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Show Universal Microfilming Corp, 1JL Avinua Lake city? Utah ncrpont Saltt Pheasant Permits Sale Set Announcement has been on October 31 and November John V. Garrett of the Ne- 1 at the Juab County Sheriff's In the Court House. Third Ward Bishopric that office A large portion of the farm lennits for hunting in the Ne- land adjacent to Nephi will be phi area during the coming posted during the hunt, with pheasant hunt will be on sale lrmite necessary. by phi Single Copy 10c by Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, October 24, 1963 the edltoi Date for Americanism It Volume 54, Number 43 is our understanding that a married woman often uses her husbands past to get her a present, and to place a curb on his future. TO TOE LEThnolfRi1T0R Dear Editor: Nephi City officials sincereaccept all constructive criticism from its loyal citiTo correct an apparzenry. statement ently uniformed of printed in The Times-New- s last week, I submit the fallowing facts from the investigat ing officers record of the unfortunate incident which occurred on 3rd East and 3rd North, involving a car that was driven off into the Big Hollow. We too, are glad no one was injured. A local citizen quoted the investigating officers whom he had never talked to, so his source of Information came from someone else. The bridge was out but signed, barricaded, and a light was burning. The driver of the car told the officer he saw the light, sign, and barricade but could not stop in time. The boys admitted to the investigating officer that they had been drinking, and there was still beer in the car. There For Annual Dr. Ernest I Wilkinson, president of the Brigham Young University, will present an Americanism program at a conjoint program being sponsored by the Federated Clubs of Nephi. This program will be held at the Elementary School on November Auditorium 14th. This is a change of date. President Wilkinson was originally scheduled for the reg irT7rpf Cast Named Program Changed To November 14th ly same program for October 24th. The Twentieth Century Club will be hostess for the affair. A is extended attend. Wesley Soulier, U. P. Agricultural Agent for Utah, presents scholarship check to Miss Sandra Cook at U.S.U. Program Set Nephi Young Lady Among Large Croup Receiving Union Pacific Study Aid Grants LOGAN Miss Sandra Cook of Nephi was among the 23 outstanding vocational agricultural students and club members, attending Utah State University, wrho recently received payments for their abilities. There scholarship were eight Idaho students and one from Wyoming who have elected to use their scholarships by enrolment at USU. Winners of the Union PacifRailroad scholarships were were 99 feet of brake marks, ic each presented their $200.00 which indicated they were checks by Wesley D. Soulier, traveling in excess of the Salt Lake City, Union Pacific per hour speed limit. Section 556 of the Revised aagricultural agent for Utah, at dinner in the Student Union Statutes of Nephi City, Utah, Building. 1951, states: to 10 In addition, It shall be unlawful for any honor students awards in attendance to a vehicle drive person upon any street in the City at a speed greater than is safe, Son of Nephi Coupje reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the traffic, surface and width of the high- In Vifal Role in way, and the hazard at intersection and any other conditions then existing." Satellites Program 4-- H es What are three boys from out of town driving our back streets at 1:15 a.m. for cordial Invitation to everyone to Tonight at the College of Southern Utah have been presented at a similar dinner in Cedar City. President R. Roscoe Garrett This brings the 1963 awards of Juab Stake this week anto 38 students at USU and nounced that a regional meetCSU. ing of stake and ward officials The Union Pacific Scholar- and foster parents under the ships encourtage talented stu- Indian Student Placement prodents to further their college will be held this eveneducation in agriculture and gram at 7:30 p.m. at Thursday, ing, anallied fields. Mr. Souiller the Juab Stake House. nounced that these awards Expected to be in attendbring the total of Utah college ance are the Stake Presidency, winners to more than 1000 and of all wards of the with monetary value of the Bishops the Stake and Ward Restate, scholarships of nearly $95,000 lief and since the Union Pacifici start- fosterSociety Presidents, under the proparents ed its program in 1922. gram. Among the guests of honor Garrett stated that at the dinner were Dr. Daryl anyPresident who are interested in the Chase, president of USU and Indian Student Placement proMrs. Chase. gram are invited to attend. M. I. A. Officials Extend Invitation To Saturday Dance vftrif Senior Play Oh, Promise Me is the play