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Show t rii Gov't Surplus Material goes On Auction Sale Auc I. nil ,xjV of jm iTnim U s.ir riiatc-- i iu m of f'iitt noi'ioi do! .us wdl ,c In !J .ii , v 1 I' S N n jI S l foil I I., iliiviiiil I A J! a,i tounud wa J! ;,i, M',a! 1:.( n.-- OHut-- ji J)lOl ItlIUl l fol.iv lro;)( i, oo 1. r! n,, !n, u,.' tO lx- - Viild, C.IJil ski sljlli!, dT O.dnu.'u IV,' ot, Public Forum Inf.! ,y lot J i(.l ut l.hH-lo- Utah (n ti.il be obljru-- IV Profs D.,. r'.V ooi:u: Trt. txsrtwr 1. Al i C DUNN. X I I I drn.r Make It With Wool' Contest Pome 1957 a id in the mis ljn r for the to;i Win lii d Junior t'asi c In r,. king the aMioumrme'it t.f the t hinge of lot atom for the fi m's. Mr. M . k saij mJ.cat on are tt at the n o'. U r of emran'x m the M.ke It S ourself tt.lll ttljT oite t wid 1h gtcaur this dun ever hi hue (oils betwin of H and 13 cun enter J 1 Ass.sia t.Iges h (1, . rn ,t, dress or emeu We wh R jt-u- Sir: I am wru ng this letter in re paid to this utv's merchants' cam . iNutioiul tt.sil (irowc is the toms! Hum who h sjM.nM.rs luipn to Shop at Home." our paper and the hual rad o,i'ntly with the station informed the public Iasi Ntw Volk. rid.cv. It tho m any store listed uhnh Will lx h Id The final ami jot k up the free" litktis to,nes( January 3U to 21 at the tt est Ilu show The rudm hcjt Iiiliij' wad lit) Hotel m Phoenix will bt us everv' few minutes that no pur grand climax of one of the (ha sc was net s.i ey largt'l sutmg tontestx In Id in the United Slates. A toljl of $lit)OU I went hi a In al than! whee I have done mud of mv ,n j i es is In mg award, d in tl.s shoimg fur ilott, ng and mateiia'1 It lit. Mule, and national illusionsk suite we movej hete a iar ago V gland prie being a Iwowe 'I askej the t lerk lit the Irig'-rpaid trip to I ondon counter (or two c.Vidien's li.V.tts She didn't know anv thing alhiut them, mi she rifeied n e to tin Dt 1),- - Naval S.i, 'v l((it I liar! ficlj. and ll.il Air loiic 14 so Ihosv Hens will unhide nucheir tin's, ti.itsii in Mol (((.ijimim. vt liuh's. itual e(Hii.mcni, hand louls, lei ie'!j'ieous miiis of lui inline, irul office equipment A free taralin'ue of all items to b nuv 1 surd ' ir i j'ol. sold 9, 1957 .ch f r i'iv at ItsieV ()iy, Utah llihred at Third (lass rmnier (jHiul.i'g ai,roval of US IN si fii'ne V; ) at the ( t Office at fooe'e ( uj, y'ah, uishf ad of M.rcii 1, I ; 4 rn () h( Auaur.t t ni: il will be held luesdav, An past 13 and all Inins ol hr wait! me ms tied to come out and en.ov the dav to, ether luncheon at noon will te ot luck and the wink evil ton-i- d of nuko f sewing baskit and Imvvls lituii k.,i Stic sink. Mu-hu- 'i1! . Ju-M- Frida The Tooele Transcript ,,y all lonlil N.tionu! 1 by tidlm;' .c.il Oflu e ut d St Soul I - him, B!dg 3fi, Naval S ijiji'v I K pot, Clearfield, and the sale will; le conducted from (atalopue. All' items will lie sold in mniuriiul f; Pie pnjsjse of whlth l fldofsed by f hr e tf t l: Assotiul'on of .VsimJ.ij y Print ijiuN of the Nat o wl Idutaloei .s to .at tin Asmm ti-th- e courage the den inpou nt of mg skols and to show r it s'.a'VS hew fiV it IS to so w.,h Wi'i1. (oiilist th tails and entry biits tan Ik nbtauud Iroin the ttmd liioeau, Inc. IK ttist Xu.h Street, s!tr txicn in!) fU it t'aj'tttiii