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Show Juab County, Nephi, IHaf? Thursday, October 24, 1963 EJjc Page SK Nephi Local Social News The Democratic Party Proudly Presents Mr. and Mrs. James Ros-quiMrs. Vera Chappell of San of Ephraim spent TuesDiego is visiting with her brother in law and sister, Mr. day with their son In law and Mrs. Grant Sperry, and in and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Fountain Green with her par- Fred L. Painter. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Visiting at the home of Mr. Jensen. and Mrs. Fred L. Painter for and several days last week were Mrs. Marie Howell chiki re nof Kearns visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and her brother In law and sister, Mrs. Mayben Fox of Roy. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sperry on Friday. st Comedy Corner Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Lewis of Salt Lake City were week end guests of her parents, Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman. PIANO TUNING :ay.. YI& ' Y- LOCAL Phone 623-186- 'ih'! 17 r 7: C - ' it EXPERT SERVICE rj L'z'; J I 'I Y , j C WrttAw. ,vM - Nephi DON C. TEW q-j&p- I 1 bet we give someone a -- ww.il Si i ELWOOD tmmi rL Handcrafted QUALITY makes the Difference h NEWS BRIEFS Annual Service Project Pass Conducts The Laurel Class of the NeMr. and Mrs. Blaine Newton Second Ward M I. A. recadn family of Salt Lake City phi their class completed ently his of end were week guests The was project. project mother, Mrs. Katie Williams. cooking of food, and giving the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jarrett food to someone else. Eighteen girls participated and family of Garland, and Mr. They visited and Mrs. Richard Summers in the project. and family of Salt Lake City the homes of Mr. and Mrs. were week end visitors of Mrs. Harry Beagley, and Glen At the Beagley home Ray Newton. the girls entertained with readings and piano Week end visitors of Mrs. singing, music. David Neilsen while they were BaTbara Lunt is class hunting deer in this area were Donna Dell Painter Mike Ensign of Hawthorn, is vice Ethel R. president. California, Russell Neilsen of Mathews is class leader. of Neilsen and Wayne Murray Bel-listo- n. Genuine HANDCRAFTED Chassis All connections HANDWIRED, HANDSOLDERED contemporary "Lo-Bjy- NO PRODUCTION " SHORTCUTS styling in grained walnut color or grained mahogany color. Big 265 sq. in. rectangular picture screen. NO PRINTED CIRCUITS ZENITH SUPER GOLD VIDEO GUARD for ultra sensitive signal reception, long TUNER TV life. PATENTED COLOR DEMODULATOR CIRCUITRY the "electronic brain" of color TV provid.es the most accurate hues in color TV. pres-identa- Lark. Mrs. Sherwood Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Owen Peery and daughter Tamra of Salt Lake City were week end vis itors of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. AI90 visiting Dansie. this week at the Dansie home is her grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Stoker of Payson. La-Mon- te Mrs. Milton Neilsen and children spent the week end in Salt Lake City visiting with relatives and friends. Nephi Social Items Lit-a-Lu- re Club Meet Mrs. E. C. Sherwood was hostess to the Club at her home on Thursday eve rung with 16 members of the club attending. Mrs. Merle II. White, president, conducted a short business session and Mrs. J. E. Andrews read Litany. Mrs. Cleon L. Memmott gave a report on South Dakota, as the club continued its study of the states of the Union. Mrs. Memmott pointed out that South Dakota was known as the Sunshine State, because no northern state has fewer cloudy The chief industry in days. South Dakota is agriculture, except fo rthe southwestern Lit-a-Lu- re Paid Political Advertisement by Nephi City Democratic Committee, Duane Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bellis-to- n and Mrs. R. H. Stuart over visited in Moroni on Sun- the week end. day with her parents, Mr. and Dennis Pay who is attending Mrs. Theo Jackson. the University of Southern spent the week end The Nephi Second Ward Re- California with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lief Society are urging all ladies of the ward to attend Clarence H. Pay. their Harvest Social on FriMr. and Mrs. Grant Price day evening at 7:30 p.m. at were in Delta on October 12 the Relief Society Room. High to attend the wedding receptlights of the evening will be a ion for her nephew, Leland slides to the by pageant trip Hansen and Leslie Welton. with Mrs. Vera Paxman. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Park and two Michael and Mrs. Grant Price were Mr. friends of Salt Lake City vis- and Mrs. Mick Hansen of ited with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. and Draggerton on Sunday. Mrs. Wallace Park Colorado. of Hansen Carl They were enroute to Salt Lake City after deer hunting Recent over night guests of in the Cedar City area. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith Brock-ban- k Mrs. O. E. Brown of Studio were Dr. and Mrs. R. I. of Santa Anna, City, California visited with her brother and sister in law, Mr. l& as we are today, the Treasury Department cant answer that question. The Treasury does know that U.S, Savings Bonds are owned by tens of millions of families. So it might be safe to assume that people in every walk of life belong to this savings club. This is a happy fact for the United States, and for the free peoples of the earth. For Savings Bond dollars are playing an important role in the making of history. This $46 billion reserve in the governments hands is working vigorously today to help our country in the major struggle to defend freeAs statistical-minde- d power by paying good interest and providing a method of saving thats unconditionally safe and readily cashable. And the higher your purchasing power, thp better it speaks for our system. It all adds up to one of the best ways you can save money and at the same time help your country. Start buying Bonds next payday through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or from any bank and see if you dont feel pretty good about it. dom. At the same time, Savings Bonds help build your personal purchasing Keep freedom in your future wilh U.S. SAVINGS DOFJD5 d Turns Tables During the week, young men whistle at a certain young Prague, Czechoslovakia, miss. But on weekends she turns the tables on them. The girl is a soccer referee. by Anchor-Hockin- g SOAP - Assorted Large bars they are not accepted. She said Utah is one state which accomodates people regardless of color, race or religion. She discussed the Negro suffrage act which gave them the right to vote. A discussion by the members followed. Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh, the club's president, was in charge and litany was read by Mrs. James Stephens. The financial report for the past year was read .by the Secretary, Miss Mabel Sperry, Who buys more Savings Bonds ? you are considering seeding a lawn either this fall or next spring, and you cant decide which is the best time, here are a few things you should know about fall planting. Soils prepare a seed-bebetter in fall. Cooler weather helps bluegrass and fescus establish, Weeds will be relatively absent through winter months. Youre getting mighty old when you can remember when all you had to do was just wind up the record player with a crank. One of the most relaxed men must have been the guy who bought the first bath t fa JOteODy wet on j tub in 1850. He didnt have to get out of it to answer the first telephone until 1875. RED HART YARN 4-o- z - for 10 oz size -- Made Mrs. J. E. Robertson was hostess to the Ladies Literary Club at her home on Monday, October 21, where she gave a She paper on Civil Rights. read the 14th amendment of the constitution and also the Civil Rights bill. She told of the inconveniences undergone by colored people in Interstate travel where and accepted. Mrs. J. R. Welibaum was ac cepted into the club as a new member. Mrs. Greenhalgh asked ladies who drive cars to pick up the members in their area to bring to the club meetings, as some do not have transportation. She also announced that on November 14 President Ernest of the Brigham Wilkinson Young University will present a program on Americanism, and that the girl graduates luncheon has been placed on the club calendar for May 22. Those preesnt were Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. James H. Stephens, Miss Mabel Sperry, Mrs. Frank P. Greenhalgh, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. J. L. Belhston, Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs. Leo Christensen, Mrs. W. Mrs. A. H. W. Stephenson. I .a timer, Mrs. James IL Eagar, Mrs. James R Stanley, Mrs. J. R. Welibaum, Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. Wilford Bailey, Mrs J E. Robertson, hostess, and M-- s. Eva Jones, a visitor Iron Sat Lake City, sister of Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Burton. Why Fall? GLASS TUMBLERS Report on Civil Rights Giyen by Club Member newlyweds or grandparents I city folks or farmers ? Chairman. STRICTLY FRESH Nephi Local, Social News ent trip to South Dakota. ? RONALD C. JONES THEY ARE WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT Duane Van Vusdal of Paro-wa- n was a week end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ockey portion of the state where while hunting deer in this there are extensive gold minarea. es. Nearly all sects and creeds of religion are represented in the state. South Dakota became a state in 1889 and the state capital is at Pierre, on the Missouri River, near the center of the state. Mrs. Memmott also gave an interesting report on her rec- truck drivers or hairdressers D. "BILL Candidates for Nephi City Councilmen big surprise! M. I. A. WILLIAM HAIL HOWARD IN A TWIRL Winner of the 1963 Baton Twirling championship of New York is Diane Sabia, 18, of Long Island. She began her freshman year in college. MONA R. & fragances for 1.09 - Skeins Many new colors DOUBLE KNIT WOOLS - &43 yard Regular 2.98 yard Beautiful Assortment Ba ALL RED AND YELLOW SWEATSHIRTS $4 AND CAPS - y OFF CHERRY CHOCOLATES VISCOSE RUGS 27X48 inches - STILL DEPARTMENT STORES |