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Show Wednesday, June 18, 1997 tEl High school Juniors attend Engineering State Scott Jackson and Matt Ware, Juniors at Juab High School, were among the 364 attending Utah State Universitys Eighth Annual Engineering State pro1997. gram in Logan June The intensive five-da- y pro8-1- 3, gram introduces high school juniors to the engineering profession and is sponsored by USU engineering alumni, school district foundations, engineering firms, and businesses. Delegates receive $350 scholarships to attend the university-cred- it program. Students participate in 12 of the more than 232 Challenge Sessions taught during the week. Each student also completes projects within biological, irrigation, civil, environmental, elec- trical, computer, mechanical, and aerospace engineering, and Page 5 Nephi, Utah t at USU suspension bridge, design and to Nephi City Teen Court and the launch rockets, make electro- National Honor Society, and magnetic cannons, eliminate vor- plays on the football and baskettices in pumping pits, estimate ball teams. water flows on the Logan Canal, Michael Allred draft and manipulate water delivery systems using a Comput- gradutates from er Aided Design program, and er evaluate engineering projects Stevens-Henagthroughout Utah. Engineering , Michael Allred, son of Ron and professors at USU donate their Christina Allred of Mona, will time to introduce students to take his place this month in the their profession and challenge 1997 graduating class of them in exercises which use Stevens-HenagCollege of Promath and science to solve physi- vo where he majored in Business cal problems. Management. He maintained Delegates from Juab High above a 3.0 GPA during the School were Scott Jackson, son course of his studies. of George and Jill Jackson. He He took classes in accounting, belongs to the National Honor finance, computers, marketing, Society, the Academic Decathlon management principles, and a Team, track team, and the Juab special final course in employLivestock Judging ment techniques and professionCountry State Briefs. . . Events Scsquicentennial Faire A Jazz Summerfest Art June 0 Festival, Logan, Seasons of Faith, Viewmont High School, free, Bountiful, free, 23 "Barefoot Tb Zion, musical, Bountiful June Woods Cross Regional Center, June 0 Strawberry Days, Pleasant Grove, June 20 Pioneer Skills Demonstration, Richfield City LiShow ft Western Heritage festival-Gardebrary, Trails of Wyoming HisGolf Scramble, Tremonton, tory ft Heritage Village, Fort Laramie, Wyoming, Mountain Man Rendezvous, Deer Springs Ranch, Kanab, 19-2- 750-543- 0; 465-155- 3. 19-Aug- 240-746- 9. 785-035- 2. 18-2- n 896-516- 9; er 257-529- 4; 307-837-27- 644-260- 6. June 21 Ice Cream Social, Wheeler Historic Farm, Murray, Fur Trade Rendezvous and Primitive Skills ConFort test, Casper, Wyoming, 264-224- 1; 1. Arts Festival 4-- H industrial technology. In the Team. al development. hands-o- n Matt Ware, son of Ken and JaThis years graduation ceremocompetitive exercises called Challenge Sessions, stu- net Ware, is an Eagle Scout. He ny will be held June 19th at 7:00 steel is a Junior Jazz Coach, belongs p.m. at the Provo Tabernacle. dents construct a The 1997 Utah Arts Festival is set for Triad Center in Salt Lake City. Scott Jackson June 26-2- 9 at the 30-fo- ot Special Concert Poulssns celebrate 60th wedding anniversary at family dinner Soprano Ruth Ellis and pianist Larry Gee will present a concert, The Mormon Story in Song, on July 19 at 8 p.m. in the Prove Tabernacle. Call English as a Second Languagebroad- Erin and Olive Poulsen were married June 10, 1937. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with family members at a dinner. They made their home in Leg van. Erin has been a farmer and worked on the railroad. Olive has been a homemaker. She did lots of sewing and made many quilts. They have both been active in the LDS Church, serving many positions. They have three children, Vona (Carl) Jarrett, Martin (Donna) KULC TV, and the Utah State Office of Education will cast an adult education TV series for people who need to improgram prove their English language skills. Tire will begin on July 20th. Call -- de life-lon- SUU Orientation Orientation sessions, which are required for first time freshmen who will be attending Southern Utah University this foil, will be held on 11 dates this summer. Optional programs for parents will be offered on 4 of the dates. Call BLM Advisory Board Poulsen, and Rhea Ann Henthorne. They have twelve grandchildren and sixteen Matt Ware, The BLM is soliciting nomination for a Wild Horse and BurDeadro Advisory Board that the BLM will soon line is July 5, 1997. Send nominations to: Jim Fox, Bureau of 1849 C Street, N.W., WashingLand Management, ton, D.C. 20240, or (jlfoxwo.blm.gov). LS-31- 4, Drill