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Show Wednesday, June 18, 1837 1979 GMC 4X4- - $2,200 t 060. Cal 24Pd superb InteHQuest Audo Coloctions with lifetime warranty and moneyback guaranies To learn about our coHec-tioo- s 623-105- GMC 1 TON PICKUP-- Oualy, lota of chroma, 5th wheel tool box, lop shape. 1 985 Cal 1987 and valuable free gifts Cal 24PD 25Pd 82600 MAZDA PICKUP-- Muat aal. 623-159- 6 LOT 827 IN NEBO HEIGHTS FOR SALE.PRICE $21,000. CALL 623-161- 0. 24 Runt and looks great Bad Hoar, canopy, naw battery, alternator, water pump, head, muffler. Make offer. Cal 24 - 245Bil 1994 GRAND MARQUEE available or 623-451- 3 24PD 50X14. OWN FOR THE PRICE OF d your home NOW, without the downpayment banks demand. Complete construction & permanent financa. qualified. DeGeorge Home ing RENTING!-Buil- I POOL - Will bo TABLE-$5- 24PO OBO. 0 623-151- 24Pd ment, om payment puts you into the Utah Classified Advertising Network. Reach over 412,000 Utahns for only $120.00 for the first twenty five words. $3.00 for additional words. Cal the The 5 for further InTimes News at For Sals... 623-052- 12 OR WHOLE BEEF FOR SALE- - STEEL BUILDINGS- - Naw. engineered 40x60x12, wm $15,500 now $8,940. 50x1 00x1 6, wm $26,200 now $1 7,931 . 60x200x16, wu $62,500 now $39,972. 252BB 10 FT CAMPER-- 2 naw jacks, self contained. propaM refrigerator, stove, ate. $900.00. Cal 623-49425Pd 24Pd STEEL BUILDINGS SALE- - 30x40x10, e $4,527; 40x60x14, $3,257; 50x75x14, 18 DISH NETWORK SATELLITE SYSTEM, $189.95- - 83 channels, Disney; Nlckaiodeon, sports, ate. Programming as low as $15 par month. Great for RV or home. Computer and Electronics, 42 South Main, Naphi. 18 B 2020 WITHOUT GLASSES!-Saf- $11,866; - : $15,949; SHEETS FOR BULDttfG BARNS. SHEDS. ETC- - Factory sec-- , onds, bloms, good price, good selection. CaR lor price 8 Mock sizes. Metalmart, 1200 E. 100 Lehl rapid, permanent restoration 8 weeks. Airlrta plot developed. Doctor approved. Free information by mai: (800)422-732ext.238. (406)961-557Fax (406)961-557http: www.visionfraadom.oom SATISFAC-TIO6-- 0, 24PD 7. N a STEEL PIPE FOR FENCES. GATES, 6 .$38 ft POSTS, RAILS, $.49; $.39; $1.49; 278 $1.10; 2 $2.99. Metalmart 1200 E. $.89; 100 S.Lahi Cal 24 PD 24PD ETC-1-51- ALL STEEL BUILDINGS- - Factory Clear- ance. 50x100x16, 60x100x16, $18,614. Mini- - storage buikfings, 30x160, 32 units, $13,944. Free brochures. Sertinal BuRcflnge. Extension 79. 24PD STEELM-RI- B e, GUARANTEED 1PO formation. Cal Chad orVamicaWinn. 4-- 24Psj 6-- Ach and ALL STEEL BUILDINGS- - No rea- straightwal. (303) sonable offer deriedl 781-525- 8. 28Pd TAKE YOUR DISH ON THE ROAD- - Let Computer & Electronics, 42 Soutti Main, Nephi show you how for as low as $49.00 how to males your satelito TV, Dish or DSS, portable. Enjoy M in your trailer or cabin. Stop by today for al the , UJ. STEEL BUUMNGS- - Arch buRdtogs-40x3- 0 $2,995. 40x50 $4,995. 50x100 $9,650. Straightwal buldngs also aval-abl- a No Raasonabla offer deniedl 24PD damns. BUILD YOUR OWN TOP QUALITY HOME- - Sava thousands. Wa provide enclosed ahol In 2 weeks- - footings insulated precart concrete exterior waRe, roof . plans schaduto, how-tfinancing. Energy efficient, earthquake and fire safs You complete. Habitach 24PD TROYBILT TILLER- - 8 hp. Briggs engine. Comes with snow plow and chains, CALL FOR BJDS- - Nephi Western Credty Union is now taking bids on a 1972 winnabago trailer. 24 ft., sal contained. Can been sean at 97 North 600 East, Minimum bid Nephi or cal $2,000. BUs wB bo accepted untl Jum 27. 1997. Wa reserve the right to reject any bkt 23 - 249BB CRAFTS- - many Hams al hand made unique gift Ideas for catalog SH $200 Waland 232c stamps to: nut Road, Auburn HBs, Ml 48326. 