selected as the annual Senior Class play. Rehearsals are now under way for the production. Cast members include: Seth Miller, a lawyer, Gordon Ncb-eke- r; Furber, a butler, Leon Pexton; Alarry Hollis, a young millionaire, Dennis Steele; Mrs. Sue Hollis, his aunt. Dorothy June Hollis, his Wankier; young sister, Linda Marie Ingram; Kathleen, the cook, Marsha Sperry; Ann Furber, a young actress, Carol Chapman; Patsie Linden, a dancer, Cherrinda Beck; Airs. Linden, her mother, Alarjorie Jensen; a dream girl, Gladys Vance, Paul Haymond; Ralph Saunders, a man with purpose, Clyde Hayes; Airs. Jones, a young mother, Lorraine Steiner. Donna Painter and Lor- raine Steiner are student directors and Malin Shepherd is stage manager. The play is a hilarious three act comedy. Barry Hollis, at 21, has just graduated from Prinotoii, thereby coming into the fortune left in his fathers will. When he was younger he was known as a playboy, but now has resolved to settle down and become a worthy member of the community. . On the train back from Prinaton he meets and falls in-i- te First-Secon- d ld Wor-woo- in f.p ; r ri f - A Former Nephi Man Is First Counselor in New Stake Presidency In a reorganization of the Grand Junction Stake on Sunday, October 13, Read L. Black was sustained --as first counselor in the Stake Presidency. He formerly had been second counselor. President Black is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black of Nephi. He is a graduate of Juab High School rind1 the Utah State University, and studied ot the University of Chicago. For the past six years he has been assistant project manager of the Bureau of Reclama-atio- n BIRTHS el n, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Palmer South Jordan announce the birth of a son on October 19. Grandparent sare Mr. and Mrs. Victor Collard of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Palmer of South Jordan. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braith-wait- e of Salt Lake City announce the birth of a daughter on October 5. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brough of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. George Braithwaite of Mrs. Brough Spanish Fork. recently returned home after spending ten days with her son in law and daughter. - Elder Cyril Bruce Russell er. Babies atr3 Drap- Nephi Young Lady Group bom at the Juab Named to T Left to right: John Parkin, sponsor; Alden Stanley, Brent Dtlley, P.4K. WINNERS Randy Blackett, Craig idy Anderson, Terry Kay, John Cotton, Scott Worthington, aa-e- d rk, Richard Jenkins .Jamie Kendal and Da did L. Davies Coach at Juab High who ki the contest Not In picture were win ners Brent Lofgran and Danny Williams. Elder Robert Funeral Services Sef Saturday Morning For Accident Victim Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 am at Anderson Funeral Home for Richard Eugene Peel, 30, of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Singer of Nephi. Mr. Peel died Monday at an Oregon Lumber camp of injuries sustained in an accident He was bom at Weed, California August 28, 1933, a son of Walter Noland and Eva Mae Foster Peel. He married Grace Singer at Cortez, Colorado November 3, 1958. Survivors are his widow, Grace Singer Peel; two daughters, Ronda Alae and Grace Eliza-bethis parents, Air. and Mrs. Eva Peel of Mancos, Colorado, and one sister, Helen Noland son-in-la- w hi r; of Mancos, Colorado. Also surviving is a grandmother, Airs. Molly Magarell of Cortez, Colo- rado. Friends may call at Anderson Funeral Home Saturday fore one hour prior to the serwill be at vices. Interment the Vine Bluff cemetery. B. Powell Announcement has been made this week by Bishop Kenneth Nyman of the Nephi Second Ward, that the report of his mission will be made Sunday, October 27th, by Elder Robert B. Powell, who recently returned from the Eastern States Mission. Elder Powell is son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bert Powell of Nephi. All members of the ward are urged to attend the meeting, which will begin at 7 p.m., Bishop Nyman stated. Weather Report NEPHI STATION County Hospital during the Miss Patricia PROVO past week, include the follow- Orme, daughter of Mr. and ing, according to the list fur- Mrs. Max L. Orme of Nephi nished by Hospital authorities has been pledged by the Psi Wednesday: Chapter of the Phi Chi Theta Young University. Daughter, born October 17 at Brigham Phi Chi Theta is a national to Air. and Mrs. Robert of Nephi. Grandparents professional fraternity organare Airs. Alton J. Bills of ized to promote high standLoren R. Sidwell of ards among women in teachNephi, and Air. and Airs. ing and business careers. Payson, InPowell Lee of Santaquin. Great Pledges will be formallyNovclub on the itiated into are Airs. grandparents Betty 6th. Stanley of Nephi and Mrs. E. ember Miss Orme