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Show Page 2 QUf tRunes-fcfo- Wednesday, June 18, 1S37 Nephi, Utah s Ksphi says that it wants to maintain for federal power long term contracts tive Happy Trzlh Wssli miEinis uu wagoini through which thoM con- ready burdened due to the recent ly Myras IhHuMi tractors would receive an exten- transformation at Western, said June 8, 1C27, Gumsey, Vtyo- - antelope everyday now running brush and grass flats by the s sion of a "major portion of the McKnight Correspondent road or in some farmers pasin the hills. flung resources available at the time A related concern, he said, is I (Dale Worwood) keep so j We have been traveling some ture land. Nephi City Council members current contract expire, ex- that under a new marketing It is really different, almost busy now with horses and wag-- mi oiled roads and more on dirt approved a letter written to Dav- plained McKnight. ons, and with all the people. We and gravel. W have gone up everyday now, and we get new plan, Western would be required id Sabo, Colorado River Storage "The IRP requirement is now to produce another Environment now have 40 wagons and some through the mountains and over people sign up almost every-day- a 14 handcarts. Saturday, bill and through valleys. Some day. Project Manager, confirming the in place, as codified by the 1992 tal Impact Statement interest Nephi has in the Ener- - Energy Policy Act said McK- He said this requirement, there were 458 walkers bade gy Planning and Management night Tt is only equitable that alone, would create a significant with the handcarts, 20 day ridProgram Power Marketing Ini- - the Federal Government now amount of work for Westerns ers on hones, and 25 outriders tiative to the Salt Lake City Area cany out the rest of the program CRSP CSC, which Western with the wagons. up ' We finally got out of NebrasIntegrated Projects. by offering meaningful exten- - would have to contract out due The letter was written, on as- - sions ofthe hydropower resourc- - to current staffing levels. As ka, and the large com Adds. signment, by Randy McKnight, es those contractors receive. Eastern has already experi- The farms are much xrnslW city administrator. McKnight said that, in addi- enced, completing an EIS is a here in framing and there are McKnight, in the letter, reaff- tion to the benefits of providing lengthy, expensive process. more hills for the horses and irmed the citys interest in main- important hydropower resources "The EIS on the Post-8- 9 marwalkers to climb for regional economic activity, keting criteria required some There are a lot of dedicated taining federal power on a contract basis. He said, on the principal purpose ofmarket- - nine years to complete at a toewalkers, but we still have a few behalf ofthe city, that for the typ- ing power produced at Reclama- - mendous expense, and that pro- - new ones come by every week. ical contractor for federal power, tion projects was to provide es- cess began only after many more They keep us so busy we don a twenty year contract period sential and substantial repay- yean offirst developing the marget a chance to tour around was essential in order to gain the ment of the federal investment keting criteria," said McKnight. much. We go by wagon train TAKING A REST Dale Worwood takes a break during the necessary insurance the power in those projects. "It is clearly in If Western offera only shortoften, and we tic schedule ofthe Mormon Trail Pioneer Wagon Train trek to Utah. quite needed would be available. the best interest of the United term contracts or extensions sometimes stop by an un- "In the spirit of integrated re- States and the taxpayers to se- rather than the proposed marked grave and dedicate the ofthe roads are steep mi the hills. source planning, stability in the cure that repayment through extension, it will find itself in a final We have 40 wagons, ten or resting place. We were by availability offederal hydropow- long term contract extensions. continuous cycle of developing Rebecca Winters grave mark- twelve handcarts and 300 people er resources is obviously a critiHe said this was particularly marketing plans and EIS that er this week. everyday. On the weekends there cal factor, said McKnight true in the case of the Salt Lake are not completed before the Ill toy to get, and send, the are more school children and "For contractors who depend Integrated Projects, where vious plan expires, said McK- - day programs that they hand some people sign up for one day upon federal power for a signifi- power revenues account for re- night. In fact, given past experius. or one week. They say that TVail and Oregon TVail as dose cant part of their resource mix, payment ofmore than 90 percent ence, we have already reached 100,000 are signed up to ride and as they can get. We have been it is difficult if not impossible, of irrigation investment, as