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Show rc-- 3 10 Wcp Wednesday, June Nephi, Utah tHimra-eb- a 7 1537 18(, K ivezd wamiidG te?i2 to tite ak : HJSU -- v : in the West and has the ability to spread to thousands of acres Its late spring and the hills are of wild lands, says Dr. Sherm aglow with a yellow blanket of Thomson, USU Extension plant dyers woad. In response, Utah pathologist State University scientists are It grows well in dry, rocky soil, ' using a helicopter and a fungus it chokes out nearly all other to fight the spread of this color- plants in the soil and it is not preferred by cattle or sheep, Thful, but pushy weed. ' Dyer's woad arrived in Utah omson explains. In one plot near sometime in the early 1900s and Dillon, Montana, it spread from has been spreading ever since. two to more than 100 acres in Woad, brought over from Europe, just two years. It is growing at a was grown as a textile dye in rate of 14 percent per year on North America during the colo- Pacific Northwest rangeland renial period. It apparently then ducing the grazing capacity by escaped through contaminated and average of 38 percent ,, It is now spreading in eight alfalfa seed shipments to the west where it has become a nui- western states and its main sance in range, croplands and threat is that it dominates other forests. Dyers woad grows well plants in rangelands, forests and by Dennis Kinkwnp Y t Morns Storage off Emergency Watoir containers also offer the advantage ofa spigot that can be used to dispense the water. Large polyethylene barrels can store more water in a given space, but the weight of the water, makes immobile. them water of emergency supply stored at home can be of great SANITARY METHODS OF WATER STORAGE Stored wavalue. HOW MUCH TO STORE The ter must be clean water. Use the Utah State Department of best quality water available for Health recommends storing a water storage. For long-tertwo week supply of water. 7 gal- storage, water should be sterillons per person for drinking and ized or disinfected. USU Extenfood preparation, and another 7 sion service recommends a heat gallons per person for other lim- sterilization method for glass . .Fill clean fruit ited uses such as hand washing, containers: teeth brushing and dish washing jars with water, leaving one inch (total 14 gallons per person for of head space at the top of the two weeks). jar. Place dean sterilized lids on TYPES OF CONTAINERS the jar and process the water in Both glass and plastic contain- a boiling water bath as fruit juice ers are commonly used for wa- is processed. Quart jars should ter storage at home. Containers be processed 20 minutes, should be clean and sanitary. jars 25 minutes." Water stored in thoroughly Glass containers are breakable and somewhat heavy compared clean plastic or glass containers can be chemically disinfected for to plastic, but they are not permeable to vapors and long-terstorage by treating gases, and the amount of leach- each gallon with 16 drops of liqing (dissolving) of chemicals from uid chlorine bleach (Clorox or glass into water is insignificant. Purex type bleaches, containing If plastic containers are used, 4 to 6 sodium hypochlorite). care should be taken to assure One teaspoon ofbleach disinfects that they are made of plastic ap- 5 gallons of water. This level of proved for food contact by the treatment will prevent growth of Federal Food and Drug Admin- microorganisms during storage. Water stored in plastic containistration. Polyethylene plastic is food contact and for is should not be stored near ers approved commonly used for containers of gasoline, kerosene, pesticides or similar substances. Vapors form various sizes, including large drums. Certain types of these substances plastic containers are not intend- could permeate the plastic and d ed for food contact (such as vinyl affect the water. plastic waterbeds, or trash con- polyethylene containers are sigtainers) and may leach undesir- nificantly less permeqble to va- d conable chemicals into stored water. pors than are The disposable, plastic milk tainers. Be certain, when selecting a bottle is one example of a common polyethylene plastic con- storage container for water, that d and it has a tight fitting cap or lid to tainer, but it is tends to develop leaks easily. Liq- prevent entrance of contamiuid chlorine bleach bottles are nants and evaporation of water. made of thicker polyethylene Because sunlight has an adverse plastic, and may be used for wa- effect on plastic, water should ter storage if the empty bottles be stored away from direct expoare thoroughly rinsed with hot sure to sunlight. water and allowed to dry. If Sterilized or disinfected water, bleach bottles are used for wa- stored in clean, ter storage, be certain to remove containers with secure the bleach label and write the lids or caps should be safe for use word WATER" indelibly across even after many years of storage. the bottle. It is important to pre Replacement of stored water vent children from identifying a with fresh water should be shape, size and color con- - essary only if the stored water tainer with water ifthat contain- becomes contaminated in some er normally comes