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Show i no j c. iranrcr.rt, j r:':ay, Eleven Couples Attend Fire Grantsville '57 Pony League Season Ends Convention IJ. 1057 Miiqur 3S$&SC M lodaV 1. I. 2 and 3. cltveu fri.ilsis i I the Gtattxvi.le Int UU f u fW'i Auxdi UV. jhe g atteid-the 4:li Annua! ha min ittiun ,1'S.il Sla'e lirenul's 1 !d lar ( ity, l't-- h at he th.'ieday On eil! .ou m.sist id nf VJluiux lliei I nfs. memorial On A., 1 thud. tM'H,nl. ei,iis, uiadi, henii, hulls 11 .imp is is fud Ildus him h :ot ArbrM.il -- qy a ja: he ihi.ias nf 5! lame in the orjuiiiatinn, .he ilu hemg that of jtH at the rinsention '1 olfering prayers meetings ami the !i tindm ting of mi mortal sersnes fer Ihme who have passed a.va in the tact ruling year Virg.nia is very capable of giv-i- t g readings and in public spuk-veradtve in c'.uiih and i u fr:inia! ous She and her the (till Stoic Vi Grantsville. 1 lie congratulations of the go to her (or suer ess in her mw endeavor, j Those attending were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs I IwimkI I '.MS Ray he', Mr and M s Grant (hrotlv, Mr and Mrs f irris Williams, Mr, and Mrs. Rux r V r ;v . . . pfxsvi-sxo- r I ii c Auxd.urv who attended last weik arc pictured R Bcvtrly Wright. Mj- - Christley and laVille itrown. Standing, L to K Myrtle Harms, ugin.j (it Idmai hi r, I velyn llrown and faiuisc Willijm. non J. nei ds of altnut 2.W0 people did did. in, j jMi.i mw la-i'i- lilKIIIDU lie S and PARTY II ile r n I" V 'ti r , u hopb.-ge- that the 1"V season and fnl'er. - r i was imniot taTwil phi Time in a once popular song, Hut safety men of today would just as soon forget the "twilight n ne" of I Tib as usual (tie mod dant.-rotime of day in traffic. hi. .re fab'l trafbC accidents ar.l N' us ? thef o Me-Ca- jr.o.e auto mishaps of all ku'ds r rcurri J fioni 4 to 8 pm. th-J.,rmg any o'her four hours of the j NwrfVC d iv. I Mrs. Bert Barrus he I 1.37 x Couple Celebrate) Golden Wedding August 5 marked the Golden Wedding day for Mr and Mrs Bert Barrus of Grantsville. They celebrated the occasion on Sunday with members of their family enjoying a family dinner and pro- gram at their home. Bert Barrus. son of Owen H Barrus and Olive Deseret McBride. was born on the 25th of February, 1X84 at Deep Creek, Ut- , , VACATION IN IDAHO George and Lucille HammooJ look time off from their many duties to enjoy a three-datrip into Idaho. They visited with friends and relatives in Cut ley and Blaikfoot and were accompanied by their two children, George's mother, Mrs. Llsie Hammond and sister. Marie, who remained in Blaikfoot visiting relatives while George, Lucille and children took in Sun Valley. 4 to 8 p m. Outstanding Home Values If your Ivart is set on a lovely brick heme only a few voars old, this home will fulfill vour desires Large carpeted l.vmg room consisting of a full wpll bricked fireplace. Matching drains go with the home A dream of a kitchin. plus eating spare, plus dining area. Other than two lovely bixlrooms. there bath room. The basement is a is a den, also bull basement unh fireplace, recreation area, utility area and room for extra bedrooms. Home has bst of gas furnace, on the sewer. Lot is beautifully landscaped and of nice sire. There is also a one and one half car garage, plus nice arliv rangements for ing. This vvondt rful home selling for $16,000 surely deserves your attention. BIRTHDAY GRFFTINGS ah. Birthday greetings to Ann Halla-day- , He was educated in the Grants- John D. Blearard on August ville schools, began shearing sheep 9; Caro nope Cireen, Augus( in Idaho at IS and stayed thereto; to Julia M. Leatham, Hunter for some time. Just reduced to J9.5,'0 for quick sale. Very suitable two bed'Matthews, Evelyn Washburn, Bub- He married Tina Rydalch Aug hy Dean room home, large living room and kitchen. This Sagers. I. G. Nebr.n and 5, lK)7 in Salt Lake City. Their well landscaped and having large is a n:ce clean proin-rty- , to , Lynn Johnson on August first home was on the ground Donna Clark and Lawrence W. garage. On the sewer and close in to shopping center. where Second and Clark Ward Matthews on August 12. and to Church now stands. They sold the Kevin L. Walk. Orvie Higley and home near Settlement let me show you this cozy ground to the Ward as a church Alice I.. Burt on August 13. Canvon. Home has two bedrooms, bath, living room carpeted site and built their home across and lovely