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Show Wednesday, June 18, 1997 Uimesaini You would be amazed at what you WOUld find When examining your bed with a magnifying glass? It has been estimated that approximately 1 million dust mites live in a single pillow. The researchers at the Ohio State University Pepartment of Anthropology say that the number maybe 10 million in the average double bed-- This does not include your carpet, rugs, furniture and other nooks and crannys. Plus the wanner and humid weather of spring and summer heightens the breeding ofthese microscop- .i; ic mitea. We may all be Put together a survival box that will be needed immediately upon arrival. Necessities such as light bulbs, linens, paper products, garbage bags, soap and tools are all smart items to include. Take the box with you instead of loading it on the van so that you wont be caught unprepared if you arrive before the moving van does. 9. Make appointments to have your hair cut, the car serviced and current prescriptions filled shortly before the move. By taking advantage of these services before the move, you wont be pressured to find new suppliers immediately after arriving in 8. freezer.. " Tack like items together. . ir , Dames, pet supplies; photos, sewing suppUee and toys are all t items that should be packed to' gether in appropriately sized and , i 1. Develop a master "Td Do ' labeled containers or boxes. list. Your mover can provide a ge6. Organize vital moving docfrom an English Btudy that chii-- of a toxin. Every time our body neric list that can be customized uments in a small portable file dren who are exposed at an ear- - removes this invading toxin it for your particular situation. Set box and take it with you on movly, age to high concentrations pf loses that special sulfur com-du- up a calendar with dates when ing day.. Its k good idea to have tasks on the list need to be ac- ,on file the registration number, mites are five times more pound forever. the names and phone numbers (MSM) complished. .likely to develop asthma.' , Methylsulfonymethane Dust Mites are only one of the is the vital dietary source of sul- - 2. Sort through belongings and for the origin and destination environmental causes of aller- -' fur that is found in our living tis- eliminate items that are no long- -' agents,. the (drivers name and ' gies, asthma and respiratory sues.' This good sulfur is fouftd er needed or wanted. Tb help you vehicle number. Other items that to decide what keep, ask these may come in handy include your problems. The American Lung in raw fruits and vegetables, seaAssociation says that more peo-- . food, milk and questions: When was the last address book and a telephone pie are killed every year from raw meat. "However, due to the time I used, this? How does it book from your old hometown in particle pollution including methods we prepare our food to- -' make me feel? What is the worst case you need to reach someone. 7. Place colored stickers on smog, than were killed during ; day, the MSM evaporates by the possible thing that would happen .the entire Vietnam War. ; f ; timerwe consume it says Dr. if I didnt have this? If you have moving boxes, once yduVe fin' ! What is the answer Organic Mindell. V:'' & great degree of hesitancy, keep ished packing. Use a different color for each room in your new .1 . ' Sulfur. Organic Sulfur is the Years of clinical evidence with it. i ' J 3. Recycle belonging&that are house. Tb help everyone remem-- 1 fourth most abundant mineral in; cases of allergies reported sub-obody. Sulfur does a number stantial to complete relief from staying behind. Agarage sale can ber which color goes where upon of functions including holding symptoms of allergies to things be a lucrative and fun way to re-- arrival, place a matching colored duce the number of items to balloon on the door of the approour body, tendons, ligaments, as diverse as pollens, wool, skin, and cartilage togeth- - mal hair, feathers and even dust move. Or consider donating old priate room.! . er. Without sulfur, vitamin C and mites when individuals take linens, toys and games to local E would quickly degrade and MSMsupplements. MSM has homeless shelters, Childrens f A would not be able to do anything been documented in a number of hospitals or schools. Oftentimes for us. Also sulfur activates es- studies that individuals who its easier to "let go of items sential enzymes, antibodies and Were not able to eliminate their when you know it will help othhormones including insulin. You asthma or allergy medication ers less