musit fee is hi the St. Matks Hospital isniht, August Phone 300 , and started Au- they d. sag rm-Pamela K UC S, CA R I TURK j ?nd record cabinet, with sofa U people RN pOV4j lew,, an We rn,e for full amj haven't skipiier. PhTS,F operation. the fighting. Jean fight. I.ttle During Sshmidt, kitihen Aug gu'1 blniliy match. Chrome chair. We dean, tint dye, bind, moth ng jiaiticufars as yil, as Dan hasn't CRI returned from Sail lake. All hit Rampton, August 8, S Sgt set. Phone 9OT CRI Mrs. riva Guinn and Mrs Boh- - f"ko!y was quite badly cut on proof. Jacobs. Call 499. drunds wish her a quick reco- - Wm ( Chaney, August 1, Don- Ine Alfs were one year older A ig the arm with a piece of gliss. OR AM SHELL HOM1 S GOVLKNMINI" surplus buildings na Pastor, August 13 3th. Happy birthday to ho'h of , (concrete block) for sale to be Two hon.es, 11 acres, 2 flowing Household Hint llapjiy anniversary to S Sgt and you. all for Evald Will sell se j wrecked $15 and up 4 to 10 apts 12th. Maxwell Mrs. Neal Etc, A '!u' Officers ( lub on Wed, To stretch doilies, place over a in each building Also used lum-tx-- r paratelv. Three bedroom five Mr, and Mrs Eugene Cnner cardlxiard Nix and year old home, located on Plum 'August 14 there will he a fur site. Sales office adjapin tightly in A I The Cafe is now ojien under were pleased to have the parents cent to Pine loxige Cafe, Stork-- J Living! ismi 14 by 18 ft Homer toffee to welcome all the place. W of Mrs. Craner, Mr. and Mrs. C tun Road, Tooele Ordnance DeCalvin of Tooele, as visitors for m for quirk sale, very good terms I'M I Seven Navy - built American pot east entrance. Ph. 1 ger. The Cafe has been dosed f'1" he past week. Wlth them, was a Call TU4 337C. We will furnish CRI science bases in the Antarctic WISI a monl' "e (ntphew, Gregory Oglesby, who ;span an area of more than four Eugene Craner and Clarence I OR RENT large ajvartment furaboiit their ntw nljni,gfr niuih success andjWjj rpmam (0r a few weeks Me- - I ,K are stl lalkmg Call mill.on square miles. Veterans Loan, ect t,e Wl1 lke our lwn. nished. 3 rooms and tiaih. 5t Get Your Insurance and a former teacher of Wendover, wonderful fishing trip to a place '1 Michael, 1U4 3376. So. 1st Tast St. ;Mr. Gcorge Thompson, passed 0. Nevada, and they had Real Estate Needs LA AT ON HARRIS REALTY CO. near a business j sonic S-EWANTED flame cutter operators beautiful tmut lo prove it 555 -E as( 21st South From The ti Six months cutting or wddingj . ip. take city 51 MrsLt an1 in1, ai' i,ml Mr. and Mrs Neil Draper and C T8 B9' Word was received that Sandra ia. experience required. Apply at ALLSOP AGENCY Mr and Mrs Rav Huffaker spent Hughes Clitis- - formerly of Wend- Employment Security Office. 93 1. clearance of C BS T 8 AUGUST L. Buys I0ver, now stationed with her hus North Mam. Sunday, August 4 vis ting lit Ph. (6 Isgreen Bldg. Ltd and Mrs, rdmonsen are on our cotton band at Scott Air Force Base in shdshtd Pr,cts Nevada with friends, Mr 1 for announce their first baby, and Mrs. Joe Cot t rill. good Just in time for hack Belleville, Illinois, is the motherlPPY or sale. 3t2 East Vine. Inquire yardschool born Ju,v 26 at 1ow,e Val; and to in of new a Drop born sewing 3,a July baby girl, 113 South Broadway. Phone IMi2 DON'T TAKE CHANCES see our many specials on qua- weighing seven pounds, four oun- - Y Hospital The baby weighed The MIA General Activity eve P B8 1 8 lity fabrics, fabric Specialty ces They will soon be transferred ieven pounds, ten ounces They ning was spent on the Salt Flats EOR RENT newly painted Center, 14 E. Vine. Phone 1621. to Lowry Field near Denver, Colo have given her the name of Kim .east of Wendover. A good time (Stationary, Roll-up- ) four room apt Wall C 18 With them will bt Mr. and Mrs