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Show IBsffl Volume Sixty Three Formerly Transcript-Bulleti- ih, Friday, August 9, 1957 n Interest Running High on Pony i JuKir 'rrltve Jn 1 1J Mu Suh B.t and SfHir Club will whll the o.d Hn.v F xpres runriU fir Du.c as 0 a,( Hoik. of Mi :j Lighting System is Started ilt THS Football Field an. ftailai Trxav, Plain aubmittrd b the Fcit-. . , rr hv , iar I OOClO btalCO tO hold r.ln:ot: for Pie new Txh-IJa,lrd ml0 r da Jl!v ,, rrlo, County RcM Home were appuned TGaderShin d.uphit-- r J fit i k. Tootle r , th? arumrf year when. lhr.lt.H ,0 h a spectacular Wmile re'ay ,t)f m,.;),, (.itaciuidy e,1(lg jiuge race fim I uroka to Pine Podge Vst", uf tI.f on labor Day. September 2 ertts rvpct l to take her home sum, t To date, tight teams tonsotirg hj( d k to to ..pound l.a.turrs o of eighty hotses and riders, have JhT ltg and a broken ptlvis. sht signed to compete m this memor w.ll Ik in a tail from her hip able event down (or tnee or four months yet of Tooele. Stock City oflitial ls a granddaughier of Mr (j,t.nr i,on Vernon and I urtka. together, anJ M, j Jk,k ouilc (With City , County and Slate pm lice, are ,.nmg fo.ccu to make , p, this an unfoigedable day. aroused! Given Honor Banquet Interest is being Lake View Ward ball play r throughout the County and State and speculation is runnnmg high will be honored at a bunque among the teams and townspeople Tuesday evening at the ward tha on the time that will be required pel. 6 odovk pm. All ward member for the horses to make the are invited for Plans Approved For New County Rest Home rrom Auto Accident Tmv nmiith Express Race Number Eight ,v liie 4univ CommisMoncr and at a meeting t'UnninR eommi-tte SlindaV at County School Hoard awarded a contract to Wasatch I lectric Co. Sail Lake, for the insullat.on of a lighting system at the looee High Shoo Tuevday Medina s.vnsj 2 P.Rl football fit Id According to School iuoerinten- Tooele Stake monthly atake lead nt S.crling R. Harris, the proHans and methods of financing er and priesthood meeting Mill be will be started (his week and ject lie held Sunday. August II at 2 p m piojett wue distuned The commitur is composed of in the Fourth Llevcnth J complied by the start of the football season. uimmissniners Will. Si.t.th. Geo Ward lur.ams and S.er mg llalladay . Those who should atterd are ax' fKKlch . . 0 'K d M s. Vera V oung of Siockton. Mrs stake presidency and on eath 'dc of the every or ayards (o'lows total field, , i i hi B.own of tiiantsvilU, nu Ikr..stU.tki high eoinnlhishi.pn W fuvc (f ,en nrtii ' Lath Jorter representing the Tuxde Wo- - branch presidents including clerks L,,,)., lyuj att spotlights. .tien s ( Ijh, Violet Cioodjohn, Ldna h1Rh puesis, all auxiliary boards contract was awarded to tiillespic and Virginia Lewis. ,th (he exception of Relief for a low bid of 212.400. Tied"" : c.vin with the lighting project Monthly High Priests Meeting A hc ,nstallallon of , hll will also be held as a part of this on he Toocle ,nd Grantsvllle HlRh meeting School tennis courts in time for play next year. The Tooele courti are being stained a light green this week to reduce glare. Home missionaries for North The School Board also announc' Tooele Stake have been named for ed several administration and teaSunday, August II as follows, acching changes. . cording to the slake presidency: Clarke Johnsen has been named ht Ukev.cw Ward Bert Assistant Principal at Toocle High and Revnold Baker. School, an administrative post that N. Howard Jen-- j Second Ward .. Fuc Chief Thurman Shields!, , Ward member, have was created because of the Stock.., -sen C. and Dons Margaret Sagers warned Toocle residents today a OOlDall a school's Mr. Johnsen will a,enl Rlven growth. ltx'en assignment. Whmnle that under the r.ght 12 years of age