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Show ThoTocc!e Transcript, Friday, Auquol9, ? INTERESTING0 2S miles nut fmin (lev eland It was S pm I riday before we It ft Cleveland for Niagaia lulls, ICjnada and by 2 a m Satuiday, jeveiyhody was bedded down wi sound of the alls, except the drler and yours truly lie slip! in the lobby. To preserve the dig nny of your wilier, the Hotel nished a recepbon room w.th a settee for our few href hours of Id I Land Is rah and highly piol.it Wyoming and Urtern Ntbra with to n running from iJ to take f.elds began Li, ami torn 110 bushel per at re Ue passd to see over. Ue wrie surprised to . aircs filled wiih very large gra- slumber the amount of land under irnga the was red letter day under! for Saturday ne.ies surplus p.oduiU turn m Nebraska government jurisdiction We never thus far. Niagara balls in the fornf.elds intensified as lcf,i found out wither these storag in g. and tlie Palmyra Pageant Nebraska and entered Iowa 'kearcail ere filled with wheat or the evening Huh events far ex would wager that there is eriounh c,,rn but Ml. how it gave us a ceetitd anticipation corn in Iowa alone, if sireithed 0f StCUr:iy to stc our cujm The Irlmyra pageant has be car to ear, to rrath around the fj,ur)s fujj. come one of America grejtet world I by a live Ue are tra.el ng wuh a very uijienair . ueigVy ft oiip Iwre in Iowa (h !CJ. r. a ' wt s,e 0,,y has uurp.iny had to pay over but we mw and sat by I be weight charges at the siJte weigh N Heed fami.y fioin Uash-umg siaiions These delays uuuV f ovd Cow-agWomen' to arrive very late at our Chic jn'Rorn, Mr and Mrs and . Mr Penn ron a,,s brie, Hotel In fact, it was almost l,'on 'me "ho afe 81 ,h" i scandc'ous hour, when we d.s cMrrial-Hee- l cn.ered that we lost an hour on a Mulligan Slate Uni vers. v at Mhig;.n. Ka:hle-- n Drou! change of time and one hour via who as mn bj'davbght saving Children' 1 . 4 I 'I 4? :i fur-liv- .fv. ... August SHOK i ! 1 cui.ut.wn:: , life begins at Tooele Valley Uo-- l p.ial for lop L to R daughter of I ihert Sunder.! Mr and Mr (daughter of Mr and Mrs Vernon! A.ulerson daughter of Mr anc. Mi Jik Angel. Hot tom (I) oii (of Mr and Mrs Dejn Phill.p and son of Me. and Mrs. James J'owler. photos by MjcCregor s White Sandals I Nov 2 Cleveland pioeed ano'her dtjJ)s'utt'n,s perforrurg at spot on our travel schedule, due to mechanic ul trouble, but the bus the service company author .red the hiring of! S'tndjy morning at 'airc fJrove were soiled a sightseeing company to take our m ",rrY C. Gillette, Jr. and ;o see the Kirtland Tem-!- r travelers Imily to our grouped former Tooc- well as M s Clara John-- ' ison Pomeroy of Salt Lake Cny. Now 2 shop stvij: , 'from a swimming pool, dame (tin da iu e and fall batkvsanls into t- - jan ovcrtiowdcd nightclub table ,l)Higlas later said that his next several films will probably be action f.lms, "just lor a rest," H C. Potter directed "Top Secret Affair." Martin Rackm produced for Warner Bros. , , , , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 traveling wuh another tour group One of the most happy of all Mr. and Mr. W'tlbur Levingaton reunions at Palmyra was that of J?iMr. Lmma Yates with her son, (Top-Secr- et Affair S' i, nider Nolan Yates, who was a Ritz member of the Palmyra Pageant iDue cast and a missionary in the and feeding the seagulls. Stales. Elder