well the point at which Western June 13, walk into Salt Lake Valley. to engage in meaningful long as covering all costs of power fa- would not be able to We finally are traveling in the We have about 50 to 60 Morcomplete term resource planning absent cilities. this process before the current rolling hills and green meadows mons traveling with us. an assurance that federal power "In further support of a contracts expire in 2004. of Vfyoming. The hill are covWe camp in city and county will continue to be available well extension to the Post-8- 9 con"The 4 percent initial resource ered with grass and flowers and fairgrounds, some of the time, into the planning horizon, he tracts, we observe that ifthe con- pool being proposed for potential quite a few cattle. We see a few and then we camp out is sage-said. tracts are not extended, Western allocation to new customers is, in Since it was first proposed in will be required to completely our view, more than adequate, resources which were set aside 1991, Westerns Energy Plan- revise the marketing process for said McKnight. Post-8- 9 the during ning and Management Program Post-200- 4 marketing Western already anticipates an allocations, said has had two nuyor components: McKnight increase in both water depletion criteria. Those 30 or 40 MW of A requirement that long-ter"Such a lengthy, complicated and resources for capacity per season and the asfirm power contractors prepare process would place a significant project use, whichrequired will result in sociated energy have not, to the people on hand to make the ByMyraalfreantvela integrated resource plans (IRP); burden on the CRSP (Colorado decreased resources available for knowledge of the city council sales, said Robinson. He said he and a Power Marketing Initia- - River Storage). CSC which is al- - existing CRSP customers. members, ever been allocated. s Correspondent had spoken to Wanda Snyder, "These resources should be "Given the inherent uncertainowner of the Desert Rose, and made available at least during Duane ty of hydropower production in the20 binnrepresenting she had agreed that her certified year contract exte'nsi Tinus-New- 1 20-ye- ar t hee-mark- 20-ye- ar pre-Ar- ea lt3 20-ye- ar Beer sales at golf course? Council ashed for permission Times-New- Health Fair Saturday at 4th 5th Ward Church euraerCdmadoPfivmBu jssjasssssss further through reallocation to as yet unknown entities is ques- ment, said McKnight In addition, he said, Western tionable at best," said McKnight has other allocated, but unused This uncertainty is increased resources available to it from Ceoter will be held Saturday. NAPI and several other irrigaJune 21st. It will be held at 345 tion projects, which do not cur East 500 North in Nephi from aways. Door prizes, balloons and es in the years 2009 and' 2014, use their entire CRSP alrently as Western. proposed by 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. free refreshments! -location. sStfL'SwSJr; quested permission to be allowed with the sales, to sell beer at the golf course to help raise funds. "I understand the citys main See Beer on page 3 concern is that I have certified Dear Editor,., Car , There will be free: blood pressure monitoring, vision and glaucoma screening, foot screening, body fat measurement, computerized cancer risk program, sleep disorder study, hearing check, ulcer screening and prostate physical. There will be free health pamphlets available and booths with a variety of health related subjects. A video on breast self exam will be available with coupons for free first time mammogram or $20.00 off a follow up mammogram. Our local fire, police and ambulance departments as well as Vince and Larry, the seat belt safety dum- - Baseline EKGs will be available for $5.00. Chemistry and cholesterol profiles will be avail- able for $15.00. A 12 hour fast is required for the cholesterol pro- file. PSA for prost&tfi will &lso be available for $20.00. The local See the Pledge ad on page 11 forinforma- toon on how to wm a tnp to Eu-rope and help build Nephis new hospital. KYKN 103.9 FM will be broadcasting live at the Health Fair. For more information, please call ext. 268. "The reduction of firm CRSP 11118 resource could be made allocations to existing customers, available to existing customers even by an amount which might as a re- contingent long-terseem insignificant to Western, could verywell endaneer the KUTceB available only until that when the projects should g of those customers, : the iner BCQuire naid he id McKnight Such customers would be ra- m well-bein- I would like to thank The beauty parade. It would be a s for printing the wonderful time the entire fami- fromthe Sesquicentenni- - ly could eryoy together, 1 Wamii 'Wam Times-New- ij PA,udltw v of the car show and any others. It would be so easy to line up tome a one of seven members, appre- sources which, in the future