retain ov his posts of basketball Third Ward J. Rex Kirk. Sr ? parts of Tootle could practically "e Twedeh.1s dkollar alIoUei (C Shields and Jera'd go up in smoke. will turn over his physical edu- are mu',lP'y loem. W Grover Mc-- r Tifth Ward The fire hazard from tall, thick Prospecnve Icanball candidates' unde. Kenneth Brown and Doris proceeds from this project will cation classes to Bert Williams and dry weeds caused by the wet for Toiwle High School, who will who is transferring to Toocle High go to their building fund. to- School spring and dry summer has never need football shoos arc asked tof Seventh Ward from the Central School. to have decided meet They George F.. Nelbeen greater, according to Mr Jpiace order immediately Mr. Williams will also teach the each Saturday for the next jhnr - gether BcS. son. Paul and Smith Mary Shields Seven homes were burned y,,,), Dean Stringham, three weeks and display their new driver education course which m Salt Wednesday when a . f irst practice football game ofvarn' wares at Fred's Place Cafe in starts this year at the high school. . Erm'' CRRV ' small grass fire got out of control the season for THS is set forLf:'Rht'h Stockton from II am. to 5 pm. Glen Rupp, formerly coach at VolunDuring July, the Toix-lMost of the wares will be hand- - Dugway, will become assistant Sept 13 at Tootle with'101" Friday. inThrupn teer Fire Dept, answered 36 fire Ben nd football coach at made and crochet baske.ball High School. The se sen. Leo L. Bevan and Clarence calls. Broken down, they were as ennd 'uork, aprons, childrens clothing. iGrantsvilie High School and teach practice game w.ll be Sept Koifel. follows: :0 at Bountiful house slippers, baked goods, education. Don Sandburg, Twenty-sevegrass, two outbuildolls and doll clothes. Fresh, coach at Grantsville, will teach dy, dings, sheds, two automobiles, one garden produce will be available, hay and sheds, two false alarms, also. two unidentified (not listed) total Slop in. you folks who are pasfor the year, 49 through the town, and see Car-Tank- er sing 12 Most grass fires were caused their merchandise. You will be 12 oe will the August ocginntng by overfilled incinerator or childof last swim classes to be given satisfied ren with matches and could have at the local pool this summer. been prevented. Assistant Fire classes will be given Chief, Max Anderson, lists the There is still time to enter the Beginners A accident Tuesday 10 and II am. Swimmers at 9, salej following for fire 157 Tooele Golf Club Championsuggestions afternoon at Lake Point on High9 a.m.. at class synchronized tyr ships to be played Saturday and rESulted in $350 damage way Do not burn grass unless per Sunday, August 10 and II at the swimmers at 10 a m. and a class Mr. and Mrs. E H. Wolff visited to the car and minor damage, to mission is obtained Horn Tire De- Tooele Golf Course, according to of intermediate and beginner ad- the Indian Tribal Dances at Roothe truck. 11 a m. ults at 27 28 partment. (Without their permis- Tony Macaluso, pro. Entries will and Utah, July 26, Classes will run from August 12 sevelt, sion you are liable for prosecution be taken up to start of play on A tanker owned by Gillespie Oil The dance lasts for three days 23 fee of to and the usual August Permission will not be given A feee of $2 50 is being and nights and starts when the Co. and driven by Gerald Gillespie 50 of $2 paid in time less there is sufficient help. watcr;charged. registration first star comes out about 9pm of Tooele was making a turn into and fire guards to properly con the first night. They remain in the the Deseret Salt Plant 13 miles Play will be for 36 holes, medal r1!1 Chadwick will also teach trol the fire. dance area until the dance is over north of Toocle when a late moplay with handicap. Make sure