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Show Thursday, October 24, 1963 Nephi, Juab County, Utah at Mrs. Elizabeth Clark entertained the Friendly Club nt her home on Wednesday, October 15. The afternoon was spent in sewing and listening to musical numbers played by Mrs. Rhea JJeagley. Delicious refreshments were served on the patio to the following: Mrs. Stella Anderson, Mrs. Wanda Curridge, Mrs. Rhea Reagley, Mrs. Heryl Rowers, Mrs. Ida Belllston, Mrs. Alice P. Mrs. Rois Nelson. Mrs. Amy Warner; special guests: Mrs. Lucille Lunt, Miss Alicia Read, Mrs. Ruth Wells, Mrs. Mrs. Elena Maude Foote, Stanley, and the hostess, Mrs. Elizabeth Black. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH 100 NYLON CARPETING BY Me-Cun- e, MONARCH Seal Covers STEINER UPHOLSTERY 205 SOUTH MAIN and Local Items Lev?tn 5pc'a! Meeting of Club WALTZ Wayne Worwood, son of Mr. (Mr, and Mrs. II. Ray Francom and Mrs. G. M. Worwood, left v hile hunting deer In this area, last Tuesday for Fort Ord, Alan Francom of Walla Wal-hi- s California where he will take Washington Mr, Mikleson basic training with the! of Spokane, Washington, and United .States Army. Paul Francom of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wood City are visiting with Mrs. were in LHdta on Sunday to Dulde Franexn during the attend a birthday anniversary deer hunt. Mrs. Charles Broth-rrso- n and children Sharlene, party for his brother and sister: Frank Wood, 81 and Mrs. Carl and Bruce of Layton also were week end guests of Mrs. Millie Deusnip, 79. Deer hunting visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wood-roBeard this week end were Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Hudson and two children Stuart and Jody Lynn. They attended Sunday School in Levan Ward Sunday. w Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tolley of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a daughter on Oct- ober 19. are Grandparents Mrs. Dulde Francom of Levan and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tolley of Nephi. p Mr. and Mrs. Donald Farrell, Vern and Seymour Winter of Bountiful, and Max and children of Sandy, of Salt Lake City Miss Mary Co! lard of Salt Lake Winter spent the week end with their City spent the week end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winter. J. Clair Collard. Lee Wankier of Delta was Renon Christensen of Salt in Levan to hunt deer with Lake City spent the week end his father, Arvil Wankier. with her mother, Mrs. Grace Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wan- Joseph Christensen of Salt kier and children of Salt Lake Lake City also were Sunday City were week end visitors of visitors of Mrs. Christensen. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Barbara Bogh of was a week end guest Wayne Peterson and children of Ephraim also were Sunday of her brother in law and sisguests at the Stephensen home. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Christensen. Miss Bonnie Daniels, who is Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bosh teaching at St. George, spent Monday with Mrs. Cecil Step- were in Salt Lake City Saturhensen. day to visit with his mother, Mrs. Leah Bosh at the home Lynn Francom and son of Mr. and Mrs. Erick PeterSteven, and Chuck Norton of son, Mr. and Mrs. James StepProvo, Leon Madsen and son Tennis of Orem, Carl Francom hensen and family of Orem are of Lehi, Earl Francom and son visiting with her parents, Mr, Wayne of SpringviOe spent the and Mrs. Neil Crosland while w eek end with their parents, he is hunting deer in this area, Das-tru- Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnes visited in Moroni on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jensen, and in Fountain Green with Mrs. Luella Mikkelson. THROUGH WASHDAY AND HERE'S THE SWEETEST MUSIC YOU EVER HEARD I " I EWS UALKERS DEER HUNT Used Freezer SPECIAL IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION concerning hospital or life inyear guarantee surance call Bill Howard, local Jacks Appliance, 11 North Metropolitan representative Main Street. There is no obligation except 43 to those you love. Phone chest type 21. cu. ft. 5 623-146- 2. 