2 4 $499.00. Cal Alan at 6280525 days before 8 p.m. wraninge.1 or Pd TWO STEEL BUUMNGS, PUOUC LIQUIDATION.40x26 was $4680 now $2980. 40x57 wu $8918 now $5618. Must seH, can deliver, blueprints 623-052- 623-169- CPW-242- 24PD have weddng tots WEDDING LISTS-W- e lor al Naphi area workings. $2 or $5. 4-0 Plumbing and Bufldors' Supply 66 South Main, Nnphi. WEDDING LISTS-- Thinking about ring gDs? Wo have waddings 1st for $1 , $2. $5 and up. Naphi Lumber Company 1005 N. Main, Nephi. BB 1 PD DALTON GANG ANNUAL HORSE SALE,-Jut- y 12, 1997, MonticeRa Utah. SeBng Approximately 100 head of Quarter and Paint horses Soma outstandtog horses For catalogs contact Melvin DaRon, box 576, MonticeRa UT ' 24PD black-a-whi- te DIA8ET1CSt (UStfG ttfSUUN)-Di- d you know medfcare (or fnaurance) covers Moat Supplss? Savewoney-ca- l Medfcal-Srtixtoctio- have weddng lets WEDDING LISTS-W-e for al Nephi area workings. $2 or $6. Wa also do sympthy flowers tor area ferwrate, lata avalabte. LBm Floral 60 Sou Main, Nephi, 23- - 16C1 8 623-813- n Ubarty Guarentaad No H.M.O. Members B TANNING WOLFF TANNING BEDS. TAN AT HOME.- - BUY DIRECT $ SAVEI Commercial Home units from $1 99.00. Low Monthly Payments FREE Color . Catalog. CALL TODAY 24PD Men- Lace 1 24PD tion FOLK ART RETAILERS-- Buy dkect from our Mountain Ptoa Company Cal and ask for our free cataMte-aoulog. We sal too bast straight from attatoetton guarantead 100 26Pd liVtoJ OR LIVEN UP DADS TIRESOME OTHCR TRAVELS?- - Clive horn wisdom of The WbrfdS ICO Greatest Books; 100 Greatest Petr 59 Greatest Composers; 27 Greejl Invertors; and other 8W99 Yard Sales... 623-245- I 375-862- EQUIPMENT- - Lawnmowprs, filers, generators, water pumps, motors, engines. Cal Garrett 3 or see us at Polaris, GARDEN 623-082- 14-- 1 North Main, Nephi. NEPHI APARTMENT- - 3 bedrooms, 2 duplex. $550 per month plus $500 posH. No smoking, no pets. Cal 2907. 1. Z4JPO MONTANA LAKE VIEWS- - 20 Enjoy spectacular toka. mtn 8 Haussr Lafrs vtews horn tils IsvsfbuM tog sHs wf good aouttwm cal 71 2 1 Help Wanted... ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-- l "AVON- - Great Way to Earn Money. ( For Ybur Starter I Avon Independent Sales Represent! 24 9 ve. CASHIERS NEEDED- - Part time for i or swing (NfLMoSFbe 16. Also part t graveyard shift. Must be at least 2t. Good starting wage. Appy in person at Tri-MTexaco 23 - 245Bal it-riSTAFF- - To work work COUNSELER youth, males. Nights evenings weekends. or FuR-tim- e CM part-tim- e. 623-504- 0. DRIVER- - Were Leading toe Way. Join the leader in miles for toe last tour years. Earn $70,000 to $128,000 a year. Covenant Transport Experienced Drivers Owner Operator Teams. Td Free Graduate Students Assigned Equipment Consistent Mies. 24PD 8 GIFTS- - has toimedL ate openings in your area. Number One FRIENDLY TOYS to Party plan: Toys, gifts, Christmas, home decor, Free catalog and CeJ c;a cf Cizx. ts 21 cf -- - 24PD bam chanicalty minded, and flexible. upon experience, starting pay wfl be about 20,000 year plus very competitive health and dan tel benefit plana. Qualified and interested cand-date- a wB submk a resume to The Spectrum, eo Wes Anderson, 275 E. St. George Blvd. SL George, UT 84770. Reeumes may be texsd to Wes Attention at 24PO MANAGER NEEDED- - Central Utolt Coun-aaRn- g Center Is looking tor an todMdual peire. maintain a minimum amount of paperwork, and having good people akSte. Ctoeing date la Jum 25th If you 1 are Intonated, cel and ask tor David. Central Utah Counselng Canter is an equal opportunity employer, ond wfl not dtocrtcninwlo on booio of taoe. nigton, or gender. 