drapes, handy kitchen with range which will remain, the street where they are stili livVACATION AT LAKE TAHOE dining area and util.ty ari angement. See this very good home ing. They lived for a short time Wrathall and Alpha Matthews buy listed for $7,300. at Burmester, while working there. accomjranu-- by Lee Richard and He worked for Morton Salt CO Lynn arp enjoying a week of Large double living ronn with fireplace and carpeting. Well for 25 years as electrician, sliop cation high up in the cool for kitchen and has nice cabinets, bath room, two nice cared and machinist foreman, carpenter, mountains of Lake Tahoe. Alpha bedrooms with clothes closets. Basement is until he was retired in March 1919. and Lynn are more than to lucky sire which can be completed into one or more bedrooms He was called on an LDS mis- - have two wonderful trips to their Utility room in basement Gas heat, on the sewer, in 1909 sion to the Southern States credit this summer, lot of a desirable sire. This North Main Street where he labored in South Caro- a great future for business use later. Priced has property lina. MOVE AWAY . at $x,000. He was the first President of We were sorry to have Ken and YMMIA in the Second Ward when Thelma Collaher and children I have one home which could be purchased for the First and Second Wards were move away from Grantsville. down. $500 See this it will save you a lot of rent in home, divided. not to Lake Though very far, just years to come. He served 27 years as Ward Point, they will be missed. Clerk, three years as Counselor in Let us help you buy or sell with the help of our conventional four years as Stake VISITORS FROM CALIFORNIA Bishopric, loan. We can arrange terms to twenty years with easy reCalifornia visitors in Grantsville Missionary (two years in Tooele Stake and two years in Grantsville this week are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis payment plan. Stake.) At present, he is Stake Millward and son, Phillip of BerSell or borrow on your present home and buy that home Secretary of Ward Teachers and keley, who are visiting at the home Group Secretary of High Priests ,of Curts parents, Mr. and Mrs you have always wanted. Quorum. Joseph Millward. Tina Rydalch Barrus, daughter In riots at Alexandria, Egypt, of Richard M. Rydalch and Ellen Priscilla Barrus, was born April U.S. Marines were the first troops 324 South Main, Tooele, Utah O Phone 1335 28, 1885 at Grantsville. She was .to reach the center of the city after the bombardment on July educated in Grantsville schools. When her husband was called 14, 1882. Eaummxxt on a mission, she did housework for others to support herself and old son, for two yrs her To this couple were born five children, four stiI living and residing in Grantsville Rert Varian, Alma Ruel, Woodrow Chester, and Mrs. Agnes B. Clark. Mrs. Barrus has been active in Relief Society work ail her life. 1 1 five-roo- three-quart- three-bedroo- can get a brand-ne- Buick-- WHfN BETTER AUTOMOBILES IUICX WILL BUILD ARE -- ftr pir present car Our used car market is booming right now. Your cars worth plenty 57 a price that will make you at stand up and cheer. Now at our sensational Buick Sales Roadeo! Today-y- ou Altownces ng more to us right now. So come and now! swap it for a '57 Buick-ri- ght BUILT Riviera Hardtop! Look what makes 57 Buick DYNAFLOW VARIABLE PITCH Smooth-insfa- at your nfly command room FULL in Even for those IOW-SWEE- P fbe m.ddJe SILHOUETTE didmetively Suave, natural, distinguished! w Paves as you go BRILLIANT NEW V8 power Strongsilenf, obedient boss of the rood makes you tty Rsywenfe fam- and Carriers. The Star Route Carriers BUZZER EXCLUSIVE SAFETY foo fast Tells you if you go WEEKEND GUESTS Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albeitz were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sadovich of Hen- High trade-i- n derson, Nevada. New Advanced Variable Pitch Dnaflow optional of modest extra If Ii standard en toadmoster. Super and Century cost on the Special. Safety Suzzer standard on Roodmaster, optional other Senes, SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED Her main interests are her ily, her home and gardening. They have 15 grandchildren four great grandchildren. SOUS Association consists of contractors having U.S. Mail contracts.' There are about 65 contractors in Utah and approximately 10,000 in the United States. is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. g