all incinerators are There w.ll be four flights and8 c,ass ,n ncjdmng at noon, The Indian dancers do not par- del car driven by Richard Wayne covered and NEVER burn at all eight trophies, two trophies per take of food or drink of any kind Ncwbold of Salt Lake City crashed on a windy day. for this three-daflight. All 36 holes must be played period of danc into it. Keep matches away from young with a member entered in your ing children and instruct older child- flight and on the weekend of Aug According to Deputy Sheriffs, The tribe goes out about sixJim Park and Grant Warner, who ren on fire safety. Think first. 10 and 11. teen miles from Roosevelt and makes a tent city among the trees investigated the accident, Mr. GilPLANS FOR 1953 REUNION some of them make wickups of lespie signaled to make the turn and Mr. Newbold, who was sev38 BEGUN BY CLASS OF trees. eral cars back, did not see the Fourteen members of the Tooele with tree a put huge up They and attempted to pass. High School graduating class of Tooele Sixth Ward MIA will two very large branches on it, signal There were no injuries. 1938 met at the home of Jack and 12 and and twelve Too the they put poles regular monthly Temple day for the Tooele and LaDean Long recently at which sponsor elc Stake dance this Saturday, stakes around it and cut branches North Tooele Stakes will be next time 10 The dance will be held on top to completely cover and plans were formulated and Wednesday, August 14. This is our committee members were named August from 8.30 to 11.30 pm. in the make a large shaded area inside the first Temple day since Temple for the twenty-yea- r reunion which Fourth Eleventh Ward amusement for the dancers and people who for I all and Winter ser- will be held in August of 1958. hall. Admission will be budget watch the dance, with an opening vices. Members present were: Nell Me card and 50 cents for single or on one sde to enter and leave. Since all Temple recommends The Indian women, and spectKendrick, Leora Lee, Mac Poitcr, 5 ccnls a couple. expired on July 31, new ones will Doris DeSimon, Barbara Madsen. Thete will be free refreshments ators sit around the sides on the be required for the sessions Wed- Beth Smith, Lillian Hammond, Bill and a floor show. A sjaccial invita- floor to watch. Mrs. Wolff sat nesday. The John Tate family reunion Buckingham, Brant Skelton, Oren tion is extended members of the with the Indian women watchers Those attending the first session Probert, Grant and Shields, North will be held Saturday, August 10 Marge Many stood outside to watch. Tooele and Grantsville should be in the Temple at 7.43 and Jack and LaDean The dancers take their bed rolls at the Tooele City Park. All Long Stakes. a m. Eight sessions are held daily with them, which they put down of are invited to come out the married It is hoped many Both Stake Presidents urge all folks will come on one side and on which they and join the crowd for an afterand older couples of their members to avail themrest between periods of dancing noon of visiting and fun. out and enjoy the evening. selves of the opportunity ot attendBefore they start to dance they The business meeting is scheding Temple Sessions on our desigkneel by their bed roll and pray uled to begin at 3 pm. and all It is unlawiul for any person in nated day. for about thirty minutes at a time interested are asked to come Toocle City to own or keep a dog A free bus will leave from the blankets and early. without purchasing license for the They go behind North Tooele Stake Tabernacle at animal, Maurice Lee, costumes after resting and A program and luncheon dog change city 5 30 p m. for those desiring to at- pound keeper, icminds the public. each costume is different and all follow the meeting tend the evening session. A fee of $5 for female or $3 are very colorful. There are thirty for a male dog is charged Each dancers: however, .each one danBROTHER VISITS ces alone. There are some danclicense expires at the end of the Guests at the home of Mr. and year. A group of public spirited wo- ers on the floor dancing at all Mrs. Maik Halgren on Tuesday According to Mr. Lee, any dog men were recently organized un- times. They dance barefooted to evening were Mrs. Halgrcns bro- without the tags will be taken into der the name of Ladies Volunteer the music of the Indian drums ther and sister-in-laThe Indians are from the ReserMr. and custody and a complaint will be uxihary of Tooele Valley Hosnear Roosevelt and are the Mis. Vcrd Bryson. vation entered against its owner. pital Many hours of volunteer ser- wealthiest Indians in this section wii"i' ii T'wiiwmi ti.jw'aMl vice at the hospital rendered by of the country. They have nice j well are very his gioup of volunteer w'oikers farms, w'hich relieves the woik load of the .hos- equipped and tended and they pital personnel and insures the send their children to college. amount of service to Their dance held at this time maximum the patients, says Mrs. Samuella of year is a religious ceremonial Hawkins, hospital administrator, dance of tribal custom to pray Arrived At ror the sick and needy and for and supervisor of the group Tooele Valley Hospital The Auxiliary was organised healing Mr. and Mis. Wolff did not reReed and Saxon Christoffcrson main until the dances were over, but returned home the second day. Bracken, Toocle, daughter, Aug. 6 William and Gayle Nielsen They report it to be a very interSpear, Magna, son, August 7. esting and spectacular affair. Grant and Leona Pehrson Tooele, son, August 7. ' u Id evening at 1 icC'ouU, i j P'ts - ii. J V .7tccinn rrrioc - . e Chairman "B.sh" White, Secretary Jean Farrington and Mavor James A lievan sur'ound-ePudge, by Left 'Aarren Alhstrom on Serl White on 'Apache. Woody Fillmore on ''Black Darwin." Lari Reynolds on "Appie and Wilma Lgbcrt on "1 alada." captains of the 1956 who are again challenging Relay Race Teams all interested teams throughout the Slate to a 50 mile relay race front Lureka to the Pine Lodge on Labor Day. September 2. 1957. Pony Fxpress j ; Talent Sale Sponsored by p - OCKIOII WdrCl ! !, vfrjrt Tooele Fire Hazard Never Greater Says Chief Shields qj North Tooele Stake FiayerS- ifrs ho;-'- . - Place Shoe Orders Now, Says Coach J d.?c 7 "(h lke e j n Local Golf Club Championships This Yeekend Last Swim Classes Of Season to Begin, August Accident Causes $350 Damage At Lake Point, Tues. The E. H. Woffs See car-tank- Indian Tribal Dance 40-5- Sixth Ward to y Sponsor MIA Sat. Nite Dance Temple Day Wednesday; New Recommend Needed ke John Tate family Reunion set for Saturday, Aug. 10 ts Tooele Swimmers will present their summer water show Around the Woild in 80 Minutes at the VVendover Air Base this weekend under the sponsorship of Special Services. Top picture shows L to R Jerol Bateman, Carol 01- - sen, Glenna Gordon and Carma senting Paris and bottom picture Shields, Marijane Pratt, Diane not pictured, Pamela Bevan, in Hawaii AUXILIARY MEETING TUESDAY AT 8 P.M. LtGlON Elder Hugh B. Brovn Coming To North Stake Conference Elder Hugh B Brown will represent the General Authontics at the Quartet ly Stake Conterence of the North Tooele Stake to be held here August 17 and 18 Also scheduled to attend is Walter Stover who Will represent the General Welfare Committee. At the time of Elder Bi own's rail to become an Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Hugh B Biown was president and manager of the Richland Oil Develop ment Company of Canada. Ltd iHe has also been an army officer a practicing attorney, and a col lege professor, in addition to filling a number of impoitant church offices. He piacticed law in Canada and later, in the United States Duiing World War I, he served oversea-ithe Canadian aimy attaining the rank of major Eiom lilt! to RiO, he was piofcssor of religion and coordinator of veterans, af fans at Brigham Young Umvei sitv I Ider Biown was bom m Salt L'lah, on October 21, 1SS3. a son of Homer M and I ycb.