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Show ( Nephi, Juab County, Utah GHjcS t 111 CD'lWtUG JUAB HIGH NEWS NOTES Is Discussed by Cherry Omie Should Juab High have a "dress code? North Hills High School, In Tittsburg, has a dress code" which the students are expect ed to live up to. Earlier this year, 69 students who refused to appear In proper attire were suspended. During their two weeks suspension, there was a drop of 80 per cent in the detention hall, the debris around school was about half, and pet- ty destruction practically stopped. When these students returned, properly dressed,, their "D average rose to a C" average and their behavior im- occurred to me was this: If we lot our students show up for class dressed for a hayride or a clambake, can we really blame them if they act as if theyre on one"? "THIS WEEK magazine made a study of dress codes across the country, and came up with this general code. Acceptable for Girls: Simple dresses, skirts with blouses, sweaters or jackets, suits, jumpers with blouses or sweaters. Simple flat-heel- or shoes with low-heel- ed ed stock- ings, tights or socks. Conservative hairdos and make-up. Unacceptable Skirts above the knees, after five clothes, revealing blouses or sweaters, low cut sweaters or blouses unless worn with under-blous- e or scarf, bare skirts shoulders, high-clashe- or shifts, slacks or shorts, very high heels, dark stockings (except for tights. Curlers, clips, kerchiefs, noisy or evening exjewelry, heavy make-utreme hairdos, wigs, conspicuous hair coloring. p, Values of School Lunch Discussed by State Director Recently Advisability of Dress Code proved. Dr. Joseph Manch, superintendent of schools in Buffalo, stated the fallowing: "What Thursday, NO CHEATING IIEHE! This class group good naturedly posed for a typical class room scene. This photograph Is intended only to show a classroom scene confused with suggestions in the accompanying article! not be and should examination-tim- e Cheating in Class Rooms Juab Wins Can Involve Most Students by Jerry Stephenson Last Thursday, the Juab Wasps played the Wasatch Tigers in a very exciting football game. The Wasps won, after five consecutive losses, with a score of 19 to 13. At half time, the Pro Vita inarched. Many Eperiences Enjoyed at National F. F. A. Convention Clark Kay and John Morgan attended the National F. F. A. convention at Kansas City, Missouri recently. They left Salt Lake City October 6 by train. After traveling about 25 hours they arrived in Kansas City. Registration was held In the morning. They then went on a tour to Independence, Missouri. The boys attended all of the sessions which were Whos Cheating? to say the Disgusting, least! Absolutely dishonest. Those were the thoughts that were quickly rising in Jims mind as he was taking the Juab High School Is Represented at Teenage Safety Meet The seventh annual Teenage Safety Conference was held at the State Capitol Building on October 11. The opening session of the conference was held in the chambers of the House of Representatives. After the opening session, the delegates sparated into eight discussion Here they discussed groups. different topics such as traffic and parking around schools, and traffic enforcement and courts. The group of more than 90 teen agers and group advisors then boarded buses which took them to Mannings restaurant, where they enjoyed a fine dinner and musical selections. After the dinner the delegates attended work shops on school safty programs. For the final session, the delegates went to the auditorium where they elected next years officers. The meeting was adjourn- Boys: Acceptable Suits, standard trousers or slacks worn waist high, dress shirts with ties, sport shirts with one or two buttons open, sports jackets, sweaters over held. shirts. Conventional hairdoes. The Utah Association, won Shirt-tail- s tucked in. Glean many awards. In judging, the shaves. poultry team won a gold emblem; the meat judging team won a silver emblem, and the Unacceptable: form - fitting livestock judging team won a Dungarees, g pants, bronze emblem. Jan Turner, pants, in place of shirts, sweat- one of the Utah State officers ers without shirts, turned-u- p was elected national vice prescollars. Exotic haircuts, long ident for the Pacific region. The convention was very sideburns, bleached or dyed hair, beards. Heavy outdoor educational and enjoyable. The jackets or sweaters worn in- Mt. Nebo delegates arirved doors, shoes, metal home on Saturday, October 12. ed thong cleats, John Morgan, FFA motorcycle or other heavy boots, hobnails. Reporter. low-slun- at term exam in history class with his fellow classmates. "Passing notes with the answers isnt right. Tom wont amount to a hill of beans pullThe ing pranks like that." lines on Jims forehead deepened with disgust It isnt fair for him to be getting all the answers from Max . . That goofy Max . . hasnt he got enough sense to keep his answers to himself. I wonder if he passes them out by the bushel baskets full." Gradually a plan began to formulate in Jims mind. "I know what 111 do, Ill go to the teacher and report to him about what is going on . . no Id better not, I dont want to be called a tattle-taie.