23 -- dass. Al ages. Classes start July 1st Limited space. Cal Barbara 25Pd 623-484- , Card of thanks... foe 8odkf like io thanl of thdM who helped make our wedding so special. A special thanks to al thoee who attended . our reception, sent cards, gifts, money or want in on gift list tour thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. Jason end Lynel Tolman. 24Pd A special thanks tool our friends and family for making our wadding so special. . We appreciates! of your love and support Thanks tor al Ihe gifts, cards, and money and al who went to of gift lists. , With our appreciation - pranks again. . 24Pd Tyson and Jennifer White. Free... THREE GOLDEN LAB AND GOLDEN RETREIVER MIXED PUPS- - Frta to good home. Beautiful dogs. Female and mala. Cal feave massage. 623-480- 24Pd Business Oppor.. ELECTRONIC HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS.- Ma dtealDental Biding. Absolutely, NO personal soling required. Our M.A.P., does R tor youl CM tol free 8888908911. Investment $8495. 24PD Available. FEELING REJECTED, DEPRESSED- - For Lack of Enough Money or CradR to Get a Start in Life? Wei, This is tour Chance of a Lifetime to WIN a 20 Veer Old. $300,000.00, Wei Established 8 Respected Home Electronics 8 Furniture 24PO WRh Inven- RETALBUSMESS-Complet- e tory 8 Equipment Mto Investment. For Further Details cal 1800852-5660. 24PD Lc-- il Notices... 462-242- to a, 2414.? PRESS needed tor OPERATOR-Operat- Goes Suburben Newspaper Press. Muat have 4 ootor web experience. Cel Cterfc Davis County CCpper. RNs, LPNa, CNAe-- 1 year J --n-r CU NURSE e. CON-icst5C- ?i 2480 LJ - AND NOT1CZ TO CREDITORS es ft KZZZZO FOR TKXCZ Y.1CXLY-ooaratun- newspaper. news wrC.'j sLZa, Eatala ef kELCRED M. LUNT KENT MAC LUNT and DEANNA LUNT TAYLOR. vtooeeri to rrtfis address's are 357 8 200 W 8 364 N 200 YU Naphi. UT, has been appointed PersonaL Representestate. CiedF ative of 9re abose-arttee- d tom of V estate ate hereby ncJfed to: (1) dchrar or mal Vwir swCsn ctobna to tw Pereonal Repreaentotva at toe address above; (2) deiver or mal ftrtr svrt-te- n rT--Xd aEar Z ncCoa or ty UEh twssEJa torea monfw at Ea Rial rEEsEon tf K4a , ba forever barred. Cste of l.'d puLScaPoa Jum 4, ltS7. MaonT. Hannon raorwf Rapraaanta9tra ASonray lor DSwyilOttNSI to Casts County alrOIelCjidi ) - reri$C8 W BountJul O UT per- 1$78 8. . 84818. Assrtten Judy Jensen-- conduct a pubKc (waring on Tuesday July 1, 1997 at cRy ha$ Tha purpose of Pw hearing is to accept pubic comment on a request from Clark and Claudia Ostler to change Pw zoning on part of Pw property Pwy own at 148 SouPi and 100 East from reeidontirt (R 18) to combined use (CU).The councl wB also accept public comnwnt on Pw potential of Pw same change being appiod to property owned by Parkin Motor adjacent to the Ostler properly. 1 you Contact Bteir Painter rt need assistance to attend or participate in thie hearing. Nephi City w -- 77, PUBLIC NOTICE The Levan Town Council svM meet in a special meeting on Friday, Jum 20, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. at the Levan Town Hall to adopt the 1997 1998 Town Budget.22 -- 24BiH PUBLIC NOTICE 623-062- 2 The Juab County Commission win hold a public hearing win hold a public hearing on Thursday Julie 26, 1997 at 7:00 PM in the commission chambers. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on an amendment to the Juab County Zoning Ordinance concerning Planned UnH Developments and other minor wording changes and corrections. Copies of the proposed ordinance wil be available from the office of the Juab County Clerk beginning Monday Jum 16, 1997 at 8:30 AM. 22 - 25Bil BD NOTICE Central Utah Counselng Center is accepting bids on the foKovring work Rems for the Shepherd Lodge Motel in Naprt: 1. Remodel work: A. Manager's Apartment: nemodel ttw Kving room, kitchen area, bathroom, and bedroom. New cabinets in kitchen area, and new carpet and Inoiaum throughout Group Kitchen Area: Includes converting an existing apartment into a group kitchen area. Instating new Knotoum 2. Electrical Work: The electrical work throughout tha complex wil need to be upgraded tf needed. General contractors m watf m specific contractors are invited to submit bids. 1 Closing date is Jum 25tti Ptoast cal to team more about each job. and to set up a time to took at the project eras. a PUBLIC NOTICE The Juab County Commission wil hold a public hearing wil hold a public hearing on Thursday Jum 26, 1997 at 7:30 PM in the commission chambers. The purpose of Pie hearing is to receive public comment the Juab County Subdivision Ordinance. Copies of the proposed ordinance wil be avalabte from the office of Pie Juab County Clerk beginning Monday June 1 6, 1997 at 8:30 AM. 462-242- 22-25- Ask for Don. Naprt, Utah 94648 (T01) ?3-18- 22 - 24Bti We reserve the right to refuse any and aR bids. Central Utah Counseling Canter is an equal opportunity employer, and wil notdtecrimiMte on the basis of age, race, religion, or gender. Licensed certified con- The Juab School District Board of Education will conduct a public hearing on Jum 18. 1997, at 6:00 P.M. ' Wednesday, at the Juab School District Office to re-- carve pubic comment on the revised budend on Pie tenget tor fiscal year 1 996-9tative budget for fiscal year 1997-9After Pie public hearing, the Board will consider adoption of Pie revised budget for fiscal year 1996-97- , and on Pie tentative budget tor fiscal year 1997-9which will govern the revenues and expenditures of the District By order of thk Board of Education. Juab School District Tracy D Olsen Business Administrator 23 - 24 Bil NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described property wil be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Pie 8th day of July 1 997 at 1 1 :00 A.M. at the front steps to the Juab County Center at 160 North Main, Nephi, Utah, tractors only need apply NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The foKowing described property vBI be sold at pubic auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of tfw United States at the time oleale, at ttw West entrance of the Juab County Courthouse at 160 North Main Street, Nephi Utah in ttw County of Juab, on Tuesday ttw 7th day of July, 1997, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. of eaid day. tor the purpose of toredoeing a Trust Deed executed by Trust HokSngs, s Trust? by J. R. Christensen? managing trustee, MTnjslor, in tevorof Provo Ftewico LL.CL. covering real property located al 265 West Center, Naprt, Utah, and mors particularly described m: Al of Lot 3, Block 26. Plat A of Nephi Townsito Survey Said safe to ba without warranty of titto or possession. DATED this 12th day of Juno, 1997. JohnG.MuBner (Successor Trustee P. BOX 1045 Provo. UT 84603 B 7; 8. 8 ABSTRACT COMPANY, as Trustee, under Pie Deed of Trust made by SHERIDAN K. OLSON and KERRI JACKMAN, as Trustors, end recorded on May 9. 