filled with way or if the container should bleach or another hazardous sub- begin to leak. Be certain to lastance. The importance of keep- bel each container so there will containers out of be no question about its contents. ing bleach-fille- d the reach of children cannot be Include the date and information on the method of disinfection overemphasized. Heavy-dut- y plastic used. ' containers are available for water storage. This size container holds 42 pounds of water and is still light enough to be carried to the point of use. Most of these We all expect to see water rushing from our taps whenever we turn them on. Many circumstances can, however, interrupt water service or contaminate the water supply. In such cases, an , m The Fall Cankerworm caterpillar, commonly referred to as inchworms or loopero because of the way their back loops up when they crawl, are satisfying their appetites at the expense of oak and maple trees along the Wasatch Front. They also attack -- many shade trees and shrubs including elm, birch, aspen and two-qua- rt willow. "The caterpillars eat leaves from trees and when the population is moderately high, as it appears to be this year, we may see areas of severe defoliation, said Colleen Keyes, forest health coordinator for the Division of For- m estry, Fire and State Lands. "Usually the trees recover later in the summer, but several years of defoliation could cause irreparable harm. Also, because ofthe Thick-walle- Michelle Jacobsen Is now available for all of your hair styling needs! CALL HER TODAY FOR A APPOINTMENT 623-713- or 5 623-016- 7 Tolley Beauty & Barber Shop We cut 4-- D 424 North Main, Nephi and style both mens and womens hair PLUMING & BUILDERS SUPPLY 66 SOUTH MAIN, NEPHI, UTAH h rC Hasting Service Plumbing Service Electrical - Licensed Contractor We Service What We Seal CH j: to a common core of high-levknowledge and skills. Studies have shown that stu3. Organize instruction to indent achievement climbed by 0 sure success for all students. percent in middle level schools 4. Empower teachers and adthat implemented eight recom- ministrators to make key decimendations issued in 1989 by the sions at the school level. ' Carnegie Council on Adolescent 5. Prepare teachers specificalDevelopment ly to teach young adolescents. Middle level educators and 6. Improve academic achieveadministrators have the oppor- ment through better fitness and tunity to learn more about these health. eight recommendations and how 7. families in the they can implement them in education of young adolescents. their schools at the Rocky Moun8. Connect schools with comtain Middle Level Education munities. Symposium at Utah State UniOne major study, involving versity, June 30 through July 3, more than 15,000 middle level said Cami McClure, USU Con- students and more than 900 ference Program Specialist. teachers, was conducted in Illi"The symposium, now in its nois over a six year period. The fourth year, will focus on helpstudy compared schools that iming middle level schools better plemented the Carnegie Coun-ril- s meet the needs of young adolesrecommendations at cents by implementing the Car- threeeight levels: low, medium, and Ccrpct end vinyl Seles end inctelletion r t.' I' (northeast 7 en- trance), Tuesday, June 24th from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. If you cannot make it on that day, you can bring your lid in on any day during office hours and have it tested for $1.00. Please allow 1 hour for testing. A. n r T3 v inu .Us S S ft Is Now Providing Shoe Repair Service To Our Area Weekly! We Do them all... negie recommendations, McClure said. "More than 500 middle level teachers and 100 schools have participated in the sympo- sium during the past three ' years. Since the Carnegie Council issued its report, research sponsored by a variety of state and private agencies indicates a significant transformation is occur- i ring in middle level schools where those recommendations have been taken to heart, said Martin Tadlock, USU professor who is chairing the symposium. Where all eight recommendations are in place, several things seem to happen, Tadlock said. Large schools create a smaller school within a school where stu-dents dont get lost as easily in the system. A "teaming structure is provided where a closer working relationship can exist between teachers. In addition, teachers are provided common planning time where they assemble to formulate ways to better meet the needs of students they share, TWSock said. Also teachers are available to meet with parents in team conferences. Tbachers cor- 2. Provide all students access delivered the following 7hecdcyl Guaranteed Quality Work NORMAL EVERYDAY PRICES 12 Rubber Sob 12 Lcether Scb end Heels end Heels $29.95 $30.95 Rush Orders i Ceil 623-440- 7 or Don et 4C2-SC- Avslbbb At Extra Chsrce! -- T , VY'lalM --LL self-estee- 9to5M-F10to2- C3 et ACRES FARM GROUND KS20 AClTiCYriC. Near Levan. $700 acre. 18 shares KZTH OFFICE water available. CaR LaDaun. 1200 DRY FARM ON RIDGE (TCS -- acre. Call LaDaun 14 ACES BUILDING LOT Call LaDaun. 7 ACRES ON FREEWAY EXIT. Owner motivated. Call LaDaun. COME WITH OVER 3 ACRES IN NEPHI. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wood stove, must sell. Call LaDaun. on g bedroom, 1 bath super ldH j cute hone in NephL CaS LaDaun. CLCER ERICH COME with two bedrooms on .53 acres with Call CsEaca largs ztcrxgs shed in Levan. I 1-- ... OCR 1123 CUAES FEET C7 IIAIIUEICTUZED rr"rr COME, two baths, built la 1273, murt be currtd by Acrt L c23-ir-:i 1227. LMUi far Cl 2 223. C.T GREAT LOT Cl Ihl IEET3 CcE Caty for ds- - kaitrrrz, txila 2 C23-722- 7. r cy M EZEECCU COM3 Cl GREAT furnace, new skiirj. Oily , CCNEITICrL New CT223. Call Kxty to sxa. C23-72T- 7. r IVr-ntU- b f W . be repaired end out-scor- nJ end deliver weeklyI Every 7hesdoy, Just prop our shoes or boots by 12 Noon end they will "Results of tbe research showed that students attending schools where the Carnegie es - u j.;1 At South 40 IFA Outfitters schools with similar demographics so that student populations were comparable. CotT-enc- ? fv- - Wo pickup high. Each group contained Council recommendations were implemented at a high level their counterparts in low level implementation schools by more than 10 percent in reading, 20 percent in language, and almost 20 percent in mathematics on state standardized core tests, he said. Students in high implementation schools also reported signif-icantly less worry, leu fear, highand exhibited less er behavior problems than their counterparts, Tadlock said. "This longitudinal study will continue to follow those schools over the next several years and will also track students as they enter high school and college to see if differences continue to occur, he said. The study was published in the March, 1S97 Phi Delta Kappan magazine. For more information ea the Rocky Mountain Middle Level Education Symposism, call UEU , Big and Small!! Re-enga- ge are: 1. Divide large schools into smaller communities for learn-icg- .. I dial-typ- Courthouse 7 10-2- The eight recommendations made by the Carnegie Council .. Individuals who participate in home canning should check the e gaugaccuracy of their es and other lid parts as part of their annual routine. Tb have the dial gauge on your pressure canner tested FREE OF CHARGE, bring the lid to the Extension office, Juab County el teaching ideas to improve their Continuing Education instruction, and as a result, stuat dent achievement climbs. , bio-contr- ol 538-555- 5. bj Lisa Anderson relate curriculum and share n aesthetic impact and the general nuisance of the caterpillars, landowners may wish to control the insects." The Cankerworm may be controlled with several types of insecticides. "A biological insecticide specific to caterpillars can be found in most nurseries under the names Thuricide or Dipel, and contact insecticides, such as Malathion, can also be used," added Keyes. The mention of product names does not constitute endorsement, nor does it imply approval of a product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable. Follow label directions carefully. For more information call the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands at (801) student achievement thin-walle- Subscribe Today! Lff h. Middle schools report gains in 57-gall- nec-certai- n ' Caterpillar nuisance on the rise Fire pressure cannier testing day at extension office -- -- thin-waile- " s Aerial pastures. In Utah the loss of pro- try with helicopters. to rosch us allow could duction In crop and rangeland spraying says. production is estimated to be sev- larger areas faster, Flint reach eral million dollars. Helicopters also allow us to There are herbicides that can rugged hillsides where dyere Mb I .. control it and farmers have used woad often spreads.1 'h kill the not woad, does rust The them to limit dyers woad growth in croplands. As it spreads to Thomson emphasises, but it wilderness and other protected nearly eliminates seed produc-tio- n so that its spread is greatly areas, however, herbicide useis ' ' reduced. indiscauses and it impractical ofbiolegithis type Flint says criminate damage to other plants Tow-tecThis 4 is control cal control is in the area. Biological a great alternative, he says. : spring USU researchers, with The only biological control to the help of Boy Scouts and prisj date is a specific disease caused on work crews picked about infected rust of was rust The 1,000 rust a pounds fungus. by n first identified in Idaho in 1978 woad. It was then dried, ground . solution mixed into a be will Bind ever and has been spreading since. The best thing about rust fin: spray tanks. is that' it is specific to woad and There is a lot of interest in this method, Thomson doesnt affect the growth of any other plants in the treated areas. says. The Utah Department of ' Transportation (UDOT)is interIt also spreads on its own. Were just trying to help this ested in using rust to spray along fungus spread fester Thomson road sides another favorite spot Sersays. Karon Flint, USU research for dyers woad. The Forest associate has been studying the vice and other public organizabiology and spread of the woad tions are especially interested because they not allowed to use disease for several years. Weve done a lot of ground lev- pesticides on most of the land el spraying, but this is our first they manage. ' I |