-Biown. In 1100, the family nu gia'ed to Canada He served hr church as a missionary to Gieat Biitain from !(HH to 11,1(1 Suhse qurntlv, he lias scivtd as a bish op's counselor, a nieinln r of the Alberta Stake High Council, of Lethbridge Stake, pitsi-den- t Lake City, Hanks represhows Shelly Maxwell and a scene from Mrs. LaVon Wilson, president of the American Legion Auxiliary would like all members to attend of the British Mission from 1937 a business meeting on Tuesday, to 1910 and from 1944 to 1946. DurAugust 13 at 8 p m. in the Legion was he War Woild II, ing 25 South Second W'est. Plans of LDS servicemen. His ap- Hall, will be discussed for the Tooele pointment as an Assistant to the to be held in the vciy Council of the Twelve came in Oc- County Fair near future. tober of 1953 He married Zina Young Card in June, 1908. She is a daughter of Chuilcs O. Caid, founder of Card-ston- , Alberta and Zina Young, daughter of Brigham Young They nave seven living childien six daughters and a son. Another son was killed in World War II. A GIRL AT LAST There is great rejoicing at the Reed Blacken home this week 1 he baby daughter they have looked for for so many years arrived August 6 at the Toocle ValReady to claim the ley Hospital name they have held in reserve or her, Barbara Elizabeth, the little black haired, dimpled miss has four biothcrs, Jackson, Vcrn and Bradford to help .poll and love her Proud giand-oaient- s aic Mrs. Edith T. Bracken of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C hi istofferson of Magna. Better get those Dog Tags! Volunteer Help Great Boon To Hospital m - Jusf Annual Kids Fishing Party set for August 11,10 a.m. Grc-goi- 1ST LT. RVMON of Gianite VISITS GRANDPARENTS Kathy Gibbs, daughter of Dr and M-- s John T. Gibbs, traveled by bus to Paul, Idaho, to vacation with her .pend a giaiulpaicnts Mi and Mrs WL Gibbs She plans to return home, accompanied by her grandparents M ss ten-da- v Stake, president next Wednesday. S JONr S TO HAWAII Tirst Lieutenant Ramon Jones left Sunday morning to irtuin to his Marine Base at Kaneohe Bay. Hawan, after spending the past fwo weeks line visiting with Ins family and friends He is the son of Mr. and Mrs Irviii C. Jones He expects to be RETURNS J. pic-side- am LAD1LS VOLUNTEER AUXILIARY Iiont Row L to R Maigaret Voyer, Dorothy England, Violet Goodjohn, Iola Vorwaller. Back Row L to R fern Jensen, Dorothy Orr, Helen Smith, Stephanie Bonck, Margaret Townsend, Mclva Johnson, Ruth Hector and Edna Turner. Members absent when pictuie was taken, Sarah Sullivan apd Mary handbag. at Kaneohe Lay lor another year. The annual kids lismng party under sjionsorship of the Wild Life Federation will be held Sunday, ugust 11 at the Second Flat in Settlement Canyon. The fun will get undciway at 10 am. Fifty dollars in prizes will be given to those catching the tagged fsh. A prize of 25 cents will be given to those with fish bearing odd number, 50 ccnls for even numbers and $1 for double numbers. All kids up to 13 years of age aie invited to participate. Free hot dogs and soda pop will be served. And-erto- Robert and Mary Taylor Brox-holm- e, Toocle, son, August 7. Surgery Betty Kershncr, Toocle Stanley Turner, Tooele Dorothy Oir, Toocle Mablc Smith. Lincoln Kathy Ann Smith, Tooele Betty Nix, Tooele Medical Joan Maher. Tooele James Wendell Anderson, Wend-ove- r. Accident Beatrice Beniuson, Peeco Vista Nevatto, California Pat Bennison, California Teggy Dennison, California i |