ROV AND ATTENDS CONVENTION Clifford Lawrence is in Portland Oregon, attending the yearly convention of the National Star Route Carriers Association. Clifford was recently elected the delegate to represent the Utah Star Route Mail the dream cat &Jda ride buick MILLION dollar Allowances Easy-to-c- Western Realty and Insurance Co. xaiws f tsrwvw THEM BUICK DEALER edition the Nahoiul "Accident Council's statistical year-MaMrs of Mr and son D.. John Safety on and Ccdir Bieaks, full of en BItward. is celebrating his book, shows that a fourth of all for flic wonders of rn draff. c deaths and 2 ht cent of c ture. ry first h rthday on Friday, Aug 'all auto accidents occurred from ninth. c.f On August 5 Rip-Roari- be -- land Mis. frank fisher. t&te offering the RocHriesf, Tootfriesh Grttel of fflues you ever did see. will lked Sims nf Salt luike nil i otrplelmn. , kjir - hujtt 1 fommy j i wns honored on 4V .ww.w.. J huthdiv Muiulav, August 5 u ith Grantsville District Scout Court a ihnken fry hi Id in South Mil-S.imnier snppii rmnis of fon,,r will fie held Saturday Mr. and low Ca.ivon It was givin for him firantsv die silmol year hook havi August 10 at 8 pm. in the Grants-bhis wife. Yvonne, and anemlid 'arrived. I hey will le given out on v,ne j lrs, yjrii cha)el with Troop liotsr. C.LTST bv Du k ami Shu ley Johnston I rulay. August 15 from I 30 pm ,j pijvmg host. (iarth and Jean i dde. Touky amf(to 3 30 pm. at the High Sihoo! awards and two Duty Mrs. louise McCarl of San Tran-ciscjwo Mamie Reed. Veri and I ms Yo mg. .office (1(K is house guest of Mr. and aviaris w, be presented Kent (allisler and Reed and Sax i Gopies Sr. Mrs. going to Seniors will Ih'IiIu public is cordially invited to Mrs. IeRoy on lliaiken (mm TihhIc. is an aunt of Mrs. Soelberg Jay Ait ml Dover 4.2 Hilly ( astagu: pio-giai- A Grantsville District Tohold Scout Yearbooks Available Court of Honor. Sat. lor 4x j y 1 V i "Ul 1 1 1 j men the Sute Convem.on above front I, to (tiantsvide sell N Ison. Mr and Mrs Rov iVkinnull. Mr and Mrs, AUmrl I . Mr an I M's Dnna'il 1'iovsn. .Mr, and Mrs Rjlph lemmon. Mr ami Mrs (alvin Itrown. and Mr xville Cily is jirouj ANOnilR "Gi l SMLR"-C.r- an! f a Hither tvluurv wjur well. brought in Julv 20 at extreme ili p:h of 4o3 lift The new well will le turned mo the water minute nu ns in ahod divs, and will jump 030 pjlhi is it is etunated this line alone could take une nf the water fiiirson Cii, f:y ry Masu.i j u, faluur 3 falnor .a'.f, f'ule t.uv!e T'-rt- Aux-Hilar- " . M,;-.var.- d . a id I ai h Ii am hidd bm.og avujg-I CIO. Ma (mgs l Tummv Wre 4 5. Jcbuny 4 3. D Amwal'er .H2. Jimmy Wrathall .4'5 Cowboy otwal-!eKay AnJuson HI. .4.'!. Teuy Thomas 3 'X I Imving the gan:es Monday evMrs. irg'.nia Cc dmai her en sg. on award piesemation I, . , eleited was field A vey beautiful Cluplam of the S: ah trophy was presented to the Firemen AuVibary. I eag le Champions by Mayor SterAmhlsoii Ciavle Itlernei ling iwax ptes-riiiwith butt.ng cltam-!p- : ut certd.tate. The cert. In ate was p't seeled to (iayle by James lal 'flier, the u e president of the Uague Ii.iMta'l lor Ihivs. followthe playeis and ing the id in any wlo tins.mt jail were Ipubd to a wateimCoii hist by tne IN m league rmuhets (hue again, the I'orv league tomimtiee wt b s to think every person or that helped in 'group of pi tin.; ovir the fi.st lony iiagae year and tlnv espeualiy want to thank ud tln.r sjxinsors. ft iv our ce fs ows f' ii. . alC and I Hrent UiC hu I .. in e bv a!! the i nnseiiti'ei lame huae.tr, su'h the elect uni mf i.ne nf our ladus. Mis Viipuua f U li'inaeher, as Stiie (hio'ji. ' uiCi etslii'n fkne Mi Affee Ihts is lit f.tM t me si-their orpin. a tain foe yea i s u"(i that this hnror had mine in nie of them llus pitsition is of great imjmr i 'I If,. beys, lourth Cow of , h.'i.st ,ng .in Wife a, R.vlonx dam is nil the ( St' erv enjuv aide tune A e brut in 1 1 1 'lea, stag la ant Ian (i 5. ,irie season lei,. '.i .t I C , 1 ;i hov tt zr AjU'I relulj ly he f.et U. h at.ug the ( u. i 10 Uid the fieg.e Cham. J.UI.IS. I, .tois, bulk t'.e Mustao; c.f lie l.uin I i. .a! s'ai..iii.gx S to J Wire Ioti.m, f ts. I.tes. W mod. a views 1 HOME FROM CANYON TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elfors and children, Byron, Karen. Raymond and Ilene, returned from a three- dav trip to Zions and Bryce Can-,- r mm ' Friday and WEEK-EN- D Saturday! SPECIALS!! is: n |