is a graduate of II. Twitchell of Jerome, Idaho. Juab High School, and is a Son, bom October 18 to Air. freshman student majoring in and Airs. Clyde Kay of Nephi. business technology. Grandparens are Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kay of Nephi, and Air. Mrs. Harold Stephen con and and Airs. Verl Worwood of Mrs. Bruce Boswell spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City. Brigham City. Sid-we- ll pro- Mission Reports Sunday n, formerly Jean basketball Levan, Second Wards to Hear Levan Bishop Golden R. Alangelson of the Levan Ward announced today that Elder Cyril Bruce Russell will give a report of his mission to British Isles at the Ward Sacrament me eting on Sunday, October 27th. Elder Russell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Russell of Sir. and Mrs. Howarth Dra- Mills. All members of the ward are per of Moroni, formerly of n Nephi, have received word of urged to attend, Bishop stated. The meeting the arrival xf a new grandson, bom October 9 to Mr. and will begin at 7 pm. Mrs. Don Houseworth of Jack-soMrs. House-wort-h Michigan. is bantam gram consisting of four teams is being organized by the Nephi unit of the Utah National Guard, and young men 11, 12 and 13 years of age are cordially invited to try out for the teams. The teams will be sponsored by Nephi Firemen with financial help of the Ute Stampede Committee; by the East Juab Recreation program ; County by Nephi Lions Club and and Guard. by Rays Cafe-NepThese four teams will consist of 48 boys from this area 11, 12 and 13 years of age. Young men playing in the program must have reached age 11 by December 1, 1963 and under 14 years of age as cf the same date. Teams must have at least three 11 year olds, three 12 year olds and the remainder may be 13 year olds. Try outs for these teams will be held Saturday, November 16 at 10 a.m. in the Juab High School gymnasium. All boys are urged to begin practice immediately to get themselves in best possible form by the tryout dates. The boys trying out are encouraged to bring gym shoes and gym shorts if possible. Relief Society Stake LeaderNews Briefs ship meeting will foe held on Nephi 2 27 at October p.m. Sunday, Relatives and friends in at the Juab Stake House. All ward officers and class leaders Nephi have received word that are expected to be in attend- a missionary farewell testimonial will be held Sunday, Octance. ober 27, at 3 pm honoring Elder Herald Grover Carlston, Neil Black and son of son of Mr. and Airs. Herald L. Kearns and Keith Black of Carlston of Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City, Gary, Wayne Mrs. Carlston will be rememand Tammy Smith were week bered as Virginia Grover. end visitors of Air. and Airs. Elder Carlston will serve in the Norwegion mission. Harry Black. Mrs. Loren Allred of Santa-quiand Mrs. Sadie Harris of Grass Valley, California. Man-gelso- V Bantam Basketball to be Organized in: love with immediately He persuades Gladys Vance. his aunt, with whom he makes his home, to send Gladys a note inviting her for a visit. Another note goes to Patsie little Linden, a hard-boile- d dancer and old flame of Barrys her to send back his Air. and Mrs. Bruce Boswell asking Oat The notes get and two daughters of Idaho mixed. pin. The balance of the are the at Idaho Falls, visiting is concerned with correcthome of her parents, Mr. and olay 1 mix up. in Grand Junction. the ing Mrs. Harold Stephensen durwill bf presented This President Black has had a play ing the deer hunt. for the public on Friday, Nov- varied experience in the LDS ember 22. church, serving as Superintendent of the Branch YAIMIA, Week end visitors of Mr. and and as Stake YAIMIA superMrs. S. F. Alemmott were Mr. intendent; as member of the and Mrs. Byron Memmott and Branch presidency; counselor Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Pet- family of Lehi; and Mr. and and president of the High Memmott and Priests quorum, and as a high erson of Granger (Trudy Bos- Mrs. Lawrence of Woodscross. councilman. family well) announce the birth of a son on October 17. Grandparents are Mrs. Stella Boswell of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Dar-v- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burridge of Brigham City announce the birth of a son on October 13 at the Dee Hospital in Ogden. Grandmother is Mrs. Wanda Burridge of Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aston of Provo announce the birth of a daughter on October 10. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott of Nephi and Mrs. Ray Aston of Provo. Mrs. Arthur Scott spent last week in Provo at the home of her son in law and daughter. - Coach Kelvin Clayton, center. Is surrounded by STUDY OKGAANIZATION CHART men interested In the Bantam Basketball organization: Duane Sperry and Lawrence Bird, sponsor. left; Ray Phillips and Elwood Hall, right. National Guard unit Is over-al- l Juab Stake MIA officials the entire membership of the Stake (over 14 years of age) to their Harvest Dance to be held Saturday, October 26 at 9 p.m. at the Ward Hall. Music will be furnished by a Delta orchestra. No admission charge will be made, but contributions to assist with the expenses of the Great grandPeterson. dance will be accepted and apparents are Mr. and Mrs. Davpreciated. id LeBaron of Provo, Mr. and A former Nephi man, Therle J. Ockey, son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ockey of Nephi, is anyway? a key man in the United StatIt would sure be nice if es satellites program, accordevery man, woman and child ing to word received by this would leave other peoples property alone, including that newspaper. of the City, County and State. Mr. Ockey is a stress enginAnd if they would also obey eer, and was responsible for the signs put up for their safe- stress analysis in the recently ty there would be a lot less launched twin satellites. Mr. accidents and deaths. Ockey was employed by Doug' Jack Brough. las Aircraft prior to his presMr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown reg ent work in the Air Space pro- of Salt Lake City were week He resides at Santa end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Algram. JOY, IN GOSSIP? len Belliston. It was shocking to hear that Monica, California. apparently there are people in Nephi who think that a city Local Winners Are Named in Annual election has something to do with the operation of our schools. I am more shocked, Punt, Pass and Kick Football Conlesl through false accusation, that I am classed with this less Pass and Kick winners Top man in the than childish thinking? Why in Punt, local have been division was Andy Anderson, should gossip mean more than announcedcompetition John H. Parkin, followed ethical teachings to some peo- manager ofbyParkin Motor closely by Danny Co. ple whose training should show local Ford dealer and sponsors Williams and Randy Blackett. consideration and loyalty to of the contest. Andys parents are Mr. and loyalty to all? Lack of proper In the division Mrs. Lee Anderson; Dannys nothinvestigation contributes winner was Terry Kay, son of parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jule ing to understanding. ThereMr. and Mrs. Clyde Kay; with Williams; Randys parer j are fore, why all the idle talk? Brent Dailey second and Craig Mr. and Mrs. Clead Black ett. Man surely is designed for a Alden Stanley, son of Mr. Park, third. Brent is son of higher state of existence. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dailey, and and Mrs. James L. Stanley comSignedGolden Oldroyd Craigs parents are Mr. and topped 'the Mrs. Qeston Park. petition, with John Cotton and Richard Jenkins close behind. In the next bracket, the Mrs. Mabel Wilkey, clerk of Scott Worthington, John is son of Mr. and Mrs. Local Board No. 12, Selective Lofgran and Jamie Ken- Jack Cotton, and Richard is Service, has announecd the in- Brent dall were the winners. Par- son of Bishop and Mrs. J. Bar-re- s d duction of Wayne Gay Jenkins. of Levan, son of Mr. and ents of the three boys are Mr. Mr. Parkin was assisted in Mrs. G. M. Worwood. The new and Mrs. Dean Worthington, Dasoldier is at Fort Ord, Calif- Mr. and Mrs. William Lofgran the contest competition by and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ken- vid L. Davies, Juab High ornia for his basic training. School Football coach. dall. ; i- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tolley . . to observe Golden Wedding Nephi Couple to be Honored On Golden Wedding key Morris. She has been active in Relief Society throughout her adult life. Air. and Airs. Tolley were married October 30, 1913 at Nephi. The marriage later was solemnized at the Alanti TemThe open house will ple of the Church of Jesus House. Christ of Latter-da- y be from 7 to 10 p.m. Saints. A program will be featured Air. and Airs. Tolley are the 9 at p.m. parents of six children, four Mr. Tolley was bom at Ne- of whom are living: Glen M. phi the son of Charles W. and Tolley of Springville; Mrs. G W. (Margaret) Williams. Melvina Christensen Tolley. Mr. Tolley followed con- phi; Mrs. Clifton E. (Melba) struction work most of his Cazier, Salt Lake City, and life. He operated 8 patrol Kenneth Tolley, Delta. They grader on the State Road for have 19 grandchildren and four 10 years. He retired in 1958. great grandchildren. Mrs. Tolley, Verlie Morris, Air. and Airs. Tolley respectwas bom at Nephi. a daughter fully request no gifts" on of Charles S. and Lucy Wil this occasion. Friends and relatives to atten an Open House honoring Mr. and Airs. Claude M. Tolley on their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Saturday, October 26 at the Juab Stake d |