Mrs I dmonsen s mother is with was ka(j ky garnes and Doors her at present time. to wall carpet. See to appre- I all the watermelon we could eat. OR SALE 2 bedroom home W to' David LeBrachf, foimerly Miss ciate at 98 East 1st South. ' W carpet $1,000 down payment. May Johnson. CRI Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Neilson and Ph. 1434R For The Best in Auto and Mary Jane Harris of Palo Alto family have gone to Richfield, WILL BUY junk cars, miscellaCRI Fire Insurance Mrs. and Mr. ah to Neilsons Christensen Jack visit mother, neice of Mrs. Leslie California, neous metals. Pick up anywhere f; F one- - and sons. Roger and Jack OR GOOD, rrFr.E will also do some fishing at Kizer, left the middle of last week One,They COMPLETE COVERAGE and in San Franc istc Fish Lake after visiting at the Kizer home day service, call Berts Clean are SEPTIC TANK and cess pools ers. Phone 60. 86 So. Main St and vacationing Los Angeles. California, where with LuAnn She went to Salt Ike Brick See CARVER W. BRYAN cleaned. Julian Barrus. Phone f Mr and Mrs. Ernie Boyd have City, where she will visit with pa OR SALE deer hunting bow and they visited with Dr. and Mrs Ted 1473-Phone or I981-CRI 183 S. Main Phone 1314 complete outfit. $15. Ph. 157CW Downs and Mrs. Chnsten's broth- been ill with the flu Mr. Bojd ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P-- 78 has been ill for about ten days llnnsly Harris After that, she will er, Sammy Richey. STATE FARM MUTUAL Auto Insurance J OR SALE Kcnmore washing ma Stanley L. Searle Full sire chine MADE TO ORDfR-A- T NEW IOW COST. GET A DEMONSTRATION I Al 47 West First North and portable. One year old $30 XA .y,x .x Phone 978 8 Ph. 745W. NEW USED CABINET WORK & Phillips Furniture Mart (o-li- p;'jx wk 1 till ai j At - CONOCO SERVICE STATION Quick Dependable Service 97 S. Main Phone 1230 CALDWELL P-t- s ... l Pontiac rxjjfJ Cadillac Tate Furniture Co. GMC Trucks SALES a' t SERVICE NEW & USED CARS WRECKER SERVICE & - SKlK'Fmm 1 fin-nil- STOKER MOTORS 44 E. 1st North Tooele Phone 345 or 346 Insurance and Real Estate '"O'-wells- new-Stree- 2 Texaco e Products j X-Tg O I W. B. ANDERSON 1 Distributor Clarke Johnson or Roland - a, TOOELE. UTAH PHONE 276 1 Aluminum National Finance Company of Utah Storm and Windows O Clip On Ut-M- r. PERSONAL LOANS 13 mum Awnings nicely-furnishe- 11 South Main Street Tooele, Utah Quick TU4-330- DON BENSON Manager Plumbing and Appliances Telephone 655 Mi Heating & Bryan's Plumbing and Heating Air Conditioning Gen. Sheet Metal Work LEE SHEET METAL SHOP 4. GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Sales and Service Expert Installation 18 N. Main Phone 200 Canyon Road Phone 803-- 1 CONDlTIONING-TfMPERATUH- P7 TU4-334- C ri b4 STORAGE all kinds, crating, packing, shipping, fumture repairs TATE FURNITURE CO. LEE PLUMBING HEATING CO. & Plumbing Fixtures Water Heaters Gas Wall Heaters All Fittings and Pipes Recovering Slip Covers Repairing Draperies Installation Restyling Custom Made Leave your name and address and our Representative will call Phone No. 1 PHONE & Service 1455 North Main Phone 855 "Your Silverware Store" 6 ZH3 -KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS k'M HserciTt- - 4JL SALE furnace and stoker Make me an offer. 