Unjnieki a d Hut a items may Ik- insjx-- t led at Ihe four tie, ois f(om 9 am umil 3 p m from now until the sj!c d.ri 1 he ant lion will be held in the amhlor 11)1) wimiI Aoik Ntw 3'i GAliRUS MOTORS, IRC. manager. Ik informed would have to make a Se mi- - trailer Vans, Shop Trucks, 2 V. ton Trucks an ! Tractors are among lh Government surplus material oi der. jiurthase to receive a 'lice" tuk ai-O-S-E-which will go on auction sale u! US Naval Supply Depot, on August 28 at 9 a m. Many et. I then showed him the artitle D totaling to he me advised in NMr. M tt BABY paper, your sold are located ct Ihe Tootle Ordn men Depot items to Mr. and M rs James Dev an and wait for the manager, who was ex At 1 1 mum; iamii.y riimon u I, back in aUiul an hour. family were in Bimiildul Sundiv, mg his brjnd new nephew, tin liuia, tin mi in tunimhai( ta ,, Mis Alleml.'ig the umiual t where Jim had the honor of hiess baby being the son of Mr. and hlonea to veal j'mhu this By 9 In order to give our Employes time lo work on time, quite a few I last weekerd at tna, Mar' Mis. (ihn Haslein. Mrs. Has!em(C erroms itrs and lundv. Mr were waiting tor service and, need Valliv. ttvommg. were Mr. ano Miller Jod son was Ihe fornur Ueveily Hevan iil.and Mrs (o-- ie I was less to and gardens. Ve will be closed each M;s Sherman I indlmlm and child rasxod say.I felt llos city. The babv was givY.n Iht Hohb.e and d.iugn'er, Ihmme. On no and Saa d.g nanw of Jeffery lihn. ,their n: ini t.i;i tiny Plans 10 unhide Tooele among ren. David and Sherhnt. Mrs. this store. I will not esday allernoon. beginning: Wednesday, Apr. 'kn, Nevada. TTu v sjn : t a Nevvial si'edtd common, tus in a rah A I mdholm, Mrs. Joej)h trade ihtre utile again Have kins and daughter, Baibara. IIOMP. I ROM VACATION ji'easaut and tniut'y t n(ov survey of interest in loeal adver-t.s.nuntil further notice. jxissibly f.nd what I Sunday, they were visitors Rack (rotn a vtry del ghtfal two 'able two vvetk vacalnei. fir Staolft r Home ReJocmg oftinnlaive-elsewhere. lor Idaho and falls in months summer vacation are Mr Plan wee revealtd today in lot If the local merchants Signed: Iona. Idaho and returnd to their f AMII.V IIMHV; PARTY and Mrs M I. Oveson. They d.ud Angi lev hv Kenneth C. lunpren. Ho shop at home, the s on home Monday evenn.g. ed their turn visiting with their Siautler Advertising Dnector. oc-- j behind stand their least A wiMiderful family reunion cord ng to Roweiu Bryan, local O. T. children and their families at tta! ling combined with a f.shtng Irtp to SMONDttARDRS Iowa and Roardmun, Oregon and Stauffer represt ntative. A'ontana was tt aid Relief Society tt'ork Mrs. Ij't We-- b "The tremendous inttrfsi the (treat Tails, Montana. They rejvut Mr. and Mrs, enjoyedttartiur: n and lee a wonderful time. wonien of Tooele have shown im sues. Josh and Juo Joining Iher and gtvw4 improvement were ihe.r other chi'd.en. Idr. ant' hgun I ovegrr nir: josi pii rroms gioormne." Ikm Hi iill lit Salt I ; he at't "nukes tcxrele an uk-a- l test coin HI IIRN ItOMf: Mrs Mary Richards of Denver Mr. and Mis. Joseph Cerroni Also m . Mr ano the gi mp we-S( s,(l.,sfyl h3M. ,v,u) our ind son, Johnn.e, returned lionu M.s .ml Jo'Yy and tlaughhr. 