1 996 as Entry Na 207007, in Book 376, Page 80, of the records of Juab by JUAB TITLE County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of ROBERT K. ANDERSEN and DONNA W. ANOERSEN, as trustees of THE FAMILY TRUST OF ROBERT K. ANDERSEN end DONNA W. ANDERSEN by reason of the breach of certain obligatioM secured thereby. Notice of DetauR wm recorded on February 27, 1997, m Entry Na 209465, to Book 362. Page 529, of Pie records of Juab County. Utah. Tmstee wil eel at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money of the United Btotos at Pw time of tale, wRhout warranty io poo Milton of oncumbfincoi. the following described property at 645 South Main, Naprt, Utah 84648: Beginning at thq Northwest comer of Lot 3, Block 13, Plat B of Pie Naphi Townwte Survey, thence North 8959'51 East 168.78 feet along Pw North Km of said Lot 3 to a point which is South 895(751 West 47.45 tost Imm Pw Northeast corner of Lot 3, thence South 001'57 East 214.92 feet to Pw SouPi Km of eaid Lot 3, thence South 89S0'45 West 168.66 feet along said South Km to the Southwest comer of aaid Lot 3, Pwnce North OWIS West 215.37 feet along Pw West Km of said Lot 3 to Pw point of beginning. for Pw purpose of paying obligations secured by said Deed of Trust inducing fees, cfwrgM and sxpsMaa of Tmstee, aterancee, I any under Pw terms of eaid Deed, interest thereon and Pw unpaid principal of Pw Note eacurad by said Daad OT IfiW WWi mW&IWm VWfMfl M II MH a (801) NOW WQ W Of W proVKMQ I DATED: JUAB TITLE Jum 4, 1997. 8 ABSTRACT COMPANY. Ihwtea By(Sig) Mery Lou Sparry Preekfert 23 - 25 3758120 B PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to provisions of the Communications Ad of 1934, m emended, notice is hereby given that on May 19, 1997, ttw University of Utah Bed an appticationvritti ttw Federal CommunicatiOM Commission lo nniw fci icinM lo opfli TV tmnli tor station K49AO located at Dear Creak Peak. Utah, serving rural Juab County The station operates on Charwwl 49 al 100 watts peak transrrttter power to rsbroart-cas- t KUED TV Charms! 7. located in SaR Lake City Utah, todfiriduafe who wish to adviee ttw FCC of feds relating to ttiie renewal and wtwttwr this station operatee in th puttie inter should ttteommtnn inapoaoonovmnvwuofnnNMnnoyso tember 2. 1997. Information concerning ttw broadcast Kosrws renewal process is obtained from ttw FCC. Washington. D.C. 20554. it Dacaaaad Probate No 963400004ES cr rer wsJt, 3 to 4 re.. $ s r ' AttY jt CarC tXS Wt :3 8 Ftyson, 4C3C77. 24 - l ANNOUNCCTNT OF APPOM3 KENT claims to tha Pereonal fWtPfefUtea mmOM MWML Rcpraaenttse aRomey of reooto, LEton T. Harmon at toe tolowtog addraoa.38 24.PO Wv$-- 7 8ou Mato CraaL Naprt, Utah ; or (3) Be LCr-rr.-T se-itatEartsra, 9itir srCten tistora sQi tie Cterk of fra torir D and kactor drivers and CEAd Court to Juab County or otoemlee prcsni toair rwtpeOa tiara ctatora aa i ' 1 tri Hoi C- - ' informa-tio- n. MACHff OPERATOR-Immedte- te opening in baaulful St George, UT. The ideal candklatevHI have om year experience on the Mueler Martini 227 inserter, r cf SUMMER SCHOOL- - Phonetic reading 24PD DRIVERS- - Swift Transportation. Now Hiring Drivers) Contracted Training Available. Excel enf Pay 8 Benefits, Retention Incentive, Home Often, Job Stabtf-H- y. FALT cl Cel feraa 24PD i i T.TeT"l, tOtTCT.J iterxTy? cash paid for seller- - financed notes 8 deeds of trusl notes 8 mortgages, structured insurance settlements, lottery winnings. Cascade fundtog, inc. - Schools... 1 tog Industry Learn how workers earn up to $2, 850 ma benefits ( 8 Board). Cal Alaska information vices: Ext A89635. 2 4 PD ITIFmlUM c. - Lump sums PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The Levan Town Council will hold a public hearing on Friday. Juno 20. 199? at 6:00 p.m. to take comments on the 1997 1998 Levan Town Budget at the Levan Town Half. 22 - 24 Bill PUBLIC NOTICE SALES ALASL3- - WbUd you Bra to aam O la tS.K3.C8 par north part time pC-iu- u1 PAYMENTS!