team will host Mini Drill Camp Erin arid Olive Poulsen Nephi native named 1997 Arizona Highway Patrol Officer of the year t. i The Juab High School Drill Team will host, and instruct,, their annual Mini Drill Camp, July 8, 9, and 10, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. at the JHS Gym. Enrollment fee is $16.00 per girl and includes an official 97 Camp daily refreshments, and awards. Instruction will include precision dance, military calls, drill down, warm up, nutrition and conditioning information. Participants may also ride in rt, the Ute Stampede Mammoth parade with the JHS Drill Them. ( Please enroll by June 30th to and a spot. guarantee a rt Classes for all ages, 5 and up. This camp is recommended for those interested in trying out for drill team in the future. lb enroll, call Lisa at Tina Tiffany Lindsay Jakoye 6 Ashlee or Annie 623-149- 9, 623-149- 8, 623-530- 3, 623-430- 4, 623-163- 6, Job Corps Job students Corps cation building recently built an 8,900-square-fo- edu- ot that will provide classroom space for students earning their high school diploma or GED. For information or (wwwjobanps.org. about Job Corps, call Writing Competition Entries' seven creative writing categories, for this years competition are due June 27, 1997. For information about the Utah Original Writing Competition, call UHFA Mortgage The Utah Housing Finance Agencys Board of Directors approved the release of $25 million of mortgage funds that will make home ownership affordable for families with modest incomes. Call 623-203- 623-440- 6. The Music Man The Sundance Summer Theatre, with two stages nestled on the slopes of the Sundance Resort beneath Mt Timpanogos, will offer Meredith Willsons The Music Man, June 30. For tickets, call Choir Concert The Mormon Tabernacle Choir will present a Sesqukenten-nia- l Concert on June 20th at Uintah High School in Vernal. Bike Ride On June 20th, Antelope Island State Park in Syracuse will host the Friends ofAntelope Island Moonlight Bike Ride: An bike ride from the park entrance gate to Bridger Bay Beach and back. Tike ride begins at 10:00 pm. Call vehicles out of service because of 18-mi- le Craig and his wife, Shawna, in Safford, Arizona, with their children, Justin, Jessica and Jason. He is the son of Jay and Vonda Bowles of Nephi. live Worltshop Pottery A Primitive In Aemon( Of. . . BUCKAROO RODEO Ben McPherson and Jordie McPherson participated in the first Lil Buckaroo Rodeo ofthe Summer in Pleasant Grove. Ben, age 7, took the 3rd place trophy in the junior steer riding (10 and under). Jordie, age 13, won the 1st place buckle in the intermediate steer riding (10 to 15). They are the sons of Drew and Missy McPherson of Nephi. McPhsrson honored at Graveoids csrvice hs!d Miss Utah Pageant as for Eddis Arnold, ego 71 of Eddie K. Arnold, age 71, Nephi died June 11, 1997, in Provo, Utah. v ' No- vember 29, 1952. The later divorced. They had one eon, Byron Lynn Arnold, and three daughters, Kim Halls, Karen Arnold, and Sidney CIbny) Smith; and 8 1 M?nn. He married Lucy g J. Csny, August 29, 1976. He krj a ttrpraa, Mike (Dixie) E jer- ry and a (Cjenter) Crz-'-- T. 6 and 10 step-darte- r, Donnie Graveside service were held oa Saturday, June 14, 1937. Esrtel ia the Vine Dluff Cemetery, Nephi, Utah. CJLLe K. Arnold 25-2- 6. Partic- from lecting natural materials, to firing and finishing. Call col- UDOT Activity Utah County Line to North Nephi. Resurfacing is almost complete on the ten miles of Crews should finish each one direction. After this lane with dosed week, paving paving is complete, crews will be doing final work, mostly on the shoulders. Affects on traffic will be minimal. 5: 1-- Naphi! He was bom March 19, 192S, in California to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Partrick Knadler. He marrui Patricia Peterson Pottery Making Workshop will be held two-da-y at Fremont Indian State Park in Sevier on June ipants will learn the ancient art of pottery-makin- g Seih McPherson In conjunction with the "Hero theme of the Miss Utah Scholarship Pageant, the Miss Nephi Committee and Jennifer Wallace, Miss Nephi 1996, have selected Seth McPherson as Nephi Citys hero. When Seth was 13 years old his quick thinking, and acts of bravery, saved the life of his grandfather who had fallen into an irrigation ditch located on the family farm. Seth was honored on Monday at the Pageants annual Mall Walk. Thursday night he will be honored again at the Miss Utah Scholarship Pageant. Seth is the son of Roy and Barbara McPherson. lie will be a Senior at Juab High School this Fall. The Storybook Cottage DayCaro 445 & Eca 200 North Now fcsccgtlrg ProSchool (tepfti - C23-01- 9 enrolment tor mfnrrtgr ctd L3 Cry era. Crcc!et3 Ctctc Cecnccd Prcfccclcnd Cleff HctLuncca Prceehcd Fenced Open 7 a.m. Drop-In-n urJ C-OO Wzloomo Upon plrrccnd p.n. |