58 E. 3rd N rOR Phone 509 J. YORK VI P-- T8 having anything to be hauled to Los Angeles, call ANYONE QUICK SERVICE Phone 803-- 464 LAUNDRY South Main CRI AVON CALLING Extra money now for Christmas Serve customers who demand Avon products. Write for interview to Avon Mgr. 164 North 7th East, Provo, Utah. DESERET INDUSTRIES TRUCK WILL BE IN Tooele the 2d MonAUTOMATIC LUBRICATION, SERVICING. TRANSMISSION day of each month. Anyone hav OIL, ALL BRANDS. WHEEL ing Items of clothing, furniture, BALANCING. etc., please call Mrs Sarah A Lindholm at 458 and truck will LEWIES SERVICE PRI cell at your home. VINE & BROADWAY OR RENT 2 room furnished apL CLEANINGEST carjet cleaner you All utilities included. $35 Phone ever used, so easy too. Get Blue 1396W. CRI Lustre Gordon Furniture Co $150. Roy DIRT cant hurt asphalt tile coated P T8 with Glaxo. Ends waxing, lasts and months. Radio Electric DEPARTMENT OF THEp INHardware. OF LAND BUREAU TERIOR, BABY PARAKEETS tor Jiale $2 50 MANAGEMENT Land Office, Salt 358 North First East. Ph 713J. Lake City, Utah. July 5, 1957. NoP-- T8 tice is hereby given that Irene J Russell of St. John, Utah, on Jan-lar- y 28, 1957, filed application Utah 021940 under Section 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act, as amended, to select the SWSW Sec. 25, ;i2SEi4 Sec 26, NE4 Sec. 35. T Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Christen6 S R. 6 W S L M Utah, conwish to thank their many sen 280 for acres in exchange taining the SE4SWi4 Sec. 14, NW4 Sec. friends and all those who heljied 23, T. 6 S., R 6 W , S L M , Utah, in putting out the fire in their the Base Firecontaining 200 acres This notice house, esjiecially who men responded so readily s for the purpose of allowing all oersons claiming the selected land Their house was just newly built vr having bona fide objections to and they were going to move in mch application an opportunity to within the week, but now theyll "ile their protects or other objec- have to wait at least a month to tions in the Land Office, Salt Lake have cupboards, windows, siding renewed City, Utah, together with evidence and paint that a copy of such protest or obSam Ritchey and son, Bennie jection has been served upon the Jack, accompanied by Homer 30 within from the applicant, days have gone to Dallas, Streetman, of of date the first publication this k vacation Texas, for a notice. Ernest E. House, Manager Miss Dianne Adams, daughter (First publication July 12, 1957 of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams of Salty Saga TRANSCRIPT- From Wendover - BULLETIN PHONE 1 -- Artcarved DIAMOND TRY A WilNT-fl- V . C T8--B9 LAWN MOWERS and saws machine sharpened. D T. Crawford, AUGUST clearance of cottons. 154 South 6th St. Phone 591J. Prices slashed on our cotton PRI yard goods. Just in time for back to school sewing Drop in and FOR SALE clean sand and grasee our many specials on quavel for cement. Driveway gravel. Spread with truck free. Atlity fabrics. Fabrics Specialty kin and and Gravel. Ph. 890. Center, 14 E. Vine. Phone 1621. C T8 CRI MERRITTS Zions Uplioistery ? - WILL TEACH PIANO LESSONS TROMBONE for sale. Reasonable TO CHILDREN AND ADULTS. P B8-- T8 Call 687W. Grantsville. ES for GUARANTEED PERMANENT VALUE All Nationally Known Brand Watches Silverware Sunbeam Products Shealler Pens D RESULTS ARE SURE! RINGS Michaels' Jewelry 30 West vine Phone 51 NUMBER ONE IN Drive the car that recorded up to 17 greater fuel savings in a conclusive transcontinental economy-tesof the three leading cars sanctioned and certified by NAT A. Running from Los Angeles to New York, Chevy proved that it costs least to operate of all three! It just goes to prove that Chevy offers more of the important things that make for happier driving. Remarkable pep and handling ease; low-pric- CROSS-COUNTR- Y ECONOMY TEST -- CHEVROLET! Only franeliiwl Che rolet dealers y that kind of ability road-holdi- usually associated with sports cars; and, to round it off nicely, outstanding economy. Drive one soon at your Chevrolet dealers. Nattonat Autornoltti TtsUng Association MOKE PEOPLE DRIVE C11EVROLETS TUAN ANY OTHER CAR display this famous trademark two-wee- Sec Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer i |