3mj ,iril advertising pro ilati0njj last weekend from a vacation tour Tammy of San Ir.novn. ,.Irx ,he S(auffl.r omP Re , . to the west coast. They spent a and Mis. ttarhurton art-(Jolley e fovgren iU(lf, day at las Vegas, Nevada and II '"that we anticipate considerable then motored to lais Angi les where fislusl at ttadt and ,p( reaves m tvoth advertising ane ,71 they were guests of Mr. and Mrs I ake-visaed Ahllmv piotnntional appropriations for the and Cliff Roger Henry and daughter, IjI Na!.e.-n- ! Patk and Wgima .yan n addiion to extensive ru ij and son, Jerry Paul. Mis stone III and rejxirt evellent fishim c.tj adiertismg carriexl by Stauffet 2.1ns. a ( to er is sister Henry a and time. gimd very Home distributors, t Reducing roni. They also visited with Mrs stepped-uprograrn of national Hud Ralj.hs and fannlv. Mr. and is contemadvertising Mrs. Angie DiIheDo and family magime plated. U.S. No. 1, .and Mr. and Mrs. Poll Rinaldi rlose lovgren, whose apjsointment aF Tooeleans and former Sweet, Tender Ears Sauffer Advertising Director was Mrs friends. Raljihs and Mrs U H. k Stauf wet innoiinced this by DiPietro are sisters eif Mr. Rin Childrens White ' ducing, Ine. is formir cony man' aldi. They spemt some lime e the interest, ng pomis in ?gt r for Foote, Cone and Belding, os Angeles, advertising agency that area, including Disneyland, for Stauffer. and Knolts Berry Farm. Now Is They traveled by the inland VISITS BROTTITR route to San Francisco and visited Childrens Fancy, Sweet, Mrs. Kate tt'arburton is visiting there with Mis. Cerroms unde. Seedless home the St. Idaho at at Mary's, Mr. Joseph Mastronardi. f rom of her brother, Mr. Robert there they journeyed on to El CerNow rito, Calif, and sjvent some time Childrens visiting with Mrs. Cerrom's sisThese Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Morgan ters and their families, Mr. and and family are leaving on a trip Mrs. Roy Hanks and Mr. and Mrs. am1 going through Yellowstone Now Fancy LloyJ Burns and daughler. Pa Black Hills. North Dakota intf Evergreen 10 oz. with visit Manitoba and tt'innepieg. Frozen Red pkg. Mrs. Morgan's family. They expec' to return about the 2Nt h of August Scotch Treat, 6 Fresh Frozen oz. .assistant Jme that I tJ Every Wednesday Afternoon Staufler Home Reducing Plan Wins Favor Here -- sni s Bams I n states e Pass tho salt and butter Here's com to feast on ! fr s ' s August SHOE1 VLEAllA ME! Straps, Pumps Save On Canvas Shoes I" TYi,i: Items! Raspberries Lemonade Strawberries siios -S-T Tight Money Getting Tighter! Now is the time to buy! Bel-Ai- THE PRICE OF MONEY IS GOING UP! FIIA approves a HOMES. .GI Interest Rates Higher Interest Rate for may also be increased. GI MONEY for World War II Veterans is fast coming to an end. Only 11 months left to obtain a Direct GI LOAN for World tt'ar II Veterans. IF you are a Veteran of that War, NOW is the TIMF. TO BUY!. REDUCED USED CAR PRICES! 1357- - 9 f HHin Lots of extras! or tm i 1956 ronn clean! 4-d- Real MtiUCUttV O Radio t!