Yates sister. "Top Secret Affair," a report-waj STORK M 104ft ER of the sexes edly delightful Sy, Mrs. Donna Harwood, of course, Susan comeviy starring Hayward was a part of this happy reunion Mrs. Sue Bensun was hostess at Sunday Two Games K.rk Douglas, premieres Sun-cMrs. Yates has developed a form a stoik shower on Tuesday evenU P.L Co. at Tooele 1.30 p m. la! at the Ritz Theatre. Paul S L. Moose at Tooele 4 s. alcrgy which resembles hives, August third marked the wed ing at her home in compliment 10 pm. Stewart and Jim Backus are also Tiand the doctor said she should re !tJ Results Week's Last (Mrs. Gary Griffith. d Jean Wm and.,.: "V f(,r Ml In Rochester, which was Twenty-fiv4 Tooele 14 guests were in at FItnco 1?vm !on p,e g(ma.n ourjWlJbur The film is the story of a tough- 7 the cleverly to 5 Tooele 0 held was headquarters duung he Doc at A Johnson enjoy of' family party performed at the b who by circumstance no one favored this (he Tooele played tkvc Johnson's Iguon on butuiday. Julv 27 for ihc.arranged party. A color scheme aft Mr. ard guy General brldt.gr(K)m s V plan, and especially Mrs. hates. Mrs aarenfe A Uvtngston of H9 ' put through a very spectal kind Wednesday night under the lights kdson Bevan family. Inosc attend of jnnk and white was carried out Of basic so as we journey toward New Souh all the apjxnntments and favors allowed one, ng were Mr. and Mis Lds'on Le-'Williams training by a beautiful ta.Mar FourIh Street n York today (Monday) Mrs. Yatesj MfJ tougher lady publisher (scratch hit. which hit William'skan of Walla kal.a, Washington; were miniature basinets bearing Francis Rccd' js moht,r 0,.but-evehave hailed thc' gove and Smith threw to first.'Mr. and Mrs. Jun Bevan and and white Bowers. The ajS has been elected queen and she'tbg bride has at her command the best seat of the mother received many "c Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bevan jxetant in lime, M Marshall Farl 1v,,1ncH ms the cr- 9,on the bus and all the convenien-0- , formed the Williams pitched four inmngs.ljind family and Mr. and Mrs. Lvnn nice gifts, marriage ceremony.1 ces of a modern hospital. '1SS Hayward makes her debut land Rigby three to shut out Price of Tooele; Mr. and Mrs. Bi) the immediately following, Out of Rochester this marninC'newyweds iGarcia and family ol bt. Geo. go friends at a as a comedienne in "Top Secret) Doc's greeted we visiiea tne peier Williams and Rigby struck out Mrs. Russell McCoy. Mr. and Mrs on the Uwn a, Affair." The actress ha previous C wnjtmer refCpon and home where the ly won several Academy Award seven men each. home. (Charles Class and family, Mr. and ,he was organized April 6. 1S30 and ForLevingston for her portrayals in Williams got two for two, Glen Haslcm and son, Jeff. her bride the chose'nomma'ons around which very important ev-)- a t Lucille, Carol and Gail St. Jeor ballerina length dress of white.!maior fln' dramas. Her most re- - sico got two, one a triple; r y doubled. Leonclli got two for of Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. VCrt.y ilstyUKj wiih strapless bodice andfeent triumph came with "Ml Cry Church V We don't want all ol Ihe place. F.lder bouffant ssirt. complimented bv aTomorrow-- " ,n which she portray- - four, to lead the hitting for Tooele. Reed Bevan and family ol Taylors-Tooel- e 9 Mrs. Joseph Kimber. formerly of