- " ... Many parents are more concerned about the diets of their turkeys and chickens than the diets of their own children Rodney A. Ashby, Director of School Foods Ser-ice- s in Utah remarked on a recent visit to the Juab School District. During his visit to our sclvool and community during National Nutrition Week, Mr. Ashby went on to point out the significance of nutrition to both students and parents. The school lunch program belongs to the students. It is We want to your program. sene you! Mr. Ashby added. The school lunch progiam is not a filling-u- p station, but rather a nutritional education" were the feelings of Mrs. Gladys Brown, local lunch director. Mi's. Brown pointed out that our school lunch program is checked frequently by state officials to see If It is meeting required standards of cleanliness and food quality. Pete Harmon, proprietor of the famous Harmons Cafe, sits in on many school lunch conventions. Mr. Harmons cafes are only a few of the eating places where those serving and preparing foods wear hair nets and white hose. This is the common practice of our school lunch personnel. The school lunch program, as was stressed by Mr. Ashby, Is a health program designed for the bottennent of the student. It offers variety, as well as good nutritional meals. In fact, Mr. Ashby feels this program has taught many people in Utah to enjoy salads. School lunch should not be appreciated only during National Nutritional Week, but during every day of the school Lets not carelessly year. Lets throw away its services. support and enjoy it. Nephi Local, Social News October 24, 1963 Into Colorado, the Mesa Verde" National Park, the four corners area, Glen Canyon dam, Zions National Park, and Cewhile on dar Breaks. Mr. and Mi's. Wendell Duke, James M. Anderson Miss Laura Duke and Miss the doer hunt. Berta Post of Salt Lake City were Saturday visitors of Mrs Kelly Hansen of Cedar City Anna 1. Allred. visited with Glen Greenhaigh during the deer hunt. Maurice Anderson and daughter Tamra Lou of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bailey Lake City spent the week end and and son with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da !e daughtera enjoyed Jrip las it week Iis r Mrs. R. II. Gardner has returned to Nephi to moke her home for the winter with her son in law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Bailey, after '.siting in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. George G. J 1 ryi m (Formerly RALPH'S MARKET) TO EVERY CUSTOMER HEAD OF CAULIFLOWER OR 1 BUNCH RADISHES AND GREEN ONIONS FREE 1 BANANAS 10e LB REMEMBER THE BIGGEST VARIETY OF FRESH PRODUCE IN TOWN PRODUCE IS OUR SPECIALTY CORN Payette Cream or W. W. 303s 1 0 FOR CHIPPED CARROTS Gateway - Mix or Match 1.00 PURPLE PLUMS-N- o. 214 size cans 5 cans .00 COFFEE-A- LL BRANDS-- - 21b 1.33 68c 3 lb 1.98 SUGAR 5 lbs 63c 10 lbs 1.19 25 lbs 2.98 100 lbs 11.29 MILK CANS - - - 8 for 1 .00 1 lb Captains Named for Intramural Games; Schedule Is Posted Jim continued watching Tom and thinking: "Ive lost all Juab High intramurals beI always respect for him; gan Wednesday, for the 1963-6- 4 of nice a was sort he thought season. Six teams have been guy. I guess you cant trust set up, and Coach Clayton has anyone these days." stated that the junior varsity Suddenly Jims eyes widenvarsity squads will be ed and his eyebrows shot up. and from the teams. I saw you Judy. You cant chosen teams and captains are: The those mistake wandering eyes. I wonder if you found the an- Bears, Dennis Steele; Lions, swer you were looking for Jim Randy Sperry; Wasps, Leon Pexton; Tigers, Bryce Lynn; thought. and the All at once Jim remembered Indians, Jack Phillips; Nebeker. Gordon Braves, be that he was supposed to schedule is posted A working on a test. My gosh, on thegame bulletin board. Ive only got two minutes left before the bell rings. What ---T- ALL PIETIC ICE CREAM 2 Pts 59e FRESH GROUND BEEF GOLD COIN BACON -- 2 Is 89c pkg - 49 1 will I do? I dont know who was president during that period. Ill never pass if I dont 4:30 p.m. Kent Jarrett, Reporter get this answer." Just then, Jim broke his from Juab High School pencil lead. While he was walking to the pencil sharpener, he passed the boy who always got the highest score in the class on tests. He couldnt help but let his eyes wander to his paper, and he immed- INTERESTED iately planted the answer, Thomas Jefferson, into his mind. Published by the students of the Brigham Young Univer- sity Summer Journalism Workshop, in their magazine, Shop Talk MI? OIL COLORS PENCIL SKETCHING PAINTING-WATE- The Deer Hunt, 1963 As Seen by Juab Co-e- d; Colorful, Colorful Event R The Deer Hunt started off with a bang from Dog Valley to the top of the Nebo range! Yellow sweat shirts, red jackets, and the new ir-descent orange hats were seen everywhere. With these arrangements of color, no wonder so many shooters got their deer. The deer had such a shock they probably dropped over dead, though same could have died laughing at such sights. The deer, after seeing such sights in the hills, probably dont dare eat any autumn leaves for fear of biting into a bitter hunter. If the hunter doesnt get his deer with a shock or scare, theres a doud of dust, a bang, and several thuds. When the dust finally dears, not only is there a dead deer, but a squirrel, a bobcat, and a poor old bear. Tired as this colorful hunter may be, there is always energy to tell that one last story of the big buck that got away. Just like the fisherman, the hunter always lets the big one get away. Linda Lou Ingram. ri Interior Decoraifirag? HOME AND BUSINESS DECORATING IF SO, INVESTIGATE AND ENROLL IN CLASSES AT Utah Trade Technical Institute CLASSES 8o.m. TO 11 a.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY For Further Information, Contact Mabel Olsen, Registrar messy. UTAH TRADE TECHNICAL INSTITUTE AT PROVO 1395 North 150 East -- Telephone The most effective way to make the boss think 'youre busy 13 to keep your desk 373-789- 0 New View The police chief of Hutchinson, Kim, pleaded guilty to charges of failing to yield the right of way. He was fined $10. 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