414243 POTATOES FOR SALE Phone $1 F'loyd Keyte, Mona per day rental for Electric 8 4243 Carpet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre. Chapman Furniture Co. THE REXALL BEST KNOWN NAME IN DRUGS CHROME KITCHEN SET in Nephi at Robert Hall Phar- FOR SALE excellent con1 6 to macy. Open Sundays Phone dition $35.00 623-180- During October ONLY!! LOW SUDS DETERGENT) 623-133- 7. 42434445 oop For 43 YSie HAVE YOU TRIED WHITES COAL? Call Joe White at Home and FOR SALE 4 quick delivery. double garage with 4 acres of 4243 ground See Thayne Jarrett or phone 43 200 pairs FOR SALE Roller Skates; 1 skate wheel grinder, 1 metal boat, POTATOES FOR SALE long; 1 beaded movie screen Clark Ostler, phone 8 t. wide. Mrs. Gerhart, 880 4344 South Main. Phone 623-052- 623-055- 9. Washer OF The 20-fe- et 623-127- WHEN YOU BUY THIS 623-075- 4. 424344 FOR SALE Case 300 about Hospital Diesel Tractor with plow and K. E. Motes, and other Health and Life In- com chopper surance plans? Call Bill How4344 ard, local Metropolitan representative No obligation except to those you love. Phone FOR SALE Four bedroom with furnace and car414243 home Call Vinton Steiner, port. 42tf or WE ALWAYS have a wedding Plumbing and gift list Builders Supply, your PRO Henry Ballow has 5 tons of Hardware Store at 66 South lump coal for sale. Call or see Woodrow Beard, Main Phone CONFUSED 623-014- 1. 623-146- 2. IMPERIAL 90 AUTOMATIC WASHER 2 Speeds 5 Wash-Rins- -5 e 4-- D 623-179- 8. 623-119- 9. Cycles Temps WHY NOT ask to see the NEED A GOOD SECOND benefits in Metropolitans new No CAR? Heres a good one! 1950 hospital and life plans with Champion obligation, except to those you Studebaker Call New Tires. love Call Bill Howard at 623 overdrive. 5 1462. Doug Christiansen at 613-072- 414243 43 AVON COSMETICS desires lady to serve customWrite: ers living in Mona. Mrs. Gaia Christensen, Richfield for private interview in your own home. APPLES fresh from the Ivie Orchard in Orem. Worm-freJonathan $1.75; Delicious $2; Rome Beauty 1.75; Greenings 2.50 bu. Pick up at 295 East 95 40414243 MATCHING GAS OR ELECTRIC DRYER e. Nephi. Ph. Boyd R. Ivie 2 Norths FUNNY BUSINESS ALSO AVAILABLE Model UU 67M--5 RCA WHIRLPOOL WASHERS START AS LOW AS 0) 95 kc. is 8 43 3 Wafer Levels . . 289 623-191- 623-115- 1. 623-015- 9 - V A i V ?A i. ESgHEfffiL. Francom. Cen-terfie- ld o, Two eJjc Mrs Clack Hostess Tailor-Mad- e Pag HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Chunk 5 for 95 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP - - 9 cans 1.00 214 size fins - - 2 for 35 LIBBY PUMPKIN LIBBY PINEAPPLE Crushed, Chunk, Tidbits 489 LIBBY FRUIT COCKTAIL 303s 4 for 89 LIBBY TOMATO JUICEoz 4cans.00 LIBBY PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUI- T 46 oz tins - - - 3 for 83 DRINK LIBBY PITTED RIPE OLIVES 4 cansl.QJ LIBBY VIENNA SAUSAGES-5for9- 5 LIBBY BEEF STEW - - 24 oz fins - Each 39c TASTE T - TREAT APPLE CIDER - - WLWN - 73 CRISCO SHORTENING 5 Off 311)69 THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 7 P.M. 48 pack 1.19 MODESS- - REGULAR OR SUPER PAC1 0 rolls 69e TOILET TISSUE 12 rolls 1.00 ZEE TOILET TISSUE MIRACLE WHIP -- QUART JAR 53 Regular pkgs 4 lbs 1.00 OLEOMARARSNE RAISINS -- SEEDLESS -- DelMonte 4pkss98 PREMIUM SALTINES 2 lb pkg 53 PIERCES CORN -- Cream or W.K. 7 cans 1.00 -- All Flavors - - Reg. pkgs JELL-Q- " 0 pkgs 1 .00 12 oz can LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF 44c 4 cans 98 CARNATION TUNA SWIFT'S ICE CREAM-fir- st qualify V2 gal 69 GEM FLOUR -- "A Nephi product!! 50 lb bag 3.71 - - 3 lbs for 1.00 PEA N UTS-Roaste- d! PINEAPPLE JUICE K- CIAL - -4- BANANAS per pound YAMS 6ozcans-3for87e PUMPKINS 1 0c Golden-colore- d 2 per pound 3 pounds 25 centers WHITE POTATOES - 20 LB BAG 49 MEAT PIES - - Reef - Turkey or Chicken 6 fur 1 .00 Assorted - - 10 for 1.00 TIP TOP DRINKS FRUIT PIES Buy Several!! 3 WE HAVE DIXIE MOLASSES and half-gallo- n for in gallon sizes PORK ROASTS - Boston Butts - - per lb - - 39 GROUND BEEF - Freshly Ground! - - 2 lbs 89 HALIBUT- - - Center Slices, per pound 57 BACON -- TOP GRADE- - - per pound 47 HAMS - - Tou'll Love It! - Whole or Halfcper lb 49 PORK SPARE RIBS -- SPECIAL -- lb 39 REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE iCENTER Nephi 11 N. Ph. Main Phone 623-017- 7 It happens every fall! 1.QQ 623-045- 2 |