will play U B.L Co. and villc, Utah. alcoholic songstress. Business but scrics 0f ruffles on the skirt. Tier ed S, Grouse Creek. Utah and , Moose Club in a double-heade- r Kirk Douglas, who portrayed f ve, 0f illusion was held missionaries are in charge. Elder ,0 her head bv a crown encrusted,PriEtfl8hItr ln "Champion." a mu Sunday, 1:30 and 4 p m. is game TI E SEWING KITTENS Kimber's mother was born and C sician in "Young Man With a time. The Five Sewing Kittens of the buried in Tooele. He is a very Both clubs are near the toj Club and their leader, Mrs Horn," an adventurer in "Ulys ciose kinsmen to Alma Tanner of record could wind Opal Bankhead, cnjnvtd an outing ses," and a painter in "Lust For Tooele with ITooele. If we remember right, She was attended by Lois thought that playing a corn-sel- l up League Title with two wins at Sunset Beach Wednesday who was gowned in pink and M?der Kimber's mother was a half Tooele has three games ning. role would be a lot less Ask ior: edy Attending were 9 sister to Alma Tanner. (uous than his previous dramatic left after Sunday. Vickcy Boswell, Vickey Lynn Bill Haight tended to duties of son. Jennie Lynn Hammond, Judy (roles. No one actor has ever been Tooele Friday game has 8TH WARD RELIEF SOCIETY best man. more surprised than the husky cancelled with the Prison. Rydalch and Christine Bankhead yun8 couple are now at, Douglas. As "Ironpants" Goodwin. They were accompanied by Dni,,.r rr,htv, un,L 10 ,tlCir nemls at South 'the armys toughest general, he REUNION Aumivt'10me lin, Marie, Kay and John Bunk- day will be held Tuesday Main. Mr. Levingston will enter had to participate in physical The defendants of Mrs. Addic head and neighbor children, Mag 13 beginning at 10 o'clock. A very school at the University in the fall balance himself on a Dunn Vowles, held a family re- da and Racphael Riveria. They 87 East Vine Phone 445 5?busy day has been planned by In attendance at the wedding training, board for several hours union at Reservoir Park in Salt enjoyed swimming and a picnic "bongo" Haines Gillette C$9 and Fern Evelyn (ft were relatives from Arkansas, Ok- at a time, rescue Miss Hayward Lake City on Sunday. Attending where will be quilting, hand sew lahoma and South Dakota. it. were the Ned Vowles family, the Rocky Mountain Premiere jiing crafts of all kinds and Lynn Vowles family, the Douglas ATTENDS PARTY AT Vowles family, the Zelpha HardThurs-Fri-Sa- t. Luncheon will be served at noon. Aug-8-9-1- 0 SALT LAKE CITY man family, the Phillis Bankhead 'followed by a short discussion on Cros-oBoyer family and the Marcia Mrs. Cliff McKinstry attended g"Civil Defense. family from Tooele and Salt Everyone is invited to come out a beautifully arranged announce Lake City. A picnic lunch was en,and enjoy the day. Visiting teach- - ment tea held at the lovely new joyed with plenty of home made home of Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Shurt-hff- , ers are asked to bring their root beer to top it off. Games 754 Sunrise Avenue, Salt Lake There will be a lady to were played and a family meeting in on of iwatch the children. honor their City, August 7, '57-DodJAMES SAl ncld, after which the group visaed (New) daughter, Judy, who will marry and renewed together MIKED SVHIIMOHFCt- WEEKEND AT LAS VEGAS Fully equipped . Tony Clawson, son of Mr. and Automatic-trans- . Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Frailey Mrs. A.T. Clawson, 437 North 9th J.CA53CI KAIS3 S flew to Las Vegas where they West. Salt Lake City, a nephew j Radio, heater MOTOR TO MENDON ,,spent an enjoyable weekend. They of Mrs. McKinstry. Mr. and Mrs. I.D. Bird motored The young couple will be marJwere met there by Mr. and Mrs to Cache Valley on Sunday to visit AK'Darrell Green, former Tooelcans ried in the Salt Lake LDS Temple Mr. Birds mother, Mrs. M D. Bird jnow residing in Long Beach. They August 28th, with a reception to th (New) re- be the at and home that at the Tropicana given S'.stayed evening Fully equipped of the brides parents. !.port a wonderful time . Last-.w'er- ITomatoes 0 0 0 n Couple Recites Vows; Honored at the ws r At Reception 0s'f Firm Ripw ? I' - White Sandals e X Sevdles i ex-li!- y, k tarn-'pm- Corn i - j SIDE-LIGHT- S' Up left the wheat belt H 1957 per-mea- Doz .and 0 Ve have tarm,. Cfieese moved! Ccr-roo- Cacon Ci-ll-o package ... full-tim- e 0 0 0 Lend Meats Assorted 0 We do want 0 yours! 16-- stren-black- fCatsup Pierce' lPicklesi N'el-bee- n 14-o- z. 0 0 Miracle Whip 0 0 0 Deirich 0 0 Margarine 0 0 Kerr Lids 0 10 00 r0 0 North Main, Tooele quarts quart ' 1 lb.--. -- -- t I! Aft 0! t THEYRE y Sal Mineo's Magnificent! GOING! 0i 0 -- 52 jr ccra-.mic- . -- TooeleLaundry Dry Cleaning Frank-FAMIL- ge t $2,00 O Phone 88 3HS Vm!8x '57-PlYm'- I Automalic-trans- 'Get Lost" Generation Radio, heater. -- Low mileage One-own- Starting Thurs. August H'top ge 8 Friday and Saturday ADULTS n er '56-Dod- '54-PiYm'- 1 1 -- 5TGEORGL Sedan STEVENS Really sharp! 3JM Sedan ge One-owne- r! '52-For- V-- 8 d '50-Dod- Sedan 3IJ5 Sedan ck ge 52. '47-Che- PRODUCTION MOM The and order one! 1AYL0R- - HUDSON r BAKER MERCEDES McCAMBWOBC -- All new and used f WHS ... are priced to move! ... PAULOS p.m. O Saturday DEA Starting1 1 SJPIlilAMS IM 7 TnS-S- 0 M p.m. O Last Show -B- RANDON FOSTER E deWllP.wnr.FmTi VISIT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER Phone 134' "xp.pt t Tooele, Utah UIM SlWim univuw iNitwunonAi SUM J0H Seeret .no . Affair -V--, yv DEATH OF A SCOUNDREL GEORGE SANDERS 2SA GABdR ZSA NANCY . picture Top "TECHNiroi np Plus (1st Tooele showing!) Tho Loves and y at Kirk Susan Hayward and areDouglas liaving" a W tot thockmf tfymmlh! Li h Kid,.25 IA bUCTH-KAJfR- J fffTJ-Plymout- p.m. VlLViniXI UnillLA MOMENT mi 1 Sunday at 3 p.m. m CULL WILLS SAl MINEO Sundav, Aug. -- ct fJVI is over houre long Come early! One Show Nightly -- Pzes" oor tAT O Y.l 3 TODAY! Tliis is an invitation to visit your authorized Cadillac dealer . . . to inspect the exceptional values he is now ofTering on 1957 models to discover the unusually high allowances being made on trade-in- s to learn why there is no waiting for delivery . . . and, finally, to get behind the wheel and let the car speak for itself. Dont delay. This is a visit that could easily change your motoring life! Open nightly at JAMS ROCK iLIZABFTH 3105 to come on in 7 p.m. us vQ Nov showing! novel bv EDKAFERBER . Panel vy at Thurs-Fda- y Warner Bros.WarnerColoi muktri CARROLL S..1? '51-Bui- S20(P DAJf S4 .9 gr5SS5U'!E!g2X.l-- owner 3IJMK, th '53-Dod- Friday at Open Sedan ge Clean, "SBLVKS: UOEA.AIZ XETE Friday's Over-driv- e 32 Show! k r $2175 '56-Dod- Twin-Shoc- GATES YVONNE VICTOR COLEEN Move bv MiX .TFlNfP DeCARLO TORY GRAY 5'nce I |