fortunate. can't grow your fingernails or were able to severely reduce the 4. Use up supplies that are not even digest your food without it. dosage. MSM also helps to soft- transportable. About 6 weeks Our human body has a natu- en the tissue in the lungs and can before the move, use up cleaning ral defensive system that manu- help emphysema, along with supplies and food items in the factures a special sulfur com- helping individuals reduce back pound that will attach itself to pain as reported in the New York. that attacking toxin, neutralize Academy pf Science. For addiit, then sweep it out of the body. tional information on MSM, call I - , full of items 5. - , st - , . ed r- your new home. 10. Send cards out to creditors, insurance companies, friends, magazine subscriptions and utility companies. Leave a forwarding address with the post office once you know where your new home will change-of-addre- -'- ' - , . i Ten tips to organizing a smooth move i enemy Msunmsdfoir actd .gfe? pate v Page 11 Nephi, Utah tEfje ur reacting to dust mites and not even know it Have you ever woke up with a pound- though you know you have ! got- ten enough sleep? When you wake up, do you have a sore throat or aching joints? "Those who sleep with mites can get very sick sayB Dr. Thomas head of the division of Allergies and Clinical Immunology Subscribe Today! Only $19 per year in Juab County 4-- Platz-MiU- s, at the University of Virginia Medical Center. million AmeriSeventy-fiv- e cans are allergic to dust mite droppings. Average dust mites This process is called conjugation leave 20 droppings behind a day. It is the droppings that are causing the asthmatic and allergic reactions. Dust mite droppings have been called the single most allergic substance in the house. Houss of Quality " Allergy shots, once thought to be 27 South Main Nephi, 623-047- 1 a good treatment, are no longer favored according to the latest Serta Mattresses Sofss New England Journal of Medi- Chapmen Furniture Company Recllmrs Rockers Lamps cine. Center for Disease Control says that asthma and death of asthma has risen 65"since 1982. There are 14.6 million -- asthmatics in this country today. Of tthee, 4.8 million are children. Today asthma has become the leading chronic illness in children under 18 years old. In only ten years asthmatic cases have jumped from 40 to 63 per 1000 children. Yet at the same time, the substances that are in the air that trigger asthma, such as automobile pollutants, has dropped. Dr. Michael Blaze of the University of Tennessee, reports be. ani-join- ts, . ing headache and a stuffy or sniffly nose? Do you ever wake up tired in the morning even , , V& Dccmlna luGi GC2 Gesso 7l Sets Hoover Vacuums Occasional Tables Bedroom Furniture . 3.JKcnc3Cc,."n:c3 Flea - .0S1C3 f:r E3 c!nn:3 cl Airtlrs clinics h i::rC:rn (33 .D . CAHFUT CLEAtllKS Hot water extraction! Free Estimates! Reasonable Rates rCC3) TgP - i i " ? 1 ' r-- J . ' j. - . i Kl3o)0fiai Wfo'fM what to expect next. But wheri it comes to your monthly fuel exists. Mountain Fuds Equal Payment Plan not only makes 5 ) your nMndily bill paying predictable- --- it puts you in the drivers seat. t . S- - 1 - 1' SL' ! J ? i 911 t 1 be every w-- ; ' whoi it comes to your Sms Ery with another option, ) Electronic Funds- j Transfer (EFT)., ; , -- . It means you can have the amount of , ' x t 11 Usten , -- dr savings month of the year. Thats because we look at your t v each month. , atpHint You can kam more about Equal . avenge annual usage and divide jt mto , PzynKnt Ftm or Electronic Funds 12 equal monthly psiynien'ts. That gives1 Transfer by calling Mountain Fuel today r bottom-lin- e 17. u ' balance every at 1 you the same -0- i j 1, fc ' it 103.9 to Kickln Country V your fuel bill automaticallyf 4 .i withdrawn from your checking ; t I . r-- ' 1 ' ; monthly budgeting v yourfudbiS a l; mak, things iven more simple Plan(EPP), youll r . 4 n. a With Equal Payment penny what I ne--21 ' - 1 know to the MTiO AiEbdzcscFisdsTxsrfar "a . , - your hid bjll. And its easy to sign-u- p just check the box on your June bill. RydRyasstRa (Ives YcaThi Pll333aGiIin) Equal Payment Plan puts you behind the wheel when itcomes to budgeting - , V or Each month, the bills you pay may be full of ups and downs its hard to know v ) ) ovn j 1 for dctslls to find out how you can Ylntworoundtrip tickets to anywhere .! in Europe plus other crcat prizes and help bu::d a new hospital In Nephi. i 0-323-55 month, whether its January ot June. . Wecocdsuei twice each yean1 and your payment ss if necessary. . Quor.comMtr i i u. . li |