- 1- cf yyycLrxj at icj-try-. Woro expending out ctz'ii 26Pd 6238036. Flexible hours, travel T 24PD Wentworth NEED AN ATTORNEY?- - Allen Law Office can help with al your legal needs. Inducing, but not limited to divorce, DUI, criminal, defense, immigration, estate planning and business formation. Cal RECEIVING 060$. Tap eatery M Immediate $$ for structured settlements and deferred insurance claims. J.G. 23-26- A NEWLY REMODELED HOME IN LEVAN-I- f interested DMnQ MM 10 pOtlOrVII IMnOf WlOKff iw- - mtn property ef open bared draws and creaks. IOm to Snahs 8 Safmcn Rhrers. Caoaart Rafting. toM of wfcXSe. Psrtsct outdoor recresonat lebeaL Financing. CsM 24PD (801)434719. 544-049- or oolite to be an apartment manager in Ntphi Oialficittoni nudid indudi IDAHO RANCH SALE-24- 0 HELLS CANYON AREA, FREE WEB SITES FOR THREE MONTHS- - No set-u- p fees $25 par north ttwreafter. Sevan pogsa My interactive web altos Cal 24 hours: The Times-New-s does not endorse, promote or encourage the purchase or sale of any product or service aewertised in this newspaper. Advertisements are the 8:30. 24PD sole responsibility of the advertiser. The hereby disclaims all labilWANT TO BUY--1 to 2 acre building lot in , Times-New- s ity for any damage suffered as the re5 Mom area. Cal (801) after 7 sult of any advertisement in this news- 30Pd pm. has the sole paper. The Times-New- s . authority to edff and locate any classified advertisement as deemed appropriate. The Times Nows reserves toe 'right to refuse any advertising. 1cmp HAS YOUR LIFE BEEN AFFECTED BY YARD SALE- - Saturday, Jum 21, IS DRINKING?- - For information about AA 140 W 300 S, Nephi. Starts at 1C 0 or Alanon meetings, cal or Tools, camping equipment 52Pd Herns and more. 24 623-432- 5. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN NOT 1, NOT 2, BUT 46 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT UTAH.- - One place- 62097. Cal Jum Wlaon at or 623-034- 0 LS- -, MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY- - 2 ARCH STYLE BUILDINGS. 30X30 AND 1993 CHEV 4X4 12 TON PICKUP- - Cal for bid on 1993 Chaw 4x4 12 ton pu. Minimum bid $6,000. Bid wB be accepted unH 5 p.m. on Jum 30, 1997. For more information cal Nephi Western Credtt Union at 623-189- 5. We the right to accept or reject any bid. 24 - 258Bil Mostly open ml scattered trees 8 ac1500 AC of public lands. UG utils, site evaluation, excellent terms. 8:30 Wont Iasi cal now cess to -- Pd 374-984- 8. Page 7 Nephi, Utah un0-Jfo- 6 B PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to proviatoM of ttw Comnrurt-catioAd ol 1934, as amended, notice is hereby given that on Mwr 19. 1997, ttw UnkwrsRyof Uteh Bad an application wtih ttw Ftidsral CommunicatiOM Comatfeatan to renew Rs Kcanaa to operate TV transistor station K20QW, faceted at Deer Creek Peak, Utah, serving rural Juab County The station operates on Charvwi 28 at 100 cart KULC TV Chamd 0. located to Sal Lake CRy Utrti. todvtdurts who wfrti to advise ttw FCC of torts relating to ttds rsrwwel and rAtihir fhfs i in ttw puttie Merest rttotdd Bsc and paftooM wtih ttw Commtoston by Sep- tember 2. 1937. Mormattun eoncewtinj ttw broadcast loanee renewal process is obtained from ttw FCC, Yfesrtnlun.D.C. n 20654. 24-24- Th Tjzn IVcrfdo Greeted Yard Czlz Cl AS types cf cbcPorc equipment, car auCoc epeers, rreri pzsr cp- tub fccxcs, hems empers, (Pto, Ulzo ccrtfs, CCCI ceria, Items excretes equipment, erpet, teya, - herd camper cbcl Vcj Cneeze, Ycu Lccc! C:C3 Cc!o v;::i r.zl zzi oo. 3:C3 p--a. 0. IO Czzl crt ltJ1 r:c; i, |