(iat can be purchased on One home, two bedrooms, beautifully carpeted living room and hall. large efficient khchen with amole eating space, with an Fast window overlooking a beautiful landscaped back yard. let us show ou this home for $10,250. have another very fine home with full basement, two on main floor and two bedrooms in basement, attached garage and carport. This, too, is a beautifully landscaped yard. Priced at $11,000. and heater; have a beautiful two bedroom home, with extra bedroom basement located in choice residential area. Beautifully landscaped yard with patio covered with aluminum awning. Let us show you this one for $15 000. We in or drive! Merco-mati- c 2195 have another fine brick home with two bedrooms on floor and carpeted living room, steel kitchen cabinets, dinette alcove, tiled bath, full basement with rumpus room, this, too, is an excellent buy at $1(5,500. We main 1955 MIClSrmiY Hardtop O Very clean! 1745 1 954 9 CUEYKOLET Like new! 0 1955 9 mmC.E or or Beans Potatoes No. Vh Tuna Fish Del Mont cl 3 w N,S Summer Garden Sauerkraut 3 for 1.00 Stone Crock Sea Trader Lemonade PLUMS Pancake Mix Melhorn, 5 for 1.00 Vi Hardtop Corley 5 for 95 Toilet Tissue Chormin 29 Pitted Olives Si B! 2 for 27 Sweet Butter Dairy Glen 4 WB GtVB for for 1.00 Pkgs. oi. lb. 72 2U 33 No. 2V: 5 for 1.00 Safeway Guaranteed Meats yVtore choice homes in Grantsville, running from $0500 to $15,000. cannot go wrong when you deal with "AllsopV' "We have been serving Tooele now lor nearly 20 years!" ALLSOP REALTY - Phone 68 Cudahy's Small, Tender, Smoked Beef Steaks Cube Steaks Rump Roast Cut From U.S. Choice Beef, Round or Swiss Tender, Flavorful AT-Sr&Su- d lb. 69 lb. 9Q? lb. ox, Pillsbury'i Be,Air' Broccoli 1 You Money Savers! Cake Mix If you desire a home in the lower bracket of cost, we have some ideal homes with two bedrooms in Tooele Highlands that sell for around $S500. We also have some three bedroom homes in Pioneer Subdivision No. that will sell for $1500. j also have some very IB95 4 fo. 1.00 Purple, Full Flavor, Sun Ripened have another practically NF.W home in brick veneer, with large carpeted living room, kitchen that is a dream! Two bedrooms and large rumpus room in basement. Colored bath fixtures, and tiled bath walls. Let us show you this one for We Loaded! Sandwich Treat Piggie Banks 2 Sperry'i n-- 49, Ice Cream 85 ol 3 303 oz. We If you want a ranch style home with an acre of ground or more, 50 fruit trees, large chicken coop with 85 chickens, a home that is exceptionally livable, including a large living room with fireplace, kitchen that is efficient and compact, family room, large master bedroom and bath and a guest house with two large rooms that could be attached to the main home by little effort, large garage and several farm tools and equipment, let us show you this home for $13,500. Fully equipped! Hr set i & N 303 $17,000. or 845 1953 Pork Quality Blended Fruits We have another fine home in Tooele with three large bedrooms, large living room. Beautiful large kitchen with lots of cabinets and spacious dining area. Utility room and a half bath on main floor, as well as a full basement. All this for $17,000. Fancy, Sugar Bell, Serve CflS Heat and Tomato Juice Town House, .bedrooms We 1695 1956 tt'e have some very choice homes Direct GI loan. a COCKTAIL I for .00 l3 for 1.00 6 for 1.00 10 r, Fresh Frozen For a Short Time, Only! 47 Potatoes Sir White Sandals Tissue Kleenex Tissu M D 3 for 89 4 for 1.00 3 Powder Room 4 for 1.00 4 rolls 55 OCOMA APPLE 9 ra a i 28-o- z. ijsa f SAFE WAY'S $35 your plate to save! T - Prices Effective Thursday, Friday, and Saturday |