will I ated the heritage to appi opportunity provide progresvery likely beven higher priced than present opportunities. With comments on the important is- - dreds of hours the committee sive, innovative, and extremely spends to bring us a celebration intelligent the people of todays uncertain market condiNephi of this magnitude. have become! tions and many CRSP customers I would like to encourage the 7A already struggling with profit- committee to substitute a car ability, such a change could ac- Mary Carol Goble show parade for the bathing n tually threaten the survival of Nephi those customers. While Western is in spreading the benefits of CRSP hydropower tUH5 resources to the greatest number U11 1 nffirntv, UlllLclsj Will DC 11310 nn .lltno OQvfl well-intend- ed Mormon Miracle of potential customers, said Allan R. Gibson, Publisher Mariann C. Gibson, Editor Myrna Trauntvein, Correspondent Nephi, Julie Smalley, Correspondent Levan, 623-019- 5 623-15- Call (801) 623-05- 25 FAX: (801) 623-47- 35 03 for subscription, news or advertising INTERNET gibsontnnebonet.com The Times-Ne(UPSP ii published each Wednesday by the Ti New Publishing Co.. 96 South Main, Nephi, Utah 84648. pud at Nephi, Utah. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sellmse- News, P.O.Box 77, Nephi, Utah 84648 w 631-06- Deadlines: News and advertisinr dose of business, Monday prior to publication. When a holiday tolls on Monday, the deadline is the Friday enorto publication. Subscription prices: Six months, 114 in or out of Juab County, ons year. $19 in Juab County $23 outside Juab County, payable in advance. No subecrin. tions accepted for lees than six months. Single copy price, 60s. Advertisin rates available upon request. All articles and phottwreph ft submitted for publication are subiect to edition ditor dsema themnswsworthy. the editor ? right to hold submitted news items tor space reasons. Is Your Local Internet Service Provider That means "No Long Distance Hum unlike America Online, Prodigy, AT&T and other providers that have their "Local" number in Salt Lake end Prim). Call us today and see how you can get on the net using one of our many LOW CQ3T LOCAL npri. McKnight, the city council did Eric Department not think Western ever intend- Service McGrath, Officer of the Disabled ed to harm existing customers. American Veterans, will be in "We recommend that Western Nephi on Monday, June 23rd, at rewitthe potential impactsof Job Service from 9:00 a.m. to its proposed reallocation of CRSP 10:00 a.m. to provide assistance w customers, with Department of Veterans said McKnight. A contrasting problem lies Affairs in the uncertainty of those new entities applying for allocations of From CRSP power, said McKnight. "If there are too many applicants, the resources in the pool are spread too thin, and a foir share entitlement would not offer suf- (VA) issues. Pageant June 19-2- 1, 24-2- . base ofhistoric Ttmpk Hitt pa're one Do you have Medicare or Private Insurance your Diabetic Supplies at little or no cost to you! You may receive Call for details: ficient incentive for such entities to take on the risk and expense that the building inspector would of becoming a utility." need to be involved nJ approve McKnight said this was ob- The council Lit served inthe PostiSmarketing would BP01 where P04 several process, entities initially applied for allocations be the set becks which and then refused them. be correct. "It is our view that thl conMike Mann expressed his stant process of allocation and concern shout the lots in town reallocation of a static resource with old vacant houses and tell will serve only to dilute the grass. He explain that then CRSP resource as a whole UQ are possible firs haxardz. C- reduce its value relative to other berdsucptizjseadisjakttzr maiket resources, he said. to property ewnere sxlxlulwj for y Cra pmsidering the potential Car their reduced allocations created by hazard.rerponty After discussion, it was the initial resource pool and the dadded to eead a letter to 3 proposed adjustments, it would property owners. . , seem equitable to provide conCouncil mcer LaftssAsgard tractors with similar opportuni- ergrerrsd ktr eaocm choct It was ty to revisit their obligation in thafotura. ci that tha council folk at tha In short, said McKnight, it may ecxtoact keftn renewing it in be appropriate to include In the Acgazt. extended contract a provision wcld Lsk izto ton. TOLL FREE GREAT LAKES DIACETIC SUPPLY - K( infill M Ml li (if) litfllw '.v P?. ceni-aftowi- ng era. contractors, with notice, to return all or part ILtpsr Dclinshy pointed oct at their aftacctsom. UIITA power es tlzt An ksue which has not boon addressed by Western, is the unallocated power and energy council rzstirg wU bo 1 ca Friday; Juno 20. ado-qua- 3 Manti, Utah U tlj Athnradiil u Refinance Nov! CcCji I On Und DcltCc-- 'TCtmrrd Home Division, on ptk fa Tiani. |